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- # Write Node Switch Panel v11.0
- # Written by EToth / JCollier
- # Updated 10/20/2016
- import sys
- import nuke # JC: added this so it doesn't just fail to init
- from functools import partial
- from PySide2.QtGui import *
- from PySide2.QtCore import *
- #Function to clean up the filepath string,
- #should return just the file and extension
- def filePath(FilePath):
- FilePath=FilePath.split("/")
- FilePath=FilePath[-1]
- FilePath=FilePath.replace(".%04d","")
- return FilePath
- #Function to disable all Write Nodes
- def disableAll():
- for node in nuke.allNodes("Write"):
- node['disable'].setValue(True)
- for node in nuke.allNodes("WriteTank"):
- node['disable'].setValue(True)
- for node in nuke.allNodes("WriteGeo"):
- node['disable'].setValue(True)
- #Function to enable all Write Nodes
- def enableAll():
- for node in nuke.allNodes("Write"):
- node['disable'].setValue(False)
- for node in nuke.allNodes("WriteTank"):
- node['disable'].setValue(False)
- for node in nuke.allNodes("WriteGeo"):
- node['disable'].setValue(False)
- #Function to restore Write nodes to what they were when the panel was first opened.
- def currentStatus(nodeList,self):
- #print 'nodeList: {}'.format(str(nodeList))
- #checkboxes = []
- for node in range(0,len(nodeList)):
- nuke.toNode(nodeList[node][0])['disable'].setValue(nodeList[node][2])
- temp = nodeList[node][0]
- #print temp, nodeList[node][2]
- if nodeList[node][2] == True:
- exec("self.checkbox_"+temp+".setChecked(False)")
- #print nodeList[node][0], "TRUE"
- else:
- exec("self.checkbox_"+temp+".setChecked(True)")
- #print nodeList[node][0], "FALSE"
- #Function to select all write nodes (Shotgun nodes included)
- def selectAll():
- for node in nuke.allNodes("Write"):
- node['selected'].setValue(True)
- for node in nuke.allNodes("WriteTank"):
- node['selected'].setValue(True)
- for node in nuke.allNodes("WriteGeo"):
- node['selected'].setValue(True)
- #Function to select all Shotgun Write nodes
- def selectSG():
- for node in nuke.allNodes():
- node['selected'].setValue(False)
- for node in nuke.allNodes("WriteTank"):
- node['selected'].setValue(True)
- #Function to select all non-SG Write nodes
- def selectWrite():
- for node in nuke.allNodes():
- node['selected'].setValue(False)
- for node in nuke.allNodes("Write"):
- node['selected'].setValue(True)
- #Function to select nothing
- def selectNone():
- for node in nuke.allNodes():
- node['selected'].setValue(False)
- #Function to return a list of all Write, WriteGeo, SGTK Write Nodes
- #as a list of nodes wih their attributes inside
- def nodeList():
- NodeList=[]
- #find all Write Nodes and append to NodeList
- for node in nuke.allNodes('Write'):
- nodeInfo=[]
- nodeInfo.append(node['name'].getValue())
- nodeInfo.append(filePath(node['file'].getValue()))
- nodeInfo.append(node['disable'].value())
- nodeInfo.append(node.Class())
- NodeList.append(nodeInfo)
- #find all WriteGeo Nodes and append to NodeList
- for node in nuke.allNodes('WriteGeo'):
- nodeInfo=[]
- nodeInfo.append(node['name'].getValue())
- nodeInfo.append(filePath(node['file'].getValue()))
- nodeInfo.append(node['disable'].value())
- nodeInfo.append(node.Class())
- NodeList.append(nodeInfo)
- #find all WriteGeo Nodes and append to NodeList
- for node in nuke.allNodes('WriteTank'):
- nodeInfo=[]
- nodeInfo.append(node['name'].getValue())
- nodeInfo.append(node['path_filename'].value().replace(".%04d",""))
- nodeInfo.append(node['disable'].value())
- nodeInfo.append(node.Class())
- NodeList.append(nodeInfo)
- NodeList.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
- #print NodeList
- return NodeList
- #Function to open help
- def selfHelp():
- print("Opening writeNodeSwitch help...")
- # the Qt for this would be:
- # helpURL = ""
- # QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl(helpURL))
- nuke.tcl("start")
- class Panel(QWidget):
- def __init__(self):
- #Check allWidgets to see if "Panel" already exists, if it does, SHUT IT DOWN!
- for entry in QApplication.allWidgets():
- if type(entry).__name__ == 'Panel':
- entry.close()
- super(Panel, self).__init__()
- #name the panel
- self.setWindowTitle("Write Node Switch Panel")
- #maximize
- #self.showMaximized()
- self.setGeometry(375,100,1,1)
- #get the nodeList
- self.NodeList = nodeList()
- layoutMaster = QHBoxLayout()
- layoutGroupWriteNodes = QVBoxLayout()
- groupWriteNodes = QGroupBox("Nuke Write Nodes")
- groupWriteNodes.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox {font-size: 12pt; font-weight:Bold}")
- layoutSGTKWriteNodes = QVBoxLayout()
- groupSGTKNodes = QGroupBox("Shotgun Write Nodes")
- groupSGTKNodes.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox {font-size: 12pt; font-weight:Bold}")
- layoutWriteGeoNodes = QVBoxLayout()
- groupWriteGeoNodes = QGroupBox("Write Geo Nodes")
- groupWriteGeoNodes.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox {font-size: 12pt; font-weight:Bold}")
- for i in range(0,len(self.NodeList)):
- nodeName='self.checkbox_'+str(self.NodeList[i][0])
- exec(nodeName+"=QCheckBox(self.NodeList[i][0])")
- exec(nodeName+".setText(self.NodeList[i][0]+str(' : ')+self.NodeList[i][1])")
- exec(nodeName+".setChecked(1-self.NodeList[i][2])") # set the checkbox True/False
- exec(nodeName+".setToolTip(self.NodeList[i][0]+str(' : ')+self.NodeList[i][1])")
- exec(nodeName+".clicked.connect(self.who_clicked)")
- nodeName=str("self.checkbox_"+self.NodeList[i][0])
- if self.NodeList[i][3] == "Write":
- layoutGroupWriteNodes.addWidget(eval(nodeName))
- if self.NodeList[i][3] == "WriteTank":
- layoutSGTKWriteNodes.addWidget(eval(nodeName))
- if self.NodeList[i][3] == "WriteGeo":
- layoutWriteGeoNodes.addWidget(eval(nodeName))
- #addStretch to push buttons together
- #(otherwise they stretch to fit the vertical limit)
- layoutGroupWriteNodes.addStretch()
- layoutSGTKWriteNodes.addStretch()
- layoutWriteGeoNodes.addStretch()
- groupWriteNodes.setLayout(layoutGroupWriteNodes)
- groupSGTKNodes.setLayout(layoutSGTKWriteNodes)
- groupWriteGeoNodes.setLayout(layoutWriteGeoNodes)
- layoutMaster.addWidget(groupWriteNodes)
- layoutMaster.addWidget(groupSGTKNodes)
- layoutMaster.addWidget(groupWriteGeoNodes)
- layoutButtons = QVBoxLayout()
- groupButtons = QGroupBox("Buttons")
- #Enable All Write Nodes
- enableAllButton = QPushButton("Enable All")
- enableAllButton.clicked.connect(enableAll)
- enableAllButton.clicked.connect(self.enableDisable)
- enableAllButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: DarkGreen; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt")
- enableAllButton.setMinimumHeight(60)
- #Disable All Write Nodes
- disableAllButton = QPushButton("Disable All")
- disableAllButton.clicked.connect(disableAll)
- disableAllButton.clicked.connect(self.enableDisable)
- disableAllButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: DarkRed; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt")
- disableAllButton.setMinimumHeight(60)
- disableAllButton.setMinimumWidth(200)
- #Restore Write Nodes To Current Status
- currentStatusButton = QPushButton("Current Status")
- currentStatusButton.clicked.connect(partial(currentStatus, self.NodeList, self))
- currentStatusButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: DarkGoldenRod; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt")
- currentStatusButton.setMinimumHeight(60)
- #Select All Write Nodes (Shotgun nodes included)
- selectAllButton = QPushButton("Select All")
- selectAllButton.clicked.connect(selectAll)
- selectAllButton.setMinimumHeight(40)
- #Select All Shotgun Write Nodes
- selectSGButton = QPushButton("Select Shotgun\nNodes")
- selectSGButton.clicked.connect(selectSG)
- selectSGButton.setMinimumHeight(40)
- #Select Nuke Write Nodes
- selectWriteButton = QPushButton("Select Nuke\nNodes")
- selectWriteButton.clicked.connect(selectWrite)
- selectWriteButton.setMinimumHeight(40)
- #Select Nothing
- selectNoneButton = QPushButton("Select None")
- selectNoneButton.clicked.connect(selectNone)
- selectNoneButton.setMinimumHeight(40)
- #Horizontal Lines
- line1 = QFrame()
- line1.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine)
- line1.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken)
- line2 = QFrame()
- line2.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine)
- line2.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken)
- line3 = QFrame()
- line3.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine)
- line3.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken)
- #Close the panel
- closeButton = QPushButton("Close")
- closeButton.clicked.connect(self.closePanel)
- closeButton.setMinimumHeight(60)
- closeButton.setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt")
- #Help Button
- selfHelpButton = QPushButton("Help")
- selfHelpButton.clicked.connect(selfHelp)
- selfHelpButton.setMinimumHeight(40)
- #Layout the buttons across the UI
- layoutButtons.addWidget(enableAllButton)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(disableAllButton)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(currentStatusButton)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(line1)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(selectAllButton)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(selectSGButton)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(selectWriteButton)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(selectNoneButton)
- layoutButtons.addStretch()
- layoutButtons.addWidget(line2)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(selfHelpButton)
- layoutButtons.addWidget(line3)
- layoutButtons.addStretch()
- layoutButtons.addWidget(closeButton)
- groupButtons.setLayout(layoutButtons)
- layoutMaster.addWidget(groupButtons)
- self.setLayout(layoutMaster)
- #Function to close the panel
- # JC: I moved this into your widget class
- # because it was incorrectly scoped
- # I also fixed the corresponding connector for the
- # close button to call "self.closePanel"
- def closePanel(self):
- self.close()
- #Function to close if ESC key is pressed
- def keyPressEvent(self, e):
- if e.key() == Qt.Key_Escape:
- self.close()
- #Function to check enable/disable in the UI Panel
- def who_clicked(self):
- sender = self.sender()
- senderText = self.sender().text()
- buttons=[]
- for button in range(0,len(self.NodeList)):
- buttons.append(self.NodeList[button][0]+' : '+self.NodeList[button][1])
- x=0
- for i in buttons:
- if i == senderText:
- onOff=nuke.toNode(self.NodeList[x][0])
- if onOff['disable'].value() == True:
- onOff['disable'].setValue(False)
- print(self.NodeList[x][0:2], "ENABLED")
- else:
- onOff['disable'].setValue(True)
- print(self.NodeList[x][0:2], "DISABLED")
- x+=1
- #Function to check all the checkboxes on/off depending on
- #user input of ENABLE/DISABLE ALL
- def enableDisable(self):
- sender=self.sender()
- senderText=self.sender().text()
- #print senderText
- checkboxes = []
- for checkbox in range(0,len(self.NodeList)):
- checkboxes.append(self.NodeList[checkbox][0])
- if senderText == "Enable All":
- for temp in checkboxes:
- #print temp
- exec("self.checkbox_"+temp+".setChecked(True)")
- elif senderText == "Disable All":
- for temp in checkboxes:
- exec("self.checkbox_"+temp+".setChecked(False)")
- '''
- def main(): # JC: we call things as <filename>.main() in
- # init the Panel instance
- # then show the panel
- panel = Panel()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
- '''
- # ET: In the absence of; Let's just run this in the script editor for now...
- panel = Panel()
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