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- const { ApolloServer, gql } = require("apollo-server");
- // typeDefs tell the GraphQL server what data to expect
- // Notice the gql tag, this converts your string into GraphQL strings that can be read by Apollo
- const users = [
- {
- firstName: "GraphQL",
- lastName: "isCool",
- email: ""
- },
- ];
- const typeDefs = gql`
- # GraphQL enables us to create our own types
- # Notice the "User" type matches the shape of our "database"
- type User {
- firstName: String!
- lastName: String!
- email: String!
- }
- type Query {
- hello: String!
- randomNumber: Int!
- # This query is going to return all the users in our array
- # Since our "database" is an array containing objects, we need to create a "User" type
- # Brackets around the type indicates the query is returning an array
- queryUsers: [User]!
- }
- type Mutation{
- # We are creating a mutation called "addUser" that takes in 3 arguments
- # These arguments will be available to our resolver, which will push the new user to the "users" array
- # Notice that this mutation will return a single User, which will be the one that was created
- addUser(firstName:String!, lastName:String!, email:String!): User!
- }
- `;
- // the Query type outlines all the queries that can be called by the client
- // hello and randomNumber are the names of the queries
- // The exclamation mark (!) tells Apollo Server that a result is required
- // Here, we define two queries, one returns a String and another returns a Int
- // When a query is called a resolver with the same name is run
- // The API returns whatever is returned by the resolver
- // We are using arrow functions so the "return" keyword is not required
- const resolvers = {
- // The name of the resolver must match the name of the query in the typeDefs
- Query: {
- // When the hello query is invoked "Hello world" should be returned
- hello: () => "Hello world!",
- // When we call the randomNumber query, it should return a number between 0 and 10
- randomNumber: () => Math.round(Math.random() * 10),
- // queryUsers simply returns our users array
- queryUsers: () => users,
- },
- Mutation: {
- // Once again notice the name of the resolver matches what we defined in our typeDefs
- // The first argument to any resolver is the parent, which is not important to us here
- // The second argument, args, is an object containing all the arguments passed to the resolver
- addUser: (parent, args) => {
- users.push(args); // Push the new user to the users array
- return args; // Returns the arguments provided, this is the new user we just added
- },
- },
- };
- // Create an instance of ApolloServer and pass in our typeDefs and resolvers
- const server = new ApolloServer({
- // If the object key and value have the same name, you can omit the key
- typeDefs,
- resolvers,
- });
- // Start the server at port 8080
- server.listen({ port: 8080 }).then(({ url }) => console.log(`GraphQL server running at ${url}`));
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