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- program new;
- {$I SimbaExt/SimbaExt.simba}
- {$I SimbaExt/Utils.simba}
- {$f-}
- (*
- Copyright (2014) Jarl <slacky> Holta
- Requires the SimbaExt version from: "08 July 14" or later
- Requires the [250x250] map pack from
- - Extract it in include folder, and name the extracted folder "OSRS_Map_250x250"
- *)
- const
- SEW_Path = 'C:\Simba\Includes\OSRS_Map_250x250\';
- SEW_Extension = '.png';
- SEW_Map_Size: TSize2D = [250,250];
- SEW_Rows = 28;
- SEW_Cols = 30;
- SEW_MMCenter: TPoint = [648, 83];
- SEW_MMRad: Int8 = 75;
- SEW_Outer: Int8 = 68;
- SEW_Inner: Int8 = 42;
- type
- SEW_SafeProc = Procedure();
- type
- SEWalker = record
- TopLeft: TPoint;
- Map: TRafBitmap;
- Custom: Boolean;
- Initalized:Boolean;
- ETimeOut: Int32;
- DeepScan: Boolean;
- SafeProc: SEW_SafeProc;
- SkipDist: Single;
- NoBlindWalk: Boolean;
- end;
- procedure SEWalker.Init(Area: TBox);
- begin
- Self.Custom := False;
- Self.TopLeft := Self.AssambleMaps( Self.GetArea(Area) );
- Self.Initalized := True;
- Self.ETimeOut := 10000;
- Self.SkipDist := 4;
- end;
- procedure SEWalker.Init(Maps:TStringArray); overload;
- begin
- Self.Custom := False;
- Self.TopLeft := Self.AssambleMaps(Maps);
- Self.Initalized := True;
- Self.ETimeOut := 10000;
- Self.SkipDist := 4;
- end;
- procedure SEWalker.InitCustom(MapPath:String);
- begin
- Self.Custom := True;
- Self.Map.Open(MapPath);
- Self.TopLeft := Point(0,0);
- Self.Initalized := True;
- Self.ETimeOut := 10000;
- Self.SkipDist := 4;
- end;
- (*
- Must call once you are done walking to avoid Leak.
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.Free();
- begin
- Self.Map.Free();
- end;
- (*
- To avoid going in to an eternal loop for some reason,
- say if your char pings out.. this function sets the number
- of MS before the "walker" times out.
- > Default: 10000ms
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.SetTimeout(TimeMS:Int32);
- begin
- Self.ETimeOut := TimeMS;
- end;
- (*
- For every step in the path we take this procedure will
- be called.. So it can call some random-check procedure, or
- just a wait procedure..
- > Default: nil
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.SetSafeProc(Proc:SEW_SafeProc);
- begin
- Self.SafeProc := Proc;
- end;
- (*
- if True that means whenever the GetMyPos-function fails
- it will just click the next corrdinate in "Path" and assume
- averythings fine.
- > Default: True
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.SetBlindWalk(Disallow:Boolean=False);
- begin
- Self.NoBlindWalk := Disallow;
- end;
- (*
- SetDeepScan to True means that you will search trough
- the whole image. This is slow and almost never needed.
- Custom maps however always scans the whole custom map.
- > Default: False (True if custom-map)
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.SetDeepScan(Deep:Boolean=False);
- begin
- if Self.Custom then
- RaiseException(erException, 'SEWalker: Custom maps does not support this feature');
- Self.DeepScan := Deep;
- end;
- (*
- SetSkipClose sets how close to the resulting pos
- you have to be before it click the next coordinate.
- > Default: 4 (px)
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.SetSkipClose(Dist:Single);
- begin
- SkipDist := Dist;
- end;
- {---| Implementation |---------------------------------------------------------}
- (*
- Get the compass angle (Radians)
- *)
- function SEWalker.CompassAngle(): Single;
- var
- A,B: TPoint; M:TPoint = [561,20];
- i:Integer;
- ATPA:T2DPointArray;
- TPA:TPointArray;
- Filter:TBox = [554,13,568,27];
- begin
- FindColorsSpiralTolerance(M.x,M.y,TPA, 920735, 543,3,578,38, 1);
- ATPA := TPA.Cluster(3,True);
- SetLength(TPA, 0);
- for i:=0 to High(ATPA) do
- if TPA.Len() < 3 then begin
- A := ATPA[i].Pop();
- if not Filter.Contains(A) then TPA.Append(A);
- end;
- se.LongestPolyVector(TPA, A,B);
- TPA.Remove(A);
- TPA.Remove(B);
- Result := Math.Modulo(ArcTan2(-(M.y-TPA[0].y),(M.x-TPA[0].x)),PI*2);
- end;
- (*
- Dirty search for minimap flag (it's all that's needed)
- *)
- function SEWalker.FFlag(): Boolean;
- var
- TPA: TPointArray;
- ATPA: T2DPointArray;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if FindColorsTolerance(TPA, 255, SEW_MMCenter.x-SEW_Outer, SEW_MMCenter.y-SEW_Outer,
- SEW_MMCenter.x+SEW_Outer, SEW_MMCenter.y+SEW_Outer, 1) then
- begin
- ATPA := SplitTPA(TPA,1);
- for i := 0 to High(ATPA) do
- if (Length(ATPA[i]) >= 15) AND (Length(ATPA[i]) <= 50) then
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- (*
- Gathers the needed pieces from a the given TBox.
- *)
- function SEWalker.GetArea(Area:TBox): TStringArray;
- var
- upper,lower:TPoint;
- x,y:Int32;
- begin
- Area.Expand(SEW_MMRad);
- Upper.X := Max(0,Area.x1) div SEW_Map_Size.W;
- Upper.Y := Max(0,Area.y1) div SEW_Map_Size.H;
- Lower.X := Max(0,Area.x2) div SEW_Map_Size.W;
- Lower.Y := Max(0,Area.y2) div SEW_Map_Size.H;
- for y:=Upper.y to Lower.y do
- for x:=Upper.x to Lower.x do
- Result.Append(ToStr(y)+'_'+ToStr(x));
- end;
- (*
- Converts the given pieces in to one big map.
- *)
- function SEWalker.AssambleMaps(Maps:TStringArray): TPoint;
- var
- lx,ly,sx,sy,i:Int32;
- xy:TStringArray;
- tpa:TPointArray;
- tmp:TRafBitmap;
- Pos:TPoint;
- begin
- LX := $FFFFFF;
- LY := $FFFFFF;
- for i:=0 to High(Maps) do
- begin
- xy := Maps[i].Split('_');
- TPA.Append( [StrToInt(xy[1]), StrToInt(xy[0])] );
- LY := Min(TPA[i].y, LY);
- LX := Min(TPA[i].x, LX);
- end;
- Result := Point(LX * SEW_Map_Size.W, LY * SEW_Map_Size.H);
- Map.Create(0,0);
- for i:=0 to High(TPA) do
- begin
- SY := TPA[i].y;
- SX := TPA[i].x;
- tmp.Open(SEW_Path + Maps[i] + SEW_Extension);
- Pos := Point((SX-LX) * SEW_Map_Size.W, (SY-LY) * SEW_Map_Size.H);
- Map.Draw(tmp, Pos, True);
- end;
- tmp.Free();
- end;
- (*
- Method is used to safely call the given safeproc.
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.CallSafeProc();
- begin
- if Self.SafeProc <> nil then
- try
- Self.SafeProc();
- except
- RaiseException(erException, 'SEWalker: Failed while calling SafeProc');
- end;
- end;
- (*
- GetCorrelationInfo first extract the `n` highest peaks, then using those peaks
- it then cluster them, and inspects each group for the max peak.
- Returns the point where the peak is highest.
- //Note to self: Look once more.
- *)
- function SEWalker.GetCorrelationInfo(Mat:TFloatMatrix; n:Int32; out midpt:TPoint): Double;
- var
- i,j:Int32;
- ATPA:T2DPointArray;
- TPA:TPointArray;
- Sums:TExtArray;
- begin
- TPA := Mat.ArgMax(n);
- if (Length(TPA) = 0) then Exit();
- ATPA := TPA.Cluster(1,False);
- SetLength(Sums, Length(ATPA));
- for i:=0 to High(ATPA) do
- Sums[i] := Mat.Get(ATPA[i]).VarMax();
- j := Sums.ArgMax();
- Result := Sums[j];
- midpt := ATPA[j][Mat.Get(ATPA[j]).ArgMax()];
- end;
- (*
- Scans trough the whole global map for our current position.
- *)
- function SEWalker.GetMyPos(): TPoint;
- const
- angles = [-10, 0, 10];
- var
- i, size: Int32;
- BMP,RotatedBMP:TRafBitmap;
- Mid: TPoint;
- Corr: TFloatMatrix;
- values:TDoubleArray;
- PTS: TPointArray;
- begin
- BMP.FromClient(SEW_MMCenter.x - SEW_outer, SEW_MMCenter.y - SEW_outer,
- SEW_MMCenter.x + SEW_outer, SEW_MMCenter.y + SEW_outer);
- BMP.LazyRotate(-Self.CompassAngle()+PI/2, False);
- mid := Point(SEW_outer, SEW_outer);
- Size := SEW_inner * 2 + 1;
- SetLength(PTS,Length(Angles));
- for i:=0 to High(Angles) do
- begin
- RotatedBMP := BMP.Rotate(Radians(Angles[i]), False);
- RotatedBMP.LazyCrop(mid.x - SEW_inner, mid.y - SEW_inner,
- mid.x + SEW_inner, mid.y + SEW_inner);
- Corr := se.MatchTemplate(Map, RotatedBMP, TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
- Values.append(GetCorrelationInfo(Corr, 50, PTS[i]));
- RotatedBMP.Free();
- end;
- Mid := PTS[Values.ArgMax()];
- bmp.Free();
- Mid.Offset(Point( SEW_inner+TopLeft.x, SEW_inner+TopLeft.y ));
- Result := Mid;
- end;
- (*
- Scans trough only a part of the global map for our current position.
- The part which we scans trough is based on "AssumedPos", and the radius scanned
- trough is the parameter "Radius".
- *)
- function SEWalker.GetMyPos(AssumedPos:TPoint; Radius:Int32=160): TPoint; overload;
- const
- angles = [-10, 0, 10];
- var
- i, size: Int32;
- Part,BMP,RotatedBMP:TRafBitmap;
- Mid,low,hei: TPoint;
- Corr: TFloatMatrix;
- values:TDoubleArray;
- PTS: TPointArray;
- begin
- low.x := Max(0, AssumedPos.x - Radius - TopLeft.x);
- low.y := Max(0, AssumedPos.y - Radius - TopLeft.y);
- hei.x := Min(Map.Width, AssumedPos.x + Radius - TopLeft.x);
- hei.y := Min(Map.Height, AssumedPos.y + Radius - TopLeft.y);
- Part := Map.Crop(low.x, low.y, hei.x, hei.y);
- BMP.FromClient(SEW_MMCenter.x - SEW_outer, SEW_MMCenter.y - SEW_outer,
- SEW_MMCenter.x + SEW_outer, SEW_MMCenter.y + SEW_outer);
- BMP.LazyRotate(-Self.CompassAngle()+PI/2, False);
- BMP.Debug();
- Mid := Point(SEW_outer, SEW_outer);
- Size := SEW_inner * 2 + 1;
- SetLength(PTS,Length(Angles));
- for i:=0 to High(Angles) do
- begin
- RotatedBMP := BMP.Rotate(Radians(angles[i]), False);
- RotatedBMP.LazyCrop(mid.x - SEW_inner, mid.y - SEW_inner,
- mid.x + SEW_inner, mid.y + SEW_inner);
- Corr := se.MatchTemplate(Part, RotatedBMP, TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
- Values.Append(GetCorrelationInfo(Corr, 50, PTS[i]));
- RotatedBMP.Free();
- end;
- Mid := PTS[Values.ArgMax()];
- BMP.Free();
- Part.Free();
- Mid.Offset(Point( SEW_inner+TopLeft.x+low.x, SEW_inner+TopLeft.y+low.y ));
- Result := Mid;
- end;
- (*
- Converts the point to a point around center based around "Mid"
- *)
- function SEWalker.GetRelativePos(Mid,Off:TPoint): TPoint;
- begin
- Result := Off;
- Result.Offset(Point(-Mid.x, -Mid.y));
- end;
- (*
- Gets the current pos using the selected method (global-, or "area"-search)
- *)
- function SEWalker.__GetPos(var Pos:TPoint; Goal:TPoint): Single;
- begin
- case DeepScan of
- True: Pos := Self.GetMyPos();
- False: Pos := Self.GetMyPos(Goal);
- end;
- Result := Pos.DistanceTo(Goal);
- end;
- (*
- Walks to the given point on the global map.
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.WalkTo(Goal:TPoint; Prev:TPoint=[-1,-1]);
- var
- i:Int32;
- Failed:Boolean;
- Start,PT,Mark: TPoint;
- Dist2,PrevDist: Single;
- T:Double;
- begin
- if not( Initalized ) then
- RaiseException(erException, 'SEWalker: Not initalized');
- Dist2 := Self.__GetPos(Start,Goal);
- for i:=0 to 5 do
- if (Dist2 > SEW_MMRad) then begin
- Dist2 := Self.__GetPos(Start,Goal);
- Failed := True;
- Wait(50);
- end else begin
- Failed := False;
- Break;
- end;
- if Failed then
- if NoBlindWalk then
- RaiseException(erException, 'SEWalker: Distance to `Goal` is exceeding boundaries: '+
- '"'+ToStr(Start)+'", "'+ ToStr(Goal) +'"')
- else begin
- while Self.FFlag() do Wait(5);
- if Prev.EQ([-1,-1]) then
- RaiseException(erException, 'SEWalker: Distance to `Goal` is exceeding boundaries: '+
- '"'+ToStr(Start)+'", "'+ ToStr(Goal) +'"');
- Start := Prev;
- Dist2 := Start.DistanceTo(Goal);
- end;
- PT := Self.GetRelativePos(Start,Goal);
- if PT.DistanceTo(Point(0,0)) > SEW_MMRad then
- Exit();
- PT := RotatePoint(PT,-Self.CompassAngle()+PI/2,0,0);
- PT.Offset(SEW_MMCenter);
- Mouse.Click(PT, mbLeft);
- T := MarkTime();
- while (Dist2 > SkipDist) and Self.FFlag() do
- begin
- case DeepScan of
- True: Dist2 := Self.GetMyPos().DistanceTo(Goal);
- False: Dist2 := Self.GetMyPos(Goal).DistanceTo(Goal)
- end;
- if (T - MarkTime()) > Self.ETimeOut then
- RaiseException(erException, 'SEWalker: Timed out while walking to '+
- '"'+ToStr(Goal)+'", from "'+ToStr(Start)+'"');
- end;
- for i:=1 to 3 do
- if (Dist2 > SkipDist) then Wait(100);
- end;
- (*
- Function is used to validate a path. It ensures that each point is reachable
- from the previous point.
- *)
- function SEWalker.ValidatePath(Path:TPointArray): Boolean;
- var i:Int32;
- begin
- for i:=1 to High(Path) do
- if Path[i-1].DistanceTo(Path[i]) > SEW_Outer then
- begin
- WriteLn('SEWalker: "Path['+ToStr(i-1)+']" to "Path['+ToStr(i)+']" is greater then MaxDist: '+ToStr(SEW_Outer));
- Exit(False);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- (*
- Walks a path..
- *)
- procedure SEWalker.Walk(Path:TPointArray);
- var
- i,j,ii,halfdist,hi:Int32;
- Pos:TPoint;
- begin
- if not( Initalized ) then
- RaiseException(erException, 'SEWalker: Not initalized');
- if not(Self.ValidatePath(Path)) then
- RaiseException(erException, 'SEWalker: Invalid Path');
- HalfDist := (SEW_Inner div 2);
- i := 0;
- hi := High(Path);
- while i <= hi do
- begin
- for j:=0 to 2 do
- begin
- Pos := Self.GetMyPos(Path[i]);
- if (i < hi) then
- if Pos.DistanceTo(Path[i+1]) < Pos.DistanceTo(Path[i]) then
- Inc(i);
- if (Pos.DistanceTo(Path[i]) > HalfDist) or (j=0) then
- Self.WalkTo(Path[i], Pos)
- else
- Break;
- end;
- Self.CallSafeProc();
- Inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- var
- Walker:SEWalker;
- Path:TPointArray;
- begin
- //Path starts at varroc west bank (door)
- Path := [Point(4559, 2959), Point(4600, 2959), Point(4635, 2963), Point(4655, 2955), Point(4678, 2939), Point(4720, 2957), Point(4755, 2962), Point(4791, 2963), Point(4834, 2960), Point(4814, 2953), Point(4807, 2925), Point(4782, 2904), Point(4749, 2904), Point(4718, 2929), Point(4705, 2961), Point(4687, 2981), Point(4660, 2975), Point(4628, 2966), Point(4600, 2959), Point(4559, 2959)];
- Walker.Init(Path.Bounds());
- Walker.SetSkipClose(10);
- Walker.Walk(Path);
- Walker.Free();
- end.
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