
Noble durability

Jan 20th, 2023
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  1. The bow itself wasn’t the kind of finished good you’d find for sale in city
  2. shops. It was a savage thing, just a handy low-hanging branch that’d been
  3. snapped off and strung with the gut of some beast. Even the contents of the
  4. quivers strapped to both of the giant’s flanks and his back were no more
  5. than simple iron rods filed to a point.
  7. But in the hands of this giant, they became missiles of unrivaled accuracy.
  8. The giant didn’t use them one at a time. Drawing back five at once, he
  9. released the arrows simultaneously. The acts of both getting the arrows out
  10. and then nocking them off seemed to be simplicity itself. Judging from his
  11. speed, he seemed to just be shooting wildly, without taking aim.
  13. And yet, not a single arrow missed the mark. Not only did they not miss,
  14. but each arrow pierced the hearts of at least three villagers. This was only
  15. the natural way to attack, given that vampires wouldn’t die by being run
  16. through the stomach, but the question was, how could the giant choose a
  17. target and move his bow in less time than it took to blink?
  18. This remained a mystery even as the villagers left corpse upon corpse
  19. heaped before the bus.
  21. 1 - 3
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