DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
GM: Dovelia has armed herself with a (selectively) deadly cocktail, but one does not simply walk up to Galvo Morisham and offer him a drink. Or- well, maybe they can, but she's not going to risk it, is she? Best to disguise herself as someone the offer wouldn't seem so strange coming from. A waitress, perhaps?
But that opens the question of where she's going to get one. Does she try to sneak into the staff area to grab a spare? Jump a live one in a secluded corner, like the bathrooms? Just what is her plan?
Dovelia: looks around for the entrance to the staff area. Involving bystanders isn't in her playbook - if she's to get a costume, it won't be through risking harming someone whose only crime is working at an establishment Galvo patronizes.
GM: (Trying to find an unwatched entrance - BURGLARY Create Advantage vs. Fair (+2) - or going straight for the STEALTH Overcome, again, vs. Fair (+2)?)
Dovelia: (going for Stealth)
Dovelia: !f 3 (Stealth)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]]
GM: (Normal success. Describe it!)
GM: (Just updated the scene aspects, BTW.)
Dovelia: Dovelia trips her way through the crowd, another unassuming partygoer. She leans against the wall near the entrance to the staff area, watches the crowd for witnesses while fake-sipping her special cocktail, then slips in the moment she's sure there are no eyes on her.
GM: You're in the staff-only area now. From what you remember of the blueprints, the kitchen, staff changing room, and Morisham's office can all be reached from here. There's also a "security room," but from what you were briefed on, Puyo made sure there were no servers to record CCTV footage onto, so there isn't much reason to visit there.
GM: You'll need to be careful, regardless of your destination; waiters and waitresses move through these back halls, and a security detail a bit more advanced than the odd bouncer should be patrolling somewhere in here.
Dovelia: looks towards Galvo's office. What secrets might he have buried in there? What wrongs might be made right if they were to surface?...alas, she's here to see an end to him, not play vigilante. The staff changing area is her immediate target. Certainly there should be an outfit there she can switch into.
GM: You manage to reach the changing room without much trouble.
(Read; you already made the STEALTH roll.)
Aisles are made up of rows of lockers, and there are a few waitresses seated on some of the bench-boards; one seems to be trying not to cry while the other consoles her. A bouncer is standing over them, listening in and asking questions, while a guy on the other end of the room moves into a changing booth carrying a waiter's uniform (what little there is).
Do you approach someone, or do you just try to remain unnoticed as you look for a spare uniform in a locker or something?
Dovelia: (is there any way i can stay hidden and eavesdrop while looking?)
GM: (It's three people instead of two this time, without a crowd to protect you, so it'll be steep.)
Dovelia: (i'll stay hidden and eavesdrop. if nothing else, the search will be easier if i wait until they leave first.)
GM: (Alright, that'll be STEALTH vs. Good (+3); they're talking pretty quiet, and you'll need to get close.)
Dovelia: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][ ][+][ ]]
Dovelia: (uh. do my FP refresh between sessions?)
GM: (I was working with "no" so far, but note that this is a tie on Create Advantage. Was the goal to get the low-down?)
Dovelia: (yeah)
GM: (A'ight, so my rule for tying is "you get a one-use boost like the book says, and it doesn't have to be what you were trying to get.")
GM: You stay hidden, alright. This is mostly accomplished by keeping a respectful distance from the group. You make out a few words - something about not being used to what the work entails - but not enough to discern anything useful. They do manage to resolve it somehow, and they leave, leaving you in a *Mostly Empty Room*... for now.
GM: (Sound good?)
Dovelia: frowns. Her instinct is to meddle; to get in the middle of things and...well, 'play mommy,' perhaps, would be the best way to describe it. But it's for the best things were resolved without her involvement. Hesitating no longer, she starts checking the lockers for a disguise.
GM: (This will be Burglary vs. +2 to choose and crack the right locker before someone catches you.)
Dovelia: (crap.)
Dovelia: !f 1 (Burglary)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+1 for 1 [4dF = [+][-][+][-]]
GM: (Use a boost?)
Dovelia: (oh right, i got a boost from that Create Advantage roll)
Dovelia: (that gives me the win, right?)
GM: (Yep; that you would eventually find a disguise was a given, the question was just whether you'd do it fast enough to get it on and out of there before you're caught in the act.)
GM: (Straight success means you describe it.)
Dovelia: It takes a bit longer than expected. The outfits, being barely there as they are, are custom-fitted to each server - or else they wouldn't stay on at all. After five or six tries, Dovelia finds one that's a close enough fit she can go out without any embarrassment (beyond that of actually wearing such a thing). She shoves her previous outfit into the crack underneath one of the lockers.
GM: (Hm... And the aspect name? Does Waitress Disguise [!] work?)
Dovelia: (yes)
Dovelia: She examines herself in the mirror. In all honesty, she's worn less, for jobs far worse than this. Now to lay the snare proper.
GM: (Question, should we introduce the evidence system now, or should we withhold that as an additional difficulty for missions proper? (Basically a scoring roll at the end using aspects created from places where you were either obfuscating or sloppy to boost/detract it.))
Dovelia: (you're the GM, though I'm leaning towards "no," because you're kinda springing this whole thing on me out of nowhere)
GM: (You're not actually gonna get prosecuted, the roll is just for "how much the agency has to clean/cover up after you." But fair.)
GM: (Is that your last line?)
Dovelia: (and yeah.)
GM: (Then let us...)
GM: !end