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- ; designed for NASM generating .com file...
- cpu 386
- org 100h
- section .text
- Start:
- mov ax,0x13 ;SetVideoMode: 320x200x8
- int 0x10
- ;array assumes ds=ss
- mov bp, LineArrayStart
- .NextLine:
- xchg bp,sp ; array <-> stack
- pop si ;X0
- pop di ;Y0
- pop cx ;X1
- pop dx ;Y1
- pop ax ;Color
- xchg bp,sp ; stack <-> array
- call DrawLine
- cmp bp, LineArrayEnd
- jl .NextLine
- mov sp, bp ;restore sp
- mov ah,0x7 ;wait for a key
- int 0x21
- mov ax,0x3 ;SetVideoMode: 80x25 (text)
- int 0x10
- int 0x20 ;end program
- LineArrayStart:
- ; X0 Y0 X1 Y1 Color
- dw 1, 0, 318, 0 , 9
- dw 319, 1, 319,198 ,11
- dw 318,199, 1,199 ,13
- dw 0,198, 0, 1 ,15
- dw 8, 8, 311,191 ,10
- dw 311, 8, 8,191 ,14
- LineArrayEnd:
- ;=========================================================================
- ;=========================================================================
- ;=========================================================================
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Draw Line (si,di) to (cx,dx) with color (al) ;
- ; ----------------------------------------------
- ; unused... AH,BP,SP (selfmod is using CS: to not assume CS=DS)
- DrawLine:
- push ds ;save old DS
- push 0xA000 ;make new DS to be screen segment
- pop ds
- ; dx = abs(x1 - x0)
- ; dy = abs(y1 - y0)
- ; (x0 < x1) ? sx = 1 : sx = -1
- ; (y0 < y1) ? sx = 1 : sx = -1
- ; err = dx - dy
- mov bx, dx ; bx = Y1*320+X1
- imul bx, 320 ; (end position)
- add bx, cx ;
- mov [cs:.EndOff-2], bx ; self-mod ending offset for the line!
- mov bx, 1 ; SX = 1
- sub cx,si ; cx = (X1-X0)
- jnb .ChkH ; jump if not negative
- neg bx ; SX = -1
- neg cx ; cx = -cx (abs DX)
- .ChkH:
- mov [cs:.SX-2], bx ; self-mod setting (in code SX)
- mov bx, -320 ; SY = "-1" (inverse because -dy , 320 because 'row')
- sub dx,di ; dx = (Y1-Y0)
- jb .ChkV ; jump if negative
- neg bx ; SY = "1"
- neg dx ; dx = -dx (-abs DY)
- .ChkV:
- mov [cs:.SY-2], bx ; self-mod setting (in code SY)
- imul di, 320 ; di = Y0*320+X0
- add di, si ; (start position)
- mov si, cx ; ERR = DX+DY
- add si, dx ; (add because DY was negated)
- ; loop
- ; printPixel(x0, y0, colour)
- ; if (x0 = x1) and (y0 = y1) exit loop
- ; e2 = 2 * err
- ; if (e2 > -dy) then
- ; err = err - dy
- ; x0 = x0 + sx
- ; end if
- ; if (e2 < dx) then
- ; err = err + dx
- ; y0 = y0 + sy
- ; end if
- ; end loop
- .NextPixel:
- mov [di], al ; store pixel
- cmp di, 0x5555 ; check if done drawing the line (SELF-MOD!)
- .EndOff:
- je .Done
- mov bx, si ; E2 = ERR*2
- add bx, bx
- cmp bx, dx ; if (E2 > -DY) then
- jle .SX ; (inverse jump)
- add si, dx ; ERR = ERR - DY (DY negativated)
- add di, 0x5555 ; X0 = X0 + SX (Self-Mod SX (-1 or 1))
- .SX:
- cmp bx, cx ; if (E2 < DX) then
- jge .NextPixel ; (inverse jump) (optimized jump)
- add si, cx ; ERR = ERR + DX
- add di, 0x5555 ; Y0 = Y0 + SY (Self-Mod SX {-1(-320) or 1(320)}
- .SY:
- jmp .NextPixel
- .Done:
- pop ds ; restore previous DS
- ret ; and return
- ;-----------------------------------------------
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