

Feb 28th, 2020
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  1. 2) there are two type of work skills the soft that can be developed everyday one and the hard one only developed in school
  2. 3) at work you will need both for cooperating with other employee
  3. 4) the main feature about hard skills is that they can be developed by studing
  4. 5)hard skills are like painting, cooking, writing, and all the skills learned by specialization
  5. 6)hard skills can be learned with school and work.
  6. 7)soft skills are usefull for interacting with people, knowing how to cooperate and comunicate effeciently
  7. 8)soft skills are hard to learn if you are not born with them, you can practice them by talking with people.
  8. 9)you can learn them with time
  9. 10)yes, hard skills can be evaluated
  10. 11)no, soft skills can't be evaluated
  11. 12)both soft and hard skills are usefull but hard skills are used to get the job in the end
  13. 1)when is about job
  14. 2)other people might not have an easy life with their soft skills
  15. 3)job employee can make a good idea of your hard skills
  16. 4)past expirience
  17. 5)if you want to be more assumable
  22. -i got a two weeks period
  23. -Skynet
  24. -the company is at Montevarchi and is specialized in networking and telecomunication
  25. -most of the time i reorganize the warehouse or formatting and installing windows 10 at various computer
  26. -no, it was always approximately the same.
  27. -i think it was from 9:00 at 18:00 with an a half-hour launch-break at 13:00
  28. -i didn't think it was all that usefull, but i was excpecting that.
  29. -i used some soft skills by comunicating with my companions, and some hard skills while i was formatting computers
  30. -i learn what a work envairoment look like, but other than that the studies hadn't prepare me for the training
  31. -yes probably i need to to develop other skills or improving the one that i already got
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