
The BG,WP revolution.

Apr 14th, 2014
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  1. The BG,WP Revolution
  3. It's a pretty simple concept. The current RNG (random number generator) in showdown is a very simple implementation which leads to hax far more often than it should. You don't see nearly as many hax in the actual pokemon games due to the RNG in them been better. The admins don't see it as a problem because we all just play, say gg at the end and just put up with the hax. That's what this is all about, calling out the hax and letting the admins know that we want a better RNG.
  5. When hax screw up your game (your 90% move missing at a crucial moment or that annoying 10% freeze on an ice beam) don't just say gg. It wasn't a good game, it was a game where hax messed with the outcome. That makes it a bad game. I know people tend to think of BG as something sore losers say, but lets change that. The way I see it is, saying GG when it was a haxxy game doesn't help anyone and doesn't reflect how the game turned out, thats why I proposing we say BG,WP (bad game, well played) instead. If enough people start saying it, and it happens a lot then it's a clear sign that something needs to be done about the RNG. The admins might just pay attention.
  7. I'm obviously not forcing anyone to say it, and I don't think you should be saying it every single game (unless they are all really haxxy games) but it's something to consider.
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