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it unlocks many cool features!
- --This is created by Umbreonteam
- --It removes ALL viruses! Also removes Vaccine (which also makes lag)
- --If you find another virus thats not in the "names", add it!
- --Please give credit, or at least leave my name in
- --the script.
- --Thank you!
- ------------------------------------------------
- Print_Scan_Results = true --Prints the results of each scan in the output window.
- ------------------------------------------------
- Quarantine_Instead_of_Delete = false --Quarantines all malicious objects into the Lighting Directory for you to view, after making all hidden objects visable.
- ------------------------------------------------
- --Script Created by Vitos
- q ="Model")
- q.Name = "Quarantine"
- classes = {"Script", "LocalScript", "BackpackItem", "Feature", "Glue", "HtmlWindow", "JointInstance", "LocalBackpack", "LocalBackpackItem", "MotorFeature", "Mouse", "Rotate", "RotateP", "RotateV", "Snap", "StockSound", "VelocityMotor", "Weld", "Geometry", "Timer","ChangeHistoryService","Script","Fire"}
- names = {"Infected", "ROFL", "Snap Reducer", "SnapReducer", "Snap-Reducer", "Anti-Lag", "Anti Lag", "AntiLag", "Wildfire", "AntiVirus", "Anti-Virus", "Anti Virus", "4D Being", "No samurai plzzz", "OHAI", "VIRUS", "Guest_Talking_Script", "Guest Free Chat Script", "lol", "LOL", "bob", "BOB", "Snap Remover", "SnapRemover","Vaccine","Fire"}
- hidden ="StringValue")
- file = {}
- function Start()
- workspace = game.Workspace:GetChildren()
- qu = q:GetChildren()
- index = {}
- virus = 0
- function Scan(object)
- for i = 1,#object do
- inside = object[i]:GetChildren()
- if Malicious(object[i]) then
- virus = virus+1
- Name(object[i])
- Quarantine(object[i])
- else
- if #inside > 0 then
- Scan(inside)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Malicious(class)
- for x = 1, #classes do
- if class.className == classes[x] and #(class:GetChildren()) > 0 then return true end
- end
- for x = 1, #names do
- if string.lower(class.Name) == string.lower(names[x]) then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- function Hidden(class)
- for x = 1, #classes do
- if class.className == classes[x] then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- function Name(malware)
- cur = malware
- file[1] = "."..cur.Name
- while cur.Parent.Name ~= "Workspace" do
- cur = cur.Parent
- file[#file+1] = "."..cur.Name
- end
- inde = "game.Workspace"
- for j = 1, #file do
- inde = inde..file[#file+1-j]
- end
- file = {}
- inde = inde.." ("..malware.className.." Class)"
- index[#index+1] = inde
- malware.Parent = q
- end
- function Quarantine(malware)
- if malware ~= nil then
- contain = malware:GetChildren()
- if Hidden(malware) then
- h = hidden:clone()
- h.Name = malware.Name
- h.Value = "Original Class: "..malware.className
- h.Parent = malware.Parent
- for j = 1, #contain do
- contain[j].Parent = h
- end
- malware:remove()
- malware = h
- end
- contain = malware:GetChildren()
- for j = 1, #contain do
- Quarantine(contain[j])
- end
- end
- end
- Scan(workspace)
- if virus > 0 and Quarantine_Instead_of_Delete then
- q.Parent = game.Lighting
- end
- if virus > 0 and Print_Scan_Results then
- print("--------------------")
- print("Scan Results:")
- print("Potentially malicious objects were found in the following locations:")
- for i = 1, #index do
- print(" -- "..index[i])
- end
- if Quarantine_Instead_of_Delete then
- print("These objects have been quarantined to the Lighting Directory.")
- else
- print("These objects have been removed.")
- end
- print("--------------------")
- Start()
- wait()
- Start()
- end
- end
- Start()
- game.Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(Start)
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