

Mar 1st, 2023
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  1. Loki said:
  2. 20 ‘Be silent, Gefion, I’m going to mention this,
  3. how your spirit was seduced;
  4. the white boy gave you a jewel
  5. and you laid your thigh over him.’
  7. Odin said:
  8. 21 ‘Mad you are, Loki, and out of your wits,
  9. when you make Gefion angry with you,
  10. for I think she knows all the fate of the world,
  11. as clearly as I myself.’
  13. Loki said:
  14. 22 ‘Be silent, Odin, you could never
  15. apportion war-fortune among men;
  16. often you’ve given what you shouldn’t have given,
  17. victory, to the faint-hearted.’*
  19. Odin said:
  20. 23 ‘You know, if I gave what I shouldn’t have given,
  21. victory, to the faint-hearted,
  22. yet eight winters you were, beneath the earth,
  23. a milchcow and a woman,
  24. and there you bore children,
  25. and that I thought the hallmark of a pervert.’
  27. Loki said:
  28. 24 ‘But you, they say, practised seid on Samsey,*
  29. and you beat on the drum as seeresses do,
  30. in the likeness of a wizard you journeyed over mankind,
  31. and that I thought the hallmark of a pervert.’
  33. Frigg said:
  34. 25 ‘The fates you met should never be
  35. told in front of people,
  36. what you two Æsir underwent in past times;
  37. the living should keep their distance from ancient matters.’
  40. - Poetic Edda, Lokasenna
  43. ("the faint-hearted: Odin was notorious for deserting his protégés in battle and giving victory to the other side so that his favourites could join him in Valhall." - from the Explanatory Notes section included with the translation)
  45. ("seid on Samsey: the use of drums and cross-dressing seems to be typical of seid, a type of magic said to be practised by the Vanir, especially Freyia (Seeress’s Prophecy, v. 23), and by the Lapps." - from the Explanatory Notes section included with the translation)
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