

Jan 4th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. I've read Criminal Personality in the Common Law of the United States, and I've read Homosexual where it still be found, and Homosexual doesn't add rather it merely repeats exactly, Criminal Personality, but where it is different is where the law adds, the homosexual must sodomize his assailant.
  2. Could Rufo have a split personality and one of them is Homosexual? So, perhaps, just say gay, never admit to Homosexual, if one is not a frog what's the point of it?
  4. Texas removed Wrongful Death from the Probate, does Rufo intends to make certain, more is "removed" in Florida, when Florida copies Texas?, They say more should be done, correct?
  6. improbity |im?probite|
  7. noun formal
  8. wickedness or dishonesty.
  9. ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Latin improbitas, from improbus wicked, from in- not + probus good. Compare with probity .
  12. sodomize |?sad??miz| verb
  13. ORIGIN Middle English : from medieval Latin sodomia, from late Latin peccatum Sodomiticum sin of Sodom (after Gen. 19:5, which implies that the men of Sodom practiced homosexual rape) (see Sodom ).
  15. #music doe a deer, a female dear
  16. ray a pocketful of sun.
  17. -- sodomy ..intercourse -- involving stuff ###
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