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- /*
- * R e a d m e
- * -----------
- * klassekatze was here
- *
- * Prototype analytical gyro control class. No PID! ONLY ANGLE
- */
- public static Program gProgram;
- public Program()
- {
- gProgram = this;
- //wsinit();
- Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1;
- log("test", LT.LOG_N);
- }
- class logmsg
- {
- public logmsg(string m, LT l) { msg = m; level = l; }
- public string msg = "";
- public int c = 1;
- public LT level = LT.LOG_N;
- }
- List<logmsg> loggedMessages = new List<logmsg>();
- int MAX_LOG = 50;
- bool loggedMessagesDirty = true;
- public enum LT
- {
- LOG_N = 0,
- LOG_D,
- }
- public static LT LOG_LEVEL = LT.LOG_N;
- public static void log(string s, LT level)
- {
- if (level > LOG_LEVEL) return;
- if (s.Length > 50)
- {
- List<string> tok = new List<string>();
- while (s.Length > 50)
- {
- int c = 0;
- if (tok.Count > 0) c = 2;
- tok.Add(s.Substring(0, 50 - c));
- s = s.Substring(50 - c);
- }
- tok.Add(s);
- s = string.Join("\n ", tok);
- }
- var p = gProgram;
- logmsg l = null;
- if (p.loggedMessages.Count > 0)
- {
- l = p.loggedMessages[p.loggedMessages.Count - 1];
- }
- if (l != null)
- {
- if (l.msg == s) l.c += 1;
- else p.loggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, level));
- }
- else p.loggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, level));
- if (p.loggedMessages.Count > p.MAX_LOG) p.loggedMessages.RemoveAt(0);
- p.loggedMessagesDirty = true;
- }
- string loggedMessagesCache = "";
- string renderLoggedMessages()
- {
- if (!loggedMessagesDirty) return loggedMessagesCache;
- string o = "";
- foreach (var m in loggedMessages)//(int i = 0; i < loggedMessages.Count; i++)
- {
- o += m.msg;
- if (m.c > 1) o += " (" + m.c + ")";
- o += "\n";
- }
- loggedMessagesDirty = false;
- loggedMessagesCache = o;
- return o;
- }
- List<IMyShipController> controllers = new List<IMyShipController>();
- List<IMyGyro> gyros = new List<IMyGyro>();
- IMyTextSurface consoleLog = null;
- IMyTextSurface statusLog = null;
- IMyTextSurface profileLog = null;
- public bool isThis(IMyTerminalBlock b)
- {
- return b.OwnerId == Me.OwnerId && b.CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid;
- }
- bool needsetup = true;
- public void loadBlocks()
- {
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> LCDs = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyTerminalBlock>(LCDs, b => (b is IMyTextSurface) && b.CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid);
- foreach (var b in LCDs)
- {
- IMyTextSurface s = b as IMyTextSurface;
- if (b.CustomData.Contains("radarLog")) statusLog = s;
- else if (b.CustomData.Contains("consoleLog")) consoleLog = s;
- else if (b.CustomData.Contains("profileLog")) profileLog = s;
- }
- controllers.Clear();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(controllers, isThis);
- gyros.Clear();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(gyros, isThis);
- gyroECU = new GyroECU4(gyros, controllers[0], controllers[0]);
- }
- GyroECU4 gyroECU = null;
- public void Save()
- {
- // Called when the program needs to save its state. Use
- // this method to save your state to the Storage field
- // or some other means.
- //
- // This method is optional and can be removed if not
- // needed.
- }
- static Profiler initP = new Profiler("init");
- static Profiler mainP = new Profiler("main");
- static int tick = -1;
- public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
- {
- tick += 1;
- mainP.start();
- main(argument, updateSource);
- mainP.stop();
- if (tick % 5 == 0)
- {
- Echo(tick.ToString());
- if (profileLog != null) profileLog.WriteText("name:ms1t:ms60t\n" + Profiler.getAllReports());
- }
- if (consoleLog != null)// && tick % 6 == 0)
- {
- consoleLog.WriteText(renderLoggedMessages());
- }
- }
- static Profiler gyroP = new Profiler("gyro");
- private void main(string arg, UpdateType upd)
- {
- if (needsetup)
- {
- needsetup = false;
- loadBlocks();
- }
- if (arg == "test")
- {
- gyroECU.rotateToPosition(new Vector3D(4372.71,2861.67,-2820.26));
- }else if (arg == "flip")
- {
- gyroECU.rotateToHeading(controllers[0].WorldMatrix.Forward * -1);
- }
- else if (arg == "left")
- {
- gyroECU.rotateToHeading(controllers[0].WorldMatrix.Left * -1);
- }
- gyroP.start();
- gyroECU.update();
- gyroP.stop();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Whip's GetRotationAnglesSimultaneous - Last modified: 07/05/2020
- /// Gets axis angle rotation and decomposes it upon each cardinal axis.
- /// Has the desired effect of not causing roll oversteer. Does NOT use
- /// sequential rotation angles.
- /// Set desiredUpVector to Vector3D.Zero if you don't care about roll.
- /// Dependencies:
- /// SafeNormalize
- /// </summary>
- public static void GetRotationAnglesSimultaneous(Vector3D desiredForwardVector, Vector3D desiredUpVector, MatrixD worldMatrix, out double yaw, out double pitch, out double roll)
- {
- desiredForwardVector = SafeNormalize(desiredForwardVector);
- MatrixD transposedWm;
- MatrixD.Transpose(ref worldMatrix, out transposedWm);
- Vector3D.Rotate(ref desiredForwardVector, ref transposedWm, out desiredForwardVector);
- Vector3D.Rotate(ref desiredUpVector, ref transposedWm, out desiredUpVector);
- Vector3D leftVector = Vector3D.Cross(desiredUpVector, desiredForwardVector);
- Vector3D axis;
- double angle;
- if (Vector3D.IsZero(desiredUpVector) || Vector3D.IsZero(leftVector))
- {
- axis = new Vector3D(desiredForwardVector.Y, -desiredForwardVector.X, 0);
- angle = Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(-desiredForwardVector.Z, -1.0, 1.0));
- }
- else
- {
- leftVector = SafeNormalize(leftVector);
- Vector3D upVector = Vector3D.Cross(desiredForwardVector, leftVector);
- // Create matrix
- MatrixD targetMatrix = MatrixD.Zero;
- targetMatrix.Forward = desiredForwardVector;
- targetMatrix.Left = leftVector;
- targetMatrix.Up = upVector;
- axis = new Vector3D(targetMatrix.M23 - targetMatrix.M32,
- targetMatrix.M31 - targetMatrix.M13,
- targetMatrix.M12 - targetMatrix.M21);
- double trace = targetMatrix.M11 + targetMatrix.M22 + targetMatrix.M33;
- angle = Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp((trace - 1) * 0.5, -1, 1));
- }
- if (Vector3D.IsZero(axis))
- {
- angle = desiredForwardVector.Z < 0 ? 0 : Math.PI;
- yaw = angle;
- pitch = 0;
- roll = 0;
- return;
- }
- axis = SafeNormalize(axis);
- yaw = -axis.Y * angle;
- pitch = axis.X * angle;
- roll = -axis.Z * angle;
- }
- public static Vector3D SafeNormalize(Vector3D a)
- {
- if (Vector3D.IsZero(a))
- return Vector3D.Zero;
- if (Vector3D.IsUnit(ref a))
- return a;
- return Vector3D.Normalize(a);
- }
- static double d180bypi = (180 / Math.PI);
- public static double ConvertRadiansToDegrees(double radians)
- {
- double degrees = d180bypi * radians;
- return (degrees);
- }
- static double dpiby180 = (Math.PI / 180);
- public static double ConvertDegreesToRadians(double degrees)
- {
- double radians = dpiby180 * degrees;
- return (radians);
- }
- public static string v2ss(Vector3D v)
- {
- return "<" + v.X.ToString("0.0000") + "," + v.Y.ToString("0.0000") + "," + v.Z.ToString("0.0000") + ">";
- }
- static public double VectorAngleBetween(Vector3D a, Vector3D b) //returns radians
- {
- if (a.LengthSquared() == 0 || b.LengthSquared() == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(a.Dot(b) / a.Length() / b.Length(), -1, 1));
- }
- public static void ApplyGyroOverride(double pitch_speed, double yaw_speed, double roll_speed, List<IMyGyro> gyro_list, IMyTerminalBlock reference)
- {
- var rotationVec = new Vector3D(-pitch_speed, yaw_speed, roll_speed); //because keen does some weird stuff with signs
- var shipMatrix = reference.WorldMatrix;
- var relativeRotationVec = Vector3D.TransformNormal(rotationVec, shipMatrix);
- foreach (var thisGyro in gyro_list)
- {
- var gyroMatrix = thisGyro.WorldMatrix;
- var transformedRotationVec = Vector3D.TransformNormal(relativeRotationVec, Matrix.Transpose(gyroMatrix));
- //log("t:"+ transformedRotationVec.X.ToString("0.00") + "," + transformedRotationVec.Y.ToString("0.00") + "," + transformedRotationVec.Z.ToString("0.00"), LT.LOG_N);
- thisGyro.Pitch = (float)transformedRotationVec.X;
- thisGyro.Yaw = (float)transformedRotationVec.Y;
- thisGyro.Roll = (float)transformedRotationVec.Z;
- thisGyro.GyroOverride = true;
- }
- }
- public class GyroECU4
- {
- public static double gyroMaxRPM = 3.1415;
- public double angleMultiplier = 1;
- List<IMyGyro> gyros = new List<IMyGyro>();
- IMyTerminalBlock fwd_ref;
- IMyShipController ctrl;
- public GyroECU4(List<IMyGyro> g, IMyTerminalBlock refer, IMyShipController c) : base()
- {
- angleMultiplier = c.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == VRage.Game.MyCubeSize.Small ? 2 : 1;
- gyroMaxRPM *= angleMultiplier;
- fwd_ref = refer;
- gyros = g;
- ctrl = c;
- lastAngleRoll = lastAnglePitch = lastAngleYaw = 0;
- lMPTRoll = lMPTPitch = lMPTYaw = 0;
- //debug telemetry
- ybrakes=pbrakes=rbrakes = 0;
- }
- double lastAngleRoll, lastAnglePitch, lastAngleYaw;
- double lMPTRoll, lMPTPitch, lMPTYaw;
- double modr, modp, mody = 0;
- int ybrakes, pbrakes, rbrakes = 0;
- bool active = false;
- Vector3D targetPosition;
- Vector3D targetVelocity;
- Vector3D targetHeading;
- int startTick;
- private void flush()
- {
- if (!active)
- {
- active = true;
- startTick = tick;
- lastAngleRoll = lastAnglePitch = lastAngleYaw = 0;
- lMPTRoll = lMPTPitch = lMPTYaw = 0;
- modr = modp = mody = 0;
- }
- }
- public void rotateToPosition(Vector3D tp, Vector3D tv = new Vector3D())
- {
- if(!active) log("GECU test init rtp", LT.LOG_N);
- flush();
- targetPosition = tp;
- targetVelocity = tv;
- }
- public void rotateToHeading(Vector3D heading)
- {
- if (!active) log("GECU test init rth", LT.LOG_N);
- flush();
- targetPosition = targetVelocity = Vector3D.Zero;
- targetHeading = heading;
- }
- /*public void activate(Vector3D tp)//NOTE: targp too close to the reference block can cause problems, due to CoM fluctuations.
- {
- active = true;
- startTick = tick;
- targetPosition = tp;
- targetHeading = Vector3D.Normalize(targetPosition - ctrl.GetPosition());
- lastAngleRoll = lastAnglePitch = lastAngleYaw = 0;
- lMPTRoll = lMPTPitch = lMPTYaw = 0;
- modr = modp = mody = 0;
- log("test init", LT.LOG_N);
- gProgram.Me.CustomData = "";
- }*/
- string dbg = "";
- private void calculateAxisSpecificData(double now, ref double prior, ref double lastMPT, ref double mod, out bool ontarg, out bool braking, string p="")//, out double ticksToStop, out double ticksToTarget)
- {
- ontarg = false;
- var radMovedPerTick = Math.Abs(prior - now);
- var ticksToTarget = Math.Abs(now) / radMovedPerTick;
- var initVel = radMovedPerTick;
- var rateOfDecel = Math.Abs(lastMPT - radMovedPerTick);
- if (rateOfDecel > mod) mod = rateOfDecel;
- //if (Math.Abs(now) > nobrake_threshold) rateOfDecel *= 1.5;//overestimating here did not improve timings
- var ticksToStop = initVel / rateOfDecel;
- //mod - maximum observed decel - saved 0.1s on large sluggish ship but lost .3s on sg snappy ship.
- //sticking to the conservative metric
- bool closing = Math.Abs(now) < Math.Abs(prior);
- if (!closing)
- {
- lastMPT = 0.0001;
- mod = MathHelper.EPSILON;
- }
- else lastMPT = radMovedPerTick;
- if (closing)
- {
- if (ticksToStop > ticksToTarget + 1) braking = true;
- else braking = false;
- }
- else braking = false;
- if (Math.Abs(now) < error_threshold)
- {
- braking = true;
- if(radMovedPerTick < minVelThreshold)ontarg = true;
- }
- /*
- dbg += p + "rmpt=" + ConvertRadiansToDegrees(radMovedPerTick) + "\n";
- dbg += p + "lmpt=" + ConvertRadiansToDegrees(lastMPT) + "\n";
- dbg += p + "deg=" + ConvertRadiansToDegrees(now) + "\n";
- dbg += p + "closing=" + closing + "\n";
- dbg += p + "braking=" + braking + "\n";
- dbg += p + "ticksToTarget:" + ticksToTarget.ToString("0.00") + "\n";
- dbg += p + "initVel:" + ConvertRadiansToDegrees(initVel).ToString("0.00") + "\n";
- dbg += p + "rateOfDecel:" + ConvertRadiansToDegrees(rateOfDecel).ToString("0.00") + "\n";
- dbg += p + "ticksToStop:" + ticksToStop.ToString("0.00") + "\n";*/
- prior = now;
- }
- double error_threshold = ConvertDegreesToRadians(0.25);
- double minVelThreshold = ConvertDegreesToRadians(0.01);
- double nobrake_threshold = ConvertDegreesToRadians(45);
- double amp_threshold = ConvertDegreesToRadians(5);
- int minTicksOnTarget = 5;
- int ticksOnTarget = 0;
- public void update(bool up=false)
- {
- if (active)
- {
- dbg = "";
- Vector3D heading = fwd_ref.WorldMatrix.Forward;
- if(!targetPosition.IsZero())targetHeading = Vector3D.Normalize(targetPosition - ctrl.GetPosition());
- double pitch, yaw, roll;
- GetRotationAnglesSimultaneous(targetHeading, up ? fwd_ref.WorldMatrix.Up : Vector3D.Zero, fwd_ref.WorldMatrix, out yaw, out pitch, out roll);
- //string dbg = "";
- //dbg += pitch.ToString("0.0")+","+yaw.ToString("0.0"),roll.ToString("0.0")
- bool yT, pT, rT, yB, pB, rB;
- calculateAxisSpecificData(roll, ref lastAngleRoll, ref lMPTRoll, ref modr, out rT, out rB, "r-");
- calculateAxisSpecificData(pitch, ref lastAnglePitch, ref lMPTPitch, ref modp, out pT, out pB,"p-");
- calculateAxisSpecificData(yaw, ref lastAngleYaw, ref lMPTYaw, ref mody, out yT, out yB,"y-");
- /*ybrakes += yB?1:0;
- pbrakes += pB ? 1 : 0;
- rbrakes += rB ? 1 : 0;
- dbg += "ybrakes:" + ybrakes + "\n";
- dbg += "pbrakes:" + pbrakes + "\n";
- dbg += "rbrakes:" + rbrakes + "\n";*/
- Vector3D a_impulse = new Vector3D(pB ? 0 : pitch, yB ? 0 : yaw, rB ? 0 : roll);
- dbg += v2ss(d180bypi * a_impulse) + "\n";
- if (a_impulse != Vector3D.Zero)
- {
- var m = a_impulse.AbsMax();
- if (m > amp_threshold) m = gyroMaxRPM;
- else m = m / amp_threshold * gyroMaxRPM;
- a_impulse = a_impulse / a_impulse.AbsMax() * m;
- }
- dbg += v2ss(d180bypi * a_impulse) + "\n";
- ApplyGyroOverride(a_impulse.X, a_impulse.Y, a_impulse.Z, gyros, fwd_ref);
- if (yT && pT && rT)
- {
- ticksOnTarget += 1;
- }
- else ticksOnTarget = 0;
- if (ticksOnTarget > minTicksOnTarget)
- {
- active = false;
- foreach (var g in gyros) g.GyroOverride = false;
- log("GECU shutdown", LT.LOG_N);
- log("time: "+(tick - startTick) + "t (" + ((double)(tick - startTick) / 60).ToString("0.0") + "s)", LT.LOG_N);
- }
- //debug nonsense
- //if(gProgram.statusLog != null)gProgram.statusLog.WriteText(dbg);
- }
- }
- }
- public class Profiler
- {
- static bool PROFILING_ENABLED = true;
- static List<Profiler> profilers = new List<Profiler>();
- const int mstracklen = 60;
- double[] mstrack = new double[mstracklen];
- double msdiv = 1.0d / mstracklen;
- int mscursor = 0;
- DateTime start_time = DateTime.MinValue;
- string Name = "";
- string pre = "";
- string post = "";
- int _ticks_between_calls = 1;
- int ltick = int.MinValue;
- // callspertick = 1;
- static int base_sort_position_c = 0;
- int base_sort_position = 0;
- bool nevercalled = true;
- //bool closed = true;
- public int getSortPosition()
- {
- if (nevercalled) return int.MaxValue;
- int mult = (int)Math.Pow(10, 8 - (depth * 2));
- if (parent != null) return parent.getSortPosition() + (base_sort_position * mult);
- return base_sort_position * mult;
- //if (parent != null) return parent.getSortPosition() + (base_sort_position / (10 * depth));
- //return base_sort_position;// * 1000;
- }
- /*public Profiler(string name, int ticks_between_calls) : this(name)
- {
- _ticks_between_calls = ticks_between_calls;
- }*/
- static int basep = (int)Math.Pow(10, 5);
- public Profiler(string name)
- {
- {
- Name = name;
- profilers.Add(this);
- base_sort_position = base_sort_position_c;
- base_sort_position_c += 1;
- }
- }
- public void s()
- {
- start();
- }
- public void e()
- {
- stop();
- }
- static List<Profiler> stack = new List<Profiler>();
- Profiler parent = null;
- int depth = 0;
- bool adding = false;
- public void start()
- {
- {
- //closed = false;
- nevercalled = false;
- if (tick != ltick)
- {
- if (_ticks_between_calls == 1 && ltick != int.MinValue)
- {
- _ticks_between_calls = tick - ltick;
- }
- ltick = tick;
- //callspertick = 1;
- adding = false;
- }
- else
- {
- adding = true;
- }
- if (depth == 0) depth = stack.Count;
- if (depth > 11) depth = 11;
- if (stack.Count > 0 && parent == null) parent = stack[stack.Count - 1];
- stack.Add(this);
- start_time = DateTime.Now;
- }
- }
- double lastms = 0;
- double average = 0;
- /// <summary>
- /// records a fake ms consumption for this timeframe - for tests or demo
- /// </summary>
- public double FAKE_stop(double fakems)
- {
- return stop(fakems);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// adds the elapsed time since start() to the records
- /// </summary>
- public double stop()
- {
- double time = 0;
- {
- //closed = true;
- time = (DateTime.Now - start_time).TotalMilliseconds;
- }
- return stop(time);
- }
- private double stop(double _ms)
- {
- double time = 0;
- {
- time = _ms;
- stack.Pop();
- if (parent != null)
- {
- depth = parent.depth + 1;
- }
- //if(!adding)mscursor = (mscursor + 1) % mstracklen;
- if (!adding) mstrack[mscursor] = 0;
- mstrack[mscursor] += time;
- if (!adding) mscursor = (mscursor + 1) % mstracklen;
- average = 0d;
- foreach (double ms in mstrack) average += ms;
- average *= msdiv;
- average /= _ticks_between_calls;
- lastms = time;
- }
- return time;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// generates a monospaced report text. If called every tick, every 120 ticks it will recalculate treeview data.
- /// </summary>
- //the treeview can be initially inaccurate as some profilers might not be called every tick, depending on program architecture
- public string getReport()
- {
- {
- if (tick % 120 == 25)//recalculate hacky treeview data, delayed by 25 ticks from program start
- {
- try
- {
- profilers.Sort(delegate (Profiler x, Profiler y)
- {
- return x.getSortPosition().CompareTo(y.getSortPosition());
- });
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- for (int i = 0; i < profilers.Count; i++)
- {
- Profiler p = profilers[i];
- p.pre = "";
- if (p.depth > 0 && p.parent != null)
- {
- bool parent_has_future_siblings = false;
- bool has_future_siblings_under_parent = false;
- for (int b = i + 1; b < profilers.Count; b++)
- {
- if (profilers[b].depth == p.parent.depth) parent_has_future_siblings = true;
- if (profilers[b].depth == p.depth) has_future_siblings_under_parent = true;
- if (profilers[b].depth < p.depth) break;
- }
- while (p.pre.Length < p.parent.depth)
- {
- if (parent_has_future_siblings) p.pre += "│";
- else p.pre += " ";
- }
- bool last = false;
- if (!has_future_siblings_under_parent)
- {
- if (i < profilers.Count - 1)
- {
- if (profilers[i + 1].depth != p.depth) last = true;
- }
- else last = true;
- }
- if (last) p.pre += "└";
- else p.pre += "├";
- while (p.pre.Length < p.depth) p.pre += "─";
- //if(!p.closed) p.pre = p.closed + p.pre;
- //p.pre = p.depth + p.pre;
- }
- }
- int mlen = 0;
- foreach (Profiler p in profilers) if (p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length > mlen) mlen = p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length;
- foreach (Profiler p in profilers)
- {
- = "";
- int l = p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length +;
- if (l < mlen) = new string('_', mlen - l);
- }
- }
- if (nevercalled) return "!!!!" + Name + "!!!!: NEVER CALLED!";
- /*string bsp = ""+getSortPosition();
- if (bsp.Length < 8) bsp = new string('0',8 - bsp.Length) + bsp;*/
- // return /*bsp+ */
- return pre + Name + post + ": " + lastms.ToString("0.00") + ";" + average.ToString("0.00");
- }
- return "";
- }
- static public string getAllReports()
- {
- string r = "";
- {
- foreach (Profiler watch in profilers)
- {
- r += watch.getReport() + "\n";
- }
- }
- if (stack.Count > 0)
- {
- r += "profile stack error:\n";
- r += stack.Count + "\n";
- foreach (var s in stack)
- {
- r += s.Name + ",";
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- }
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