

Feb 18th, 2024
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  1. # Difference between SQL and NoSQL:
  2. - **SQL (Structured Query Language)**:
  3.   - Uses structured schema and tables.
  4.   - Data is stored in tables with rows and columns.
  5.   - Suitable for structured data with predefined schemas.
  6.   - Supports ACID transactions (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).
  7. - **NoSQL (Not Only SQL)**:
  8.   - NoSQL databases are schema-less or have flexible schema.
  9.   - Data is stored in various formats like key-value pairs, documents, graphs, or wide-column stores.
  10.   - Suited for unstructured or semi-structured data.
  11.   - Scales horizontally and offers high performance for large datasets.
  13. # Middleware and its Use:
  14. - **Middleware**:
  15.   - Middleware is software that acts as a bridge between different systems, components, or layers.
  16.   - In web development, middleware functions intercept incoming HTTP requests and perform various operations before passing them to the next middleware or route handler.
  17. - **Use of Middleware**:
  18.   - Authentication: Verify user identity before accessing protected routes.
  19.   - Logging: Record request details like IP, timestamp, and URL for debugging and analytics.
  20.   - Error Handling: Catch and handle errors to prevent server crashes and provide meaningful responses.
  21.   - Request Processing: Modify or augment incoming requests, such as parsing request bodies or adding headers.
  22.   - Caching: Cache responses to improve performance by serving cached data instead of querying the database repeatedly.
  24. # Use of Express.js:
  25. - **Express.js**:
  26.   - Express.js is a minimalist web application framework for Node.js.
  27.   - It simplifies the process of building web applications and APIs by providing a robust set of features and middleware.
  28. - **Use of Express.js**:
  29.   - Routing: Define routes to handle different HTTP requests and endpoints.
  30.   - Middleware: Easily integrate middleware functions for authentication, logging, and error handling.
  31.   - Templating Engines: Support for popular templating engines like EJS and Handlebars.
  32.   - Error Handling: Built-in error handling middleware for graceful error responses.
  33.   - HTTP Utility Methods: Convenient methods to handle HTTP requests, responses, and headers.
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