
Blocks Gaw's bite

Dec 25th, 2024
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  1. The smashing blows crunched bone. Gaw, stunned, lowered her head, snapped. Kong was too quick. He seized a length of bone, a rib from the long-dead triceratops, and used it as a club, as a spear. With bones broken and a half-dozen wounds spurting blood, Gaw reeled, fell, and instantly the Kong was beside her and was about to strike at the juncture of spine and skull when the last four deathrunners attacked Kong’s head and neck all at once. Kong rolled off Gaw, flailing at the writhing mass which obscured his vision and ripped into his flesh. He roared in fury, snatching and smashing the creatures one after the other to the earth. The last one collapsed in death, and Kong beat his chest, whirling to meet Gaw again.
  2. The gigantic ape snarled, lips drawn back, eyes darting, his weapon in hand. Ishara wanted to tear her gaze away, but she could not. Gaw, wounded but still form-idable, wasted no time in roaring, but sped toward Kong, bent low and glaring at him with malevolent intelligence.
  3. Kong met the charge head-on, but the impetus toppled him backward. As he tumbled, he flung up the weapon he carried reflexively, thrusting it inside Gaw’s snapping jaws, keeping them from closing on his neck. For seconds they moved slowly, locked in a contest of strength. Gaw grabbed at the base of a tree with one hind claw and gripped the ground to gain traction with the other, trying to throw her opponent to the ground. Kong gave way, falling back, pressed to earth, but his muscles rippled as he gathered strength to attack again.
  6. Kong: King of Skull Island, Chapter 13
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