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- ################################################################################
- ### Script to analyze the yield curve for seasonality
- ### by /u/MetricT
- ################################################################################
- ### Set your FRED API key here. You may request an API key at:
- ###
- api_key_fred <- "WHATEVER_YOUR_FRED_API_KEY_IS"
- ### Load necessary libraries, installing them if necessary
- packages <- c("fredr", "forecast", "lubridate", "tidyverse",
- "tsibble", "WaveletComp")
- new_packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
- if (length(new_packages)) install.packages(new_packages, quiet = TRUE)
- invisible(lapply(packages, "library", quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE))
- ### Set start/end dates for our graph. Note that this only affects the final
- ### graph, all computations are still done with the full dataset.
- date_start <- "2019-01-01" %>% as.Date()
- date_end <- Sys.Date() %>% as.Date()
- ### Now that the "fredr" library is loaded, set the FRED API key
- fredr_set_key(api_key_fred)
- ### A list of possible series we can use
- series_10yr <- c("DGS10", "10 Yr")
- series_2yr <- c("DGS2", "2 Yr")
- series_3mo <- c("DGS3MO", "3 Mo")
- ### Select the yield curve series to graph.
- series_longmaturity <- series_10yr
- series_shortmaturity <- series_3mo
- ### Pull data for the long and short maturity asset
- data_longmaturity <- fredr(series_id = series_longmaturity[1],
- frequency = "d") %>%
- select(date, value) %>%
- na.omit()
- data_shortmaturity <- fredr(series_id = series_shortmaturity[1],
- frequency = "d") %>%
- select(date, value) %>%
- na.omit()
- ### Find the common ground between the two datasets
- data_full <- data_longmaturity %>%
- inner_join(data_shortmaturity, by = "date") %>%
- `colnames<-`(c("date", "longmaturity", "shortmaturity"))
- ### Create a text version of the data to use in the graph title
- date_txt <- data_full$date %>% tail(n = 1) %>% format("%B %d, %Y")
- ### Remove any fractional year data at the beginning of the list, it confuses
- ### the forecast() method for some reason.
- month_min <- data_full$date %>% head(n = 1) %>% month()
- if (month_min != 1) {
- year_min <- data_full$date %>% head(n = 1) %>% year()
- year_next <- year_min + 1
- date_rounded <- paste(year_next, "-01-01", sep = "")
- data_full <- data_full %>% filter(date >= date_rounded)
- }
- data_min <- min(data_full$date)
- ### Computing the yield curve. This part is easy...
- data_full$yield_curve <- data_full$longmaturity - data_full$shortmaturity
- ### Pull out the raw data
- date <- data_full %>% pull("date")
- longmaturity <- data_full %>% pull("longmaturity")
- shortmaturity <- data_full %>% pull("shortmaturity")
- ### We'll need this defined later, saves on typing
- ts_date <- c(year(min(date)), month(min(date)))
- ### Decompose the data and extract trend/seasonal/remainder
- mstl_longmaturity <- data_full$longmaturity %>%
- ts(frequency = 250, start = ts_date) %>%
- mstl()
- mstl_shortmaturity <- data_full$shortmaturity %>%
- ts(frequency = 250, start = ts_date) %>%
- mstl()
- trend_longmaturity <- mstl_longmaturity %>% trendcycle()
- seasonal_longmaturity <- mstl_longmaturity %>% seasonal()
- remainder_longmaturity <- mstl_longmaturity %>% remainder()
- trend_shortmaturity <- mstl_shortmaturity %>% trendcycle()
- seasonal_shortmaturity <- mstl_shortmaturity %>% seasonal()
- remainder_shortmaturity <- mstl_shortmaturity %>% remainder()
- ### Let's save a yield curve based solely on trend
- data_full$yield_curve_trend <- trend_longmaturity - trend_shortmaturity
- ### and another yield curve based on trend + remainder
- data_full$yield_curve_trend_remainder <- trend_longmaturity +
- remainder_longmaturity -
- trend_shortmaturity -
- remainder_shortmaturity
- ### Denoise the non-trend component with wavelets
- wavelet_longmaturity <- (longmaturity - trend_longmaturity) %>%
- data.frame() %>%
- `colnames<-`(c("value")) %>%
- analyze.wavelet("value", dt = 250)
- wavelet_shortmaturity <- (shortmaturity - trend_shortmaturity) %>%
- data.frame() %>%
- `colnames<-`(c("value")) %>%
- analyze.wavelet("value", dt = 250)
- r_longmaturity <- reconstruct(wavelet_longmaturity, plot.rec = FALSE)
- r_shortmaturity <- reconstruct(wavelet_shortmaturity, plot.rec = FALSE)
- denoised_longmaturity_remainder <- r_longmaturity$series$value.r +
- r_longmaturity$series$value.trend
- denoised_shortmaturity_remainder <- r_shortmaturity$series$value.r +
- r_shortmaturity$series$value.trend
- ### Add the wavelet-denoised yield curve
- data_full$yield_curve_denoised <- trend_longmaturity +
- denoised_longmaturity_remainder -
- trend_shortmaturity -
- denoised_shortmaturity_remainder
- ### Filter the data to only graph points between our start/end dates at the
- ### top of the script
- data_subset <- data_full %>%
- filter(date >= date_start & date <= date_end)
- ### Derive a three month forecast for the yield curve
- forecast <- data_full$yield_curve %>%
- ts(frequency = 250, start = ts_date) %>%
- mstl() %>%
- forecast(h = round(250 * 3 / 12), level = c(68.27)) #, 95.45))
- ### Find appropriate y limits for our graph
- ymin <- forecast$lower %>% data.frame() %>% pull("X68.27.") %>% min(data_subset$yield_curve)
- ymax <- forecast$upper %>% data.frame() %>% pull("X68.27.") %>% max(data_subset$yield_curve)
- ### Labels for our graph
- m1 <- paste(series_longmaturity[2], "/",
- series_shortmaturity[2], "Yield Curve for", date_txt, "\n")
- m2 <- "With wavelet-denoised trend and three-month forecast"
- main <- paste(m1, m2, sep = "")
- xlab <- "Year"
- ylab <- "Percent"
- ### Plot the forecast
- plot(forecast, main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
- xlim = decimal_date(c(date_start, date_end + months(3))),
- ylim = c(ymin, ymax))
- ### Add our denoised trend
- lines(decimal_date(data_subset$date), data_subset$yield_curve_denoised, type = "l", col = "blue")
- # lines(decimal_date(data_subset$date), data_subset$yield_curve_trend, type = "l", col = "green")
- # lines(decimal_date(data_subset$date), data_subset$yield_curve_trend_remainder, type = "l", col = "red")
- ### Add a line at h = 0 denoting the inversion point
- abline(h = 0)
- ### Add lines for the Fed rate changes
- abline(v = decimal_date(as.Date("2019-08-01")), lty = 3)
- abline(v = decimal_date(as.Date("2019-09-19")), lty = 3)
- abline(v = decimal_date(as.Date("2019-10-31")), lty = 3)
- ### Add lines at 0.4 and 0.2 to aid in seeing how quickly it's declining
- abline(h = 0.4, lty = 2)
- abline(h = 0.2, lty = 2)
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