
Watchtower debug logs

Nov 18th, 2024
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  1. root@reaper /opt/watchtower # docker run --rm --name watchtower-salvo -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower --run-once --no-restart --monitor-only --log-format "pretty" --log-level "debug" > debug.log
  2. DEBU[0000] Sleeping for a second to ensure the docker api client has been properly initialized.
  3. DEBU[0001] Making sure everything is sane before starting
  4. INFO[0001] Watchtower 1.7.1
  5. INFO[0001] Using no notifications
  6. INFO[0001] Checking all containers (except explicitly disabled with label)
  7. INFO[0001] Running a one time update.
  8. DEBU[0001] Checking containers for updated images
  9. DEBU[0001] Retrieving running containers
  10. DEBU[0001] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/watchtower-salvo image="containrrr/watchtower:latest"
  11. DEBU[0001] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  12. DEBU[0001] Got image name: containrrr/watchtower:latest
  13. DEBU[0001] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/watchtower-salvo image="containrrr/watchtower:latest"
  14. DEBU[0001] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  15. DEBU[0001] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  16. DEBU[0001] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  17. DEBU[0001] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:containrrr/watchtower:pull"
  18. DEBU[0001] No credentials found.
  19. DEBU[0001] Parsing image ref                    image=containrrr/watchtower tag=latest
  20. DEBU[0001] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  21. DEBU[0002] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:6dd50763bbd632a83cb154d5451700530d1e44200b268a4e9488fefdfcf2b038"
  22. DEBU[0002] Comparing                                     local="sha256:6dd50763bbd632a83cb154d5451700530d1e44200b268a4e9488fefdfcf2b038" remote="sha256:6dd50763bbd632a83cb154d5451700530d1e44200b268a4e9488fefdfcf2b038"
  23. DEBU[0002] Found a match
  24. DEBU[0002] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  25. DEBU[0002] No new images found for /watchtower-salvo
  26. DEBU[0002] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/syncthing image=""
  27. DEBU[0002] No credentials for found              config_file=/config.json
  28. DEBU[0002] Got image name:
  29. DEBU[0002] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/syncthing image=""
  30. DEBU[0002] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  31. DEBU[0002] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:user/image:pull\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  32. DEBU[0002] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  33. DEBU[0002] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:linuxserver/syncthing:pull"
  34. DEBU[0002] No credentials found.
  35. DEBU[0002] Parsing image ref                    image=linuxserver/syncthing tag=latest
  36. DEBU[0002] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  37. DEBU[0002] Could not do a head request for "", falling back to regular pull.  container=/syncthing image=""
  38. DEBU[0002] Reason: registry responded to head request with "401 Unauthorized", auth: "Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:linuxserver/syncthing:pull\""  container=/syncthing image=""
  39. DEBU[0002] Pulling image                                 container=/syncthing image=""
  40. DEBU[0003] No new images found for /syncthing
  41. DEBU[0003] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/searxng image="searxng/searxng:latest"
  42. DEBU[0003] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  43. DEBU[0003] Got image name: searxng/searxng:latest
  44. DEBU[0003] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/searxng image="searxng/searxng:latest"
  45. DEBU[0003] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  46. DEBU[0004] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  47. DEBU[0004] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  48. DEBU[0004] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:searxng/searxng:pull"
  49. DEBU[0004] No credentials found.
  50. DEBU[0004] Parsing image ref                    image=searxng/searxng tag=latest
  51. DEBU[0004] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  52. DEBU[0004] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:1ae6f4fd1dacce1c64cb07ce0c33d2a6c33fcd4bd1d80475aaba555e24a0fc40"
  53. DEBU[0004] Comparing                                     local="sha256:1ae6f4fd1dacce1c64cb07ce0c33d2a6c33fcd4bd1d80475aaba555e24a0fc40" remote="sha256:1ae6f4fd1dacce1c64cb07ce0c33d2a6c33fcd4bd1d80475aaba555e24a0fc40"
  54. DEBU[0004] Found a match
  55. DEBU[0004] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  56. DEBU[0004] No new images found for /searxng
  57. DEBU[0004] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/redis image="redis:alpine"
  58. DEBU[0004] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  59. DEBU[0004] Got image name: redis:alpine
  60. DEBU[0004] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/redis image="redis:alpine"
  61. DEBU[0004] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  62. DEBU[0005] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  63. DEBU[0005] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  64. DEBU[0005] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:library/redis:pull"
  65. DEBU[0005] No credentials found.
  66. DEBU[0005] Parsing image ref                    image=library/redis tag=alpine
  67. DEBU[0005] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  68. DEBU[0005] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:c1e88455c85225310bbea54816e9c3f4b5295815e6dbf80c34d40afc6df28275"
  69. DEBU[0005] Comparing                                     local="sha256:bcc5b7efad8518cd4646c8c095fd165f530bd31b88df33e8cb0625bcd1c68d52" remote="sha256:c1e88455c85225310bbea54816e9c3f4b5295815e6dbf80c34d40afc6df28275"
  70. DEBU[0005] Comparing                                     local="sha256:c1e88455c85225310bbea54816e9c3f4b5295815e6dbf80c34d40afc6df28275" remote="sha256:c1e88455c85225310bbea54816e9c3f4b5295815e6dbf80c34d40afc6df28275"
  71. DEBU[0005] Found a match
  72. DEBU[0005] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  73. DEBU[0005] No new images found for /redis
  74. DEBU[0005] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/portainer image="portainer/portainer-ce:latest"
  75. DEBU[0005] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  76. DEBU[0005] Got image name: portainer/portainer-ce:latest
  77. DEBU[0005] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/portainer image="portainer/portainer-ce:latest"
  78. DEBU[0005] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  79. DEBU[0005] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  80. DEBU[0005] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  81. DEBU[0005] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:portainer/portainer-ce:pull"
  82. DEBU[0005] No credentials found.
  83. DEBU[0005] Parsing image ref                    image=portainer/portainer-ce tag=latest
  84. DEBU[0005] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  85. DEBU[0006] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:f2a7f5abd4735f9cd91563c6134e014b15168c4018beea87f1eec9d9618b2ad4"
  86. DEBU[0006] Comparing                                     local="sha256:f2a7f5abd4735f9cd91563c6134e014b15168c4018beea87f1eec9d9618b2ad4" remote="sha256:f2a7f5abd4735f9cd91563c6134e014b15168c4018beea87f1eec9d9618b2ad4"
  87. DEBU[0006] Found a match
  88. DEBU[0006] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  89. DEBU[0006] No new images found for /portainer
  90. DEBU[0006] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/wireguard image="linuxserver/wireguard:latest"
  91. DEBU[0006] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  92. DEBU[0006] Got image name: linuxserver/wireguard:latest
  93. DEBU[0006] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/wireguard image="linuxserver/wireguard:latest"
  94. DEBU[0006] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  95. DEBU[0006] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  96. DEBU[0006] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  97. DEBU[0006] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:linuxserver/wireguard:pull"
  98. DEBU[0006] No credentials found.
  99. DEBU[0006] Parsing image ref                    image=linuxserver/wireguard tag=latest
  100. DEBU[0006] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  101. DEBU[0007] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:58836bd9b422c30f07bd596a7f49f4a22bad4d8f5acf39e09f4156d020aba1a1"
  102. DEBU[0007] Comparing                                     local="sha256:58836bd9b422c30f07bd596a7f49f4a22bad4d8f5acf39e09f4156d020aba1a1" remote="sha256:58836bd9b422c30f07bd596a7f49f4a22bad4d8f5acf39e09f4156d020aba1a1"
  103. DEBU[0007] Found a match
  104. DEBU[0007] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  105. DEBU[0007] No new images found for /wireguard
  106. DEBU[0007] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/AngeloDaddy image="itzg/minecraft-server:java21"
  107. DEBU[0007] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  108. DEBU[0007] Got image name: itzg/minecraft-server:java21
  109. DEBU[0007] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/AngeloDaddy image="itzg/minecraft-server:java21"
  110. DEBU[0007] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  111. DEBU[0007] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  112. DEBU[0007] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  113. DEBU[0007] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:itzg/minecraft-server:pull"
  114. DEBU[0007] No credentials found.
  115. DEBU[0007] Parsing image ref                    image=itzg/minecraft-server tag=java21
  116. DEBU[0007] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  117. DEBU[0008] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:bafc05b584f2930ec3074e9c2b8cbd7564fa45c589e1e5389297fe9a0221f71e"
  118. DEBU[0008] Comparing                                     local="sha256:bafc05b584f2930ec3074e9c2b8cbd7564fa45c589e1e5389297fe9a0221f71e" remote="sha256:bafc05b584f2930ec3074e9c2b8cbd7564fa45c589e1e5389297fe9a0221f71e"
  119. DEBU[0008] Found a match
  120. DEBU[0008] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  121. DEBU[0008] No new images found for /AngeloDaddy
  122. DEBU[0008] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/twitchpoints image="rdavidoff/twitch-channel-points-miner-v2:latest"
  123. DEBU[0008] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  124. DEBU[0008] Got image name: rdavidoff/twitch-channel-points-miner-v2:latest
  125. DEBU[0008] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/twitchpoints image="rdavidoff/twitch-channel-points-miner-v2:latest"
  126. DEBU[0008] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  127. DEBU[0008] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  128. DEBU[0008] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  129. DEBU[0008] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:rdavidoff/twitch-channel-points-miner-v2:pull"
  130. DEBU[0008] No credentials found.
  131. DEBU[0008] Parsing image ref                    image=rdavidoff/twitch-channel-points-miner-v2 tag=latest
  132. DEBU[0008] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  133. DEBU[0008] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:abf28a9118635382b42ea52d223389bee10025dee6fd86606df0d27ba8f39ce1"
  134. DEBU[0008] Comparing                                     local="sha256:abf28a9118635382b42ea52d223389bee10025dee6fd86606df0d27ba8f39ce1" remote="sha256:abf28a9118635382b42ea52d223389bee10025dee6fd86606df0d27ba8f39ce1"
  135. DEBU[0008] Found a match
  136. DEBU[0008] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  137. DEBU[0008] No new images found for /twitchpoints
  138. DEBU[0008] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/owncast image="owncast/owncast:latest"
  139. DEBU[0008] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  140. DEBU[0008] Got image name: owncast/owncast:latest
  141. DEBU[0008] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/owncast image="owncast/owncast:latest"
  142. DEBU[0008] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  143. DEBU[0009] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  144. DEBU[0009] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  145. DEBU[0009] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:owncast/owncast:pull"
  146. DEBU[0009] No credentials found.
  147. DEBU[0009] Parsing image ref                    image=owncast/owncast tag=latest
  148. DEBU[0009] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  149. DEBU[0009] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:bc42f1a7a64a0dd6d43e85f170a5d38baca4cacc21d00d7caa6e421186e9ef64"
  150. DEBU[0009] Comparing                                     local="sha256:bc42f1a7a64a0dd6d43e85f170a5d38baca4cacc21d00d7caa6e421186e9ef64" remote="sha256:bc42f1a7a64a0dd6d43e85f170a5d38baca4cacc21d00d7caa6e421186e9ef64"
  151. DEBU[0009] Found a match
  152. DEBU[0009] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  153. DEBU[0009] No new images found for /owncast
  154. DEBU[0009] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/slash image="yourselfhosted/slash:latest"
  155. DEBU[0009] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  156. DEBU[0009] Got image name: yourselfhosted/slash:latest
  157. DEBU[0009] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/slash image="yourselfhosted/slash:latest"
  158. DEBU[0009] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  159. DEBU[0010] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  160. DEBU[0010] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  161. DEBU[0010] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:yourselfhosted/slash:pull"
  162. DEBU[0010] No credentials found.
  163. DEBU[0010] Parsing image ref                    image=yourselfhosted/slash tag=latest
  164. DEBU[0010] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  165. DEBU[0010] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:ce3cc51f39f0a55fc7d493e0968949bf3b2d78fe7f5b0f8376f38f4390aaca5d"
  166. DEBU[0010] Comparing                                     local="sha256:ce3cc51f39f0a55fc7d493e0968949bf3b2d78fe7f5b0f8376f38f4390aaca5d" remote="sha256:ce3cc51f39f0a55fc7d493e0968949bf3b2d78fe7f5b0f8376f38f4390aaca5d"
  167. DEBU[0010] Found a match
  168. DEBU[0010] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  169. DEBU[0010] No new images found for /slash
  170. DEBU[0010] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/memos image=""
  171. DEBU[0010] No credentials for found              config_file=/config.json
  172. DEBU[0010] Got image name:
  173. DEBU[0010] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/memos image=""
  174. DEBU[0010] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  175. DEBU[0010] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:user/image:pull\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  176. DEBU[0010] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  177. DEBU[0010] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:usememos/memos:pull"
  178. DEBU[0010] No credentials found.
  179. DEBU[0010] Parsing image ref                    image=usememos/memos tag=stable
  180. DEBU[0010] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  181. DEBU[0011] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:d5941c0069c97e2de5658113445c949acdc4110117d7c25e42f2bb50d0439789"
  182. DEBU[0011] Comparing                                     local="sha256:d5941c0069c97e2de5658113445c949acdc4110117d7c25e42f2bb50d0439789" remote="sha256:d5941c0069c97e2de5658113445c949acdc4110117d7c25e42f2bb50d0439789"
  183. DEBU[0011] Found a match
  184. DEBU[0011] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  185. DEBU[0011] No new images found for /memos
  186. DEBU[0011] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/swag image=""
  187. DEBU[0011] No credentials for found              config_file=/config.json
  188. DEBU[0011] Got image name:
  189. DEBU[0011] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/swag image=""
  190. DEBU[0011] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  191. DEBU[0011] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:user/image:pull\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  192. DEBU[0011] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  193. DEBU[0011] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:linuxserver/swag:pull"
  194. DEBU[0011] No credentials found.
  195. DEBU[0011] Parsing image ref                    image=linuxserver/swag tag=latest
  196. DEBU[0011] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  197. DEBU[0011] Could not do a head request for "", falling back to regular pull.  container=/swag image=""
  198. DEBU[0011] Reason: registry responded to head request with "401 Unauthorized", auth: "Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:linuxserver/swag:pull\""  container=/swag image=""
  199. DEBU[0011] Pulling image                                 container=/swag image=""
  200. INFO[0012] Found new image (06865098fc75)
  201. DEBU[0012] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/mariadb image="mariadb:latest"
  202. DEBU[0012] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  203. DEBU[0012] Got image name: mariadb:latest
  204. DEBU[0012] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/mariadb image="mariadb:latest"
  205. DEBU[0012] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  206. DEBU[0012] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  207. DEBU[0012] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  208. DEBU[0012] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:library/mariadb:pull"
  209. DEBU[0012] No credentials found.
  210. DEBU[0012] Parsing image ref                    image=library/mariadb tag=latest
  211. DEBU[0012] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  212. DEBU[0013] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:2d50fe0f77dac919396091e527e5e148a9de690e58f32875f113bef6506a17f5"
  213. DEBU[0013] Comparing                                     local="sha256:e59ba8783bf7bc02a4779f103bb0d8751ac0e10f9471089709608377eded7aa8" remote="sha256:2d50fe0f77dac919396091e527e5e148a9de690e58f32875f113bef6506a17f5"
  214. DEBU[0013] Digests did not match, doing a pull.
  215. DEBU[0013] Pulling image                                 container=/mariadb image="mariadb:latest"
  216. INFO[0014] Found new mariadb:latest image (0ebd7a1848dc)
  217. DEBU[0014] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/uptime-kuma image="louislam/uptime-kuma:1"
  218. DEBU[0014] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  219. DEBU[0014] Got image name: louislam/uptime-kuma:1
  220. DEBU[0014] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/uptime-kuma image="louislam/uptime-kuma:1"
  221. DEBU[0014] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  222. DEBU[0014] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  223. DEBU[0014] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  224. DEBU[0014] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:louislam/uptime-kuma:pull"
  225. DEBU[0014] No credentials found.
  226. DEBU[0014] Parsing image ref                    image=louislam/uptime-kuma tag=1
  227. DEBU[0014] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  228. DEBU[0015] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:d8b1b2151256bda3a99e822902fcbeb27b3eca6ef6d93fad25d2062b9fb61ad2"
  229. DEBU[0015] Comparing                                     local="sha256:96510915e6be539b76bcba2e6873591c67aca8a6075ff09f5b4723ae47f333fc" remote="sha256:d8b1b2151256bda3a99e822902fcbeb27b3eca6ef6d93fad25d2062b9fb61ad2"
  230. DEBU[0015] Digests did not match, doing a pull.
  231. DEBU[0015] Pulling image                                 container=/uptime-kuma image="louislam/uptime-kuma:1"
  232. INFO[0016] Found new louislam/uptime-kuma:1 image (6953944fad7c)
  233. DEBU[0016] Trying to load authentication credentials.    container=/docker-telegram-notifier image="poma/docker-telegram-notifier:latest"
  234. DEBU[0016] No credentials for found      config_file=/config.json
  235. DEBU[0016] Got image name: poma/docker-telegram-notifier:latest
  236. DEBU[0016] Checking if pull is needed                    container=/docker-telegram-notifier image="poma/docker-telegram-notifier:latest"
  237. DEBU[0016] Built challenge URL                           URL=""
  238. DEBU[0016] Got response to challenge request             header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\"" status="401 Unauthorized"
  239. DEBU[0016] Checking challenge header content             realm=""
  240. DEBU[0016] Setting scope for auth token         scope="repository:poma/docker-telegram-notifier:pull"
  241. DEBU[0016] No credentials found.
  242. DEBU[0016] Parsing image ref                    image=poma/docker-telegram-notifier tag=latest
  243. DEBU[0016] Doing a HEAD request to fetch a digest        url=""
  244. DEBU[0017] Found a remote digest to compare with         remote="sha256:ecf12b4e973e872078b587cc1060cd0104e03b6abf42292400efc805e4d085b4"
  245. DEBU[0017] Comparing                                     local="sha256:ecf12b4e973e872078b587cc1060cd0104e03b6abf42292400efc805e4d085b4" remote="sha256:ecf12b4e973e872078b587cc1060cd0104e03b6abf42292400efc805e4d085b4"
  246. DEBU[0017] Found a match
  247. DEBU[0017] No pull needed. Skipping image.
  248. DEBU[0017] No new images found for /docker-telegram-notifier
  249. INFO[0017] Session done                                  Failed=0 Scanned=15 Updated=3 notify=no
  250. INFO[0017] Waiting for the notification goroutine to finish  notify=no
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