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- program Tetris;
- (*
- A hacked together tetris game that uses the builtin debug image.
- Requires Simba 1.2-RC5 or later.
- >
- *)
- const
- //special conf:
- GAME_WIDTH = 10;
- BASE_TICK = 700;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------\\
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------\\
- type
- TFace = (f0,f1,f2,f3);
- TState = (stRunning, stCompleted);
- TBrick = record
- id: Int32;
- pos: TPoint;
- face: TFace;
- end;
- TBrickArray = array of TBrick;
- TTetris = record
- Width,Height:Int32;
- Bounds:TBox;
- Board:TMufasaBitmap;
- Active, Original, Next:TBrick;
- State:TState;
- Score:Int32;
- Level:Int32;
- Tick:Int32;
- CollapseCount:Int32;
- end;
- const
- GLOB_BRICKS:T2DPointArray = [
- [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[2,0]], // :''
- [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0]], // ....
- [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[1,1]], // ':'
- [[1,0],[2,0],[0,1],[1,1]], // .:'
- [[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[2,1]], // ':.
- [[0,0],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]], // ::
- [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[2,1]] // '':
- ];
- GLOB_COLORS:TIntegerArray = [
- $3388FF, //orange
- $FFCC33, //cyan
- $FF33BB, //purple
- $33FF77, //green
- $3333FF, //red / pink
- $33DDFF, //yellow
- $FF9000 //blue
- ];
- BACKGROUND = $333333;
- function TBrick.GetBrickTPA(): TPointArray; constref;
- begin
- Result := GLOB_BRICKS[];
- case self.face of
- f0: Result := Copy(Result);
- f1: Result := RotatePoints(Result, radians(90), 1,0);
- f2: Result := RotatePoints(Result, radians(180), 1,0);
- f3: Result := RotatePoints(Result, radians(270), 1,0);
- end;
- OffsetTPA(Result, Self.pos);
- end;
- procedure TTetris.FillBox(x,y:Int32; color:Int32=BACKGROUND);
- var
- h,s,l:Extended;
- begin
- try
- self.Board.DrawTPA(TPAFromBox([x,y,x+POINTSIZE-2,y+POINTSIZE-2]), color);
- if color <> BACKGROUND then
- begin
- ColorToHSL(color, H,S,L);
- color := HSLToColor(H,S-15,L-15);
- self.Board.DrawTPA(EdgeFromBox([x,y,x+POINTSIZE-2,y+POINTSIZE-2]), color);
- end;
- except
- end;
- end;
- function TTetris.IsFilled(x,y:Int32): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (y > 0) and (self.board.GetPixel(x * POINTSIZE, y * POINTSIZE) <> BACKGROUND);
- end;
- procedure TTetris.DrawBrick(brick:TBrick);
- var pt:TPoint;
- begin
- for pt in brick.GetBrickTPA() do
- self.FillBox(pt.x,pt.y, GLOB_COLORS[]);
- end;
- procedure TTetris.UndrawBrick(brick:TBrick);
- var pt:TPoint;
- begin
- for pt in brick.GetBrickTPA() do
- self.FillBox(pt.x,pt.y);
- end;
- function TTetris.Collides(): Boolean;
- var
- pt:TPoint;
- begin
- for pt in active.GetBrickTPA() do
- if (not(InRange(pt.x, Bounds.x1, Bounds.x2) and InRange(pt.y, Bounds.y1, Bounds.y2))) or
- self.IsFilled(pt.x,pt.y) then
- Exit(True);
- end;
- function TTetris.TryRotateCW(): Boolean;
- var
- pt:TPoint;
- oldface:TFace;
- begin
- Result := True;
- self.UndrawBrick(self.Active);
- oldface := active.face;
- if active.face = f3 then active.face := f0
- else Inc(active.face);
- if self.Collides() then
- begin
- active.face := oldface;
- self.DrawBrick(self.Active);
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TTetris.TryRotateCCW(): Boolean;
- var
- pt:TPoint;
- oldface:TFace;
- begin
- Result := True;
- self.UndrawBrick(self.Active);
- oldface := active.face;
- if active.face = f0 then active.face := f3
- else Dec(active.face);
- if self.Collides() then
- begin
- active.face := oldface;
- self.DrawBrick(self.Active);
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TTetris.TryMove(ox,oy:Int32): Boolean;
- var
- pt:TPoint;
- oldpos:TPoint;
- begin
- Result := True;
- self.UndrawBrick(self.Active);
- oldpos := active.pos;
- active.pos.x += ox;
- active.pos.y += oy;
- if self.Collides() then
- begin
- active.pos := oldpos;
- self.DrawBrick(self.Active);
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TTetris.UpdateBrick();
- begin
- self.UndrawBrick(Original);
- self.DrawBrick(Active);
- self.Update();
- end;
- procedure TTetris.LevelUp();
- begin
- self.Tick := Ceil(self.Tick*0.75);
- if self.Tick < 1 then self.Tick := 1;
- self.Level += 1;
- self.collapseCount := 0;
- end;
- procedure TTetris.CheckRows();
- var
- x,y,counter:Int32;
- procedure RemoveRow(row:Int32);
- var x,y,color:Int32;
- begin
- counter += 1;
- for y:=row-1 downto 0 do
- for x:=0 to Bounds.X2 do
- begin
- color := self.board.GetPixel(x * POINTSIZE+1, y * POINTSIZE+1);
- self.FillBox(x,y);
- self.FillBox(x,y+1, color);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- for y:=0 to Bounds.Y2 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to Bounds.X2 do
- if not self.IsFilled(x,y) then
- break;
- if (x = self.Width) then RemoveRow(y);
- end;
- self.Score += counter*self.Width;
- self.collapseCount += counter;
- if self.collapseCount >= 10 then self.LevelUp();
- end;
- procedure TTetris.NewBrick();
- begin
- self.Original := self.Next;
- self.Active := self.Next;
- self.Next.pos := Point(self.Width div 2 - 1, -1);
- self.Next.face := f0;
- := Random(0,High(GLOB_BRICKS));
- end;
- procedure TTetris.Debug();
- var
- x:Int32;
- pt:TPoint;
- brick:TBrick;
- procedure _FillBrick(x,y:Int32; size:Int32=15);
- begin
- for pt in brick.GetBrickTPA() do
- begin
- pt.x := x+pt.x*size;
- pt.y := y+pt.y*size;
- self.Board.DrawTPA(TPAFromBox([pt.x,pt.y, pt.x+size-2,pt.y+size-2]), $FFFFFF);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- x := self.Width*POINTSIZE + 20;
- if self.score = 0 then
- begin
- self.Board.setFontName('Arial Black');
- self.Board.setFontSize(14);
- self.Board.DrawText('Score:', Point(x,20), $AAAAAA);
- self.Board.DrawText('Level:', Point(x,80), $AAAAAA);
- self.Board.DrawText('Speed:', Point(x,140), $AAAAAA);
- self.Board.DrawText('Next: ', Point(x,200), $AAAAAA);
- end;
- //clear
- self.Board.DrawTPA(TPAFromBox([x,40,Board.GetWidth()-1,60]), 0);
- self.Board.DrawTPA(TPAFromBox([x,100,Board.GetWidth()-1,120]), 0);
- self.Board.DrawTPA(TPAFromBox([x,160,Board.GetWidth()-1,180]), 0);
- self.Board.DrawTPA(TPAFromBox([x,220,Board.GetWidth()-1, 220+50]), 0);
- //draw
- self.Board.setFontName('Arial');
- self.Board.DrawText(ToStr(self.Score), Point(x,40), $FFFFFF);
- self.Board.DrawText(ToStr(self.Level), Point(x,100), $FFFFFF);
- self.Board.DrawText(ToStr(Round(BASE_TICK/self.Tick,2)), Point(x,160), $FFFFFF);
- brick := self.Next;
- brick.pos := [0,0];
- _FillBrick(x,220,15);
- //----
- if self.State = stCompleted then
- begin
- ClearDebug();
- WriteLn('Game over!!');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TTetris.RestartGame();
- var x,y:Int32;
- begin
- Self.Tick := 1000;
- for x:=0 to Width-1 do
- for y:=0 to Height-1 do
- Self.FillBox(x,y);
- Self.Level := 1;
- Self.Tick := BASE_TICK;
- for 1 to START_LEVEL-1 do Self.LevelUp();
- Self.Score := 0;
- Self.State := stRunning;
- Self.NewBrick();
- Self.Debug();
- end;
- procedure TTetris.HandleEvent();
- var t,t2:UInt64;
- begin
- t := GetTickCount() + Tick;
- while GetTickCount() < t do
- begin
- self.UpdateBrick();
- Original := Active;
- t2 := GetTickCount() + 150;
- if isKeyDown(TURN_RIGHT) then
- begin
- TryRotateCW();
- while isKeyDown(TURN_RIGHT) and (GetTickCount() < t2) do Wait(2);
- end
- else if isKeyDown(TURN_LEFT) then
- begin
- TryRotateCCW();
- while isKeyDown(TURN_LEFT) and (GetTickCount() < t2) do Wait(2);
- end
- else if isKeyDown(MOVE_LEFT) then
- begin
- TryMove(-1,0);
- while isKeyDown(MOVE_LEFT) and (GetTickCount() < t2) do Wait(2);
- end
- else if isKeyDown(MOVE_RIGHT) then
- begin
- TryMove(1,0);
- while isKeyDown(MOVE_RIGHT) and (GetTickCount() < t2) do Wait(2);
- end
- else if isKeyDown(MOVE_DOWN) then
- begin
- while isKeyDown(MOVE_DOWN) and TryMove(0,1) do
- begin
- self.UpdateBrick();
- Wait(4);
- end;
- end
- else if isKeyDown(DROP_DOWN) then
- begin
- while TryMove(0,1) do
- begin
- self.UpdateBrick();
- Wait(4);
- end;
- end
- else if isKeyDown(RESTART_GAME) then
- begin
- self.RestartGame();
- end
- else if isKeyDown(PAUSE_GAME) then
- begin
- ClearDebug();
- WriteLn(self.Score);
- WriteLn('Game is paused!');
- while isKeyDown(PAUSE_GAME) do Wait(16);
- while not isKeyDown(PAUSE_GAME) do Wait(16);
- while isKeyDown(PAUSE_GAME) do Wait(16);
- ClearDebug();
- WriteLn(self.Score);
- WriteLn('Game has been resumed!');
- end;
- Wait(2);
- end;
- self.UpdateBrick();
- end;
- function TTetris.Create(AWidth,AHeight:Int32): TTetris; static;
- var
- x,y:Int32;
- begin
- Result.Width := AWidth;
- Result.Height := AHeight;
- Result.Board.Init(client.getMBitmaps);
- Result.Board.SetSize(AWidth*POINTSIZE+150, AHeight*POINTSIZE);
- Result.Bounds := [0,-3,Result.Width-1,Result.Height-1];
- x := AWidth*POINTSIZE;
- Result.Board.DrawTPA(TPAFromBox([x,0,x, AHeight*POINTSIZE-1]), $999999);
- Result.Level := 1;
- Result.Tick := BASE_TICK;
- for 1 to START_LEVEL-1 do Result.LevelUp();
- for x:=0 to AWidth-1 do
- for y:=0 to AHeight-1 do
- Result.FillBox(x,y);
- end;
- procedure TTetris.Display(); constref;
- begin
- DisplayDebugImgWindow(Self.board.GetWidth,Self.Board.GetHeight);
- DrawBitmapDebugImg(Self.Board.GetIndex());
- end;
- procedure TTetris.Update(); constref;
- begin
- DrawBitmapDebugImg(Self.Board.GetIndex());
- end;
- procedure TTetris.Focus(); constref;
- var proc:TSysProc;
- function SetForegroundWindow(HWND:UInt64): LongBool; external 'SetForegroundWindow@User32.dll';
- begin
- for proc in GetProcesses() do
- if proc.Title = 'DebugImgForm' then
- SetForegroundWindow(proc.Handle);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- begin
- WriteLn('Click / Focus the debug window manually, starting in 1 second');
- Wait(1000);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function TTetris.Run(): Boolean;
- begin
- self.State := stRunning;
- self.Display();
- self.Focus();
- self.NewBrick();
- self.Debug();
- while True do
- begin
- self.HandleEvent();
- Original := Active;
- if not self.TryMove(0,1) then
- begin
- self.Score += self.Active.pos.y;
- if self.Active.pos.y = -1 then
- self.State := stCompleted
- else
- begin
- self.CheckRows();
- self.NewBrick();
- self.Debug();
- Wait(170);
- end;
- end;
- while self.State = stCompleted do
- begin
- Self.Debug();
- self.HandleEvent();
- Wait(8);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- var
- Tetris:TTetris;
- tmp:TBrick;
- begin
- Tetris := TTetris.Create(GAME_WIDTH,GAME_HEIGHT);
- Tetris.Run();
- end.
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