

Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  2. Symbol file LoadedFromMemory doesn't match image /Users/buildagent/.jenkins/workspace/Granny/project/IdleStrongGranny/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ext.nunit@1.0.0/net35/unity-custom/nunit.framework.dll
  3. Error: Could not load signature of UnityEngine.Purchasing.UIFakeStore:GetOkayButton due to: Could not load file or assembly 'UnityEngine.UI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. assembly:UnityEngine.UI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type:<unknown type> member:(null) signature:<none>
  4. 0   Unity                               0x0000000103a173ff _Z13GetStacktracei + 95
  5. 1   Unity                               0x0000000105fad7b3 _Z17DebugStringToFileRK21DebugStringToFileData + 355
  6. 2   Unity                               0x00000001051f0b50 _Z44ScanForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementationsv + 1008
  7. 3   Unity                               0x00000001051fd054 _ZN11MonoManager27SetupLoadedEditorAssembliesEv + 388
  8. 4   Unity                               0x00000001051fedc5 _ZN11MonoManager17EndReloadAssemblyER19DomainReloadingData14dynamic_bitset + 1349
  9. 5   Unity                               0x00000001051fd9df _ZN11MonoManager14ReloadAssemblyEv + 415
  10. 6   Unity                               0x0000000103644b14 _ZL27LoadDomainAndUserAssembliesv + 100
  11. 7   Unity                               0x0000000103644322 _Z41LoadMonoAssembliesAndRecompileIfNecessaryb + 1650
  12. 8   Unity                               0x0000000102f1b4b9 _ZN11Application17InitializeProjectEv + 10249
  13. 9   Unity                               0x00000001062685cc _Z14NoGraphicsMainv + 60
  14. 10  Unity                               0x000000010626883d _Z10EditorMainiPPKc + 541
  15. 11  Unity                               0x0000000106268b89 main + 9
  16. 12  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff72fe33d5 start + 1
  17. 13  ???                                 0x000000000000000a 0x0 + 10
  19. (Filename: ./Runtime/Mono/MonoAttributeHelpers.cpp Line: 372)
  21. Unloading broken assembly Assets/Plugins/UnityPurchasing/Bin/Stores.dll, this assembly can cause crashes in the runtime
  22. 0   Unity                               0x0000000103a173ff _Z13GetStacktracei + 95
  23. 1   Unity                               0x0000000105fad7b3 _Z17DebugStringToFileRK21DebugStringToFileData + 355
  24. 2   Unity                               0x00000001051fd283 _ZN11MonoManager27SetupLoadedEditorAssembliesEv + 947
  25. 3   Unity                               0x00000001051fedc5 _ZN11MonoManager17EndReloadAssemblyER19DomainReloadingData14dynamic_bitset + 1349
  26. 4   Unity                               0x00000001051fd9df _ZN11MonoManager14ReloadAssemblyEv + 415
  27. 5   Unity                               0x0000000103644b14 _ZL27LoadDomainAndUserAssembliesv + 100
  28. 6   Unity                               0x0000000103644322 _Z41LoadMonoAssembliesAndRecompileIfNecessaryb + 1650
  29. 7   Unity                               0x0000000102f1b4b9 _ZN11Application17InitializeProjectEv + 10249
  30. 8   Unity                               0x00000001062685cc _Z14NoGraphicsMainv + 60
  31. 9   Unity                               0x000000010626883d _Z10EditorMainiPPKc + 541
  32. 10  Unity                               0x0000000106268b89 main + 9
  33. 11  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff72fe33d5 start + 1
  34. 12  ???                                 0x000000000000000a 0x0 + 10
  36. (Filename: ./Runtime/Mono/MonoManager.cpp Line: 1231)
  38. Native extension for iOS target not found
  39. Native extension for Android target not found
  40. Native extension for OSXStandalone target not found
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