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- \node[canvas is zx plane at y = 0, align = center,rotate=-90] at (0.5,0,0.9){\Huge{\textbf{\textcolor{yellow}{Quantum Supremacy}}}};
- \node[canvas is zx plane at y = 0, align = center,rotate=-90] at (0.5,0,0.75){\textbf{\textcolor{white}{\Large{The amazing phenomenon about}}}};
- \node[canvas is zx plane at y = 0, align = center,rotate=-90] at (0.5,0,0.65){\textbf{\textcolor{white}{\Large{the absolutely small.}}}};
- \node[canvas is zx plane at y = 0, align = center,rotate=-90] at (0.5,0,0.5){\bf\textcolor{white}{$|0\rangle= \mqty(1 \\ 0)$ \ and \ $|1\rangle= \mqty(0 \\ 1)$\ so, the qubit state:}};
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- \node[canvas is zx plane at y = 0, align = center,rotate=-90] at (0.5,0,0.15){\bf\textcolor{white}{We note that ket-bracket is merely notation so,}};
- \node[canvas is zx plane at y = 0, align = center,rotate=-90] at (0.5,0,0.05){\bf\textcolor{white}{all properties of linear algebra it follows,}};
- \node[canvas is zx plane at y = 0, align = center,rotate=-90] at (0.5,0,-0.05){\bf\textcolor{white}{and for two or more qubits, tensor algebra}};
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- {
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- }
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- \end{center}
- \end{document}
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