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- --[[
- 1. Use a CC emulator, such as CCEmuRedux, so you can access your filesystem ("~/.ccemuredux/sessions/computer" on linux, something else for windows)
- 2. Put all the files you want to archive in a single folder.
- 3. Get progdor (pastebin get YXx5jjMV progdor), and choose whether or not to edit the 11th line to compress or not. (Uses CCA algorithm)
- 4. Use progdor on that folder. It should be a file now!
- 5. Get out of CCEmuRedux, and navigate to the file in the .ccemuredux/sessions/computer/[ID] folder.
- 6. Open it up with a text editor, remove the first line (true or false), then select all and copy it as 'data' (defined below).
- Don't paste it INSIDE of data; replace the existing {}.
- 7. If it is compressed, set the doCompress (defined below) to true. Otherwise, set it to false.
- 8. Set the variable fullname (defined below) to the full name of your program/files.
- You are done! Be sure to remove this whole comment.
- --]]
- local fullname = "full_name_here"
- local doCompress = false
- local data = {} --paste archive data here
- local tArg = {...}
- local outpath = ((tArg[1] ~= "") and tArg[1]) or (shell and shell.getRunningProgram() or "")
- if fs.combine("",outpath) == "rom/programs/http/pastebin" then outpath = (shell and shell.dir() or "") end
- local progdor = fs.getName(shell.getRunningProgram())
- local dir = shell.dir()
- local bit = bit32
- local function pack(bn1, bn2)
- return, 0xFF), bit.rshift(bn1, 8) + bit.lshift(, 0xF), 4), bit.rshift(bn2, 4)
- end
- local function upack(b1, b2, b3)
- return (b1 + bit.lshift(, 0xF), 8)), (bit.lshift(b3,4) +, 4), 0xF))
- end
- local function createDict(bool)
- local ret = {}
- for i = 1, 255 do
- if bool then
- ret[string.char(i)] = i
- else
- ret[i] = string.char(i)
- end
- end
- if not bool then ret[256] = 256 end
- return ret
- end
- local function cp(sInput)
- local dic = createDict(true)
- local s = ""
- local ch
- local dlen = 256
- local result = {}
- local temp
- for i = 1, #sInput do
- if dlen == 4095 then
- result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
- result[#result + 1] = 256
- dic = createDict(true)
- dlen = 256
- s = ""
- end
- ch = sInput:sub(i, i)
- temp =
- if dic[temp] then
- s = temp
- else
- result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
- dlen = dlen +1
- dic[temp] = dlen
- s = ch
- end
- end
- result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
- return result
- end
- local function dc(data)
- local dic = createDict(false)
- local entry
- local ch
- local currCode
- local result = {}
- result[#result + 1] = dic[data[1]]
- prefix = dic[data[1]]
- for i = 2, #data do
- currCode = data[i]
- if currCode == 256 then
- dic = createDict(false)
- prefix = ""
- else
- entry = dic[currCode]
- if entry then --exists in dictionary
- ch = entry:sub(1, 1)
- result[#result + 1] = entry
- if prefix ~= "" then
- dic[#dic+1] = prefix .. ch
- end
- else
- ch = prefix:sub(1, 1)
- result[#result + 1] =
- dic[#dic + 1] =
- end
- prefix = dic[currCode]
- end
- end
- return table.concat(result)
- end
- local function trim(inp)
- for i = 0,2 do
- if inp[#inp] == 0 then
- inp[#inp] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- local function decompress(input)
- local rec = {}
- for i = 1, #input, 3 do
- if i % 66 == 0 then
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- rec[#rec+1], rec[#rec+2] = upack(input[i], input[i+1] or 0, input[i+2] or 0)
- end
- trim(rec)
- return dc(rec)
- end
- local function compress(input)
- local rec = {}
- local data = cp(input)
- for i=1, #data, 2 do
- coroutine.yield()
- rec[#rec+1], rec[#rec+2], rec[#rec+3] = pack(data[i], data[i+1] or 0)
- end
- trim(rec)
- return rec
- end
- -- CCA API END --
- local explode = function(div,str)
- if (div=='') then return false end
- local pos,arr = 0,{}
- for st,sp in function() return string.find(str,div,pos,true) end do
- table.insert(arr,str:sub(pos,st-1))
- pos = sp + 1
- end
- table.insert(arr,str:sub(pos))
- return arr
- end
- local sanitize = function(sani,tize)
- local _,x = string.find(sani,tize)
- if x then
- return sani:sub(x+1)
- else
- return sani
- end
- end
- local tablize = function(input)
- if type(input) == "string" then
- return explode("\n",input)
- elseif type(input) == "table" then
- return table.concat(input,"\n")
- end
- end
- local compyress = function(input)
- return string.char(unpack(compress(input)))
- end
- local decompyress = function(input)
- local out = {}
- for a = 1, #input do
- table.insert(out,string.byte(input:sub(a,a)))
- end
- return decompress(out)
- end
- if not outpath then
- outpath = input
- end
- local choice = function(input,verbose)
- if not input then
- input = "yn"
- end
- if verbose then
- write("[")
- for a = 1, #input do
- write(input:sub(a,a):upper())
- if a < #input then
- write(",")
- end
- end
- write("]?")
- end
- local evt,char
- repeat
- evt,char = os.pullEvent("char")
- until string.find(input:lower(),char:lower())
- if verbose then
- print(char:upper())
- end
- local pos = string.find(input:lower(),char:lower())
- return pos, char:lower()
- end
- local doPack = function(list,output,doCompress,verbose)
- local tx = term.getTextColor()
- if fs.isReadOnly(output) and (fs.combine("",output) ~= "") then return 5 end
- local packageSelf = true
- local packageReadOnly = true
- local ro_asked = false
- local ps_asked = false
- if fs.exists(output) and (not fs.isDir(output)) then
- fs.delete(output)
- end
- local amnt = 0
- for k,v in pairs(list) do
- amnt = amnt + 1
- end
- local num = 0
- for k,v in pairs(list) do
- num = num + 1
- if v == true then
- fs.makeDir(fs.combine(output,k))
- else
- local file =,k),"w")
- if verbose then
- write("[")
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) end
- write(k)
- term.setTextColor(tx)
- write("]")
- end
- if doCompress then
- file.write(decompyress(tablize(v)))
- else
- file.write(tablize(v))
- end
- file.close()
- local tx = term.getTextColor()
- if fs.getName(k):lower() == "peasant" then
- if term.isColor() then
- term.setTextColor(
- end
- print(" UNBURNINATED")
- else
- if term.isColor() then
- term.setTextColor(
- end
- print(" GOOD")
- end
- term.setTextColor(tx)
- end
- end
- return 2
- end
- if not fs.isDir(outpath) then
- fs.delete(outpath)
- end
- local success, res = pcall( function() return doPack(data,outpath,doCompress,true) end )
- if not success then
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- print("\n***Something went wrong!***")
- return printError(res)
- end
- if res then
- local msgs = {
- [2] = "Successfully unpacked '"..fullname.."' to '"..outpath.."/'",
- [5] = "You don't have permission.",
- }
- print(msgs[res])
- end
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