
Yusuf Updated List

Jan 15th, 2014
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  1. Other than Special and Other events, the Rarity of Pokemon Tabs will be Descending starting from 6IV Shiny. Feel free To look Lol and give me trade requests. Most Notable Moves and or Full Movesets will be listed and if you need more Info let me know. I'll Differentiate between languages with either a E or J on non event things or if i have 2 of the same mon in different languages. The movesets are NOT "desired" Movesets in quite a few of the pokemon as i have yet to use quite alot of them to test out. * Indicates NFT. Most of the really good competetive move sets/natures will be NFT. That Means an offer of Equal/Greater Value must be made to trade them. ** means don't bother asking unless i know you well and anything higher is strictly not being cloned. Again the move sets are in now way "correct", they are just to highlight Notable moves or previous Gen tutor Moves.
  3. Notable Ivs are Mentioned However Not all Ivs are mentioned if the pokemon is below 4IV Max or not 6iV flawless With a Hidden Power ( I.e 4V31 2V30= 6V flawless for H.Power so will be listed as 6V and the hidden power in moveset or otherwise) If its Supposed to have a ribbon and does not, into the trash it goes. If its supposed to be in a Cherish Ball and is not, same applies. Please don't try trade these things with me as i don'
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