
n2 quits

Jul 2nd, 2014
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  1. [13:03] <awvnx> yeah, doing crf=15 on the episodes and it's pretty good and only 400MB
  2. [13:07] <line0> so what's the backstory to n2 apparently rageßquitting doom9?
  3. [13:21] <Arwen> quitting?
  4. [13:22] <Kaverin> was that supposed to be a spoiler or something?  it's kind of weird to only do that part of the word, and not the whole thing heh heh
  5. [13:23] <Arwen> rageBquitting?
  6. [13:26] <line0> i apparently forgot the shift key when typing ?, so it became ß
  7. [13:26] <line0> also i don't know why he quit
  8. [13:27] <line0>
  9. [13:30] <Kaverin> maybe it was just a weird unicode thing or something, and it was interpreted as a color code on my end
  10. [13:38] <line0> no
  11. [13:38] <line0> i actually used colors
  12. [13:39] <line0> just blanked out the "rage" because i'm not sure how and why he quit. i'm so very sorry
  13. [13:49] <prunedtree> <Arwen> so cutting-edge << ES 3.0 is actually fairly recent? also usb2 is fine for a dev board I guess
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