
Predator Eyes Of The Demon 38

Jan 26th, 2024
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  1. They landed and exited the ship inside Salturna's small spaceport. The locals there to meet them weren't interested in talking to anyone other than Haber, but there was a man with them who didn't fit. He wasn't dressed like anyone else who
  2. lived on Salturna-to a person they were in jungle fatigues and armed to the teeth-or any of the OM personnel, who were in standard camouflage body armor that protected and enhanced strength.
  4. This man was in dull-pewter-colored body armor that Cali had never seen before. Like theirs, it was form-fitting and had a full helmet, but it was sleeker and far less bulky, and the helmet looked like a thin, clear piece of strong plasticine that wouldn't stop a rock, let alone a laser shot.
  5. He appeared to have no weapons on him.-pg.218 chpt.9
  7. Everyone other than Tank drew their laser rifles-she went for her plasma launcher. H-Squad had newer, better weapons than L-Squad, but then they also had newer armor and no one on L-Squad was surprised.-pg.220 chpt.9
  9. And there was more. Their big weapon had fired,
  10. seemingly on its own. But the way the other oomans had reacted meant that there was one of their kind holding that weapon. So there was an ooman they couldn't see. She had tested all the options her helmet allowed and the invisible one had remained so. That was problematic, but not insurmountable. But it did mean they needed to be far more
  11. cautious than they had been.-pg.232-233 chpt.9
Tags: Predator
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