

Mar 18th, 2012
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  1. Mass Effect 3
  2. As it's easier to write this once and then link it when necessary, here's what I wrote for Mass Effect 3.
  6. Missions
  7. (I wrote most or all of the content on these, although other writers did voice passes on followers they owned)
  9. Grissom Academy (Edit: John Dombrow, awesome writer of Overlord, wrote the Overlord call-out here)
  10. Geth Dreadnought
  11. Rannoch: Reaper Base
  12. Illusive Man's Base (but only first line of actual talk with IM, after which Lead Mac Walters took over)
  13. Eden Prime (with heavy consulting with John Dombrow, who wrote Javik)
  14. Citadel Hub (it was a huge team effort with lots of folks doing plots and everyone writing their follower moments, but I was the writer ultimately responsible for managing content there)
  16. Characters
  17. (I did a voice pass on these people whenever they showed up and handled any Normandy or Citadel talks)
  19. Tali
  20. Joker
  21. Traynor
  22. Mordin (John handled the Genophage campaign, and he and I mapped out major Mordin conversations together; we are both responsible for the Shroud tower scene, but John did everything else in that mission, with me just touching Mordin's voice up a bit)
  24. Bits
  25. (small things I wrote)
  26. A bunch of the emails, especially those from imports
  27. The damn journals
  28. PFCs Westmoreland and Campbell
  29. Most Spectre terminal text
  30. Citadel Plots: Hanar Diplomat, Batarian Sabotage, Medigel Sabotage, Krogan Poet, Matriarch Aethyta, Informant Assassination
  31. Citadel Fetch Quests: About half of the ones you can solve by finding things on missions, all or mostly all the ones you solve by scanning planets (including the bestest one ever, the Fossilized Kakliosaur)
  32. Citadel Ambient Bits: Several of the "pick a side" ambient moments, 1/3 to 1/2 of the pure flavor bits (with the awesome Ann and Sylvia picking up my slack): my personal pride ones are the PTSD Asari, the marines in Purgatory, and the incredibly unpleasant cheating spouse in the Commons. Oh, and Blasto.
  33. Citadel Background Noise: The news articles, the background stuff that doesn't have subtitles, and the extremely complex and richly rewarding voices that talk on the elevator and in stores
  36. So anyway, there you have it. It's been a long and wild ride, and it's amazing and humbling to see so many people emotionally engaging with the game. Thanks, everybody.
  38. EDIT: To be clear and avoid future misunderstandings, feel free to offer commentary, positive or negative, about what I wrote, or ask questions about the same. If you wish to raise concerns about something I didn't write, you would be better served by going to the BSN or the wonderful Mass Effect LJ community.
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