
Aug 12th, 2016
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  1. for _, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do -- Gets the players and sets them to plr
  2. for _, obj in pairs(plr.Character:GetChildren()) do -- Gets everyone's character and sets anything in their character to obj
  3. if (obj.Name == "Head") then -- If the name of the thing in the character is = to "Head" then that now only stands for obj
  4. obj.Mesh.MeshType = "Brick" -- Changes the mesh inside of the Head to a brick mesh
  5. obj.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1, 1, .01); -- Changes the scale (size) of the mesh to 1, 1, .01
  6. obj.Mesh:Clone().Parent = plr.Character["Torso"]; -- Clones the mesh to the players torso
  7. obj.Mesh:Clone().Parent = plr.Character["Left Arm"]; -- Clones the mesh to the players left arm
  8. obj.Mesh:Clone().Parent = plr.Character["Right Arm"]; -- Clones the mesh to the players right arm
  9. obj.Mesh:Clone().Parent = plr.Character["Left Leg"]; -- Clones the mesh to the players left leg
  10. obj.Mesh:Clone().Parent = plr.Character["Right Leg"]; -- Clones the mesh to the players right leg
  11. obj.Mesh:Clone().Parent = plr.Character["Head"]; -- Clones the mesh to the players head
  12. for _, plra in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do -- Sets all the players to plra
  13. for _, obja in pairs(plra.Character:GetChildren()) do -- Gets everyone's character and sets anything in their character to obja
  14. if (obja:IsA("Hat")) then -- If the name of the thing in the character is a "Hat" then that now only stands for obja
  15. for _, objas in pairs(obja:GetChildren()) do -- Gets anything in the player(s) hat(s) and sets them to objas
  16. objas.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1, 1, .01) -- Changes the scale of the mesh in the hat to 1, 1, .01
  17. end -- All "end"(s) end the parrelel blue highlighted word such as "for" or "if"
  18. end -- All "end"(s) end the parrelel blue highlighted word such as "for" or "if"
  19. end -- All "end"(s) end the parrelel blue highlighted word such as "for" or "if"
  20. end -- All "end"(s) end the parrelel blue highlighted word such as "for" or "if"
  21. end -- All "end"(s) end the parrelel blue highlighted word such as "for" or "if"
  22. end -- All "end"(s) end the parrelel blue highlighted word such as "for" or "if"
  23. end -- All "end"(s) end the parrelel blue highlighted word such as "for" or "if"
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