

Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. “It hurts! It hurts!” The child lay on the ground with tears streaming down his face.
  3. “I know angel let me see.” His sister cradled him in her arms as she gingerly examined the bend where there should be a straight line. “Hold still. I’m going to go get the neighbour to take us to hospital.”
  5. “No! Nelly! Please don’t leave me. What if she comes back?” He whimpered and wiped his face with the back of his other hand.
  7. “You’ve a point there. Shit.” The 13 year old didn’t know how to drive and the vehicle wasn’t available even if she could.
  9. She examined the room to assess her surroundings and think of a plan. There was no way she could leave him alone like this.
  11. Carefully she lifted the 11 year old. He let out a cry of agony as locks of his curly long hair fell into his face and stuck to his tear covered cheeks. “Rest it here. On the chair.” She managed to pull the chair closer with her foot and position it so he could use it as a prop.
  13. It took a moment but the boy heard his sister in the other room on the phone. It was too soft for him to make out her words but he sniffled and looked at the arm resting on the chair. It was impossible for him to move it without pain radiating up to his shoulder.
  15. He brushed the hair out of his eyes and leaned his head against the chair until he heard her come back.
  17. “Dad’s coming.” She finally said.
  19. He wasn’t sure why this made him nervous. Maybe because it was a known rule to never disturb him when he was working. But he knew if there were any other options his sister would’ve considered them.
  21. “Can I put your hair back in a ponytail so it isn’t blocking your view?” Her hands were already close to his face and he just nodded and mumbled “okay” with another sniffle.
  23. Nell carefully pulled the boy’s hair back and transferred the hair tie from her wrist to his hair as she placed it up loosely so not to pull his hair.
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