

Feb 18th, 2024
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  1. what is the difference between React and other front end framework?
  2. what is jwt json web token and how it works ?
  3. why we use bcrypt ?
  4. how you debug the code ?
  5. how you will start project ?
  6. if  i give you to build youtube how you will start from the scratch ?
  7. what all steps you will consider to start and project ?
  8. what is MVC ?
  11. 1. **Difference between React and other front-end frameworks**:
  12.    - React is a library for building user interfaces, while other frameworks like Angular and Vue.js are full-featured frameworks.
  13.    - React follows a component-based architecture, promoting reusability and modularity.
  14.    - React uses a virtual DOM for efficient updates to the UI.
  15.    - React primarily focuses on the view layer of the application.
  17. 2. **JWT (JSON Web Token) and how it works**:
  18.    - JWT is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
  19.    - It's commonly used for authentication and information exchange in web services.
  20.   - JWTs consist of three parts: Header, Payload, and Signature.
  21.   - The token is generated on the server, signed with a secret key, and sent to the client.
  22.   - The client includes the token in subsequent requests, and the server verifies its authenticity before granting access.
  24. 3. **Why we use bcrypt**:
  25.   - Bcrypt is a password-hashing function designed to securely store passwords.
  26.   - It incorporates a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks and uses a computationally intensive hashing algorithm, making brute-force attacks impractical.
  27.   - Bcrypt helps enhance the security of user authentication systems.
  29. 4. **How you debug the code**:
  30.   - Use browser developer tools for client-side debugging.
  31.   - Print statements and console.log() for logging and debugging.
  32.   - Utilize debugging tools provided by IDEs or text editors.
  33.   - Use breakpoints to pause code execution and inspect variables and states.
  35. 5. **How you will start a project**:
  36.   - Define project requirements and objectives.
  37.   - Set up version control and project structure.
  38.   - Choose the appropriate stack and development tools.
  39.   - Design database schema and system architecture.
  40.   - Implement core features iteratively, starting with MVP.
  42. 7. **MVC (Model-View-Controller)**:
  43.   - MVC is a software design pattern used for developing web applications.
  44.   - Model represents data and business logic.
  45.   - View displays the user interface and interacts with the user.
  46.   - Controller handles user input, processes requests, and updates the model and view accordingly.
  48. 6. **Steps to start a YouTube-like project from scratch**:
  49.   - Define user stories and feature requirements.
  50.   - Design database schema for users, videos, comments, etc.
  51.   - Set up user authentication and authorization.
  52.   - Implement video uploading, storage, and streaming.
  53.   - Develop features like likes, comments, subscriptions, and recommendations.
  54.   - Ensure scalability, security, and performance.
  55. Sure, here are the steps to start building the frontend for a YouTube-like application from scratch:
  57. 1. **Define Requirements**:
  58.   - Gather requirements for the application, including user stories, features, and functionalities.
  60. 2. **Plan User Experience (UX)**:
  61.   - Design the user interface (UI) considering usability, accessibility, and responsiveness.
  62.   - Plan the layout, navigation, and visual design elements.
  64. 3. **Set Up Development Environment**:
  65.   - Choose appropriate tools and technologies for frontend development, such as React.js, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  66.   - Set up a code editor, version control system (e.g., Git), and development server.
  68. 4. **Create Wireframes and Mockups**:
  69.   - Develop wireframes and mockups to visualize the UI components, layouts, and interactions.
  70.   - Use tools like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD for designing.
  72. 5. **Implement Basic Structure**:
  73.   - Set up the project structure with folders for components, styles, and assets.
  74.   - Create the main layout components, such as header, footer, and sidebar.
  76. 6. **Build Core Features**:
  77.   - Develop components for video playback, video lists, user authentication, and navigation.
  78.   - Implement features like video search, user profiles, subscriptions, likes, and comments.
  80. 7. **Integrate APIs**:
  81.   - Connect the frontend to backend APIs for fetching and updating data, such as video metadata, user information, and authentication tokens.
  83. 8. **Optimize Performance**:
  84.   - Optimize assets, images, and code for fast loading times and smooth user experience.
  85.   - Implement lazy loading and code splitting to reduce initial bundle size.
  87. 9. **Test and Debug**:
  88.   - Test the application thoroughly for functionality, compatibility, and responsiveness across different devices and browsers.
  89.   - Debug issues and fix errors using browser developer tools and testing frameworks.
  91. 10. **Deploy and Monitor**:
  92.    - Deploy the frontend application to a hosting platform or server.
  93.    - Monitor performance, user feedback, and analytics to identify areas for improvement and future enhancements.
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