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- class ScrnAchHandlerBase extends Info
- abstract;
- var protected ScrnGameRules GameRules;
- // Damage flags
- // copy-pasted from ScrnGameRules for easy access
- const DF_STUNNED = 0x01; // stun shot
- const DF_RAGED = 0x02; // rage shot
- const DF_STUPID = 0x04; // damage shouldn't be done to this zed
- const DF_DECAP = 0x08; // decapitaion shot
- const DF_HEADSHOT = 0x10; // 100% sure that this damage was made by headshot
- function PostBeginPlay()
- {
- FindGameRules();
- }
- function FindGameRules()
- {
- local GameRules G;
- if ( GameRules != none )
- return;
- for ( G=Level.Game.GameRulesModifiers; G!=None; G=G.NextGameRules ) {
- if ( ScrnGameRules(G) != none ) {
- GameRules = ScrnGameRules(G);
- GameRules.RegisterAchHandler(self);
- return;
- }
- }
- log(GetItemName(String(self)) $ ": unable to find ScrnGameRules. Trying again in 5 seconds.",;
- SetTimer(5.0, false);
- }
- function Timer()
- {
- FindGameRules();
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- Helper function for quickly determining whether a pawn is rotated at a point in space.
- original authors : Alex Quick, Ron Prestenback.
- * @param Pawn pawn, which rotation needs to be checked
- * @param TargetLocation the location to check
- * @param MinDotResult a value between 0 and 1 representing the minimum dot result value that should be
- * considered acceptable for testing whether the location is within our field of
- * view. Default value (0) is corresponds to a maximum angle of around 180 degrees
- *
- * @return TRUE if the location is within the angle specified from the pawn's rotation.
- */
- static function bool IsRotatedAtLocation(Pawn Pawn, vector TargetLocation, optional float MinDotResult)
- {
- local vector DirectionNormal;
- local float ViewAngleCosine;
- // get the normalized distance between the two locations
- DirectionNormal = Normal(TargetLocation - Pawn.Location);
- // get the dot result of the pawn's rotation and the target location
- ViewAngleCosine = DirectionNormal dot vector(Pawn.Rotation);
- // determine if the angle between pawn's rotation and the target location is within range.
- // log("IS LOOKING AT LOCATION - "@ViewAngleCosine@" Required : "@MinDotResult);
- return ViewAngleCosine >= MinDotResult;
- }
- // returns number of not triggered pipeboms, which detonation range covers Pawn's location
- // and are in lone of sight of a given pawn
- static function int InPipeBombRange(Pawn Pawn, float PipeDetonationRange)
- {
- local PipeBombProjectile pipe;
- local int count;
- local Controller C;
- C = Pawn.Controller;
- if ( C == none )
- return 0;
- foreach Pawn.VisibleCollidingActors( class 'PipeBombProjectile', pipe, PipeDetonationRange, Pawn.Location ) {
- if ( !pipe.bTriggered && !pipe.bHasExploded && !pipe.bDisintegrated && !pipe.bEnemyDetected
- && IsRotatedAtLocation(Pawn, pipe.Location, 0.5) )
- count++;
- }
- return count;
- }
- //returns how much damage Instigator made to Victim
- static function int GetTotalDamageMade(KFMonster Victim, Pawn Instigator)
- {
- if ( Victim == none || Instigator == none )
- return 0;
- return GetTotalDamageMadeC(KFMonsterController(Victim.Controller), Instigator.Controller);
- }
- //returns how much damage PC made to MC
- static function int GetTotalDamageMadeC(KFMonsterController MC, Controller PC)
- {
- local int i;
- if ( MC == none || PC == none )
- return 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < MC.KillAssistants.Length; ++i ) {
- if ( PC == MC.KillAssistants[i].PC )
- return MC.KillAssistants[i].Damage;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static function bool IsPistolDamage(ScrnPlayerInfo InstigatorSPI, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamageType)
- {
- local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
- if ( DamageType == none || InstigatorSPI == none || InstigatorSPI.PlayerOwner == none )
- return false;
- KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(InstigatorSPI.PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo);
- if ( KFPRI == none )
- return false;
- // Gunslinger gets damage bonus on all pistols (even level 0).
- // So if output damage > input damage, DamageType is pistol damage
- return class'ScrnVetGunslinger'.static.AddDamage(KFPRI, none, none, 100, DamageType) > 100;
- }
- static function bool IsAssaultRifleDamage(ScrnPlayerInfo InstigatorSPI, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamageType)
- {
- local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
- if ( DamageType == none || InstigatorSPI == none || InstigatorSPI.PlayerOwner == none )
- return false;
- KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(InstigatorSPI.PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo);
- if ( KFPRI == none )
- return false;
- return class'ScrnVetCommando'.static.AddDamage(KFPRI, none, none, 100, DamageType) > 100;
- }
- // returns true, if player is using medic perk
- static function bool IsMedic(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI)
- {
- local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
- if ( SPI == none || SPI.PlayerOwner == none )
- return false;
- KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(SPI.PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo);
- if ( KFPRI != none && KFPRI.ClientVeteranSkill != none )
- return KFPRI.ClientVeteranSkill.static.GetHealPotency(KFPRI) > 1.01;
- return false;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // give achievement to all players, except ExcludeSPI
- final function Ach2All(name AchID, int Inc, optional ScrnPlayerInfo ExcludeSPI)
- {
- if ( GameRules != none )
- GameRules.ProgressAchievementForAllPlayers(AchID, Inc, false);
- }
- // give achievement to alive players, except ExcludeSPI
- final function Ach2Alive(name AchID, int Inc, optional ScrnPlayerInfo ExcludeSPI)
- {
- if ( GameRules != none )
- GameRules.ProgressAchievementForAllPlayers(AchID, Inc, true);
- }
- /**
- * Function is called every time after the start of new wave
- * @param WaveNum - wave number, where 0 is first wave
- */
- function WaveStarted(byte WaveNum) { }
- /**
- * Function is called every time after the end of new wave
- * ScrnPlayerInfos aren't reset yet and can be used freely here
- * @param WaveNum - wave number, where 0 is first wave
- */
- function WaveEnded(byte WaveNum) { }
- // Function is called only when squad is survived.
- // Map name without .rom, e.g. "KF-Farm". MapName is already checked for GameRules.MapAliases before
- // calling GameWon()
- function GameWon(string MapName) { }
- // override this to catch all NetDamage() calls passed to GameRules.
- // NetDamage is executed after MonsterDamaged() or PlayerDamaged()
- function NetDamage( int Damage, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum,
- class<DamageType> DamType ) {}
- // override this to catch all ScoreKill() calls passed to GameRules.
- // score killed is executed after MonsterDied() or PlayerDied()
- function ScoreKill(Controller Killer, Controller Killed) {}
- // player-to-monster damages
- // called from ScrnPlayerInfo.MadeDamage()
- // At this moment InstigatorInfo.LastDmgTime still stores previos damage time (not the given one).
- // So time between subsequent damages can be calculated by Level.TimeSeconds - InstigatorInfo.LastKillTime
- function MonsterDamaged(int Damage, KFMonster Victim, ScrnPlayerInfo InstigatorInfo,
- class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType, bool bIsHeadshot, bool bWasDecapitated) {}
- // monster got killed by a player
- // called from ScrnPlayerInfo.KilledMonster()
- // At this moment KillerInfo.LastKillTime still stores previos kill time (not the given one).
- // So time between subsequent kills can be calculated by Level.TimeSeconds - KillerInfo.LastKillTime
- function MonsterKilled(KFMonster Victim, ScrnPlayerInfo KillerInfo, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType) {}
- // player took a hit from monster
- // called from ScrnPlayerInfo.TookDamage()
- function PlayerDamaged(int Damage, ScrnPlayerInfo VictimSPI, KFMonster InstigatedBy, class<DamageType> DamType) {}
- // player got killed
- // called from ScrnPlayerInfo.Died()
- // DeadPlayerInfo already has bDead = true and increased Deaths
- function PlayerDied(ScrnPlayerInfo DeadPlayerInfo, Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamType) {}
- /**
- * Triggers when end game boss spawned on the map.
- * This function is called before KFMonster.PostBeginPlay(), where difficulty multipliers are applied,
- * so it can't be used for checking actual monster parameters such as health or damage!
- * @param EndGameBoss The monster to spawned as end game boss (usually Patriarch)
- */
- function BossSpawned(KFMonster EndGameBoss) {}
- /**
- * Triggers when monster of a new class first time spawns in the game, i.e. it triggers on first Clot, first Gorefast etc.
- * This function is called before KFMonster.PostBeginPlay(), where difficulty multipliers are applied,
- * so it can't be used for checking actual monster parameters such as health or damage!
- *
- * @param Monster The momnster who spawned first time in the game
- */
- function MonsterIntroduced(KFMonster Monster) {}
- // Functions below are triggered, if stat value reaches a given number.
- // AchHandler must return the minimal number, which it wants to be triggered.
- // If AchHandler isn't interested in a given stat, it must return IGNORE_STAT.
- // Keep in mind that return value is used as recomendation, not as a rule. It means that even
- // if function had returned 5, there are no guaranties that it won't be triggered with a lower value
- // e.g. 3. So input value must be checked always.
- /**
- * Triggers when player scored multiple headshots in a row.
- * @param SPI Intigator's ScrnPlayerInfo record
- * @param Count Headhot count in a row
- * @return Minimal headshot count to be reached before the next call of this function
- */
- function int RowHeadhots(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, int Count)
- {
- return IGNORE_STAT;
- }
- /**
- * Triggers when player scored multiple headshots in a row with one weapon.
- * @param SPI Intigator's ScrnPlayerInfo record
- * @param Weapon Weapon that PROBABLY was used to produce this damage type
- * @param DamType Damage type that was catched by GameRules
- * @param Count Headhot count in a row
- * @return Minimal headshot count to be reached before the next call of this function
- */
- function int WRowHeadhots(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, KFWeapon Weapon, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType, int Count)
- {
- return IGNORE_STAT;
- }
- /**
- * Triggers when players scored multiple kills with one shot or without releasing a trigger
- * (depends from a weapon). Sometimes shot isn't registred and multiple shots are registred as one.
- * So DeltaTime needs to be checked too.
- *
- * @param SPI Intigator's ScrnPlayerInfo record
- * @param Weapon Weapon that PROBABLY was used to produce this damage type
- * @param DamType Damage type that was catched by GameRules
- * @param Count Kill count in one shot
- * @param DeltaTime time between last and previous kill
- * @return Minimal headshot count to be reached before the next call of this function
- */
- function int WKillsPerShot(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, KFWeapon Weapon, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType, int Count, float DeltaTime)
- {
- return IGNORE_STAT;
- }
- // Same as WKillsPerShot, but triggers on kills without reloading
- function int WKillsPerMagazine(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, KFWeapon Weapon, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType, int Count)
- {
- return IGNORE_STAT;
- }
- // number of decapitaions per shot
- function int WDecapsPerShot(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, KFWeapon Weapon, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType, int Count, float DeltaTime)
- {
- return IGNORE_STAT;
- }
- // Same as WKillsPerShot, but triggers on kills without reloading
- function int WDecapsPerMagazine(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, KFWeapon Weapon, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType, int Count)
- {
- return IGNORE_STAT;
- }
- // number of decapitaions per shot
- function int WDamagePerShot(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, KFWeapon Weapon, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType, int Damage, float DeltaTime)
- {
- return IGNORE_STAT;
- }
- // Same as WKillsPerShot, but triggers on kills without reloading
- function int WDamagePerMagazine(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, KFWeapon Weapon, class<KFWeaponDamageType> DamType, int Damage)
- {
- return IGNORE_STAT;
- }
- /**
- * Triggers each time when one player healed another one. Doesn't trigger if player already had 100% hp.
- * @param HealAmount the amount of health Patient received
- * @param Patient player, who received healing
- * @param InstigatorSPI Instigator's player info. Player, who made healing.
- * @param MedicGun Instigator's weapon, which was used for healing
- *
- */
- function HealingMade(int HealAmount, ScrnHumanPawn Patient, ScrnPlayerInfo InstigatorSPI, KFWeapon MedicGun) {}
- /**
- * Triggers when player picks up the cash. ReceiverInfo.CashReceived and CashFound and DonatorInfo.CashDonated,
- * as well as their PerWave variables, already include CashAmount.
- * Function isn't triggered, when player picks up own cash.
- *
- * @param CashAmount amount of cash picked up
- * @param ReceiverInfo player, who received cash (always != none)
- * @param DonatorInfo player, who dropped the cash (can be none)
- * @param bDroppedCash if true, cash was dropped by a player. False means it was spawned on the map.
- * There can be situations when bDroppedCash=true and DonatorInfo=none, so
- * DonatorInfo must be always checked for none.
- */
- function PickedCash(int CashAmount, ScrnPlayerInfo ReceiverInfo, ScrnPlayerInfo DonatorInfo, bool bDroppedCash) {}
- /**
- * Triggers when player picks up a weapon. Weapon is not added to player's inventory yet.
- * Function is triggered on picking up own weapons too.
- * @param SPI Player's info, who picked up a weapon
- * @param WeaponPickup The weapon picked up by the player
- */
- function PickedWeapon(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, KFWeaponPickup WeaponPickup) {}
- /**
- * Triggers when player picks up an item from the ground, excluding cash and weapons,
- * which have own trigger functions. Item is not added to player's inventory yet.
- * Function is triggered on picking up own items too.
- * @param SPI Player's info, who picked up an item
- * @param Item The item picked up by the player.
- */
- function PickedItem(ScrnPlayerInfo SPI, Pickup Item) {}
- defaultproperties
- {
- }
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