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- local fps = {}
- do
- cvars.RemoveChangeCallback("fps_graph", "fps_graph")
- cvars.RemoveChangeCallback("fps_graph_width", "fps_graph_width")
- cvars.RemoveChangeCallback("fps_graph_points", "fps_graph_points")
- fps.X, fps.Y = 20, 20
- fps.W, fps.H = 0, 150
- fps.PointDistance = 0
- fps.max = GetConVar("fps_max")
- fps.graph = CreateClientConVar("fps_graph", "0", nil, nil, "Draw the FPS counter and/or graph, = 1 draws counter, = 2 draws bar graph and counter, = 3 draws line graph and counter.")
- fps.graph_points = CreateClientConVar("fps_graph_points", "60", nil, nil, "The number of points/bars the FPS graph will have.")
- fps.graph_width = CreateClientConVar("fps_graph_width", "500", nil, nil, "The FPS graph's target width. Will change to match the points.")
- fps.Gradient = Material("vgui/gradient-d")
- fps.Cache = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return 0 end})
- fps.NextCount = 0
- fps.SinceLastUpdate = 0
- fps.LastFrameNumber = FrameNumber()
- end
- local function CountFrames()
- if (SysTime() < fps.NextCount) then return end
- fps.NextCount = SysTime() + 1
- local frames = FrameNumber()
- local diff = frames - fps.LastFrameNumber
- local limit = math.max(fps.max:GetInt(), 60)
- table.insert(fps.Cache, 1, math.Clamp(diff / limit, 0, 1))
- if (#fps.Cache > fps.graph_points:GetInt() + 1) then
- table.remove(fps.Cache)
- end
- fps.SinceLastUpdate = diff
- fps.LastFrameNumber = frames
- end
- local function DrawCounter()
- local x, y = fps.X, fps.Y
- local w, h = fps.W, fps.H
- local FPS = string.format("%i FPS", fps.SinceLastUpdate)
- if (fps.graph:GetInt() == 1) then
- draw.SimpleText(FPS, "DebugOverlay", x, y)
- else
- local mult = fps.Cache[1]
- local tx = x + w + 2
- local ty = y + (h - (h * mult))
- draw.SimpleText(FPS, "DebugOverlay", tx, ty, _, _, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- end
- end
- local function DrawBarGraph()
- local x, y = fps.X, fps.Y
- local w, h = fps.W, fps.H
- local pd = fps.PointDistance
- local points = fps.graph_points:GetInt()
- render.SetScissorRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, true)
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 200)
- surface.DrawRect(x, y, w, h)
- for i = 1, points do
- local mult = fps.Cache[i]
- local bh = math.floor(h * mult)
- local bx = (x + w) - (i * pd)
- local by = y + (h - bh)
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255 - 255 * mult, 255 * mult, 0))
- surface.DrawRect(bx, by, pd, bh)
- end
- render.SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, 0, false)
- end
- local function DrawLineGraph()
- local x, y = fps.X, fps.Y
- local w, h = fps.W, fps.H
- local pd = fps.PointDistance
- local points = fps.graph_points:GetInt()
- render.SetScissorRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, true)
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 200)
- surface.DrawRect(x, y, w, h)
- render.ClearStencil()
- render.SetStencilEnable(true)
- render.SetStencilTestMask(0xFF)
- render.SetStencilWriteMask(0xFF)
- render.SetStencilReferenceValue(0x01)
- render.SetStencilCompareFunction(STENCIL_ALWAYS)
- render.SetStencilPassOperation(STENCIL_REPLACE)
- local first = fps.Cache[1]
- local pph = math.floor(h * first)
- local ppx = (x + w) - 1
- local ppy = y + (h - pph)
- for i = 2, points + 1 do
- local mult = fps.Cache[i]
- local ph = math.floor(h * mult)
- local px = ((x + w) - ((i - 1) * pd)) - 1
- local py = y + (h - ph)
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 255, 0)
- surface.DrawLine(ppx, ppy, px, py)
- ppx, ppy = px, py
- end
- render.SetStencilCompareFunction(STENCIL_LESSEQUAL)
- render.SetStencilFailOperation(STENCIL_KEEP)
- surface.SetMaterial(fps.Gradient)
- surface.SetDrawColor(255, 0, 0)
- surface.DrawTexturedRect(x, y, w, h)
- render.SetStencilEnable(false)
- render.SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, 0, false)
- end
- local function GraphChanged(_, old, new)
- old, new = tonumber(old) or 0, tonumber(new) or 0
- if (new > 0) then
- if (old <= 0) then
- fps.SinceLastUpdate = 0
- fps.LastFrameNumber = FrameNumber()
- end
- hook.Add("PreRender", "FPS Counter", CountFrames)
- if (new >= 1) then
- hook.Add("PostDrawHUD", "FPS Counter", DrawCounter)
- if (new == 2) then
- hook.Add("PostDrawHUD", "FPS Graph", DrawBarGraph)
- elseif (new >= 3) then
- hook.Add("PostDrawHUD", "FPS Graph", DrawLineGraph)
- else
- hook.Remove("PostDrawHUD", "FPS Graph")
- end
- end
- else
- table.Empty(fps.Cache)
- hook.Remove("PreRender", "FPS Counter")
- hook.Remove("PostDrawHUD", "FPS Counter")
- hook.Remove("PostDrawHUD", "FPS Graph")
- end
- end
- cvars.AddChangeCallback("fps_graph", GraphChanged, "fps_graph")
- local function FindClosest(width, points)
- local low = width % points
- local high = (width + low) % points
- return low <= high and width - low or width + high
- end
- local function WidthChanged(_, _, new)
- local points = fps.graph_points:GetInt()
- fps.W = FindClosest(new, points)
- fps.PointDistance = fps.W / points
- end
- cvars.AddChangeCallback("fps_graph_width", WidthChanged, "fps_graph_width")
- local function PointsChanged(_, old, new)
- old, new = tonumber(old) or 0, tonumber(new) or 60
- local target = fps.graph_width:GetInt()
- fps.W = FindClosest(target, new)
- fps.PointDistance = fps.W / new
- if (old < new) then return end
- local diff = old - new
- if (#fps.Cache - diff > new) then
- for i = 1, diff do
- table.remove(fps.Cache)
- end
- end
- end
- cvars.AddChangeCallback("fps_graph_points", PointsChanged, "fps_graph_points")
- GraphChanged(_, _, fps.graph:GetInt())
- WidthChanged(_, _, fps.graph_width:GetInt())
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