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- //void main(){}
- Corresponds to which event to fire for which event, if empty string they are disabled and never hooked
- log=1
- Spellcast="nwnx_ev_spell"
- Itemuse="nwnx_ev_item"
- Featuse="nwnx_ev_feat"
- Skilluse="nwnx_ev_skills"
- Polymorph="nwnx_ev_poly"
- Unpolymorph="nwnx_ev_poly"
- Attack="nwnx_ev_attack"
- Togglemode="nwnx_ev_toggle"
- Devcrit="nwnx_ev_dev"
- Downloadpc="nwnx_ev_dlpc"
- Examine="nwnx_ev_examine"
- */
- //Return data related to the events (type: index: data)
- //Spellcast: 0 spellID, 1 metamagic, 2, class index
- //Itemuse: 0 item spell index, rest unknown
- //Featuse: 0 feat used, rest unknown
- //Skilluse: 0 skill used, rest unknown
- //Polymorph: 0 polymorph type, 1 casterlevel, 2 duration type
- //Unpolymorph: 0 polymorph type, 1 casterlevel, 2 duration type
- //Attack: 0-2 unknown
- //Togglemode: 0 mode being toggled
- //Devcrit: 0 baseitem type (BASE_ITEM_INVALID if invalid)
- //Downloadpc: not used
- //Examine: 0 something about traps
- int EVENTS_GetData( int nIndex );
- //Returns the event thats occuring
- //0: Spellcast
- //1: Item use
- //2: Feat use
- //3: Skill use
- //4: Polymorph
- //5: Unpolymorph
- //6: Attack
- //7: Togglemode
- //8: Devcrit
- //9: Downloadpc
- //10: Examine
- int EVENTS_GetEvent( );
- //Get the target location (if any)(type: index: data)
- //Spellcast: 0 spell target location
- //Itemuse: 0 item target location
- //Featuse: 0 feat target location
- //Skilluse: 0 skill target location
- //Polymorph: not used
- //Unpolymorph: not used
- //Attack: not used
- //Togglemode: not used
- //Devcrit: not used
- //Downloadpc: not used
- //Examine: not used
- location EVENTS_GetTargetLocation( int nIndex );
- //Get string from the event (if any)
- //Spellcast: not used
- //Itemuse: not used
- //Featuse: not used
- //Skilluse: not used
- //Polymorph: not used
- //Unpolymorph: not used
- //Attack: not used
- //Togglemode: not used
- //Devcrit: not used
- //Downloadpc: not used
- //Examine: not used
- string EVENTS_GetString( int nIndex );
- //Get the target from the event (if any)(type: index: data)
- //Spellcast: 0 spell-target
- //Itemuse: 0 the item, 1 the item target
- //Featuse: 0 feat target, 1 area used in
- //Skilluse: 0 feat target, 1 area used in
- //Polymorph: 0 polymorph effect creator
- //Unpolymorph: 0 polymorph effect creator
- //Attack: 0 attack target
- //Togglemode: not used
- //Devcrit: 0 item used, 1 attack target
- //Downloadpc: not used
- //Examine: 0 object getting examined
- object EVENTS_GetTarget( int nIndex );
- //Flags the game to bypass the event, returning nReturn to it
- //Devcrit should pass 1 if standard devcrit is desired, 0 otherwise
- //All others should be either 0 or 1
- void EVENTS_Bypass( int nReturn=1 );
- void EVENTS_Bypass( int nReturn=1 ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!4", IntToString( nReturn ) );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!4" );
- }
- object EVENTS_GetTarget( int nIndex ){
- return GetLocalObject( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!"+IntToString( nIndex ) );
- }
- int EVENTS_GetEvent( ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!0", ".........." );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!0" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!0" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int EVENTS_GetData( int nIndex ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!1", IntToString( nIndex )+".........." );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!1" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!1" );
- return nRet;
- }
- location EVENTS_GetTargetLocation( int nIndex ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!2", IntToString( nIndex )+" " );
- string sRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!2" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!2" );
- vector V;
- int nFirst = FindSubString( sRet, "|" );
- int nSecond = FindSubString( sRet, "|", nFirst+1 );
- int nLen = GetStringLength( sRet );
- V.x = StringToFloat( GetStringLeft( sRet, nFirst ) );
- V.y = StringToFloat( GetSubString( sRet, nFirst+1, nLen-nSecond ) );
- V.z = StringToFloat( GetStringRight( sRet, nLen-nSecond-1 ) );
- return Location( GetArea( OBJECT_SELF ), V, GetFacing( OBJECT_SELF ) );
- }
- string EVENTS_GetString( int nIndex ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!3", IntToString( nIndex )+" " );
- string sRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!3" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!EVENTS!3" );
- return sRet;
- }
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