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- -- hi! feel free to use any of this code for your own projects or use the libary for your projects. i know its a little messy because i rushed it (with no sleep as well 😴) but it works well enough.
- local Serverhop = {}; -- init
- local API, ServerPages;
- local function CreateFiles(FileName, File)
- pcall(function()
- makefolder("ServerHopper")
- makefolder("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId)
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//".. FileName ..".json", File)
- end)
- end
- function Serverhop:Normal(Logs, Amount)
- if Amount == nil then Amount = tonumber(math.huge) end;
- local JobIDs = {};
- local function FetchJobIDs()
- JobIDs = {"*t").hour};
- local _s = tick();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[!] Awaiting for ".. Amount .." servers to be scraped. \n") end;
- repeat
- task.wait()
- API = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("".. game.PlaceId .."/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100".. (ServerPages and "&cursor=".. ServerPages or ""))); -- servers api
- for i, v in next, API["data"] do
- if v["id"] ~= game.JobId and v["playing"] ~= v["maxPlayers"] then
- if #JobIDs < Amount + 1 then
- table.insert(JobIDs, v["id"])
- end
- end
- end
- ServerPages = API.nextPageCursor
- until not ServerPages or #JobIDs >= Amount + 1
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[!] Successfully scraped ".. #JobIDs - 1 .." servers in ".. math.round(tick() - _s) .."s. \n") end;
- return true;
- end
- if not isfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//normal-jobids.json") then
- FetchJobIDs()
- CreateFiles("normal-jobids", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- end
- JobIDs = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(readfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//normal-jobids.json"))
- if JobIDs[1] ~="*t").hour then
- FetchJobIDs()
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//normal-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- end
- local function RandomJobID()
- return JobIDs[math.random(1, #JobIDs)]
- end
- local SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.OnTeleport:Connect(function(Status)
- if Status == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_RED@@") rconsoleprint("[*] Failed to join ".. SelectedJobID .." finding new server. \n") end;
- SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- end
- end)
- end
- function Serverhop:Dynamic(Logs, Amount)
- if Amount == nil then Amount = tonumber(math.huge) end;
- local JobIDs = {};
- local OldJobIDs = {"*t").hour};
- local function FetchJobIDs()
- JobIDs = {"*t").hour};
- local _s = tick();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[!] Awaiting for ".. Amount .." servers to be scraped. \n") end;
- repeat
- task.wait()
- API = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("".. game.PlaceId .."/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100".. (ServerPages and "&cursor=".. ServerPages or ""))); -- servers api
- for i, v in next, API["data"] do
- if v["id"] ~= game.JobId and v["playing"] ~= v["maxPlayers"] and not table.find(OldJobIDs, v["id"]) then
- if #JobIDs < Amount + 1 then
- table.insert(JobIDs, v["id"])
- end
- end
- end
- ServerPages = API.nextPageCursor
- until not ServerPages or #JobIDs >= Amount + 1
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[!] Successfully scraped ".. #JobIDs - 1 .." servers in ".. math.round(tick() - _s) .."s. \n") end;
- return true;
- end
- if not isfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//old_dynamic-jobids.json") then
- CreateFiles("old_dynamic-jobids", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(OldJobIDs))
- end
- OldJobIDs = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(readfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//old_dynamic-jobids.json"))
- if not isfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//dynamic-jobids.json") then
- FetchJobIDs()
- CreateFiles("dynamic-jobids", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- end
- JobIDs = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(readfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//dynamic-jobids.json"))
- if JobIDs[1] ~="*t").hour or #JobIDs < 2 then
- FetchJobIDs()
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//dynamic-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- if #JobIDs < 2 then
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//old_dynamic-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({"*t").hour}))
- end
- end
- if OldJobIDs[1] ~="*t").hour then
- FetchJobIDs()
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//old_dynamic-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({"*t").hour}))
- end
- local function RandomJobID()
- return JobIDs[math.random(1, #JobIDs)]
- end
- local SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- table.remove(JobIDs, table.find(JobIDs, SelectedJobID))
- table.insert(OldJobIDs, SelectedJobID)
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//old_dynamic-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(OldJobIDs))
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//dynamic-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.OnTeleport:Connect(function(Status)
- if Status == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_RED@@") rconsoleprint("[*] Failed to join ".. SelectedJobID .." finding new server. \n") end;
- SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- table.remove(JobIDs, table.find(JobIDs, SelectedJobID))
- table.insert(OldJobIDs, SelectedJobID)
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//old_dynamic-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(OldJobIDs))
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//dynamic-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- end
- end)
- end
- function Serverhop:Rejoin(Logs)
- if Logs then rconsolename("severhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Rejoining server. \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, game.JobId)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.OnTeleport:Connect(function(Status)
- if Status == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_RED@@") rconsoleprint("[*] Failed to rejoin. \n") end;
- end
- end)
- end
- function Serverhop:LowPing(Logs, Amount, Ping)
- if Ping == nil then Ping = 450 end;
- if Amount == nil then Amount = tonumber(math.huge) end;
- local JobIDs = {};
- local function FetchJobIDs()
- JobIDs = {"*t").hour};
- local _s = tick();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[!] Awaiting for ".. Amount .." servers to be scraped. \n") end;
- repeat
- task.wait()
- API = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("".. game.PlaceId .."/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100".. (ServerPages and "&cursor=".. ServerPages or ""))); -- servers api
- for i, v in next, API["data"] do
- if v["id"] ~= game.JobId and v["playing"] ~= v["maxPlayers"] and v["ping"] ~= nil and v["ping"] <= Ping then
- if #JobIDs < Amount + 1 then
- table.insert(JobIDs, v["id"])
- end
- end
- end
- until not ServerPages or #JobIDs >= Amount + 1
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[!] Successfully scraped ".. #JobIDs - 1 .." servers in ".. math.round(tick() - _s) .."s. \n") end;
- return true;
- end
- if not isfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//low_ping-jobids.json") then
- FetchJobIDs()
- CreateFiles("low_ping-jobids", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- end
- JobIDs = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(readfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//low_ping-jobids.json"))
- if JobIDs[1] ~="*t").hour then
- FetchJobIDs()
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//low_ping-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- end
- local function RandomJobID()
- return JobIDs[math.random(1, #JobIDs)]
- end
- local SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.OnTeleport:Connect(function(Status)
- if Status == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_RED@@") rconsoleprint("[*] Failed to join ".. SelectedJobID .." finding new server. \n") end;
- SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- end
- end)
- end
- function Serverhop:LowPlayers(Logs, Amount, Players)
- if Players == nil then for i, v in next, game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("".. game.GameId))["data"] do Players = tonumber(v["maxPlayers"]) / 2 end end;
- if Amount == nil then Amount = tonumber(math.huge) end;
- local JobIDs = {};
- local function FetchJobIDs()
- JobIDs = {"*t").hour};
- local _s = tick();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[!] Awaiting for ".. Amount .." servers to be scraped. \n") end;
- repeat
- task.wait()
- API = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("".. game.PlaceId .."/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100".. (ServerPages and "&cursor=".. ServerPages or ""))); -- servers api
- for i, v in next, API["data"] do
- if v["id"] ~= game.JobId and v["playing"] ~= v["maxPlayers"] and v["playing"] <= Players then
- if #JobIDs < Amount + 1 then
- table.insert(JobIDs, v["id"])
- end
- end
- end
- until not ServerPages or #JobIDs >= Amount + 1
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[!] Successfully scraped ".. #JobIDs - 1 .." servers in ".. math.round(tick() - _s) .."s. \n") end;
- return true;
- end
- if not isfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//low_players-jobids.json") then
- FetchJobIDs()
- CreateFiles("low_players-jobids", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- end
- JobIDs = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(readfile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//low_players-jobids.json"))
- if JobIDs[1] ~="*t").hour then
- FetchJobIDs()
- writefile("ServerHopper//".. game.PlaceId .."//low_players-jobids.json", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(JobIDs))
- end
- local function RandomJobID()
- return JobIDs[math.random(1, #JobIDs)]
- end
- local SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.OnTeleport:Connect(function(Status)
- if Status == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_RED@@") rconsoleprint("[*] Failed to join ".. SelectedJobID .." finding new server. \n") end;
- SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- end
- end)
- end
- function Serverhop:Instant(Logs)
- local JobIDs = {};
- for i, v in next, game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("".. game.PlaceId .."/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100"))["data"] do
- if v["id"] ~= game.PlaceId and v["playing"] ~= v["maxPlayers"] then
- table.insert(JobIDs, v["id"])
- end
- end
- local function RandomJobID()
- return JobIDs[math.random(1, #JobIDs)]
- end
- local SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsolename("serverhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.OnTeleport:Connect(function(Status)
- if Status == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_RED@@") rconsoleprint("[*] Failed to join ".. SelectedJobID .." finding new server. \n") end;
- SelectedJobID = RandomJobID();
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Server hopping to ".. SelectedJobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, SelectedJobID)
- end
- end)
- end
- function Serverhop:JoinJobID(Logs, JobID)
- if Logs then rconsolename("severhop-libary.lua ; seth.#0001 - ".. string.format("%02i:%02i %s", (("*t").hour % 24 - 1) % 12) + 1,"*t").min,"*t").hour % 24 < 12 and "AM" or "PM")) rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_CYAN@@") rconsoleprint("[#] Attempting to join ".. JobID ..". \n") end;
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, JobID)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.OnTeleport:Connect(function(Status)
- if Status == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then
- if Logs then rconsoleprint("@@LIGHT_RED@@") rconsoleprint("[*] Failed to join ".. JobID ..". \n") end;
- end
- end)
- end
- return Serverhop;
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