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- #ifndef LOGIC_SHAPES_H
- #define LOGIC_SHAPES_H 1
- //#include <Graph_lib/Graph.h>
- #include <Graph_lib/Graph.h>
- #include <Graph_lib/ext/graph.h>
- #include "logic.h"
- namespace Logic {
- const Graph_lib::Color BACKGROUND_COLOR { Graph_lib::Color::Color_type::white };
- const Graph_lib::Color FALSE_COLOR { Graph_lib::Color::Color_type::dark_red };
- const Graph_lib::Color TRUE_COLOR { Graph_lib::Color::Color_type::dark_green };
- const Graph_lib::Color LABEL_COLOR { Graph_lib::Color::Color_type::dark_cyan };
- const Graph_lib::Line_style SHAPE_LINE_TYPE { Graph_lib::Line_style::Line_style_type::solid, 3 };
- const Graph_lib::Line_style CONNECTION_LINE_TYPE { Graph_lib::Line_style::Line_style_type::solid, 2 };
- const Graph_lib::Line_style CIRCLE_LINE_TYPE { Graph_lib::Line_style::Line_style_type::solid, 2 };
- const Graph_lib::Font LABEL_FONT { Graph_lib::Font::Font_type::helvetica_bold };
- constexpr int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 40;
- constexpr int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 31; // preferably odd
- constexpr int CIRCLES_RADIUS = 4;
- constexpr int LABEL_MARGIN_Y = 3;
- class ElementShape;
- class OperatorShape;
- class ConnectionShape;
- class SchemeShape : public Graph_lib::Rectangle
- {
- public:
- SchemeShape (const Graph_lib::Point& pos, int width, int height);
- void attach (ElementShape& elem_shape);
- void attach (OperatorShape& elem_shape);
- void update_connections ();
- protected:
- virtual void draw_lines () const override;
- Graph_lib::Vector_ref<ElementShape> elem_shapes; // to be drawn
- Graph_lib::Vector_ref<ConnectionShape> connections; // to be drawn
- Graph_lib::Vector_ref<OperatorShape> oper_shapes; // not to be draw (used to determine connections)
- };
- class ElementShape : public Graph_lib::Shape
- {
- protected:
- ElementShape (SchemeShape& s,
- Element& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Graph_lib::Point& pos, // left top
- int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
- public:
- virtual ~ElementShape () override { elem.set_callback(nullptr); }
- Graph_lib::Point output_pos () const { return point(0) + Graph_lib::Point{ w, h/2 }; }
- const Element& parent () const { return elem; }
- // method to be called when elem out is changed
- virtual void on_change (const Element& e);
- void callback_func (const Element& e);
- protected:
- virtual void draw_lines () const override;
- SchemeShape& scheme;
- Element& elem;
- int w, h;
- Graph_lib::Text label;
- Graph_lib::Circle out_circle;
- };
- class SourceShape : public ElementShape
- {
- public:
- SourceShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- Source& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Graph_lib::Point& pos, // left top
- int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
- virtual void on_change (const Element& e) override;
- protected:
- virtual void draw_lines () const override;
- // shapes of the body
- Graph_lib::Rectangle body;
- };
- // connection consist of line and may be circle if needed
- class ConnectionShape : public Graph_lib::Shape
- {
- public:
- ConnectionShape (const ElementShape& elem, const OperatorShape& oper, size_t i);
- protected:
- virtual void draw_lines () const override;
- Graph_lib::Line line;
- Graph_lib::Line dash;
- Graph_lib::Circle circle;
- bool inverted{ false };
- };
- class OperatorShape : public ElementShape
- {
- protected:
- OperatorShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- Operation& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Graph_lib::Point& pos, // left top
- int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
- public:
- virtual Graph_lib::Point input_pos (const Element& e, size_t i) const;
- const Operation& parent () const { return static_cast<const Operation&>(elem); }
- protected:
- virtual void draw_lines () const override;
- size_t inputs_count () const { return parent().get_inputs().size(); }
- };
- class AndShape : public OperatorShape
- {
- public:
- AndShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- And& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Graph_lib::Point& pos, // left top
- int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
- virtual void on_change (const Element& e) override;
- protected:
- virtual void draw_lines () const override;
- // shapes of the body
- Graph_lib::Open_polyline left_side;
- Graph_lib::Arc right_side;
- };
- class OrShape : public OperatorShape
- {
- public:
- OrShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- Or& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Graph_lib::Point& pos, // left top
- int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
- virtual Graph_lib::Point input_pos (const Element& e, size_t i) const override;
- virtual void on_change (const Element& e) override;
- protected:
- virtual void draw_lines () const override;
- // shapes of the body
- Graph_lib::Arc left_side;
- Graph_lib::Arc right_side;
- };
- class XorShape : public OperatorShape
- {
- public:
- XorShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- Xor& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Graph_lib::Point& pos, // left top
- int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
- virtual void on_change (const Element& e) override;
- protected:
- virtual void draw_lines () const override;
- // shapes of the body
- Graph_lib::Open_polyline left_side;
- Graph_lib::Arc right_side;
- };
- } // namespace Logic
- #endif // LOGIC_SHAPES_H
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