

Jan 13th, 2014
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  1. Other than Special and Other events that Rarity of Pokemon Tabs will be Descending starting from Non Shiny non 6IV legends. Feel free To look Lol and give me trade requests. Most Notable Moves and or Full Movesets will be listed and if you need more Info let me know. I'll Differentiate between languages with either a E or J on non event things or if i have 2 of the same mon in different languages.
  3. Notable Ivs are Mentioned However Not all Ivs are mentioned if the pokemon is below 4IV Max or not 6iV flawless With a Hidden Power ( I.e 4V31 2V30= 6V flawless for H.Power so will be listed as 6V and the hidden power in moveset) If its Supposed to have a ribbon and does not, into the trash it goes. If its supposed to be in a Cherish Ball and is not, same applies. Please don't try trade these things with me as i don't want them.
  5. Non Legend Shinnies Are At the End, i only like lvl 1 non legend shinnies ^^/ .
  7. Special
  9. 6 IV Movie 14 Bolt Strike Victini - Adamant In Cherish Ball - V create/Bolt Strike
  10. 6 IV Movie 10 Alamos Darkrai - Timid In Cherish Ball - Spacial Rend/Roar Of Time
  11. 6 IV HGSS 2009 Event Japanese Non Shiny Mew - Timid In Cherish Ball - Dazzling Gleam/Psyshock
  12. 6 IV Fall 2010 Event English Non Shiny  Mew - Modest In Cherish Ball
  13. 6 IV SMR 2010 Jirachi LV-5 - Timid In Cherish Ball - Draco Meteor/Magic Coat/Trick
  14. 6 IV WIN 2011 Celebi - Calm In Cherish Ball  - Hidden Power Ice/Nasty.P/Giga Drain/Earth Power
  15. 6 IV HVR 2013 Perfect Keldeo In Resolute Form - Timid In Cherish Ball - Icy Wind/Aqua Jet/Secret Sword
  16. 6 IV SPR 2013 Meloetta - Naive In Cherish Ball - Relic Song/Drain Punch/Ice Punch
  17. 6 IV SPR 2012 Black/White Event Reshiram - Modest In cherish Ball - Blue Flare/Draco Meteor
  18. 6 IV 10th Anniversary 2006 Event Celebi - Ancient Power/Perish Song - Calm In Pokeball
  19. 6 Iv Shiny Movie Event Genesect - Hasty In Cherish Ball - Extreme Speed/Blaze Kick/ Iron Head/ Shift Gear
  20. 6 IV Plasma Deoxys Normal Event - Naive In Duskball - Nasty Plot/ Phsycho Boost/ Recover/ Dark Pulse
  21. 6 IV Plasma Deoxys Defense Event - Calm In Duskball - Stealth Rocks/ Spikes/ Magic Coat
  22. 5 IV Gale Of Darkness Phsycho Boost Lugia - Bold OT: Magnius - Phsycho Boost
  23. 4 IV Worlds 2012 Flying Pikachu - Timid In Cherish Ball - Fly/Grassknot Lightning Rod
  24. 1 IV Worlds 2012 Flying Pikachu - Timid In Chersih Ball - Fly/Grassknot Lightning Rod
  25. Nobunagas Event Shiny Rayquazza - Hardy In Cherish Ball - D.Dance/Outrage/Ancient Power
  26. Corocoro Event Garchomp - Calm In Cherish Ball
  27. Walmart Event Garchomp - Hardy In Cherish Ball
  28. Walmart Event Scizor - Hardy In Cherish Ball
  30. Other Events
  32. 6 IV MCHINA Event Arceus - Timid In Cherish Ball - Judgement/ Recover/Calm Mind
  33. 6 IV MAY 2012 Darkrai - Timid In Cherish Ball - Ice Beam/ Dark Void/ Sludge Bomb
  34. 6 IV Pokemon Ranger Shaymin - Timid In Pokeball - OT : Oblivia Hidden Power Ice/ Earth Power
  35. 6 IV SUM 2013 Shiny Dialga - Modest In Cherish Ball - Stealth Rocks/Fire Blast/Thunderbolt
  36. 6 IV GameStop Event Jirachi - Adamant In Cherish Ball - Iron head/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/ U turn
  37. 6 IV Gamestop Event Jirachi - Modest In Cherish Ball - Wish/Doom Desire
  38. 6 IV Gamestop Event Celebi - Modest In Cherish Ball - Nasty Plot / Leaf Storm / Recover
  39. 6 IV Japanese Event Jirachi - Adamant In Cherish Ball - Meteor Mash/Power up punch/ U Turn
  40. 6 IV WIN 2011 Celebi - Calm In Cherish Ball - Leaf Storm/Giga Drain/ Recover/ Phsycic
  41. 6 IV WIN 2013 Flawless Keldeo - Timid In Cherish Ball - HP ghost/ Secret Sword/ Icy Wind
  42. 6 IV SPR 2013 Meloetta - Timid In Cherish Ball - Relic Song / Charge Beam/ Shadow Ball
  43. 6 IV Movie Event Shiny Gensect - Hasty In Cherish Ball - Extreme Speed/ Shift gears/ Techno Blast/ Hidden Power
  44. 6 IV SMR 2013 Giratina - Impish In Cherish Ball - Shadow Force/ Aura Sphere/ Dragon Pulse/ D.Claw
  45. 6 IV Movie 14 Victini - Timid In Cherish Ball - V create/ Fusion Bolt/ Fusion Flare
  46. 6 IV Movie 14 Victini - Jolly In Cherish Ball - V create/ Fusion Bolt/ Brick Break/ U-turn
  47. 6 IV Plasma Deoxys - Timid In Dusk Ball - Spikes / Knock off/ Reflect/ taunt
  49. 5 IV Movie 11 Shaymin - Jolly In Cherish Ball - Seed Flare
  50. 5 IV SUM 2013 Shiny Dialga - Carfeul In Cherish Ball - Dragon Pulse/Flash Cannon/ Aura Sphere/ Roar Of Time
  51. 5 IV SUM 2013 Shiny Palkia - Modest In Cherish Ball - Draco Meteor/ Spacial Rend/ Aura Sphere
  53. 4 IV SMR 2012 Keldeo LV-15 - Timid In Cherish Ball - Aqua Jet
  54. 3 IV SPR 2013 Meloetta - Hasty In Cherish Ball
  55. 3 IV Shiny Event Genesect - Hasty In Cherish Ball - Techno Blast/ Flamthrower/ Ice beam
  57. Event Meloetta - Impish In Cherish Ball - Relic Song/ Acrobatics/ sing
  58. Event Genesect - Relaxed In Cherish ball - Techno Blast/ Tri Attack/ Signal Beam
  59. Event Arceus With Event Moves - Sassy In Cherish Ball - Roar Of Time/ Spacial Rend/Shadow Force/Judgement
  60. Pokemon Link Distribution Celebi Lv 10 - Relaxed - Hold Back/ Recover
  61. NZ Japanese Event Jirachi LV-5 - Naive In Cherish Ball - Draco Meteor/Wish
  62. NZ Japanese Event Manaphy - Impish In Cherish Ball - Heart swap
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