
The Hutt Gambit 5

Feb 2nd, 2025
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  1. Lando snapped his fingers. "Got it!" Han was quick to reply, "What?" Calrissian was already loading the injector again, this time with the other vial, the blue one. He shook the bounty hunter, who groaned and stirred. "He's coming around, So here goes nothing," he grunted. Han, who had reappropriated his blaster, kept the bounty hunter covered while Calrissian lifted the front of Fett's helmet, exposing his throat. The bounty hunter suddenly struggled violently. "Freeze!" Han ordered, holding the blaster against his helmet. "This isn't set on stun, Fett," he snarled. "After what you almost did to me, I'd cheerfully disintegrate you." Boba Fett lay quiet as Calrissian shoved the injector against his neck and triggered it. Moments later Fett shivered. "Lie still," Calrissian ordered. The bounty hunter obeyed. Han and Lando grinned at each other...slow, nasty grins. "All right, sit up," Calrissian said. Boba Fett did as he was told. "You know what we ought to do," Calrissian said thoughtfully.
  3. "If we had any idea of how long this stuff stays in the system, I'd say take him down to one of the lo-
  4. cal bars for a couple of hours and collect fees from folks who'd pay well to humiliate this guy. He's taken a lot of bounties. He's got to have lots of enemies."
  6. "He said it would last several hours. There's no way to tell exactly,' Han pointed out. Personally, he wanted nothing more than to get as far away from Fett and Slave I as he could. For a moment he considered ordering Fett to march himself across the permacrete and down an airshaft, but a moment's reflection convinced him that even though it might be the smart thing to do, he just couldn't do it. Killing someone in a blaster fight was one thing, but callously ordering a sentient to kill himself—even when that sentient scummy bounty hunter-was quite another.-Chpt.6 pgs.243-244
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