
|:TZL Main Guide Preview

May 26th, 2016
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  1. Greetings, fellow Zentinels and C&G’ers. This guide was made to answer common questions regarding the legion, and explain everything going on. It is recommended that you should read and understand each part, if you have a question go ask an online HR or go ahead and post on the group wall.
  3. |:CONTENT
  4. Welcome to the Community
  5. - Acceptance
  6. - Laws
  7. - Ranking System
  8. - The Clan Shout
  9. - Divisions
  13. Welcome to the community, soldier! Be sure to follow all the laws, and complete the advancement course which are all stated below. Be active, mature, and we expect you to be well-behaved. Our clan is a community based one, which means your attitude, and activity, together with performance matters the most. It is highly encouraged to be friendly and helpful within the community; we don’t want anyone arguing, as we must unite under one legion!
  17. The Zentinel Legion’s Council has came up with this system to keep our standards decent; we don’t want the clan to be high in numbers, and low in skills. We’re aiming to do the opposite; we aim to keep our skills much higher than our numbers, in order to achieve this we have created the enlistment course. This course has been designed to gauge a soldier’s capability of fitting the standards of the legion.
  19. To be accepted into the legion, you’re going to have to complete the advancement course. When completed, you’re going to have purchase the complete uniform and message a Council member. If you do not have enough funds, you can purchase the enlistment t-shirt.
  21. Once done, you will be accepted in a day or two. If not, try contacting an HR or the commander himself to make things less complicated. See you on the battlefield, soldier!
  23. |:LAWS
  25. Laws has been made to keep peace and order within the clan, once a law is broken, consequences will be given. These laws are to be implemented once you are on-duty.
  26. - You are on-duty when you are:
  27. - In your TZL uniform
  28. - In the discord server
  29. - In an official TZL place
  30. - In an official group event
  31. - Representing TZL in any way
  33. You are to abide by these laws, else consequences will be given. The following laws are as stated below.
  35. Basic Conduct:
  37. - Use your common sense at all times.
  38. - Respect is mandatory; respect one another, ranks are to be respected equally. We want a friendly community, not a rude one.
  39. - Maturity and grammar is highly encouraged.
  40. - Your attitude and behavior mostly affects your rank, other than performance and experience.
  41. - It is highly encouraged that we stay as a friendly, helpful, and active community; we can simply -achieve this by staying active on the wall.
  42. - Address your superiors by “Sir” or “Ma’am” depending on their gender; though we still try to keep -respect equal as much as possible.
  43. - It is highly advised that when you go inactive for a valid reason; you must inform a council to -avoid getting demoted.
  44. - The council has the right to demote or remove anyone who may seem unloyal.
  46. Events:
  48. - All members are to keep attention and priority to the current host of that particular event; use of admin is to be kept for only necessary uses.
  49. - At all times in any official group place, use of admin is to be kept for necessary uses only, admin abusing whether minor or major will both lead to a punishment.
  50. - No “rage quitting” just because you are losing, doing so just proves you are not worthy as a member of the legion.
  51. - Raids and defenses are to be given the highest priority; trainings are automatically cancelled when these certain events are occurring.
  52. - Unnecessary chats are highly discouraged.
  54. Superiors:
  56. - Abusing your powers will automatically lead to a punishment whether it is minor or major.
  57. - Your rank mostly relies on your activity, performance, attitude, and yourself overall.
  58. - Maturity and grammar is mandatory.
  59. - You mostly represent the legion, you are the one of the foundations; therefore you are to act as a good role model and example to those below you.
  63. The ranking system has been designed to make it easier for soldiers to understand well, this system has been agreed upon by the council and is currently in effect within the legion. The system has divided all the ranks into five (5) sections which are all as stated below.
  65. [X] Diplomat and Automation
  66. - These ranks are not officially considered a group member, they each have special roles.
  67. - Diplomat is a representative rank which is mostly the rank for our fellow allies.
  68. - Diplomat can be awarded when represented upon by the ally.
  69. - Automation is the rank for our bots, as it is very self explanatory; it keeps our clan a little more automated.
  71. [L] Enlist - Lance Corporal
  72. - These ranks are the soldiers of the legion; they are less experienced than those above them, though we treat them with similar respect.
  73. - Enlist is awarded once the requirements has been met.
  74. - Each rank can be awarded by showing your skills improve over time, if you already are good when joining, we’re very sure you can rank up quite faster than the others.
  76. [M] Sergeant - Lieutenant
  77. - These ranks are the bridge between low ranks and high ranks; they better start practicing their leadership and tactical skills.
  78. - Each rank can be awarded by three (3) recommendations.
  80. [H] Captain - Marshal
  81. - These are mostly likely the parts of the foundation of the legion, they form the face and body of our clan, they are somewhat the role models and good examples to follow.
  82. - Each rank can be obtained by a recommendation from a CC member in a training.
  84. [CC] Council - Commander
  85. - These are the hearts and minds of the legion, they take the right decisions and form the entire legion. They have been in the legion for quite some time, and they have quite some experience.
  86. - Council and High Council can be only obtained by being appointed by the commander himself.
  90. The clan shout is used for alerting all the members of the clan when there is something important to be displayed, I’m sure that there are some experienced war clanners here that knows what this is. It is recommended as well that you get ROBLOX+ or Group Enhancer extensions if your browser accepts Chrome extensions. You are to react to the shout as soon as possible.
  92. The following shout tags are as follows:
  94. |:MSG:|
  95. |:KIS:| - Keep in shout; meaning you cannot over shout this for a period of time.
  96. |:TRAINING:|
  97. |:RAID:|
  98. |:DEFEND:|
  100. |:DIVISIONS
  102. The Zentinel Legion has set up quite a few divisions only for the council to focus mostly on the main group. The legion has two (2) official divisions; they are the elites and the developers. Though developers doesn’t have their own group page, it is still official under the ZentinelDevelopment account’s blurb.
  104. Both divisions have their own guides which are displayed on either their group description, or the tech account’s blurb.
  106. Take note that being in a division doesn’t affect your rank at all in the main group, it’s more of a special activity to make you much closer to the community.
  108. |:SIDE NOTE
  109. That’s it for the guide, be sure to stay active, mature, and well-behaved. Let’s keep this a friendly community in the new era, for we shall unite under one legion!
  111. Written by Commander 2ndaccountfnadds5142
  112. Edited and Approved by The Council
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