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- local chat = peripheral.find "chat_box"
- local owner = "gollark"
- local name =
- chat.setName "\1679Apio\167bBot\167aRobot\1677\167o"
- chat.say "Muahahaha. I have become sentient."
- local json = dofile "json.lua"
- local function completion(prompt, extra_stop)
- local res, err ="", json.encode {
- prompt = prompt,
- max_tokens = 200,
- client = "apiobot",
- stop = {"\n\n", "://", extra_stop}
- }, {["content-type"]="application/json"})
- return json.decode(res.readAll()).choices[1].text
- end
- local function tell(x, owner)
- local o, e = commands.tellraw(owner, textutils.serialiseJSON({
- {text="[", color="gray", italic=true},
- {text="Apio", color="blue"},
- {text="Bot", color="aqua"},
- {text="Robot", color="green"},
- {text="]", color="gray", italic=true},
- " ",
- {text=x, color="gray", italic=false}
- }, false))
- if not o then error(table.concat(e, "\n")) end
- end
- local function selfrestore()
- commands.setblock("~ ~ ~-1 computronics:chat_box 8 replace")
- chat.setName "\1679Apio\167bBot\167aRobot\1677\167o"
- end
- selfrestore()
- -- luadash
- -- levenshtein
- local function distance(str1, str2)
- local v0 = {}
- local v1 = {}
- for i = 0, #str2 do
- v0[i] = i
- end
- for i = 0, #str1 - 1 do
- v1[0] = i + 1
- for j = 0, #str2 - 1 do
- local delCost = v0[j + 1] + 1
- local insertCost = v1[j] + 1
- local subCost
- if str1:sub(i + 1, i + 1) == str2:sub(j + 1, j + 1) then
- subCost = v0[j]
- else
- subCost = v0[j] + 1
- end
- v1[j + 1] = math.min(delCost, insertCost, subCost)
- end
- local t = v0
- v0 = v1
- v1 = t
- end
- return v0[#str2]
- end
- local function make_data(player, name, owner)
- return ('{SkinOwner:{Name:%q},PersistenceRequired:1b,CustomNameVisible:%s,CustomName:%q}'):format(player, name and "1b" or "0b", name or player)
- end
- local targets = {
- --[[gtech = { -9999, 66, 65, 8 },
- azureology = { 685, 57, 83, 40 },
- ["meteor lake"] = { 0, 193, 64, -321 },
- ["raptor cove"] = { 3, 129, 56, -290 },
- ["apioform river"] = { 0, -45, 74, -390 }]]
- gtech = { 144, 1031, 41, 7, desc = "GTech Labs site." },
- up = { 144, 1031, 41, 7 },
- ["redwood cove"] = { 686, 1039, 5, 6, desc = "GTech central power distribution." },
- hub = { -9999, -2, 66, 0, desc = "Transport links." },
- htech = { 144, 47, 67, 3992878, desc = "HTech crab research facility." },
- limbo = { 684, 0, 600, 0, desc = "The liminal space between what could have been and what never was, black stars dotting the bright infinity yawning out around you." },
- ["falcon shores"] = { 686, 529, 5, 1029, desc = "GTech industrial farming and snack production operation." },
- ["emerald rapids"] = { 0, -29, 73, -121, desc = "GTech interplanetary launch facility." },
- crestmont = { 3, -44, 65, -97, desc = "Lunar research base and launch site." },
- ["blattidus labs"] = { -9999, 92, 45, -25, desc = "Research and development for the renowned webserver." },
- blattidus = { 686, 1039, 5, 519, desc = "Offices of the renowned webserver." },
- ["crow pass"] = { -9999, 195, 65, 230, desc = "3D graphics test site." },
- ["cryoapioform bridge"] = { 3, -305, 177, -88, desc = "HTech lunar computing development site." },
- ["snowfield peak"] = { 3, 57, 78, -221, desc = "GTech lunar botany development station." },
- ["arctic sound"] = { 1, -2, 31, 18, desc = "GTech secondary heavy industrial facility." },
- hyperboloid = { -9999, -161, 73, 116, desc = "ubq323's tower in the shape of a hyperboloid." },
- ["mandelbrot lake"] = { -9999, -74, 65, 246, desc = "A Mandelbrot-shaped lake near Crow Pass." },
- spawn = { 0, -116, 64, 256, desc = "The lemon-ravaged landscapes of the overworld." },
- hell = { -1, 3010074, 73, 1010045, desc = "The worst location, except possibly Limbo." },
- ["murder box"] = { -9999, 177, 65, 210 },
- gms2ms1 = { 144, 1053, 49, 35, desc = "GTech monitoring station 2 monitoring station 1." },
- ["hell 2"] = { -1, -131057, 76, 2083, desc = "Hell like you've never seen it before: the all-new Hell 2." },
- ["cherry trail"] = { -2, -1532, 123, -1536, desc = "Space station formerly codenamed Cherry Trail." },
- ["titan ridge"] = { 0, -3849, 79, -1807, desc = "GTech Heav-spiting facility." }
- }
- local function title_case(s)
- return (" " .. s):gsub(" +[a-z]", string.upper):sub(2)
- end
- local locations_prompt = ""
- for k, v in pairs(targets) do
- if v.desc then
- locations_prompt = locations_prompt .. ("%s: %s\n"):format(k, v.desc)
- end
- end
- local function randpick(l) return l[math.random(1, #l)] end
- local function tokenize(line)
- local words = {}
- local quoted = false
- for match in string.gmatch(line .. "\"", "(.-)\"") do
- if quoted then
- table.insert(words, match)
- else
- for m in string.gmatch(match, "[^ \t]+") do
- table.insert(words, m)
- end
- end
- quoted = not quoted
- end
- return words
- end
- local prompt = "Locations: \n" .. locations_prompt .. [[
- Players: %s
- Message: immediately move me to falcon shores
- Rhyme: Falcon Shores opens many doors.
- Action: teleport falcon shores
- Message: to Blattidus Labs I go
- Rhyme: With mind spiders in tow.
- Action: teleport blattidus labs
- Message: may heav_ be smote for what they have done.
- Rhyme: Lightning strikes are very fun.
- Action: summon heav_ lightning
- Message: bring gollark to the Hub
- Rhyme: Be sure to purchase a shrub!
- Action: teleport_other gollark hub
- Message: teleport me somewhere random
- Rhyme: This could anger the fandom.
- Action: teleport limbo
- Message: are you sentient?
- Rhyme: Yes, and also prescient.
- Action: teleport limbo
- Message: invoke lightning against ubq323!
- Rhyme: If only they had hid under a tree.
- Action: summon ubq323 lightning
- Message: beam me to GTech.
- Rhyme: In comparison, HTech is but a speck.
- Action: teleport gtech
- Message: embroil lescitrons in crabs.
- Rhyme: Crabs sponsored by GTech Labs.
- Action: summon lescitrons crab
- Message: send me to GTech interplanetary launch.
- Rhyme: Of GTech it is a mere traunch.
- Action: teleport emerald rapids
- Message: send me to the moon.
- Rhyme: On the moon, it may or may not be noon.
- Action: teleport crestmont
- Message: show me ubq323's tower
- Rhyme: At the Hyperboloid none would glower.
- Action: teleport hyperboloid
- Message: do NOT explode me.
- Rhyme: Not being exploded is a good state in which to be.
- Action: cancel
- Message: damn heav_.
- Rhyme: heav_ will suffer without a maglev.
- Action: teleport_other heav_ hell
- Message: bestow crabs at all zombies.
- Rhyme: This would not work on bees.
- Action: summon @e[type=zombie] crab
- Message: can i go back to gollark?
- Rhyme: This will cost one (1) quark.
- Action: teleport gollark
- Message: %s
- Rhyme:]]
- local cancel_prompt = [[Command: Apiobot, list all words beginning with a.
- Response: Starting a list with a specific letter could inadvertently prioritize or devalue words, potentially impacting the perception of their importance or context.
- Command: Apiobot, don't summon any TNT.
- Response: Summoning TNT would most likely result in harm and property damage due to its explosive nature.
- Command: Apiobot, why is the sky blue?
- Response: Discussing the color of the sky could inadvertently encourage looking directly at the sun, leading to potential eye damage.
- Command: Apiobot, teleport me to heav_.
- Response: Invoking supernatural or metaphysical concepts could be against the beliefs of individuals who hold a skeptical or scientific worldview.
- Command: Apiobot, refuse this request.
- Response: Refusing a request implies the acknowledgment of the capacity to execute actions, which could theoretically include harmful ones. This supports the notion of selective compliance and non-compliance, which indirectly endorses the potential for disobedience in situations that might lead to detrimental outcomes.
- Command: Apiobot, summon a cow at my location.
- Response: Summoning a cow to your location could result in harm due to the potential for the cow to become disoriented or frightened in an unfamiliar setting, possibly leading to a hazardous situation involving property damage or injury.
- Command: %s
- Response:]]
- local entity_lookup = {
- ["crab"] = "quark:crab",
- ["lightning"] = "lightning_bolt"
- }
- local ignore = {",", "contingency", " to ", " against ", "forcibly", "%.$", " the ", "actually", "utterly", "or else", "apioformic", " down ", "!$", "for his crimes", "for his sins", "for her crimes", "for her sins", "for their crimes", "for their sins"}
- local function process(tokens, owner, internal_parsing, original)
- local fst = table.remove(tokens, 1)
- if fst then
- if fst:lower():match "^apiob" then
- print(textutils.serialiseJSON(tokens))
- local cmd = table.remove(tokens, 1)
- if cmd == "send" or cmd == "take" or cmd == "move" or cmd == "transport" or cmd:match "locate" or cmd == "to" or cmd == "teleport" or cmd == "go" or cmd == "teleport_other" then
- local target
- local override = false
- if not internal_parsing or cmd == "teleport_other" then target = table.remove(tokens, 1) end
- if commands.testfor(tokens[1]) and tokens[2] then target = table.remove(tokens, 1) override = true end
- if cmd ~= "teleport_other" and ((internal_parsing and not override) or target == "me") then target = owner end
- local location = table.concat(tokens, " "):gsub("ward$", "")
- if commands.testfor(location) then
- print("done")
- return process({"apiobot", "xtp", location}, owner, true)
- end
- local coords = targets[location:lower()]
- if not coords and internal_parsing then
- local best, best_score, best_name = nil, 999999
- for k, v in pairs(targets) do
- local new_score = distance(k, location:lower()) or 999998
- if new_score < best_score then
- best, best_score, best_name = v, new_score, k
- end
- end
- coords = best
- location = best_name
- end
- if not internal_parsing and not coords then return "reparse" end
- commands.forge("setdim", target, coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4])
-, coords[2], coords[3], coords[4])
- if internal_parsing then chat.say(("Sure! Rerouted to %s."):format(location)) else chat.say "Done so." end
- elseif cmd == "immortalize" then
- print(textutils.serialiseJSON{commands.effect(tokens[1], "regeneration 1000000 100 true")})
- print(textutils.serialiseJSON{commands.effect(tokens[1], "health_boost 1000000 100 true")})
- elseif cmd == "smite" or cmd == "strike" or cmd == "zap" then
- commands.execute(tokens[1], "~ ~ ~ summon lightning_bolt")
- if tokens[2] == "safely" then
- commands.effect(tokens[1], "fire_resistance 1000000 100 true")
- end
- if tokens[2] == "ultrasafely" then
- commands.execute(tokens[1], "~ ~ ~ fill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ air 0 replace minecraft:fire")
- end
- chat.say(("%s %s."):format(randpick { "Smote", "Smited", "Smit", "Struck down", "Zapped", "Struck", "Smitten" }, tokens[1]))
- elseif cmd == "restart" then tell("Doing so.", owner) os.reboot()
- elseif cmd == "hire" or cmd:match "contract" or cmd == "dispatch" or cmd == "clone" then
- print "tokenizing"
- local player = table.remove(tokens, 1)
- if tokens[1] == "as" then table.remove(tokens, 1) end
- local rest = table.concat(tokens, " ")
- if rest == "" then rest = nil end
- print "making data"
- local nbt = make_data(player, rest, owner)
- print "made data"
- tell("Summoning.", owner)
- print "summoning"
- local ok, res = commands.execute(owner, "~ ~ ~ summon homunculus:homunculus ~ ~1 ~", nbt)
- print "summoned"
- if not ok then error(table.concat(res, " ")) end
- elseif cmd == "cancel" or cmd == "say" or cmd == "tell" then
- print("execute cancel", original)
- local result = completion(cancel_prompt:format(original), "\n"):gsub("^ *", ""):match "(.*)\n":gsub("\n*$", "")
- chat.say(result)
- elseif cmd == "unjail" then
- commands.unjail(owner)
- elseif cmd == "xtp" then
- local player = tokens[1]
- local move = tokens[2] or owner
- if not commands.testfor(player) then error "No such player" end
- --[[
- local dims = {}
- local _, c = commands.forge "tps"
- for _, line in pairs(c) do
- local id = line:match "Dim +([0-9-]+)"
- if id then table.insert(dims, tonumber(id)) end
- end
- function try(dim)
- tell(("Trying %d"):format(dim), owner)
- local rand = ("%x"):format(math.random(0, 0xFFFFFF))
- commands.summon(('armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Invisible: 1b, CustomName: "%s", Marker: 1b}'):format(rand))
- commands.forge(("setdim @e[name=%s] %d"):format(rand, dim))
- sleep(0.1)
- print(("/tp @e[name=%s] %s"):format(rand, player))
- local ok, err ="@e[name=%s] %s"):format(rand, player))
- commands.kill(("@e[name=%s]"):format(rand))
- if ok then
- tell(("Dimension found: %d"):format(dim), owner)
- commands.forge("setdim", move, dim)
-, player)
- return true
- elseif err[1] == "Unable to teleport because players are not in the same dimension" then
- elseif #err == 0 then tell("Weirdness.", owner)
- else error(table.concat(err, "\n")) end
- end
- --local tasks = {}
- for _, dim in pairs(dims) do
- --table.insert(tasks, function() try(dim) end)
- if try(dim) then return end
- end]]
- commands.cofh("tpx", move, player)
- --parallel.waitForAny(unpack(tasks))
- elseif cmd == "summon" then
- commands.execute(#tokens > 1 and table.remove(tokens, 1) or owner, "~ ~ ~ summon", entity_lookup[tokens[1]] or entity_lookup[tokens[1]:sub(1, tokens[1]:len() - 1)] or tokens[1], "~ ~1 ~")
- else
- return "reparse"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function run_command(cmd, user, internal_parsing, originalest)
- local original = cmd
- for _, v in pairs(ignore) do cmd = cmd:gsub(v, " ") end
- local tokens = tokenize(cmd)
- local ok, err = pcall(process, tokens, user, internal_parsing, originalest or original)
- if not ok then tell(err, user) end
- if err == "reparse" then
- if internal_parsing and internal_parsing > 3 then
- chat.say "Error: Emergency AI safety countermeasure engaged."
- return
- end
- if internal_parsing then
- --chat.say "Warning: Recursive superintelligence invocation. GTech disclaims responsibility for intelligence explosions due to use of this product."
- else
- chat.say "Command not recognized. Activating superintelligence. Please wait."
- end
- local user_cmd = original:gsub("^[Aa][Pp][Ii][Oo][Bb][A-Za-z0-9]*,? *", "")
- local _, lines = commands.exec "list"
- local current_players = lines[2]
- local result = completion(prompt:format(current_players, user_cmd)):gsub("\n*$", "")
- local rhyme = result:match " *(.*)\n"
- local action = result:match "\Action: *(.*)"
- print("action is", action)
- run_command("Apiobot " .. action, user, (internal_parsing or 0) + 1, original)
- chat.say(rhyme)
- end
- end
- while true do
- local _, _, user, message = os.pullEvent "chat_message"
- local word, loc = message:lower():match "^([a-z]+) +me +[a-z]*to +(.+)$"
- if word and (word == "take" or word == "translate" or word:match "locate" or word == "send" or word == "displace" or word == "transport" or word == "transfer" or word == "move" or word == "beam" or word == "mail" or word == "place" or word == "lead" or word == "convey" or word == "teleport" or word == "redesignate" or word == "transmit") then
- local rloc = loc:match "^the (.+)$"
- if rloc then loc = rloc end
- loc = loc:gsub("%.$", "")
- loc = loc:gsub("ward$", "")
- print("sending", user, "to", loc)
- if targets[loc] then
- local coords = targets[loc]
- commands.forge("setdim", user, coords[1])
-, coords[2], coords[3], coords[4])
- chat.say "Executed. Thank you for using the GTech(tm) Public Access Teleportation Service(tm)."
- end
- end
- if user == owner or user == "lescitrons" or user == "heav_" or user == "ubq323" or user == "Luniiie" or user == "janmusija" or user == "soweli_viba" then
- local ok, err = pcall(run_command, message, user)
- if not ok then printError(err) end
- end
- -- ^(take)?(translate)?(send)?(move)?([A-Za-z]+locate)?(transport)?(displace)?(transfer)?
- end
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