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- File
- ----
- #Generated by Kickstart Configurator
- #platform=x86
- #System language
- lang en_US
- #Language modules to install
- langsupport en_US
- #System keyboard
- keyboard latam
- #System mouse
- mouse
- #System timezone
- timezone America/Mexico_City
- #Root password
- rootpw --iscrypted $1$thfubnHa$fRDuA8S./EoRq4ISAmdSR1
- #Initial user
- user ldap --fullname "ldap" --iscrypted --password $1$cA9AzmV4$2cI3ijhNbutsvlK/mTxUq.
- #Reboot after installation
- reboot
- #Use text mode install
- text
- #Install OS instead of upgrade
- install
- #Use CDROM installation media
- cdrom
- #System bootloader configuration
- bootloader --location=mbr
- #Clear the Master Boot Record
- zerombr yes
- #Partition clearing information
- clearpart --all --initlabel
- ##Disk partitioning information
- # i have tried that, it doesn't work:
- #part / --fstype ext3 --size 6000
- #part /var --fstype ext4 --size 2000
- #part swap --size 512
- # i have tried that, it doesn't work:
- #logvol / --fstype ext3 --name ubuntu1204-i386-disk --vgname vms --size 6000 --asprimary
- #logvol /var --fstype ext4 --name ubuntu1204-i386-var --vgname vms --size 2000 --asprimary
- #logvol swap --fstype swap --name ubuntu1204-i386-swap --vgname vms --size 512 --asprimary
- # i have tried that, it doesn't work:
- #part pv.01 --size=6000 volgroup=vms pv.01 logvol / --vgname=vms --size=6000 --name=ubuntu1204-i386-disk --fstype=ext3 --asprimary
- #part pv.02 --size=2000 volgroup=vms pv.02 logvol /var --vgname=vms --size=2000 --name=ubuntu1204-i386-var --fstype=ext3 --asprimary
- #part pv.03 --size=512 volgroup=vms pv.03 logvol swap --vgname=vms --size=6000 --name=ubuntu1204-i386-swap --fstype=ext3 --asprimary
- # i have tried that, it doesn't work:
- part pv.01 --size=0 --grow
- volgroup vms pv.01
- logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=ubuntu1204-i386-disk --vgname=vms --size=6000 --asprimary --grow
- logvol /var --fstype ext4 --name=ubuntu1204-i386-var --vgname=vms --size 2000 --asprimary --grow
- logvol swap --fstype swap --name=ubuntu1204-i386-swap --vgname=vms --size 512 --asprimary
- #System authorization infomation
- auth --useshadow --enablemd5
- ##Network information
- # i have tried that, it doesn't work:
- network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver= --device=eth0
- #Firewall configuration
- firewall --enabled --ssh
- #Do not configure the X Window System
- skipx
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