
config mikrotik

Oct 23rd, 2024
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  1. # oct/23/2024 09:45:48 by RouterOS 6.49.8
  2. # software id = WSXK-0496
  3. #
  4. # model = RB4011iGS+
  5. # serial number = B8F70AB057B3
  6. /interface bridge
  7. add comment="BRIDGE - LAN UNITECA" name=B-LAN
  8. /interface ethernet
  9. set [ find default-name=ether1 ] advertise=10M-half,10M-full,100M-half,100M-full,1000M-half,1000M-full,2500M-full,5000M-full,10000M-full comment=\
  10. "Entrada Internet Principal Puerto 1 TUYEROS NETWORKS" name="P01 - ISP1"
  11. set [ find default-name=ether2 ] comment="Entrada Internet Secundario Puerto 2 MOVISTAR" disabled=yes name="P02 - ISP2"
  12. set [ find default-name=ether3 ] advertise=10M-half,10M-full,100M-half,100M-full,1000M-half,1000M-full,2500M-full,5000M-full,10000M-full comment=\
  13. "Salida LAN MOVISTAR Puerto 3 ENLACE LETONIA" name="P03 - LAN MOVISTAR"
  14. set [ find default-name=ether4 ] advertise=10M-half,10M-full,100M-half,100M-full,1000M-half,1000M-full,2500M-full,5000M-full,10000M-full comment="Salida LAN QUIMICAS Puerto 4" name=\
  15. "P04 - LAN POLY"
  16. set [ find default-name=ether5 ] advertise=10M-half,10M-full,100M-half,100M-full,1000M-half,1000M-full,2500M-full,5000M-full,10000M-full comment="Salida LAN UNITECA Puerto 5" name=\
  17. "P05 - LAN UNI"
  18. set [ find default-name=ether6 ] disabled=yes name="P06 - LAN"
  19. set [ find default-name=ether7 ] disabled=yes name=P07
  20. set [ find default-name=ether8 ] disabled=yes name=P08
  21. set [ find default-name=ether9 ] disabled=yes name=P09
  22. set [ find default-name=ether10 ] disabled=yes name=P10
  23. set [ find default-name=sfp-sfpplus1 ] disabled=yes
  24. /interface ethernet switch port
  25. set 0 default-vlan-id=0
  26. set 1 default-vlan-id=0
  27. set 2 default-vlan-id=0
  28. set 3 default-vlan-id=0
  29. set 4 default-vlan-id=0
  30. set 10 default-vlan-id=0
  31. /interface wireless security-profiles
  32. set [ find default=yes ] supplicant-identity=MikroTik
  33. /ip firewall layer7-protocol
  34. add name=permitidas regexp="^.+(|gmail|provincial|bancodevenezuela|mercantilbanco|hotmail|outlook||seniat|patria|gtrplus|bfc|hotmail|outlook|mercantilbanco|unite\
  35. ca|fast|nperf|msn|hotmail||bod|banesconline|banesco|banplus|banorte|venezolano|bdvenlinea|anydesk|bnc|secure.bnc|bancamiga|bicentenariobu|online.bancamiga|bancaribe|login.\
  36. live|banvenez|gstatic|bcv|loudtalks|.whatsapp|faov|ivss|mintra|inces|sodexo|sodexoenlinea|telegram|mozilla|cne|321bas|cantv|saime|tealca|intt|akamai|logincdn.msauth|mlstatic|melid\
  37. ata|mpppst||pdvsa|sigco|sigco.pdvsa|provincialnetchash|venoco|f-droid|bancoexterior|github|raspberrypi|librepago|stackoverflow|yunohost|inpsasel|matrix|\
  38. |geocities|wikipedia|monitordolarvenezuela|exchangemonitor|debian|ubuntu|archi.ubuntu|speedtest|zoom|paypal|frecon|epson|invt|abb|hik-connect|x-shield|traking.x-shield|wetransfer|\
  41. ||||||||clients[N]||googleuserconten\
  44. add name=block regexp="^.+(.).*\$"
  45. /ip pool
  46. add name=dhcp_pool0 ranges=
  47. /ip dhcp-server
  48. add address-pool=dhcp_pool0 disabled=no interface=B-LAN name=dhcp1
  49. /queue simple
  50. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-002 target=
  51. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="CAMARA WIFI TAPO QP - GARITA VIGILANCIA" packet-marks="" target=
  52. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-004 target=
  53. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-005 target=
  54. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-007 target=
  55. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="ESTEBAN - LAPTOP" target=
  56. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name="IMPRESORA EPSON 2170 ADMON UNITECA" target=
  57. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=15M/15M name="SERVIDOR SISTEMA DE INVENTARIO UNITECA - VIRTUAL" target=
  58. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="SERVIDOR PROLIANT ML350 G6 - VMWARE" target=
  59. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="SERVIDOR PROLIANT ML110 G10 - VMWARE" target=
  60. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="SERVIDOR SYSMAN - VIRTUAL" target=
  61. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="BIOMETRICO PRODUCCION UNITECA ESCLAVO" target=
  62. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="BIOMETRICO QUIMICAS ESCLAVO" target=
  63. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-016 target=
  64. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-017 target=
  65. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-018 target=
  66. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name="BIOMETRICO RECEPCION UNITECA" target=
  67. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="DVR UNITECA ADMON" target=
  68. add dst="P01 - ISP1" name="REPETIDOR WIFI ADMON" target=
  69. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="BIOMETRICO MAS QUIMICAS ENTRADA" target=
  70. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-023 target=
  71. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="ADMINISTRACION QP 2 PC - SANDRA CASTRO" target=
  72. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="CAMARA IP - ENTRADA PRODUCCION" target=
  73. add dst="P01 - ISP1" name="REPETIDOR WIFI MTTO" target=
  74. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-027 target=
  75. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-139 target=
  76. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="ANGEL GONZALEZ PROD QP - CELULAR" target=
  77. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-028 target=
  78. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="YURIS - CELULAR" target=
  79. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="DVR DESPACHO UNITECA" target=
  80. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-035 target=
  81. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="ENGERBERTH - CELULAR" target=
  82. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="ESTEBAN - CELULAR" target=
  83. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="HENRY CONTRERAS QP - CELULAR" target=
  84. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=6M/6M name="SEGURIDAD QP" target=
  85. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="IMPRESORA HP LASER M428DW QP" target=
  86. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=512k/512k name="IMPRESORA EPSON M100 UNITECA" target=
  87. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-048 target=
  88. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="LABORATORIO PC" target=
  89. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-050 target=
  90. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-051 target=
  91. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=15M/15M name="SERVICIOS GENERALES PC - MOISES ARIZA" target=
  92. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="GUSTAVO HERRERA LAB QP - CELULAR" target=
  93. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-054 target=
  94. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="TRANSPORTE - HECTOR ABREU" target=
  95. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="SEG INDUSTRIAL QP - HENRY CONTRERAS" target=
  96. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="ALMACEN REPUESTOS QP - JOSE ENGANEZ" target=
  97. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="LUSMAIRE - LAPTOP NUEVA" target=
  98. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-062 target=
  99. add max-limit=4M/4M name="BIOMETRICO ESC PROD UNITECA SALIDA WIFI" target=
  100. add max-limit=10M/10M name="FRANCISCO - LAPTOP LAN" target=
  101. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name="IMPRESORA LASER P2015 MANTENIMIENTO QP" target=
  102. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-067 target=
  103. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-068 target=
  104. add max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-069 target=
  105. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="MANTENIMIENTO 02 QP - DANNY MOLINA" target=
  106. add max-limit=1M/1M name="CENTRAL ALARMA QP" target= time=0s-0s,
  107. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-072 target=
  108. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="PRODUCCION LAPTOP - CARLIS REYES" target=
  109. add dst="P01 - ISP1" name="ROUTER PRINCIPAL UNITECA" target=
  110. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-075 target=
  111. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-076 target=
  112. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="SERVIDOR PRINCIPAL ACTIVE DIRETORY - VIRTUAL" target=
  113. add max-limit=5M/5M name="FRANCISCO - CELULAR TECNO" target=
  114. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-080 target=
  115. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-136 target=
  116. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-078 target=
  117. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-083 target=
  118. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=30M/30M name="ROUTER WIFI LAB QP" target=
  119. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-086 target=
  120. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-087 target=
  121. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="VANESSA FERNANDEZ - CELULAR" target=
  122. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=15M/15M name="PC VIRTUAL COREL - PROXMOX" target=
  123. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-090 target=
  124. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-091 target=
  125. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=6M/6M name="HECTOR ABREU - CELULAR" target=
  126. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-094 target=
  127. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="JOSUE - CELULAR" target=
  128. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="JOSE TORREALBA PROD QP - CELULAR" target=
  129. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-097 target=
  130. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="MIGUEL ESTRADA - CELULAR" target=
  131. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="JOSE COITA ALMACEN - CELULAR" target=
  132. add max-limit=15M/15M name="SRV-SISTEMAS REMOTO" target=
  133. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name="JOSE BANDES - CELULAR" target=
  134. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-142 target=
  135. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-103 target=
  136. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-104 target=
  137. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-105 target=
  138. add max-limit=10M/10M name="GERENCIA DE PLANTA UNITECA" target=
  139. add max-limit=15M/15M name="SERVIDOR REMOTO PROFIT - VIRTUAL" target=
  140. add max-limit=15M/15M name="SERVIDOR REMOTO PROFIT - VIRTUAL NUEVO" target=
  141. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-110 target=
  142. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-111 target=
  143. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="SUSANA - CELULAR" target=
  144. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=30M/30M name=IP-113 target=
  145. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="SERVIDOR PROFIT" target=
  146. add max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-082 target=
  147. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="LILIANA IZQUIEL - CELULAR" target=
  148. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="DC1-SRV-02 DNS" target=
  149. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=512k/512k name="DC1-SRV-02 DNS SECUNDARIO" target=
  150. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-148 target=
  151. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=512k/512k name="JOSE ARVELO MTTO - CELULAR" target=
  152. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="BALANZA MEZCLAS PC" target=
  153. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="MANUFACTURA QP PC - JOSE ROMERO" target=
  154. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=15M/15M name="RRHH UN 02 - VANESSA FERNANDEZ" target=
  155. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=2M/2M name="MIRLENI QP - CELULAR" target=
  156. add max-limit=30M/30M name="GERENCIA DE PLANTA QP PC" target=
  157. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="GERENCIA LAB QP PC - CRISMAR CABRERA" target=
  158. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=VIGILANTE1-CELULAR target=
  159. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-129 target=
  160. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=15M/15M name="OSCAR CARRERO - CELULAR" target=
  161. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="JOSUE GONZALEZ - CELULAR" target=
  162. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="RRHH QP PC - LILIANA IZQUIEL" target=
  163. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="AUDITORIA - OSCAR CARRERO" target=
  164. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="RAMON - VIANA" target=
  165. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-135 target=
  166. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="JESUS MORENO - CELULAR" target=
  167. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=2M/2M name="SOPORTE GPLI PC - VIRTUAL" target=
  168. add max-limit=10M/10M name="FRANCISCO - CELULAR A71" target=
  169. add dst="P01 - ISP1" name="ROBERT - CELULAR" target=
  170. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-141 target=
  171. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name="ALFREDO TESORERO PROD - CELULAR" target=
  172. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=15M/15M name="IP-144 judit laptop" target=
  173. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="JEFERSON - CELULAR" target=
  174. add dst="P01 - ISP1" name="REPETIDOR WIFI DESPACHO" target=
  175. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name="IMPRESORA HP2602 - ADMON UNITECA " target=
  176. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-149 target=
  177. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-150 target=
  178. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-151 target=
  179. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-152 target=
  180. add max-limit=20M/20M name="GERENCIA ATE CLIENTE LAPTOP - FRANCISCO TAVARES" target=
  181. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-241 target=
  182. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-156 target=
  183. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="JOSE LUIS GONZALEZ - CELULAR" target=
  184. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-158 target=
  185. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=2M/2M name="JOSE LUIS SERV GENERALES - CELULAR" target=
  186. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name="IP-160 " target=
  187. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-161 target=
  188. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-162 target=
  189. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-163 target=
  190. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=30M/30M name="GERENCIA PRODUCCION QP PC - ENGERBERTH RAMOS" target=
  191. add max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-166 target=
  192. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="JUDITH AYALA - CELULAR NUEVO" target=
  193. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-168 target=
  194. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-055 target=
  195. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-170 target=
  196. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name=IP-171 target=
  197. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-172 target=
  198. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=50M/50M name="ROUTER PRINCIPAL QP" target=
  199. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="LUIS MORALES PROD QP - CELULAR" target=
  200. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-175 target=
  201. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="LUSMAIRE CELULAR" target=
  202. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="JHONER OLIVO QP - CELULAR" target=
  203. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-178 target=
  204. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-126 target=
  205. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="INVESTIGACION QP PC - JHONER OLIVO" target=
  206. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-182 target=
  207. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-184 target=
  208. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="MARIANELL - CELULAR" target=
  209. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="CAMARA WIFI TAPO UNITECA - UTILAJE" target=
  210. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-187 target=
  211. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-188 target=
  212. add dst="P01 - ISP1" name="SISTEMAS LAPTOP WIFI - ROBERT ARIAS" target=
  213. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="LABORATORIO QP PC - VARIOS" target=
  214. add name="ENGERBERTH RAMOS GER PROD QP - CELULAR" target=
  215. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="MAGALI - CELULAR" target=
  216. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=2M/2M name="BALANZA PRODUCCION NUEVA" target=
  217. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="ROUTER SALA DE CONFERENCIAS UNITECA" target=
  218. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="WILFREDO TORRES - CALIDAD" target=
  219. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="SERVIDOR CARPETAS COMPARTIDAS - FREENAS VIRTUAL" target=
  220. add max-limit=15M/15M name="SERVIDOR PROMOX VM " target=
  221. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-006 target=
  222. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="VENTAS 02 - YURIS SALGADO" target=
  223. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="PRODUCCION UN PC - CARLIS REYES" target=
  224. add max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-203 target=
  225. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="RRHH02 - VANESSA FERNANDEZ" target=
  226. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="EDYLIN - CELULAR TEMPORAL" target=
  227. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-206 target=
  228. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=4M/4M name="LILIWESKA - CELULAR" target=
  229. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="RRHH02 - VANESSA FERNANDEZ 2" target=
  230. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="LAB CALIDAD PC - JUDITH AYALA" target=
  231. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=2M/2M name="LAB CALIDAD - TECNICOS" target=
  232. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=100M/100M name="DEBIAN - LDAP SRV" target=
  233. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="PRODUCCION 02 QP - LUIS MORALES" target=
  234. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="JUAN ALVAREZ QP - CELULAR" target=
  235. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=2M/2M name="ALMACEN SYR - JOSE COITA" target=
  236. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-216 target=
  237. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-217 target=
  238. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=2M/2M name="JOSE RUIZ - CELULAR" target=
  239. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-219 target=
  240. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-220 target=
  241. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="ERASMO SANCHEZ - CELULAR" target=
  242. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="DESPACHO UNITECA - ERASMO SANCHEZ" target=
  243. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="CAMARA WIFI EZVIZ 2" target=
  244. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-044 target=
  245. add dst="P01 - ISP1" name="DVR QUIMICAS" target=
  246. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="COMPRAS PC - DANIEL RAMOS" target=
  247. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=30M/30M name=IP-228 target=
  248. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="GERENCIA QP - LAPTOP" target=
  249. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-231 target=
  250. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="RRHH 01 LAPTOP WIFI- LILIANA IZQUIEL" target=
  251. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="SERVIDOR DE GESTION TELEGRAM - VIRTUAL" target=
  252. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="MANTENIMIENTO 01 QP - VICTOR MELENDEZ" target=
  253. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="MEZCLAS PC - EDILYN FARIAS" target=
  254. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-238 target=
  255. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="JOSE VI\D1A" target=
  256. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="LUQUE HERRERA" target=
  257. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="SOLEDAD RIVAS" target=
  258. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-243 target=
  259. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="PRODUCCION LAPTOP - CARLIS REYES WIFI" target=
  260. add dst="P01 - ISP1" name="REPETIDOR WIFI-UTILAJE" target=
  261. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-248 target=
  262. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="MOISES ARIZA - CELULAR" target=
  263. add name="SISTEMAS LAPTOP RED - ROBERT ARIAS" target=
  264. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="LOGISTICA QP PC - YHOVANNY CENTENO" target=
  265. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-252 target=
  266. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="SWITCH PRINCIPAL TPLINK UNITECA" target=
  267. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="SWITCH PRINCIPAL D-LINK QP" target=
  268. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-024 target=
  269. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="SANDRA CASTRO - CELULAR" target=
  270. add max-limit=10M/10M name="CRISMAR CABRERA - CELULAR" target=
  271. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="SEG. INDUSTRIAL - MARIANELL RAMOS" target=
  272. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-030 target=
  273. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="MIRTA OCHOA - CELULAR CORPORATIVO" target=
  274. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-036 target=
  275. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-037 target=
  276. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-043 target=
  277. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-045 target=
  278. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-059 target=
  279. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-060 target=
  280. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-061 target=
  281. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="VICTOR MELENDEZ GER MTTO QP - CELULAR" target=
  282. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=3M/3M name="MANUEL DESPACHO - CELULAR" target=
  283. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-084 target=
  284. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-088 target=
  285. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-092 target=
  286. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=5M/5M name="UTILAJE UN PC - MIGUEL ESTRADA" target=
  287. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-102 target=
  288. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-115 target=
  289. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-116 target=
  290. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-119 target=
  291. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=10M/10M name="RRHH LAPTOP WIFI" target=
  292. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-154 target=
  293. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=2M/2M name="BALANZA PRODUCCION" target=
  294. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="VENTAS 01 UNITECA - SUSANA LUGO" target=
  295. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=20M/20M name="CAMARA WIFI EZVIZ 1" target=
  296. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-201 target=
  297. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-202 target=
  298. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-210 target=
  299. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=1M/1M name="FRANCISCO CALIDAD - CELULAR" target=
  300. add dst="P01 - ISP1" max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-233 target=
  301. add max-limit=128k/128k name=IP-180 target=
  302. /interface bridge port
  303. add bridge=B-LAN interface="P03 - LAN MOVISTAR"
  304. add bridge=B-LAN interface="P04 - LAN POLY"
  305. add bridge=B-LAN interface="P05 - LAN UNI"
  306. add bridge=B-LAN interface="P06 - LAN"
  307. /ip neighbor discovery-settings
  308. set discover-interface-list=!dynamic
  309. /ip address
  310. add address= disabled=yes interface="P01 - ISP1" network=
  311. add address= interface="P02 - ISP2" network=
  312. add address= interface=B-LAN network=
  313. add address= interface="P05 - LAN UNI" network=
  314. /ip cloud
  315. set ddns-enabled=yes ddns-update-interval=1h
  316. /ip dhcp-client
  317. add disabled=no interface="P01 - ISP1"
  318. /ip dhcp-server lease
  319. add address= client-id=1:38:9d:92:a8:7b:ee comment="IMPRESORA EPSON 2170 ADMON" mac-address=38:9D:92:A8:7B:EE server=dhcp1
  320. add address= client-id=1:24:28:fd:1f:95:a6 comment="DVR UNITECA ADM" mac-address=24:28:FD:1F:95:A6 server=dhcp1
  321. add address= client-id=1:28:87:ba:11:f4:82 comment="REPETIDOR WIFI ADMON" mac-address=28:87:BA:11:F4:82 server=dhcp1
  322. add address= client-id=1:22:97:b7:ac:24:d6 comment="PC VIRTUAL COREL - PROXMOX CUANDO SE USA POR PROXMOX" mac-address=22:97:B7:AC:24:D6 server=dhcp1
  323. add address= client-id=1:7c:57:58:b9:45:1f comment="IMPRESORA HP2602 - ADMON UNITECA " mac-address=7C:57:58:B9:45:1F server=dhcp1
  324. add address= client-id=1:54:af:97:45:d1:74 comment="CAMARA WIFI TAPO QP - GARITA VIGILANCIA" mac-address=54:AF:97:45:D1:74 server=dhcp1
  325. add address= client-id=1:0:22:68:34:f4:48 comment="SERV GENERALES - MOISES ARIZA" mac-address=00:22:68:34:F4:48 server=dhcp1
  326. add address= client-id=1:f0:76:1c:5e:f6:d3 comment="PRODUCCION LAPTOP - CARLIS REYES" mac-address=F0:76:1C:5E:F6:D3 server=dhcp1
  327. add address= comment="DEBIAN VIRTUAL TELEGRAM" mac-address=00:0C:29:D7:62:03 server=dhcp1
  328. add address= client-id=1:44:87:fc:74:61:3f comment="ALMACEN REPUESTOS QP - JOSE ENGANEZ" mac-address=44:87:FC:74:61:3F server=dhcp1
  329. add address= client-id=1:f4:b5:20:3f:2f:76 comment="LABORATORIO QP GER - CRISMAR CABRERA" mac-address=F4:B5:20:3F:2F:76 server=dhcp1
  330. add address= client-id=1:bc:5f:f4:3d:8a:e2 comment="ADMINISTRACION QP 02 - SANDRA CASTRO" mac-address=BC:5F:F4:3D:8A:E2 server=dhcp1
  331. add address= client-id=1:f4:b5:20:3f:35:af comment="LOGISTICA QP - YHOVANY CENTENO " mac-address=F4:B5:20:3F:35:AF server=dhcp1
  332. add address= client-id=1:0:25:22:e3:49:df comment="PRODUCCION QP 02 - LUIS MORALES" mac-address=00:25:22:E3:49:DF server=dhcp1
  333. add address= client-id=1:d8:5e:d3:52:f8:46 comment="PRODUCCION QP 01 - ENGERBERTH RAMOS" mac-address=D8:5E:D3:52:F8:46 server=dhcp1
  334. add address= client-id=1:bc:5f:f4:1:6b:b2 comment="UTILAJE UNITECA - MIGUEL ESTRADA" mac-address=BC:5F:F4:01:6B:B2 server=dhcp1
  335. add address= client-id=1:d8:5e:d3:52:f6:9 comment="RRHH QP - LILIANA IZQUIEL" mac-address=D8:5E:D3:52:F6:09 server=dhcp1
  336. add address= client-id=1:30:d1:6b:91:3:7f comment="GERENCIA DE ATENCION AL CLIENTE - FRANCISCO TAVARES" mac-address=30:D1:6B:91:03:7F server=dhcp1
  337. add address= client-id=1:2c:41:38:9e:68:1c comment="MANUFACTURA QP - JOSE ROMERO" mac-address=2C:41:38:9E:68:1C server=dhcp1
  338. add address= client-id=1:74:de:2b:7c:6d:e9 comment="RRHH UN 01 LAPTOP" mac-address=74:DE:2B:7C:6D:E9 server=dhcp1
  339. add address= allow-dual-stack-queue=no client-id=1:00:0C:29:7e:c6:db comment="SERVIDOR REMOTO PROFIT" mac-address=00:0C:29:7E:C6:DB server=dhcp1
  340. add address= client-id=1:e8:39:35:35:20:90 comment="INVESTIGACION QP - JHONER OLIVO" mac-address=E8:39:35:35:20:90 server=dhcp1
  341. add address= client-id=1:0:19:66:bb:af:11 comment="PRODUCCION UN PC - CARLIS REYES" mac-address=00:19:66:BB:AF:11 server=dhcp1
  342. add address= client-id=1:0:25:22:ef:fa:84 comment="MTTO INDUSTRIAL QP 02 - DANNY MOLINA" mac-address=00:25:22:EF:FA:84 server=dhcp1
  343. add address= client-id=1:ec:30:b3:4b:a9:b4 comment="JOSE LUIS - SERV GENERALES - CELULAR" mac-address=EC:30:B3:4B:A9:B4 server=dhcp1
  344. add address= client-id=1:10:3c:59:f2:a4:15 comment="UNI MTTO - RAMON VIANA - CELULAR" mac-address=10:3C:59:F2:A4:15 server=dhcp1
  345. add address= client-id=1:44:87:fc:74:62:f0 comment="GERENCIA DE PLANTA QP" mac-address=44:87:FC:74:62:F0 server=dhcp1
  346. add address= client-id=1:a8:5e:f2:68:9e:f0 comment="SUSANA LUGO - CELULAR" mac-address=A8:5E:F2:68:9E:F0 server=dhcp1
  347. add address= client-id=1:bc:9:eb:15:c8:1d comment="FRANCISCO TAVARES - CELULAR TECNO" mac-address=BC:09:EB:15:C8:1D server=dhcp1
  348. add address= client-id=1:bc:10:7b:6c:c9:3e comment="OSCAR CARRERO - CELULAR" mac-address=BC:10:7B:6C:C9:3E server=dhcp1
  349. add address= client-id=1:c0:ad:97:4d:97:1b comment="YURIS - CELULAR" mac-address=C0:AD:97:4D:97:1B server=dhcp1
  350. add address= client-id=1:60:ab:67:ff:f:db comment="LUSMAIRE - CELULAR" mac-address=60:AB:67:FF:0F:DB server=dhcp1
  351. add address= client-id=1:8c:7a:3d:dc:d8:d3 comment="MARIANELL - CELULAR" mac-address=8C:7A:3D:DC:D8:D3 server=dhcp1
  352. add address= client-id=1:40:8e:f6:68:47:45 comment="MAGALI - CELULAR" mac-address=40:8E:F6:68:47:45 server=dhcp1
  353. add address= client-id=1:6c:dd:bc:8d:fd:7 comment="HENRY CONTRERAS QP - CELULAR" mac-address=6C:DD:BC:8D:FD:07 server=dhcp1
  354. add address= client-id=1:60:ab:67:9e:90:d6 comment="QP PROD - ENGERBERTH RAMOS - CELULAR" mac-address=60:AB:67:9E:90:D6 server=dhcp1
  355. add address= client-id=1:c0:ad:97:7f:c:49 comment="JHONER OLIVO QP INVES - CELULAR" mac-address=C0:AD:97:7F:0C:49 server=dhcp1
  356. add address= client-id=1:0:26:c7:17:fd:80 comment="PROYECCION QP- LAPTOP" mac-address=00:26:C7:17:FD:80 server=dhcp1
  357. add address= client-id=1:88:b8:6f:d0:9a:dd comment="LUIS MORALES QP - CELULAR" mac-address=88:B8:6F:D0:9A:DD server=dhcp1
  358. add address= client-id=1:40:8e:f6:dc:61:db comment="QP PROD - ANGEL GONZALEZ - CELULAR" mac-address=40:8E:F6:DC:61:DB server=dhcp1
  359. add address= client-id=1:88:b8:6f:19:81:1 comment="QP PROD - JOSE TORREALBA - CELULAR" mac-address=88:B8:6F:19:81:01 server=dhcp1
  360. add address= client-id=1:ec:46:2c:42:f6:9d comment="QP PROD - JOSE VI\D1A - CELULAR" mac-address=EC:46:2C:42:F6:9D server=dhcp1
  361. add address= client-id=1:ac:29:29:89:c5:d3 comment="QP PROD - LUQUE HERRERA - CELULAR" mac-address=AC:29:29:89:C5:D3 server=dhcp1
  362. add address= client-id=1:50:3c:ca:cb:9c:ed comment="QP PROD - SOLEDAD RIVAS - CELULAR" mac-address=50:3C:CA:CB:9C:ED server=dhcp1
  363. add address= client-id=1:44:87:fc:74:61:e5 comment="RRHH UN 02 - VANESSA FERNANDEZ" mac-address=44:87:FC:74:61:E5 server=dhcp1
  364. add address= client-id=1:e8:6d:cb:95:32:4a comment="FRANCISCO TAVARES - CELULAR A71" mac-address=E8:6D:CB:95:32:4A server=dhcp1
  365. add address= client-id=1:54:af:97:a0:d5:b6 comment="REPETIDOR WIFI MTTO" mac-address=54:AF:97:A0:D5:B6 server=dhcp1
  366. add address= client-id=1:0:e0:4d:24:f4:7f comment="VENTAS 02 UNITECA - YURIS SALGADO" mac-address=00:E0:4D:24:F4:7F server=dhcp1
  367. add address= client-id=1:44:f2:1b:eb:b9:f6 comment="ESTEBAN - CELULAR" mac-address=44:F2:1B:EB:B9:F6 server=dhcp1
  368. add address= comment="SISTEMAS LAPTOP LAN - ROBERT ARIAS" mac-address=10:E7:C6:F6:FA:9E server=dhcp1
  369. add address= client-id=1:90:78:b2:45:8c:f3 comment="MIGUEL ESTRADA UTILAJE - CELULAR" mac-address=90:78:B2:45:8C:F3 server=dhcp1
  370. add address= client-id=1:92:64:2b:a3:9c:eb comment="JOSE COITA SYR - CELULAR" mac-address=92:64:2B:A3:9C:EB server=dhcp1
  371. add address= client-id=1:0:30:67:b5:4:43 comment="SEGURIDAD INTEGRAL QP PC" mac-address=00:30:67:B5:04:43 server=dhcp1
  372. add address= comment="CENTRAL ALARMA QP" mac-address=FC:67:1F:20:B5:DA server=dhcp1
  373. add address= client-id=1:da:59:48:e6:39:ea comment="EDBERTH JESUS RAMOS - CELULAR" mac-address=DA:59:48:E6:39:EA server=dhcp1
  374. add address= client-id=1:0:8:22:a5:c5:1c comment="SANDRA CASTRO - CELULAR" mac-address=00:08:22:A5:C5:1C server=dhcp1
  375. add address= client-id=1:46:18:7d:2b:c9:42 comment="CRISMAR CABRERA - CELULAR" mac-address=46:18:7D:2B:C9:42 server=dhcp1
  376. add address= client-id=1:40:8e:f6:ab:37:7b comment="MIRLENI QP - CELULAR" mac-address=40:8E:F6:AB:37:7B server=dhcp1
  377. add address= client-id=1:f0:de:f1:99:60:8f mac-address=F0:DE:F1:99:60:8F server=dhcp1
  378. add address= client-id=1:78:54:2e:5c:59:cd comment="ROUTER DLINK SALA DE CONFERENCIA" mac-address=78:54:2E:5C:59:CD server=dhcp1
  379. add address= client-id=1:98:28:a6:1a:ca:89 comment="FRANCISCO - LAPTOP LAN" mac-address=98:28:A6:1A:CA:89 server=dhcp1
  380. add address= client-id=1:bc:9:eb:87:4e:c1 comment="LILIANA IZQUIEL - CELULAR" mac-address=BC:09:EB:87:4E:C1 server=dhcp1
  381. add address= client-id=1:64:dd:e9:d6:d5:9a comment="VANESSA FERNANDEZ - CELULAR" mac-address=64:DD:E9:D6:D5:9A server=dhcp1
  382. add address= client-id=1:e4:84:d3:fc:6a:fa comment="GUSTAVO HERRERA LAB QP - CELULAR" mac-address=E4:84:D3:FC:6A:FA server=dhcp1
  383. add address= client-id=1:7c:76:35:5:93:4e comment="SISTEMAS LAPTOP WIFI - ROBERT ARIAS" mac-address=7C:76:35:05:93:4E server=dhcp1
  384. add address= comment="SERVIDOR SERVSALIDAS" mac-address=1C:C1:DE:F0:23:86 server=dhcp1
  385. add address= client-id=1:4c:a3:a7:a7:aa:52 comment="MANUEL DESPACHO - CELULAR" mac-address=4C:A3:A7:A7:AA:52 server=dhcp1
  386. add address= client-id=1:a4:45:19:6c:8b:f4 comment="ROBERT - CELULAR" mac-address=A4:45:19:6C:8B:F4 server=dhcp1
  387. add address= client-id=1:50:3d:c6:7b:4a:a7 comment="JESUS MORENO - CELULAR" mac-address=50:3D:C6:7B:4A:A7 server=dhcp1
  388. add address= client-id=1:f0:6c:5d:11:4f:4 comment="JOSE BANDES - CELULAR" mac-address=F0:6C:5D:11:4F:04 server=dhcp1
  389. add address= client-id=1:90:9a:4a:98:1f:2e comment="REPETIDOR WIFI UTILAJE" mac-address=90:9A:4A:98:1F:2E server=dhcp1
  390. add address= comment="RRHH UNITECA - LAPTOP WIFI" mac-address=74:DE:2B:7C:6D:E9 server=dhcp1
  391. add address= client-id=1:0:19:66:83:d0:34 comment="MEZCLAS PC - EDILYN FARIAS" mac-address=00:19:66:83:D0:34 server=dhcp1
  392. add address= client-id=1:1c:ab:48:57:53:8d comment="ERASMO SANCHEZ - CELULAR" mac-address=1C:AB:48:57:53:8D server=dhcp1
  393. add address= client-id=1:9c:9e:d5:ce:8e:c4 comment="MOISES ARIZA - CELULAR" mac-address=9C:9E:D5:CE:8E:C4 server=dhcp1
  394. add address= client-id=1:0:25:22:ca:80:f5 comment="SEGURIDAD INDUSTRIAL PC - MARIANELL RAMOS" mac-address=00:25:22:CA:80:F5 server=dhcp1
  395. add address= client-id=1:4:7c:16:db:6f:ad comment="VENTAS 01 UNITECA - SUSANA LUGO" mac-address=04:7C:16:DB:6F:AD server=dhcp1
  396. add address= client-id=1:3c:ca:61:43:51:19 comment="FRANCISCO CALIDAD - CELULAR" mac-address=3C:CA:61:43:51:19 server=dhcp1
  397. add address= client-id=1:54:af:97:45:d2:11 comment="CAMARA WIFI TAPO - UTILAJE" mac-address=54:AF:97:45:D2:11 server=dhcp1
  398. add address= client-id=1:44:87:fc:74:60:b6 comment="TRANSPORTE - HECTOR ABREU" mac-address=44:87:FC:74:60:B6 server=dhcp1
  399. add address= client-id=1:44:87:fc:74:5d:46 comment="SEGURIDAD INDUSTRIAL QP" mac-address=44:87:FC:74:5D:46 server=dhcp1
  400. add address= client-id=1:0:c:29:6f:b:cf comment="SERVIDOR ACTIVE DIRECTORY" mac-address=00:0C:29:6F:0B:CF server=dhcp1
  401. add address= client-id=1:2c:b3:1:17:30:34 comment="MIRTA OCHOA - CELULAR CORPORATIVO" mac-address=2C:B3:01:17:30:34 server=dhcp1
  402. add address= client-id=1:d8:bb:c1:71:a1:22 comment="AUDITORIA - OSCAR CARRERO" mac-address=D8:BB:C1:71:A1:22 server=dhcp1
  403. add address= client-id=1:b8:97:5a:96:be:a1 comment="SEGURIDAD INDUSTRIAL QP - HENRY CONTRERAS" mac-address=B8:97:5A:96:BE:A1 server=dhcp1
  404. add address= client-id=1:0:30:67:ba:5c:fb comment="CALIDAD PC - JUDITH AYALA" mac-address=00:30:67:BA:5C:FB server=dhcp1
  405. add address= client-id=1:0:25:22:18:7d:ab comment="JEFE LABORATORIO QP PC" mac-address=00:25:22:18:7D:AB server=dhcp1
  406. add address= allow-dual-stack-queue=no client-id=1:fc:a9:f5:7c:a7:e3 comment="VICTOR MELENDEZ - CELULAR NUEVO" mac-address=FC:A9:F5:7C:A7:E3 server=dhcp1
  407. add address= client-id=1:6c:3c:7c:b1:27:b4 comment="IMPRESORA CANON QP" mac-address=6C:3C:7C:B1:27:B4 server=dhcp1
  408. add address= client-id=1:28:d2:5a:b5:a3:cb comment="HECTOR ABREU - CELULAR NUEVO" mac-address=28:D2:5A:B5:A3:CB server=dhcp1
  409. add address= client-id=1:0:45:e2:87:50:89 comment="GERENCIA DE PLANTA UNITECA -EDBERTH JESUS RAMOS" mac-address=00:45:E2:87:50:89 server=dhcp1
  410. add address= client-id=1:4:1:bb:68:69:3d comment="JEFFERSON - CELULAR" mac-address=04:01:BB:68:69:3D server=dhcp1
  411. add address= client-id=1:50:f6:2b:93:8c:72 comment="JOSUE - CELULAR" mac-address=50:F6:2B:93:8C:72 server=dhcp1
  412. add address= client-id=1:c0:6:c3:a8:ba:e8 comment="ROUTER PRINCIPAL UNITECA" mac-address=C0:06:C3:A8:BA:E8 server=dhcp1
  413. add address= client-id=1:50:8e:49:13:64:5c comment="ENGERBERTH - CELULAR" mac-address=50:8E:49:13:64:5C server=dhcp1
  414. add address= comment="JUDITH LAPTOP PERSONAL" mac-address=30:10:B3:3A:C5:78 server=dhcp1
  415. add address= client-id=1:d8:9e:f3:2a:32:b5 comment="MANTENIMIENTO 01 QP - VICTOR MELENDEZ" mac-address=D8:9E:F3:2A:32:B5 server=dhcp1
  416. add address= client-id=1:1c:ab:48:2:ff:76 comment="JOSUE GONZALEZ - CELULAR" mac-address=1C:AB:48:02:FF:76 server=dhcp1
  417. add address= comment="SERVIDOR SISTEMAS" mac-address=00:0C:29:6C:27:9D server=dhcp1
  418. add address= comment="BALANZA PROD PC" mac-address=00:19:21:7B:6B:7D server=dhcp1
  419. add address= client-id=1:a8:9c:ed:40:d6:f comment="EDYLIN - CELULAR TEMPORAL" mac-address=A8:9C:ED:40:D6:0F server=dhcp1
  420. add address= comment="BIOMETRICO MA300 RECEPCION" mac-address=00:17:61:10:C0:0E server=dhcp1
  421. add address= comment="BIOMETRICO HKV ENTRADA PROD UNI" mac-address=BC:5E:33:5B:25:AA server=dhcp1
  422. add address= comment="SERVIDOR SYSMAN" mac-address=00:0C:29:A5:2F:E1 server=dhcp1
  423. add address= client-id=1:44:87:fc:6d:52:27 comment="ADMINISTRACION QP 01 - MIRTA OCHOA" mac-address=44:87:FC:6D:52:27 server=dhcp1
  424. add address= comment="DNS SECUNDARIO" mac-address=00:0C:29:47:C5:88 server=dhcp1
  425. add address= comment="DNS PRIMARIO" mac-address=00:0C:29:47:C5:7E server=dhcp1
  426. add address= client-id=1:bc:24:11:ba:11:45 comment="DEBIAN - LDAP SRV" mac-address=BC:24:11:BA:11:45 server=dhcp1
  427. add address= client-id=1:4c:49:6c:3d:e1:4 comment="LUSMAIRE - LAPTOP NUEVA" mac-address=4C:49:6C:3D:E1:04 server=dhcp1
  428. add address= comment="CAMARA WIFI TAPO QP - PORTON PRINCIPAL" mac-address=14:EB:B6:3D:6D:3D server=dhcp1
  429. add address= comment="ROUTER MERCUSYS LAB QP" mac-address=C0:25:2F:32:82:E4 server=dhcp1
  430. add address= comment="BALANZA MEZCLAS PC" mac-address=00:22:68:34:F4:3F server=dhcp1
  431. add address= client-id=1:74:be:f3:17:7d:c8 comment="LILIWESKA - CELULAR" mac-address=74:BE:F3:17:7D:C8 server=dhcp1
  432. add address= comment="COMPRAS UNI PC - DANIEL RAMOS" mac-address=A8:A1:59:D9:F3:C8 server=dhcp1
  433. add address= comment="SWITCH DLINK QP" mac-address=C8:BE:19:D8:5F:25
  434. add address= comment="SWITCH TP-LINK T-1600 UNI" mac-address=60:32:B1:D8:80:0A
  435. add address= comment="BIOMETRICO HKV ENTRADA QP" mac-address=BC:5E:33:5B:29:7C server=dhcp1
  436. add address= comment="BIOMETRICO HKV SALIDA PROD UNI" mac-address=BC:5E:33:5B:29:61 server=dhcp1 use-src-mac=yes
  437. add address= comment="BIOMETRICO HKV SALIDA QP" mac-address=E0:CA:3C:E0:4B:1C server=dhcp1
  438. add address= client-id=1:d4:e8:53:9:23:46 comment="CAMARA WIFI EZVIZ 1" mac-address=D4:E8:53:09:23:46 server=dhcp1
  439. add address= client-id=1:d4:e8:53:25:2c:fd comment="CAMARA WIFI EZVIZ 2" mac-address=D4:E8:53:25:2C:FD server=dhcp1
  440. add address= comment="DESPACHO UNITECA - ERASMO SANCHEZ" mac-address=00:22:68:34:F4:4B server=dhcp1
  441. add address= client-id=1:e4:60:17:42:4:87 comment="ESTEBAN - LAPTOP" mac-address=E4:60:17:42:04:87 server=dhcp1
  442. add address= comment="RRHH UN 03 - SIN ASIGNAR" mac-address=00:22:68:34:F4:58 server=dhcp1
  443. add address= client-id=1:d0:53:49:b:1b:3b comment="PRODUCCION LAPTOP - CARLIS REYES WIFI" mac-address=D0:53:49:0B:1B:3B server=dhcp1
  444. add address= comment="CAMARA IP ENT PROD UNITECA" mac-address=44:47:CC:47:87:87
  445. add address= client-id=1:30:d1:6b:90:c3:6d comment="RRHH02 VANESSA FERNANDEZ" mac-address=30:D1:6B:90:C3:6D server=dhcp1
  446. add address= client-id=1:98:28:a6:1b:13:7a comment="RRHH02 VANESSA FERNANDEZ 2" mac-address=98:28:A6:1B:13:7A server=dhcp1
  447. add address= client-id=1:ee:72:5b:5f:f5:3 comment="JUAN ALVAREZ QP - CELULAR" mac-address=EE:72:5B:5F:F5:03 server=dhcp1
  448. add address= client-id=1:0:19:66:83:d0:79 comment="BALANZA NUEVA" mac-address=00:19:66:83:D0:79 server=dhcp1
  449. add address= client-id=1:50:91:e3:ba:30:47 comment="ROUTER PRINCIPAL QP" mac-address=50:91:E3:BA:30:47 server=dhcp1
  450. add address= client-id=1:bc:61:93:28:ba:41 comment="JUDITH AYALA - CELULAR NUEVO" mac-address=BC:61:93:28:BA:41 server=dhcp1
  451. add address= client-id=1:ca:b0:37:a8:3b:e6 comment="IMPRESORA LASER HP MFP M428 QP" mac-address=CA:B0:37:A8:3B:E6 server=dhcp1
  452. /ip dhcp-server network
  453. add address= gateway=
  454. /ip dns
  455. set allow-remote-requests=yes servers=,,,
  456. /ip firewall address-list
  457. add address= comment="TODA LA RED" list="Bloqueo Redes"
  458. add address= comment="ESTEBAN - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  459. add address= comment="VENTAS 01 UNITECA - SUSANA LUGO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  460. add address= comment="SISTEMAS LAPTOP RED - ROBERT ARIAS" list="IP -Permitidas"
  461. add address= comment="SISTEMAS LAPTOP WIFI - ROBERT ARIAS" list="IP -Permitidas"
  462. add address= comment="FRANCISCO - CELULAR 2" list="IP -Permitidas"
  463. add address= comment="COMPRAS DANIEL - PC" list="IP -Permitidas"
  464. add address= comment="DANIEL - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  465. add address= comment="MOISES - PC" list="IP -Permitidas"
  466. add address= comment="GERENCIA DE PLANTA UNITECA - EDBERTH JESUS - LAPTOP" list="IP -Permitidas"
  467. add address= comment="OSCAR - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  468. add address= comment="ELI - LAPTOP" list="IP -Permitidas"
  469. add address= comment="LILIANA IZQUIEL - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  470. add address= comment="ROBERT - LAPTOP" list="IP-Permitidas Facebook"
  471. add address= comment="TODA LA RED" list="Permitidas - Almuerzo"
  472. add address= comment="ADMINISTRACION 01 QP - MIRTA OCHOA" list="IP -Permitidas"
  473. add address= comment="MEZCLAS PC - EDILYN FARIAS" list="IP -Permitidas"
  474. add address= comment="ADMINISTRACION 02 QP - SANDRA CASTRO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  475. add address= comment="PRODUCCION LAPTOP - CARLIS REYES" list="IP -Permitidas"
  476. add address= comment="GERENCIA PROD QP - ENGERBERTH RAMOS" list="IP -Permitidas"
  477. add address= comment="GERENCIA LAB QP - CRISMAR CABRERA" list="IP -Permitidas"
  478. add address= comment="SERVIDOR REMOTO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  479. add address= comment="SERVIDOR SYSMAN" list="IP -Permitidas"
  480. add address= comment="MOISES ARIZA - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  481. add address= comment="SEGURIDAD INDUSTRIAL PC - MARIANEL RAMOS" list="IP -Permitidas"
  482. add address= comment="TRANSPORTE PC - HECTOR ABREU" list="IP -Permitidas"
  483. add address= comment="HECTOR ABREU - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  484. add address= comment="RRHH QP - LILIANA " list="IP -Permitidas"
  485. add address= comment="RRHH 02 - VANESSA FERNANDEZ" list="IP -Permitidas"
  486. add address= comment="VICTOR MELENDEZ - CELULAR NUEVO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  487. add address= comment="MANTENIMIENTO QP - VICTOR MELENDEZ" list="IP -Permitidas"
  488. add address= comment="VANESSA CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  489. add address= comment="HENRY CONTRERAS - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  490. add address= comment="RRHH 01 - LAPTOP RED - LILIANA IZQUIEL" list="IP -Permitidas"
  491. add address= comment="JEFE LABORATORIO QP - GUSTAVO HERRERA " list="IP -Permitidas"
  492. add address= comment="DNS PRINCIPAL" list="IP -Permitidas"
  493. add address= comment="PUERTA DE ENLACE" list="IP -Permitidas"
  494. add address= comment=DNS-SECUNDARIO list="IP -Permitidas"
  495. add address= comment="YURIS - CELULAR" disabled=yes list="IP -Permitidas"
  496. add address= comment="ROBERT - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  497. add address= comment="PRODUCCION LAPTOP - CARLIS REYES" list="IP -Permitidas"
  498. add address= comment="JUAN ALVAREZ QP - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  499. add address= comment="RRHH 01 - LAPTOP WIFI - LILIANA IZQUIEL" list="IP -Permitidas"
  500. add address= comment="SERVIDOR PROXMOX" list="IP -Permitidas"
  501. add address= comment="SERVIDOR DE GESTION TELEGRAM - VIRTUAL" list="IP -Permitidas"
  502. add address= comment="DVR UNITECA DESPACHO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  503. add address= comment="JOSUE - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  504. add address= comment="SEG. IND. QP - PC" list="IP -Permitidas"
  505. add address= comment="LUSMAIRE - LAPTOP" list="IP -Permitidas"
  506. add address= comment="DESPACHO - ERASMO SANCHEZ" list="IP -Permitidas"
  507. add address= comment="RAMON VIANA - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  508. add address= comment="VENTAS 02 UNITECA - YURIS SALGADO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  509. add address= comment="CORELDOS PROXMOX" list="IP -Permitidas"
  510. add list=tiktok
  511. add list=tiktok
  512. add address= comment="EDBERT JESUS RAMOS - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  513. add address= comment=SRV-SISTEMAS list="IP -Permitidas"
  514. add address= comment="FRANCISCO - LAPTOP LAN" list="IP -Permitidas"
  515. add address= comment="SERVIDOR PROFIT 107" list="IP -Permitidas"
  516. add address= comment="CRISMAR CABRERA - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  517. add address= comment="ROUTER SALA DE CONFERENCIA" list="IP -Permitidas"
  518. add address= comment=UTILAJE list="IP -Permitidas"
  519. add address= comment="MIGUEL ESTRADA - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  520. add address= list=RRHH-03
  521. add address= comment="RRHH LAPTOP - WIFI" list="IP -Permitidas"
  522. add address= comment="ERASMO SANCHEZ - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  523. add address= comment="GERENCIA DE PLANTA QP PC" list="IP -Permitidas"
  524. add address= comment="francisco laptop wifi" list="IP -Permitidas"
  525. add address= comment="MIRTA OCHOA - CELULAR CORPORATIVO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  526. add address= comment="AUDITORIA - OSCAR CARRERO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  527. add address= comment="ROUTER PRINCIPAL - UNITECA" list="IP -Permitidas"
  528. add address= comment="MANTENIMIENTO UNI - ELI RIVERO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  529. add address= comment="ENGERBERTH - CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  530. add address= comment="laptop judith personal" list="IP -Permitidas"
  531. add address= comment="EDYLIN - CELULAR TEMPORAL" list="IP -Permitidas"
  532. add address= comment="RRHH UN 02-VANESSA" list="IP -Permitidas"
  533. add address= comment=RMT-SRV-02 list="IP -Permitidas"
  534. add address= comment="DEBIAN - LADP SRV" list="IP -Permitidas"
  535. add address= comment="LUSMAIRE - LAPTOP NUEVA" list="IP -Permitidas"
  536. add address= comment="LUSMAIRE CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  537. add address= comment="ESTEBAN - LAPTOP" list="IP -Permitidas"
  538. add address= comment="PRODUCCION UN PC - CARLIS REYES" list="IP -Permitidas"
  539. add address= comment="JEFERSON CELULAR" list="IP -Permitidas"
  540. add address= comment="JUDITH AYALA - CELULAR NUEVO" list="IP -Permitidas"
  541. /ip firewall filter
  542. add action=accept chain=input comment="ACCESO WEB AL ROUTER" dst-port=80 protocol=tcp
  543. add action=accept chain=input comment="WinBox Wan Administration" dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp
  544. add action=accept chain=forward comment="IPS ACCESSO TOTAL" src-address-list="IP -Permitidas"
  545. add action=accept chain=forward comment="LAYER 7 PERMITIDAS" layer7-protocol=permitidas
  546. # inactive time
  547. add action=accept chain=forward comment="PERMITIDAS ALMUERZO" src-address-list="Permitidas - Almuerzo" time=11h-13h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  548. add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=lista-ips-playstore address-list-timeout=2w chain=forward comment="IPS PLAYSTORE" disabled=yes in-interface=B-LAN
  549. add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=lista-ips-tiktok address-list-timeout=2w chain=forward comment="IPS TIKTOK" content=tiktok. in-interface=B-LAN
  550. add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=lista-ips-twitter address-list-timeout=2w chain=forward comment="IPS TWITTER" content=twitter. in-interface=B-LAN
  551. add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=lista-ips-facebook address-list-timeout=2w chain=forward comment="IPS FACEBOOK" content=facebook. in-interface=B-LAN
  552. add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=lista-ips-instagram address-list-timeout=2w chain=forward comment="IPS INSTAGRAM" content=instagram. in-interface=B-LAN
  553. add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=lista-ips-youtube address-list-timeout=2w chain=forward comment="IPS YOUTUBE" content=youtube. in-interface=B-LAN
  554. add action=accept chain=forward comment=permitidas layer7-protocol=permitidas protocol=tcp
  555. add action=accept chain=forward comment="correo outlook out" protocol=tcp src-port=25
  556. add action=accept chain=forward comment=outlook protocol=tcp src-port=465
  557. add action=accept chain=forward comment="correo outlook in" dst-port="" protocol=tcp src-port=110
  558. add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOQUEO WHATSAPP" disabled=yes dst-address-list=lista-ips-whatsapp
  559. add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOQUEO FACEBOOK" dst-address-list=lista-ips-facebook
  560. add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOQUEO INSTAGRAM" dst-address-list=lista-ips-instagram
  561. add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOQUEO TIKTOK" dst-address-list=lista-ips-tiktok
  562. add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOQUEO TWITTER" dst-address-list=lista-ips-twitter
  563. add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOQUEO YOUTUBE" dst-address-list=lista-ips-youtube
  564. add action=drop chain=forward comment="bloqueo de PlayStore" disabled=yes dst-address-list=IP-PlayStore src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes"
  565. add action=drop chain=forward comment="BLOQUEO TIKTOK" dst-address-list=tiktok
  566. add action=accept chain=forward comment=Telegram dst-address=
  567. add action=accept chain=forward comment="puerto telegram" protocol=tcp src-port=5222
  568. add action=accept chain=forward comment=anydesk protocol=tcp src-port=6568
  569. add action=drop chain=forward disabled=yes in-interface="P01 - ISP1" protocol=tcp
  570. /ip firewall mangle
  571. add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting disabled=yes new-connection-mark=GERENCIA passthrough=yes
  572. add action=mark-connection chain=postrouting disabled=yes new-connection-mark=GERENCIA passthrough=yes
  573. /ip firewall nat
  574. add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface="P01 - ISP1"
  575. add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface="P02 - ISP2"
  576. add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-port=443 in-interface="P01 - ISP1" protocol=tcp to-addresses= to-ports=443
  577. add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-port=80 in-interface="P01 - ISP1" protocol=tcp to-addresses= to-ports=80
  578. add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="Remote Desktop" disabled=yes dst-port=3000 in-interface="P01 - ISP1" protocol=tcp to-addresses= to-ports=3389
  579. /ip firewall raw
  580. add action=accept chain=prerouting comment="FULL ACCESO" dst-address-list="" src-address-list="IP -Permitidas"
  581. add action=accept chain=prerouting comment="PERMITIDO FACEBOOK" content=facebook. disabled=yes dst-address-list="" src-address-list="IP-Permitidas Facebook"
  582. add action=drop chain=prerouting comment="***************** FACEBOOK *******************" dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=\
  583. 0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  584. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  585. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  586. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  587. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  588. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  589. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  590. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  591. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  592. add action=drop chain=prerouting comment="***************** INSTAGRAM *******************" dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=\
  593. 0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  594. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  595. add action=drop chain=prerouting comment="***************** TWITTER *******************" dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=\
  596. 0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  597. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  598. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  599. add action=drop chain=prerouting comment="***************** TIKTOK *******************" dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=\
  600. 0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  601. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  602. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  603. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  604. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  605. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  606. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  607. add action=drop chain=prerouting comment="****************** YOUTUBE *******************" dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=\
  608. 0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  609. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  610. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  611. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  612. add action=drop chain=prerouting dst-port=80,443 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Bloqueo Redes" time=0s-23h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  613. /ip firewall service-port
  614. set ftp ports=21,2121
  615. /ip route
  616. add distance=1 gateway=
  617. add distance=1 gateway=
  618. add distance=1 dst-address= gateway=B-LAN
  619. add distance=1 dst-address= gateway=
  620. /ip service
  621. set telnet disabled=yes
  622. set ftp disabled=yes port=2121
  623. set www port=8081
  624. set ssh disabled=yes
  625. /ip upnp
  626. set enabled=yes
  627. /system clock
  628. set time-zone-autodetect=no time-zone-name=America/Caracas
  629. /system logging
  630. set 2 action=disk
  631. add topics=warning
  632. /system script
  633. add comment="script para crear ques para toda una red" dont-require-permissions=no name="ques limites por ip" owner=admin policy=\
  634. ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="/queue simple \r\
  635. \n:local i 1\r\
  636. \n:while (\$i <= 254) do={\r\
  637. \n :local num (\"000\" . \$i)\r\
  638. \n :local paddedNum ([:pick \$num ([:len \$num] - 3) [:len \$num]])\r\
  639. \n add name=\"IP-\$paddedNum\" max-limit=1M/1M target=\"192.168.202.\$i\"\r\
  640. \n :set i (\$i + 1)\r\
  641. \n}"
  642. add comment="Scrip para enviar mensajes a telegram" dont-require-permissions=yes name=SendToTelegram owner=admin policy=\
  643. ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":global telegramMessage\r\
  644. \n:local botid\r\
  645. \n:local chatid\r\
  646. \n\r\
  647. \nset botid \"6574732887:AAGB5r8pvgBJAsMi6VHytu00zsbqKXyAcW8\"\r\
  648. \nset chatid \"1029344216\"\r\
  649. \nif (\$telegramMessage != \"\") do={\r\
  650. \n /tool fetch url=\"\$botid/sendMessage\?chat_id=\$chatid&text=\$telegramMessage\" keep-result=no\r\
  651. \n}"
  652. /tool graphing interface
  653. add
  654. /tool graphing queue
  655. add
  656. /tool graphing resource
  657. add
  658. /tool netwatch
  659. add comment="monitorea el mikrotik" down-script="global telegramMessage \"mikrotik Caido\"\r\
  660. \n/system script run SendToTelegram" host= interval=30m up-script="global telegramMessage \"mikrotik Arriba\"\r\
  661. \n/system script run SendToTelegram"
  662. add down-script="global telegramMessage \"\"Laptop Sistemas Caido\"\r\
  663. \n/system script run SendToTelegram" host= up-script="global telegramMessage \"Laptop Sistemas Arriba\"\r\
  664. \n/system script run SendToTelegram"
  665. [admin@MikroTik] >
Tags: mikrotik
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