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- #!/usr/bin/python
- '''
- - Python wrapper for hashcat and oclHashcat
- One of the following required: oclHashcat 1.20
- oclHashcat 1.21
- oclHashcat 1.30
- hashcat 0.47
- Notes: Previous versions of oclHashcat or hashcat may work. Just do not use future features (This should be obvious)
- Use of this wrapper does not preclude the user from understanding how multiprocessing or (ocl)Hashcat works
- Copyright (c) 2014 Rich Kelley, RK5DEVMAIL[A T]gmail[D O T]com
- More info at:
- Special Thanks to Michael Sprecher "@hops_ch"
- The MIT License (MIT)
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- '''
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- import difflib
- import copy
- import platform
- import traceback
- from threading import Thread
- import struct
- from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
- from Queue import Queue, Empty
- from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
- from pprint import pprint
- ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names
- '''
- Wrapper Class for oclHashcat (GPU)
- '''
- class oclHashcatWrapper(object):
- hashcat = None # Main hashcat process once initiated by the start() function
- q = Queue() # Output queue for stdout collection. Allows for async (non-blocking) read from subprocess
- eq = Queue() # Output queue for stderr collection.
- stats = None # Stats from restore file and stdout collected in a dictionary
- stdout_thread = None # Thread to gather stdout from hashcat subprocess
- stderr_thread = None # Thread to gather stderr from hashcat subprocess
- initialized = False
- defaults_changed = []
- defaults = {}
- hash_type_dict = {
- 'MD5' : '0' ,
- 'md5($pass.$salt)' : '10' ,
- 'md5($salt.$pass)' : '20' ,
- 'md5(unicode($pass).$salt)' : '30' ,
- 'md5($salt.unicode($pass))' : '40' ,
- 'HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass)' : '50' ,
- 'HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)' : '60' ,
- 'SHA1' : '100' ,
- 'sha1($pass.$salt)' : '110' ,
- 'sha1($salt.$pass)' : '120' ,
- 'sha1(unicode($pass).$salt)' : '130' ,
- 'sha1($salt.unicode($pass))' : '140' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA1 (key = $pass)' : '150' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)' : '160' ,
- 'sha1(LinkedIn)' : '190' ,
- 'MySQL323' : '200' ,
- 'MySQL4.1' : '300' ,
- 'MySQL5' : '300' ,
- 'phpass' : '400' ,
- 'MD5(Wordpress)' : '400' ,
- 'MD5(phpBB3)' : '400' ,
- 'md5crypt' : '500' ,
- 'MD5(Unix)' : '500' ,
- 'FreeBSD MD5' : '500' ,
- 'Cisco-IOS MD5' : '500' ,
- 'MD4' : '900' ,
- 'NTLM' : '1000' ,
- 'Domain Cached Credentials:' : '1100',
- 'mscash' : '1100' ,
- 'SHA256' : '1400' ,
- 'sha256($pass.$salt)' : '1410' ,
- 'sha256($salt.$pass)' : '1420' ,
- 'sha256(unicode($pass).$salt)' : '1430' ,
- 'sha256($salt.unicode($pass))' : '1440' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA256 (key = $pass)' : '1450' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt)' : '1460' ,
- 'descrypt' : '1500' ,
- 'DES(Unix)' : '1500' ,
- 'Traditional DES' : '1500' ,
- 'md5apr1' : '1600' ,
- 'MD5(APR)' : '1600' ,
- 'Apache MD5' : '1600' ,
- 'SHA512' : '1700' ,
- 'sha512($pass.$salt)' : '1710' ,
- 'sha512($salt.$pass)' : '1720' ,
- 'sha512(unicode($pass).$salt)' : '1730' ,
- 'sha512($salt.unicode($pass))' : '1740' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA512 (key = $pass)' : '1750' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt)' : '1760' ,
- 'sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix)' : '1800' ,
- 'Domain Cached Credentials2': '2100' ,
- 'mscash2' : '2100' ,
- 'Cisco-PIX MD5' : '2400' ,
- 'Cisco-ASA MD5' : '2410' ,
- 'WPA/WPA2' : '2500' ,
- 'Double MD5' : '2600' ,
- 'LM' : '3000' ,
- 'Oracle 7-10g': '3100' ,
- 'DES(Oracle)' : '3100' ,
- 'bcrypt' : '3200' ,
- 'Blowfish(OpenBSD)' : '3200' ,
- 'md5($salt.md5($pass))' : '3710' ,
- 'md5(sha1($pass))' : '4400',
- 'Double SHA1' : '4500',
- 'sha1(md5($pass))' : '4700',
- 'MD5(Chap)': '4800',
- 'iSCSI CHAP authentication' : '4800',
- 'SHA-3(Keccak)' : '5000' ,
- 'Half MD5' : '5100' ,
- 'Password Safe SHA-256' : '5200' ,
- 'IKE-PSK MD5' : '5300' ,
- 'IKE-PSK SHA1' : '5400' ,
- 'NetNTLMv1-VANILLA': '5500' ,
- 'NetNTLMv1+ESS' : '5500' ,
- 'NetNTLMv2' : '5600' ,
- 'Cisco-IOS SHA256' : '5700' ,
- 'Samsung Android Password/PIN' : '5800' ,
- 'RipeMD160' : '6000' ,
- 'Whirlpool' : '6100' ,
- 'TrueCrypt 5.0+ PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 (XTS AES)' : '6211' ,
- 'TrueCrypt 5.0+ PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 (XTS AES)' : '6221' ,
- 'TrueCrypt 5.0+ PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool (XTS AES)' : '6231' ,
- 'TrueCrypt 5.0+ PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + boot-mode (XTS AES)' : '6241' ,
- 'TrueCrypt 5.0+ PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + hidden-volume (XTS AES)' : '6251' ,
- 'TrueCrypt 5.0+ PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + hidden-volume (XTS AES)' : '6261' ,
- 'TrueCrypt 5.0+ PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + hidden-volume (XTS AES)' : '6271' ,
- 'TrueCrypt 5.0+ PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + hidden-volume + boot-mode (XTS AES)' : '6281' ,
- 'AIX {smd5}' : '6300' ,
- 'AIX {ssha256}' : '6400' ,
- 'AIX {ssha512}' : '6500' ,
- '1Password, agilekeychain' : '6600' ,
- 'AIX {ssha1}' : '6700' ,
- 'Lastpass' : '6800' ,
- 'GOST R 34.11-94' : '6900' ,
- 'OSX v10.8 / v10.9' : '7100' ,
- 'GRUB 2' : '7200' ,
- 'IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1': '7300',
- 'sha256crypt' : '7400' ,
- 'SHA256(Unix)' : '7400' ,
- 'Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23' : '7500' ,
- 'Redmine Project Management Web App' : '7600' ,
- 'SAP CODVN B (BCODE)' : '7700',
- 'SAP CODVN F/G (PASSCODE)' : '7800' ,
- 'Drupal7' : '7900' ,
- 'Sybase ASE' : '8000',
- 'Citrix Netscaler': '8100',
- '1Password, cloudkeychain': '8200',
- 'DNSSEC (NSEC3)' : '8300' ,
- 'WBB3, Woltlab Burning Board 3' : '8400' ,
- 'RACF' : '8500' ,
- 'Lotus Notes/Domino 5' : '8600' ,
- 'Lotus Notes/Domino 6' : '8700' ,
- 'Android FDE' : '8800' ,
- 'scrypt' : '8900' ,
- 'Password Safe v2' : '9000' ,
- 'Lotus Notes/Domino 8' : '9100' ,
- 'Joomla' : '11' ,
- 'osCommerce, xt:Commerce' : '21' ,
- 'Juniper Netscreen/SSG (ScreenOS)' : '22' ,
- 'Skype' : '23' ,
- 'nsldap, SHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SHA' : '101' ,
- 'nsldaps, SSHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SSHA' : '111' ,
- 'Oracle 11g' : '112' ,
- 'SMF > v1.1' : '121' ,
- 'OSX v10.4, v10.5, v10.6' : '122' ,
- 'MSSQL(2000)' : '131' ,
- 'MSSQL(2005)' : '132' ,
- 'PeopleSoft' : '133' ,
- 'EPiServer 6.x < v4' : '141' ,
- 'hMailServer' : '1421' ,
- 'EPiServer 6.x > v4' : '1441' ,
- 'SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}' : '1711' ,
- 'OSX v10.7' : '1722' ,
- 'MSSQL(2012)' : '1731' ,
- 'MSSQL(2014)' : '1731' ,
- 'vBulletin < v3.8.5' : '2611' ,
- 'PHPS' : '2612' ,
- 'vBulletin > v3.8.5' : '2711' ,
- 'IPB2+, MyBB1.2+' : '2811' ,
- 'Mediawiki B type' : '3711'
- }
- cmd_short_switch = {
- 'attack-mode' : 'a',
- 'hash-type' : 'm',
- 'version' : 'V',
- 'help' : 'h',
- 'benchmark' : 'b',
- 'markov-threshold' : 't',
- 'outfile' : 'o',
- 'separator' : 'p',
- 'segment-size' : 'c',
- 'gpu-devices' : 'd',
- 'workload-profile' : 'w',
- 'gpu-accel' : 'n',
- 'gpu-loops' : 'u',
- 'skip' : 's',
- 'limit' : 'l',
- 'rule-left' : 'j',
- 'rule-right' : 'k',
- 'rules-file' : 'r',
- 'generate-rules' : 'g',
- 'custom-charset1' : '1',
- 'custom-charset2' : '2',
- 'custom-charset3' : '3',
- 'custom-charset4' : '4',
- 'increment' : 'i'
- }
- cmd_equal_required = [
- 'benchmark-mode',
- 'status-timer',
- 'markov-hcstat',
- 'markov-threshold',
- 'runtime',
- 'session',
- 'restore-timer',
- 'outfile-format',
- 'remove-time',
- 'debug-mode' ,
- 'debug-file' ,
- 'induction-dir',
- 'outfile-check-dir',
- 'cpu-affinity',
- 'gpu-temp-abort',
- 'gpu-temp-retain',
- 'generate-rules-func-min',
- 'generate-rules-func-max',
- 'generate-rules-seed',
- 'increment-min',
- 'increment-max'
- ]
- ignore_vars = [
- 'defaults',
- 'hash_type',
- 'words_files',
- 'hash_file',
- 'rules_files',
- 'masks_file',
- 'charset_file',
- 'mask',
- 'safe_dict',
- 'bits'
- ]
- def __init__(self, bin_dir=".", gcard_type="cuda", verbose=False):
- self.verbose = verbose
- self.reset()
- self.bin_dir = bin_dir # Directory where oclHashcat is installed
- self.bits = "32"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Checking architecture:",
- if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
- self.bits = "64"
- else:
- self.bits = "32"
- if self.verbose: print self.bits+" bit"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Checking OS type:",
- if "Win" in platform.system():
- if self.verbose: print "Windows"
- if gcard_type.lower() == "cuda":
- self.cmd = "cudaHashcat"+self.bits + " "
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using CUDA version"
- else:
- self.cmd = "oclHashcat"+self.bits + " "
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using OCL version"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using cmd: " + self.cmd
- else:
- if self.verbose: print "Linux"
- if gcard_type.lower() == "cuda":
- self.cmd = "./cudaHashcat"+self.bits + ".bin"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using CUDA version"
- else:
- self.cmd = "./oclHashcat"+self.bits + ".bin"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using OCL version"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using cmd: " + self.cmd
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
- self.stop()
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- try:
- if not value == self.defaults[name] and name not in self.ignore_vars:
- self.defaults_changed.append(name)
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- finally:
- object.__setattr__(self,name,value)
- def reset(self):
- if self.is_running():
- self.stop()
- self.stdout_thread = None
- self.stderr_thread = None
- self.hash_file = None # File with target hashes
- self.words_files = [] # List of dictionary files
- self.rules_files = [] # List of rules files
- self.masks_file = None
- self.charset_file = None
- self.eula = False
- = False
- self.version = False
- self.quiet = False
- = False
- self.left = False
- self.username = False
- self.remove = False
- self.force = False
- self.runtime = 0
- self.hex_salt = False
- self.hex_charset = False
- self.hex_wordlist = False
- self.segment_size = 1
- self.bitmap_max = None
- self.gpu_async = False
- self.gpu_devices = None
- self.gpu_accel = None
- self.gpu_loops = None
- self.gpu_temp_disable = False
- self.gpu_temp_abort = 90
- self.gpu_temp_retain = 80
- self.powertune_disable = False
- self.skip = None
- self.limit = None
- self.keyspace = False
- self.rule_left = ":"
- self.rule_right = ":"
- self.generate_rules = 0
- self.generate_rules_func_min = 1
- self.generate_rules_func_max = 4
- self.generate_rules_seed = None
- self.hash_type = 0
- self.increment = False
- self.increment_min = 1
- self.increment_max = 54
- self.benchmark = False
- self.benchmark_mode = 1
- self.status = False
- self.status_timer = 10
- self.status_automat = False
- self.loopback = False
- self.weak_hash_threshold = 100
- self.markov_hcstat = None
- self.markov_disable = False
- self.markov_classic = False
- self.markov_threshold = 0
- self.session = "default_session"
- self.restore = False
- self.restore_disable = False
- self.outfile = None
- self.outfile_format = 3
- self.outfile_autohex_disable = False
- self.outfile_check_timer = None
- self.separator = ":"
- self.disable_potfile = False
- self.remove_timer = None
- self.potfile_disable = False
- self.debug_mode = None
- self.debug_file = None
- self.induction_dir = None
- self.outfile_check_dir = None
- self.cpu_affinity = None
- self.cleanup_rules = False
- self.custom_charset1 = "?|?d?u"
- self.custom_charset2 = "?|?d"
- self.custom_charset3 = "?|?d*!$@_"
- self.custom_charset4 = None
- self.mask = None
- self.defaults = copy.deepcopy({key:vars(self)[key] for key in vars(self) if key != 'restore_struct'})
- self.defaults_changed = []
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Variables reset to defaults"
- def get_restore_stats(self, restore_file_path=None):
- '''
- Now retrieving the restore file using struct, namedtuples and OrderedDict.
- There is a pointer to argv which differs in size between 32-/64 bit systems.
- With the current code you can't correctly parse a restore file created with
- the 32 bit version of oclHashcat on a 64 bit system (and vice versa).
- Any ideas/patches are welcome.
- '''
- if not restore_file_path:
- restore_file_path = os.path.join(self.bin_dir, self.session + ".restore")
- try:
- # Get stats from restore file
- with open(restore_file_path, "r") as restore_file:
- try:
- self.restore_struct =
- except Exception as FileReadError:
- if self.verbose: "[-] Error reading restore file"
- return
- if self.bits == "64":
- fmt = 'I256sIIIQIQ%ds' % (len(self.restore_struct) - 296)
- else: # 32 bit system
- fmt = 'I256sIIIQII%ds' % (len(self.restore_struct) - 288)
- struct_tuple = namedtuple('struct_tuple', 'version_bin cwd pid dictpos maskpos pw_cur argc argv_pointer argv')
- struct_tuple = struct_tuple._make(struct.unpack(fmt, self.restore_struct))
- self.stats = OrderedDict(zip(struct_tuple._fields, struct_tuple))
- self.stats['cwd'] = self.stats['cwd'].rstrip('\0')
- try:
- self.stats['argv'] = self.stats['argv'].split('\n')
- self.stats['argv'][0] = os.path.basename(self.stats['argv'][0]).split('.')[0]
- except Exception as ValueError:
- self.stats['argv'][0] = "oclHashcat"
- except IOError as FileError:
- if self.verbose: print "[-] Restore file not found!"
- def get_hashes(self, output_file_path=None, fields=(), sep=None):
- if output_file_path == None:
- if self.outfile == None:
- return
- else:
- output_file_path = self.outfile
- if sep == None:
- sep = self.separator
- try:
- # Get cracked hashes
- with open(output_file_path, "rb") as output_file:
- if self.verbose: print "Reading output file: " + output_file_path
- results = [record.rstrip('\n\r').rsplit(sep) for record in output_file.readlines()]
- if len(fields) == 0 and len(results) > 0 or len(results) > 0 and len(fields) != len(results[0]):
- # Default field names are f1....fN where N is the number of items in the results line
- fields = tuple(["f"+str(i) for i in range(len(results[0]))])
- if len(results) > 0:
- if len(fields) == len(results[0]):
- # Returns a list of dictionary objects with fields mapped to variables
- return [dict(zip(fields, record)) for record in results]
- else:
- return [{}]
- except IOError as FileError:
- return [{}]
- def enqueue_output(self, out, queue):
- for line in iter(out.readline, b''):
- queue.put(line)
- out.flush()
- out.close()
- def stdout(self):
- out = ""
- try:
- out = self.q.get_nowait()
- except Empty:
- out = ""
- return out.rstrip()
- def stderr(self):
- out = ""
- try:
- out = self.eq.get_nowait()
- except Empty:
- out = ""
- return out.rstrip()
- def start(self, cmd=None, argv=[]):
- if cmd == None:
- cmd = self.cmd
- if self.hashcat != None and self.is_running():
- self.stop()
- run_cmd = [os.path.join(self.bin_dir,cmd)] + argv # Create full path to main binary
- if self.verbose: print "[+] STDIN: " + ' '.join(run_cmd)
- self.hashcat = Popen(run_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=1, close_fds=ON_POSIX)
- # Start a new thread to queue async output from stdout
- stdout_thread = Thread(target=self.enqueue_output, args=(self.hashcat.stdout, self.q))
- stdout_thread.daemon = True
- # Start a new thread to queue async output from stderr
- stderr_thread = Thread(target=self.enqueue_output, args=(self.hashcat.stderr, self.eq))
- stderr_thread.daemon = True
- try:
- stdout_thread.start()
- if self.verbose: print "[*] STDOUT thread started"
- except Exception as e:
- if self.verbose: print "[!] Could not start STDOUT thread"
- try:
- stderr_thread.start()
- if self.verbose: print "[*] STDERR thread started"
- except Exception as e:
- if self.verbose: print "[!] Could not start STDERR thread"
- def test(self, cmd=None, argv=[]):
- if cmd == None:
- cmd = self.cmd
- run_cmd = [os.path.join(self.bin_dir,cmd)] + argv # Create full path to main binary
- if run_cmd and not None in run_cmd:
- print "--------- Hashcat CMD Test ---------"
- print ' '.join(run_cmd)
- print "------------------------------------"
- else:
- if self.verbose: print "[-] None type in string. Required option missing"
- def straight(self, TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "0")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- # Add rules if specified
- if self.verbose: print "[*] (" + str(len(self.rules_files)) + ") Rules files specified. Verifying files..."
- for rules in self.rules_files:
- if not os.path.isabs(rules): rules = os.path.join(self.bin_dir,rules)
- if os.path.isfile(rules):
- if self.verbose: print "\t[+] " + rules + " Found!"
- argv.append("-r")
- argv.append(rules)
- else:
- if self.verbose: print "\t[-] " + rules + " NOT Found!"
- pass
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Straight (0) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def combinator(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[1])
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "1")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Combinator (1) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def brute_force(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "3")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Brute-Force (3) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def hybrid_dict_mask(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- if self.masks_file == None and self.mask == None:
- return
- else:
- if self.masks_file:
- mask = self.masks_file
- else:
- mask = self.mask
- try:
- argv.insert(0, mask)
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "6")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Hybrid dict + mask (6) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def hybrid_mask_dict(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- if self.masks_file == None and self.mask == None:
- return
- else:
- if self.masks_file:
- mask = self.masks_file
- else:
- mask = self.mask
- argv.insert(0, mask)
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "7")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Hybrid mask + dict (7) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def stop(self):
- RTCODE = self.get_RTCODE()
- if self.is_running():
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Stopping background process...",
- try:
- self.hashcat.kill()
- if self.verbose: print "[Done]"
- except Exception as ProcessException:
- if not RTCODE in (-2,-1,0,2):
- if self.verbose:
- print "\t** This could have happened for several reasons **"
- print "\t1. GOOD: Process successfully completed before stop call"
- print "\t2. BAD: Process failed to run initially (likely path or argv error)"
- print "\t3. UGLY: Unknown - Check your running processes for a zombie"
- else:
- if self.verbose: print "[Done]"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Program exited with code: " + str(RTCODE)
- def is_running(self):
- if self.get_RTCODE() == None: # Return value of None indicates process hasn't terminated
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def get_RTCODE(self):
- '''
- status codes on exit:
- =====================
- -2 = gpu-watchdog alarm
- -1 = error
- 0 = cracked
- 1 = exhausted
- 2 = aborted
- '''
- try:
- return self.hashcat.poll()
- except Exception as e:
- return -99 # Hasn't been started
- def find_code(self): # Find the hashcat hash code
- try:
- # Returns the first code that matches the type text
- return str(self.hash_type_dict[difflib.get_close_matches(self.hash_type, self.hash_type_dict.keys())[0]])
- except Exception as CodeNotFoundError:
- return 0
- return 0 # Return default MD5
- def str_from_code(self, code): # Reverse lookup find code from string
- for code_str in self.hash_type_dict:
- if str(code).lower() == str(self.hash_type_dict[code_str]).lower():
- if self.verbose: print "[*] " + str(code_str) + " = " + str(self.hash_type_dict[code_str])
- return code_str
- else:
- return "UNKNOWN"
- def build_args(self):
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Building argv"
- # Check if any defaults are changed
- argv = []
- for option in self.defaults_changed:
- value = str(getattr(self, option)) # Get the value assigned to the option
- option = option.replace('_','-') # Convert Python snake_style var to cmd line dash format
- if option in self.cmd_short_switch.keys(): # Use short switches if available
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Checking for short options"
- option = "-" + self.cmd_short_switch[option]
- argv.append(option)
- argv.append(str(value))
- else:
- if option in self.cmd_equal_required:
- argv.append("--" + option + "=" + str(value))
- else:
- argv.append("--" + option)
- return argv
- def clear_rules(self):
- self.rules_files = []
- def clear_words(self):
- self.words_files = []
- '''
- Wrapper Class for Hashcat (CPU)
- '''
- class HashcatWrapper(object):
- hashcat = None # Main hashcat process once initiated by the start() function
- q = Queue() # Output queue for stdout collection. Allows for async (non-blocking) read from subprocess
- eq = Queue() # Output queue for stderr collection.
- stats = None # TODO: Determine best place to collect stats for hashcat
- stdout_thread = None # Thread to gather stdout from hashcat subprocess
- stderr_thread = None # Thread to gather stderr from hashcat subprocess
- initialized = False
- defaults_changed = []
- defaults = {}
- hash_type_dict = {
- 'MD5' : '0' ,
- 'md5($pass.$salt)' : '10' ,
- 'md5($salt.$pass)' : '20' ,
- 'md5(unicode($pass).$salt)' : '30' ,
- 'md5($salt.unicode($pass))' : '40' ,
- 'HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass)' : '50' ,
- 'HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)' : '60' ,
- 'SHA1' : '100' ,
- 'sha1($pass.$salt)' : '110' ,
- 'sha1($salt.$pass)' : '120' ,
- 'sha1(unicode($pass).$salt)' : '130' ,
- 'sha1($salt.unicode($pass))' : '140' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA1 (key = $pass)' : '150' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)' : '160' ,
- 'sha1(LinkedIn)' : '190' ,
- 'MySQL' : '300' ,
- 'phpass' : '400' ,
- 'MD5(Wordpress)' : '400' ,
- 'MD5(phpBB3)' : '400' ,
- 'md5crypt' : '500' ,
- 'MD5(Unix)' : '500' ,
- 'FreeBSD MD5' : '500' ,
- 'Cisco-IOS MD5' : '500' ,
- 'SHA-1 (Django)': '800',
- 'MD4' : '900' ,
- 'NTLM' : '1000' ,
- 'Domain Cached Credentials:' : '1100',
- 'mscash' : '1100' ,
- 'SHA256' : '1400' ,
- 'sha256($pass.$salt)' : '1410' ,
- 'sha256($salt.$pass)' : '1420' ,
- 'sha256(unicode($pass).$salt)' : '1430' ,
- 'sha256($salt.unicode($pass))' : '1440' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA256 (key = $pass)' : '1450' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt)' : '1460' ,
- 'md5apr1' : '1600' ,
- 'MD5(APR)' : '1600' ,
- 'Apache MD5' : '1600' ,
- 'SHA512' : '1700' ,
- 'sha512($pass.$salt)' : '1710' ,
- 'sha512($salt.$pass)' : '1720' ,
- 'sha512(unicode($pass).$salt)' : '1730' ,
- 'sha512($salt.unicode($pass))' : '1740' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA512 (key = $pass)' : '1750' ,
- 'HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt)' : '1760' ,
- 'sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix)' : '1800' ,
- 'Cisco-PIX MD5' : '2400' ,
- 'WPA/WPA2' : '2500' ,
- 'Double MD5' : '2600' ,
- 'bcrypt' : '3200' ,
- 'Blowfish(OpenBSD)' : '3200' ,
- 'MD5(Sun)': '3300',
- 'md5(md5(md5($pass)))' : '3500',
- 'md5(md5($salt).$pass)' : '3610',
- 'md5($salt.md5($pass))' : '3710',
- 'md5($pass.md5($salt))' : '3720',
- 'md5($salt.$pass.$salt)' : '3810',
- 'md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))' : '3910',
- 'md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))' : '4010',
- 'md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))' : '4110',
- 'md5($username.0.$pass)' : '4210',
- 'md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))' : '4300',
- 'md5(sha1($pass))' : '4400',
- 'Double SHA1' : '4500',
- 'sha1(sha1(sha1($pass)))' : '4600',
- 'sha1(md5($pass))' : '4700',
- 'MD5(Chap)': '4800',
- 'SHA-3(Keccak)' : '5000' ,
- 'Half MD5' : '5100' ,
- 'Password Safe SHA-256' : '5200' ,
- 'IKE-PSK MD5' : '5300' ,
- 'IKE-PSK SHA1' : '5400' ,
- 'NetNTLMv1-VANILLA': '5500' ,
- 'NetNTLMv1+ESS' : '5500' ,
- 'NetNTLMv2' : '5600' ,
- 'Cisco-IOS SHA256' : '5700' ,
- 'Samsung Android Password/PIN' : '5800' ,
- 'AIX {smd5}' : '6300' ,
- 'AIX {ssha256}' : '6400' ,
- 'AIX {ssha512}' : '6500' ,
- 'AIX {ssha1}' : '6700' ,
- 'Lastpass' : '6800' ,
- 'GOST R 34.11-94' : '6900' ,
- 'Fortigate (FortiOS)' : '7000',
- 'OSX v10.8 / v10.9' : '7100' ,
- 'GRUB 2' : '7200' ,
- 'IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1': '7300',
- 'sha256crypt' : '7400' ,
- 'SHA256(Unix)' : '7400' ,
- 'Plaintext': '9999',
- 'Joomla' : '11' ,
- 'osCommerce, xt:Commerce' : '21' ,
- 'nsldap, SHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SHA' : '101' ,
- 'nsldaps, SSHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SSHA' : '111' ,
- 'Oracle 11g' : '112' ,
- 'SMF > v1.1' : '121' ,
- 'OSX v10.4, v10.5, v10.6' : '122' ,
- 'EPi' : '123',
- 'MSSQL(2000)' : '131' ,
- 'MSSQL(2005)' : '132' ,
- 'EPiServer 6.x < v4' : '141' ,
- 'EPiServer 6.x > v4' : '1441' ,
- 'SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}' : '1711' ,
- 'OSX v10.7' : '1722' ,
- 'MSSQL(2012)' : '1731' ,
- 'vBulletin < v3.8.5' : '2611' ,
- 'vBulletin > v3.8.5' : '2711' ,
- 'IPB2+, MyBB1.2+' : '2811' ,
- 'WebEdition CMD': '3721',
- 'Redmine Project Management Web App': '7600'
- }
- cmd_short_switch = {
- 'attack-mode' : 'a',
- 'hash-type' : 'm',
- 'version' : 'V',
- 'help' : 'h',
- 'outfile' : 'o',
- 'separator' : 'p',
- 'salt-file' : 'e',
- 'segment-size' : 'c',
- 'threads' : 'n',
- 'words-skip' : 's',
- 'words-limit': 'l',
- 'rules-file' : 'r',
- 'generate-rules' : 'g',
- 'custom-charset1' : '1',
- 'custom-charset2' : '2',
- 'custom-charset3' : '3',
- 'custom-charset4' : '4',
- 'table-file' : 't'
- }
- cmd_equal_required = [
- 'outfile-format',
- 'debug-mode' ,
- 'debug-file' ,
- 'outfile-check-dir',
- 'generate-rules-func-min',
- 'generate-rules-func-max',
- 'generate-rules-seed',
- 'toggle-min',
- 'toggle-max',
- 'pw-min',
- 'pw-max',
- 'perm-min',
- 'perm-max',
- 'table-min',
- 'table-max'
- ]
- ignore_vars = [
- 'defaults',
- 'hash_type',
- 'words_files',
- 'hash_file',
- 'rules_files',
- 'masks_file',
- 'charset_file',
- 'mask',
- 'safe_dict'
- ]
- def __init__(self, bin_dir=".", cpu_type=None, verbose=False):
- self.verbose = verbose
- self.reset() # Reset all variables
- self.bin_dir = bin_dir # Directory where Hashcat is installed
- bits = "32"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Checking architecture:",
- if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
- bits = "64"
- else:
- bits = "32"
- if bits == "32" and cpu_type != None:
- print "[E] " + cpu_type + " is only supported on 64 bit!"
- sys.exit()
- if self.verbose: print bits+" bit"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Checking OS type:",
- if "Win" in platform.system():
- if self.verbose: print "Windows"
- if cpu_type == None:
- self.cmd = "hashcat-cli"+bits + " "
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using SSE2 version"
- elif cpu_type.lower() == "avx":
- self.cmd = "hashcat-cliAVX "
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using AVX version"
- elif cpu_type.lower() == "xop":
- self.cmd = "hashcat-cliXOP "
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using XOP version"
- else:
- if self.verbose: print "Linux"
- if cpu_type == None:
- self.cmd = "hashcat-cli"+bits + ".bin"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using SSE2 version"
- elif cpu_type.lower() == "avx":
- self.cmd = "hashcat-cliAVX.bin"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using AVX version"
- elif cpu_type.lower() == "xop":
- self.cmd = "hashcat-cliXOP.bin"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using XOP version"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Using cmd: " + self.cmd
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
- self.stop()
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- try:
- if not value == self.defaults[name] and name not in self.ignore_vars:
- self.defaults_changed.append(name)
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- finally:
- object.__setattr__(self,name,value)
- def reset(self):
- if self.is_running():
- self.stop()
- self.stdout_thread = None
- self.stderr_thread = None
- self.hash_file = None # File with target hashes
- self.words_files = [] # List of dictionary files
- self.rules_files = [] # List of rules files
- self.masks_file = None
- self.charset_file = None
- self.hash_type = 0
- self.eula = False
- = False
- self.version = False
- self.quiet = False
- self.hex_salt = False
- self.hex_charset = False
- self.outfile = None
- self.outfile_format = 0
- self.separator = ":"
- = False
- self.left = False
- self.username = False
- self.remove = False
- self.stdout = False
- self.disable_potfile = False
- self.debug_file = None
- self.debug_mode = None
- self.salt_file = None
- self.segment_size = 32
- self.threads = 8
- self.words_skip = 0
- self.words_limit = 0
- self.generate_rules = 0
- self.generate_rules_func_min = 1
- self.generate_rules_func_max = 4
- self.custom_charset1 = "?|?d?u"
- self.custom_charset2 = "?|?d"
- self.custom_charset3 = "?|?d*!$@_"
- self.custom_charset4 = None
- self.toggle_min = 1
- self.toggle_max = 16
- self.pw_min = 1
- self.pw_max = 10
- self.perm_min = 2
- self.perm_max = 10
- self.table_file = None
- self.table_min = 2
- self.table_max = 10
- self.mask = None
- self.default = None
- self.defaults = copy.deepcopy({key:vars(self)[key] for key in vars(self) if key != 'stdout_thread' or 'sterr_thread'})
- self.defaults_changed = []
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Variables reset to defaults"
- def get_hashes(self, output_file_path=None, fields=(), sep=None):
- if output_file_path == None:
- if self.outfile == None:
- return
- else:
- output_file_path = self.outfile
- if sep == None:
- sep = self.separator
- try:
- # Get cracked hashes
- with open(output_file_path, "rb") as output_file:
- if self.verbose: print "Reading output file: " + output_file_path
- results = [record.rstrip('\n\r').rsplit(sep) for record in output_file.readlines()]
- if len(fields) == 0 and len(results) > 0 or len(results) > 0 and len(fields) != len(results[0]):
- # Default field names are f1....fN where N is the number of items in the results line
- fields = tuple(["f"+str(i) for i in range(len(results[0]))])
- if len(results) > 0:
- if len(fields) == len(results[0]):
- # Returns a list of dictionary objects with fields mapped to variables
- return [dict(zip(fields, record)) for record in results]
- else:
- return [{}]
- except IOError as FileError:
- return [{}]
- def enqueue_output(self, out, queue):
- for line in iter(out.readline, b''):
- queue.put(line)
- out.flush()
- out.close()
- def g_stdout(self): # Different than oclHashcatWrapper because hashcat has a "stdout" cmd switch
- out = ""
- try:
- out = self.q.get_nowait()
- except Empty:
- out = ""
- return out.rstrip()
- def stderr(self):
- out = ""
- try:
- out = self.eq.get_nowait()
- except Empty:
- out = ""
- return out.rstrip()
- def start(self, cmd=None, argv=[]):
- if cmd == None:
- cmd = self.cmd
- if self.hashcat != None and self.is_running():
- self.stop()
- run_cmd = [os.path.join(self.bin_dir,cmd)] + argv # Create full path to main binary
- if self.verbose: print "[+] STDIN: " + ' '.join(run_cmd)
- self.hashcat = Popen(run_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=1, close_fds=ON_POSIX)
- # Start a new thread to queue async output from stdout
- stdout_thread = Thread(target=self.enqueue_output, args=(self.hashcat.stdout, self.q))
- stdout_thread.daemon = True
- # Start a new thread to queue async output from stderr
- stderr_thread = Thread(target=self.enqueue_output, args=(self.hashcat.stderr, self.eq))
- stderr_thread.daemon = True
- try:
- stdout_thread.start()
- if self.verbose: print "[*] STDOUT thread started"
- except Exception as e:
- if self.verbose: print "[!] Could not start STDOUT thread"
- try:
- stderr_thread.start()
- if self.verbose: print "[*] STDERR thread started"
- except Exception as e:
- if self.verbose: print "[!] Could not start STDERR thread"
- def test(self, cmd=None, argv=[]):
- if cmd == None:
- cmd = self.cmd
- run_cmd = [os.path.join(self.bin_dir,cmd)] + argv # Create full path to main binary
- if run_cmd and not None in run_cmd:
- print "--------- Hashcat CMD Test ---------"
- print ' '.join(run_cmd)
- print "------------------------------------"
- else:
- if self.verbose: print "[-] None type in string. Required option missing"
- def straight(self, TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "0")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- # Add rules if specified
- if self.verbose: print "[*] (" + str(len(self.rules_files)) + ") Rules files specified. Verifying files..."
- for rules in self.rules_files:
- if not os.path.isabs(rules): rules = os.path.join(self.bin_dir,rules)
- if os.path.isfile(rules):
- if self.verbose: print "\t[+] " + rules + " Found!"
- argv.append("-r")
- argv.append(rules)
- else:
- if self.verbose: print "\t[-] " + rules + " NOT Found!"
- pass
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Straight (0) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def combinator(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[1])
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "1")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Combinator (1) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def toggle_case(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "2")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Toggle-case (2) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def brute_force(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "3")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Brute-Force (3) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def permutation(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "4")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Permutation (4) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def table_lookup(self, argv=[], TEST=False):
- argv = self.build_args()
- if self.hash_type not in self.hash_type_dict.values():
- hash_code = self.find_code()
- else:
- hash_code = self.hash_type
- try:
- argv.insert(0, self.words_files[0])
- except IndexError as EmptyListError:
- return
- argv.insert(0, self.hash_file)
- argv.insert(0, "4")
- argv.insert(0, "-a")
- argv.insert(0, str(hash_code))
- argv.insert(0, "-m")
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Starting Table-lookup (5) attack"
- if TEST:
- self.test(argv=argv)
- else:
- self.start(argv=argv)
- return self.get_RTCODE()
- def stop(self):
- RTCODE = self.get_RTCODE()
- if self.is_running():
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Stopping background process...",
- try:
- self.hashcat.kill()
- if self.verbose: print "[Done]"
- except Exception as ProcessException:
- if not RTCODE in (-2,-1,0,2):
- if self.verbose:
- print "\t** This could have happened for several reasons **"
- print "\t1. GOOD: Process successfully completed before stop call"
- print "\t2. BAD: Process failed to run initially (likely path or argv error)"
- print "\t3. UGLY: Unknown - Check your running processes for a zombie"
- else:
- if self.verbose: print "[Done]"
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Program exited with code: " + str(RTCODE)
- def is_running(self):
- if self.get_RTCODE() == None: # Return value of None indicates process hasn't terminated
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def get_RTCODE(self):
- '''
- status codes on exit:
- =====================
- -1 = error
- 0 = cracked
- 1 = exhausted
- 2 = aborted
- '''
- try:
- return self.hashcat.poll()
- except Exception as e:
- return -99 # Hasn't been started
- def find_code(self): # Find the hashcat hash code
- try:
- # Returns the first code that matches the type text
- return str(self.hash_type_dict[difflib.get_close_matches(self.hash_type, self.hash_type_dict.keys())[0]])
- except Exception as CodeNotFoundError:
- return 0
- return 0 # Return default MD5
- def str_from_code(self, code): # Reverse lookup find code from string
- for code_str in self.hash_type_dict:
- if str(code).lower() == str(self.hash_type_dict[code_str]).lower():
- if self.verbose: print "[*] " + str(code_str) + " = " + str(self.hash_type_dict[code_str])
- return code_str
- else:
- return "UNKNOWN"
- def build_args(self):
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Building argv"
- # Check if any defaults are changed
- argv = []
- for option in self.defaults_changed:
- value = str(getattr(self, option)) # Get the value assigned to the option
- option = option.replace('_','-') # Convert Python snake_style var to cmd line dash format
- if option in self.cmd_short_switch.keys(): # Use short switches if available
- if self.verbose: print "[*] Checking for short options"
- option = "-" + self.cmd_short_switch[option]
- argv.append(option)
- argv.append(str(value))
- else:
- if option in self.cmd_equal_required:
- argv.append("--" + option + "=" + str(value))
- else:
- argv.append("--" + option)
- return argv
- def clear_rules(self):
- self.rules_files = []
- def clear_words(self):
- self.words_files = []
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- pass
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