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- # samicrusader's i3 config
- # Variables
- set $mod Mod1
- set $wsn1 "1:一"
- set $wsn2 "2:二"
- set $wsn3 "3:三"
- set $wsn4 "4:四"
- set $wsn5 "5:五"
- set $wsn6 "6:六"
- set $wsn7 "7:七"
- set $wsn8 "8:八"
- set $wsn9 "9:九"
- set $wsn10 "10:十"
- set $wallchange "/usr/bin/feh --bg-fill /home/samicrusader/Pictures/walls/mika.png /home/samicrusader/Pictures/walls/mika-mon3.png /home/samicrusader/Pictures/walls/mika-mon2.png"
- set $wallchange2 "/usr/bin/feh --bg-fill /home/samicrusader/Pictures/walls/kidsseeghosts.jpg"
- # Customization
- font pango:Koruri 10
- ## class border backgr. text indicator child_border
- #client.focused #000000 #060606 #42a0ff #000000 #000000
- #client.focused_inactive #060606 #363636 #ffffff #060606 #060606
- #client.unfocused #060606 #363636 #ffffff #060606 #060606
- #client.urgent #ff1212 #ff1212 #000000 #ff1212 #ff1212
- #client.placeholder #000000 #0c0c0c #ffffff #000000 #0c0c0c
- #client.background #000000
- ## class border backgr. text indicator child_border
- client.focused #000000 #060606 #ff0000 #000000 #000000
- client.focused_inactive #060606 #363636 #ffffff #060606 #060606
- client.unfocused #060606 #363636 #ffffff #060606 #060606
- client.urgent #ff1212 #ff1212 #000000 #ff1212 #ff1212
- client.placeholder #000000 #0c0c0c #ffffff #000000 #0c0c0c
- client.background #000000
- # Hotkeys
- floating_modifier $mod
- ## Window control
- bindsym $mod+Left focus left
- bindsym $mod+Down focus down
- bindsym $mod+Up focus up
- bindsym $mod+Right focus right
- bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
- bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
- bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
- bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
- bindsym $mod+h split h
- bindsym $mod+v split v
- bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
- bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
- bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
- bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
- bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
- bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace $wsn1
- bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace $wsn2
- bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace $wsn3
- bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace $wsn4
- bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace $wsn5
- bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace $wsn6
- bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace $wsn7
- bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace $wsn8
- bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace $wsn9
- bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace $wsn10
- ## Workspace control
- bindsym $mod+1 workspace $wsn1
- bindsym $mod+2 workspace $wsn2
- bindsym $mod+3 workspace $wsn3
- bindsym $mod+4 workspace $wsn4
- bindsym $mod+5 workspace $wsn5
- bindsym $mod+6 workspace $wsn6
- bindsym $mod+7 workspace $wsn7
- bindsym $mod+8 workspace $wsn8
- bindsym $mod+9 workspace $wsn9
- bindsym $mod+0 workspace $wsn10
- ## Desktop control
- bindsym $mod+Shift+c kill
- bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec $wallchange
- bindsym $mod+Shift+t exec $wallchange2
- bindsym $mod+Shift+r reload
- bindsym $mod+Shift+q exec "/home/samicrusader/.config/i3/"
- bindsym $mod+Shift+w exec "/usr/bin/dm-tool lock"
- ## Applications
- bindsym $mod+p exec "/usr/bin/xfce4-popup-whiskermenu -p"
- bindsym Mod4+r exec "/usr/local/bin/dmenu_run"
- bindsym Ctrl+Alt+t exec "/usr/bin/sakura"
- bindsym Ctrl+Shift+Escape exec "/usr/bin/xfce4-taskmanager"
- ## Screenshot
- bindsym Print exec "/usr/bin/flameshot full -c"
- bindsym $mod+Sys_Req exec "/usr/bin/deepin-screen-recorder --shot --top-window"
- bindsym Shift+Print exec "/usr/bin/flameshot screen -c -n 0"
- bindsym Ctrl+Print exec "/usr/bin/flameshot gui -c"
- # Window-specific tweaks
- for_window [class="steam_app_1182480"] floating enable
- for_window [class="steam_app_1222680"] floating enable
- for_window [instance="origin.exe"] floating enable
- for_window [class="Weston Compositor"] floating enable
- for_window [title=" - Wine desktop$"] floating enable
- for_window [class="ida.exe" title="About"] floating enable
- for_window [class="ida.exe" title="IDA: Quick start"] floating enable
- for_window [class="ida64.exe" title="About"] floating enable
- for_window [class="ida64.exe" title="IDA: Quick start"] floating enable
- # Startup programs
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/nvidia-settings --load-config-only
- #exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/nvidia-settings -a '[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1'
- #exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/nvidia-settings -a '[fan:0]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=100'
- #exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/nvidia-settings -a '[fan:1]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=100'
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/picom -b
- exec_always --no-startup-id $wallchange
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/xfsettingsd
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/xfce4-session
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/xfce4-panel
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/conky
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/polychromatic-helper --autostart
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/xscreensaver
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/DesktopVideoUpdater
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/1password --silent
- exec_always --no-startup-id /opt/bluemail/bluemail
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/blueman-applet
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/discord --start-minimized
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/easyeffects --gapplication-service
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/firewall-applet
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/flameshot
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/env KEYBASE_AUTOSTART=1 /usr/bin/run_keybase
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/remmina -i
- exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/signal-desktop --start-in-tray --use-tray-icon
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