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- `timescale 1ns / 1ps
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Company: Universidad de Sevilla
- // Engineer: Miguel Angel Rodriguez Jodar
- //
- // Create Date: 18:05:17 11/13/2013
- // Design Name:
- // Module Name: bcd7seg
- // Project Name:
- // Target Devices: Basys2
- // Tool versions:
- // Description:
- //
- // Dependencies:
- //
- // Revision:
- // Revision 0.01 - File Created
- // Additional Comments: (C)2013 Miguel Angel Rodriguez Jodar. Todos los derechos reservados
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- module bcd7seg (
- input wire [4:0] d,
- output wire [7:0] seg
- );
- reg [6:0] tabla[0:15];
- initial begin
- tabla[0] = 7'b0111111;
- tabla[1] = 7'b0000110;
- tabla[2] = 7'b1011011;
- tabla[3] = 7'b1001111;
- tabla[4] = 7'b1100110;
- tabla[5] = 7'b1101101;
- tabla[6] = 7'b1111101;
- tabla[7] = 7'b0000111;
- tabla[8] = 7'b1111111;
- tabla[9] = 7'b1101111;
- tabla[10] = 7'b1110111;
- tabla[11] = 7'b1111100;
- tabla[12] = 7'b0111001;
- tabla[13] = 7'b1011110;
- tabla[14] = 7'b1111001;
- tabla[15] = 7'b1110001;
- end
- assign seg = {~d[4],~tabla[d[3:0]]};
- endmodule
- module display (
- input wire clk,
- input wire [15:0] d,
- input wire [3:0] dp,
- output wire [3:0] an,
- output wire [7:0] seg
- );
- reg [3:0] anodo = 4'b0111;
- always @(posedge clk)
- anodo <= {anodo[0],anodo[3:1]};
- assign an = anodo;
- bcd7seg conversor ( !anodo[3]? {dp[3], d[15:12]} :
- !anodo[2]? {dp[2], d[11:8]} :
- !anodo[1]? {dp[1], d[7:4]} :
- !anodo[0]? {dp[0], d[3:0]} :
- 5'b00000 ,
- seg);
- endmodule
- module binary2bcd (
- input wire clk,
- input wire [7:0] n,
- input wire start,
- output wire [11:0] bcd,
- output reg finish
- );
- reg [3:0] loop = 4'h0;
- reg [19:0] scratch = 20'h00000;
- reg [19:0] scratch_modificado;
- reg [11:0] output_reg = 12'h000;
- assign bcd = output_reg;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (start) begin
- loop <= 4'h0;
- scratch <= {12'h000, n};
- finish <= 1'b0;
- end
- else if (loop == 4'd8) begin
- output_reg <= scratch[19:8];
- loop <= loop + 1;
- finish <= 1'b1;
- end
- else if (loop == 4'd9) begin
- finish <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- loop <= loop + 1;
- scratch <= {scratch_modificado[18:0],1'b0};
- end
- end
- always @* begin
- scratch_modificado[7:0] = scratch[7:0];
- if (scratch[11:8]>4)
- scratch_modificado[11:8] = scratch[11:8] + 4'd3;
- else
- scratch_modificado[11:8] = scratch[11:8];
- if (scratch[15:12]>4)
- scratch_modificado[15:12] = scratch[15:12] + 4'd3;
- else
- scratch_modificado[15:12] = scratch[15:12];
- if (scratch[19:16]>4)
- scratch_modificado[19:16] = scratch[19:16] + 4'd3;
- else
- scratch_modificado[19:16] = scratch[19:16];
- end
- endmodule
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