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- #include "Enemy.h"
- void Enemy::initTextures()
- {
- float scaleFrameX = 0;
- float scaleFrameY = 0;
- float scaleWheel = 0;
- switch (this->type) {
- case 1:
- if (!this->texture_frame.loadFromFile("Textures/lancer_1.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s frame texture";
- if (!this->wheel_texture.loadFromFile("Textures/green_wheel3.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s wheels texture";
- scaleFrameX = 0.7;
- scaleFrameY = 0.7;
- scaleWheel = 1.1;
- this->left_wh.setOrigin(24.f, 24.f);
- this->right_wh.setOrigin(24.f, 24.f);
- break;
- case 2:
- if (!this->texture_frame.loadFromFile("Textures/aston_2.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s frame texture";
- if (!this->wheel_texture.loadFromFile("Textures/red_wheel.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s wheels texture";
- scaleFrameX = 1.f;
- scaleFrameY = 1.f;
- scaleWheel = 0.7;
- this->left_wh.setOrigin(46, 46);
- this->right_wh.setOrigin(46, 46);
- break;
- case 3:
- if (!this->texture_frame.loadFromFile("Textures/bmw_e60.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s frame texture";
- if (!this->wheel_texture.loadFromFile("Textures/red_wheel.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s wheels texture";
- scaleFrameX = 0.7;
- scaleFrameY = 0.7;
- scaleWheel = 0.7;
- this->left_wh.setOrigin(46, 46);
- this->right_wh.setOrigin(46, 46);
- break;
- }
- this->frame.setTexture(this->texture_frame);
- this->frame.setScale(scaleFrameX, scaleFrameY);
- //Wheels
- this->left_wh.setTexture(this->wheel_texture);
- this->right_wh.setTexture(this->wheel_texture);
- this->left_wh.setScale(scaleWheel, scaleWheel);
- this->right_wh.setScale(scaleWheel, scaleWheel);
- }
- void Enemy::initVariables(int sp, int y, int type)
- {
- this->speed = sp - rand() % 7;
- if (speed < 10) speed = 70;
- this->type = type;
- this->damage = 1;
- this->y = y;
- this->line = (y - 450) / 110;
- switch (this->type) {
- case (1):
- this->leftWheelPosX = 124.f;
- this->leftWheelPosY = 118.f;
- this->rightWheelPosX = 375.f;
- this->rightWheelPosY = 118.f;
- break;
- case (2):
- this->leftWheelPosX = 88.f;
- this->leftWheelPosY = 88.f;
- this->rightWheelPosX = 345.f;
- this->rightWheelPosY = 88.f;
- break;
- case (3):
- this->leftWheelPosX = 98.f;
- this->leftWheelPosY = 97.f;
- this->rightWheelPosX = 350.f;
- this->rightWheelPosY = 97.f;
- break;
- }
- }
- const sf::FloatRect Enemy::getBounds() const
- {
- return this->frame.getGlobalBounds();
- }
- const sf::Sprite Enemy::getShape() const
- {
- return this->frame;
- }
- const int Enemy::getLine() const
- {
- return this->line;
- }
- void Enemy::crash()
- {
- this->speed = 5;
- }
- void Enemy::changeSpeed(int speed)
- {
- this->speed = speed;
- }
- float Enemy::getSpeed()
- {
- return this->speed;
- }
- void Enemy::boost()
- {
- this->frame.setPosition(this->frame.getPosition().x + 40, this->frame.getPosition().y);
- }
- void Enemy::updateWheels()
- {
- this->left_wh.setPosition(this->frame.getPosition().x + leftWheelPosX, this->frame.getPosition().y + leftWheelPosY);
- this->right_wh.setPosition(this->frame.getPosition().x + rightWheelPosX, this->frame.getPosition().y + rightWheelPosY);
- }
- Enemy::Enemy(float x, float y, int sp, int type)
- {
- this->initVariables(sp, y, type);
- this->initTextures();
- this->frame.setPosition(x, y);
- }
- void Enemy::updatePos(int posY) {
- this->frame.setPosition(this->frame.getPosition().x, posY);
- }
- void Enemy::update(int sp, int posY)
- {
- this->frame.move(- (sp - this->speed), 0.f);
- this->updatePos(posY + 300 + y);
- this->updateWheels();
- this->left_wh.rotate(this->speed * 0.6);
- this->right_wh.rotate(this->speed * 0.6);
- }
- void Enemy::render(sf::RenderTarget* target)
- {
- target->draw(this->frame);
- target->draw(this->left_wh);
- target->draw(this->right_wh);
- }
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