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- ' 普通模块代码
- Option Explicit
- ' 主运行方法 Main
- Sub Main()
- ' 初始化用户界面,准备数据填充
- UserForm1.Show 0
- InitializeUserForm
- ' 显示用户界面
- CheckMappingAndUpdateLabel
- FillMappingListBoxAndIdentifiers
- End Sub
- ' 功能:获取用于存储设置的文本文件的完整路径。
- ' 在这个函数中:
- ' 1. 使用 Application.SldWorks 获取 SolidWorks 的应用程序对象。
- ' 2. 获取当前运行的宏的路径,并从中提取目录路径。
- ' 3. 拼接目标文件名,即存储设置的文本文件名。
- ' 4. 返回完整的文件路径。
- Function GetFilePath() As String
- Dim swApp As Object
- Dim currentMacroPath As String
- Dim directoryPath As String
- Dim targetFileName As String
- ' 获取SolidWorks应用对象
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
- ' 获取当前宏的路径
- currentMacroPath = swApp.GetCurrentMacroPathName
- directoryPath = Left(currentMacroPath, InStrRev(currentMacroPath, "\"))
- targetFileName = "智能命名系统data.txt"
- ' 返回构建的文件路径
- GetFilePath = directoryPath & targetFileName
- End Function
- ' 此子程序用于读取映射行并填充列表框,同时填充文本框显示完整的代号行内容
- Public Sub FillMappingListBoxAndIdentifiers()
- Dim filePath As String
- Dim fileContent As String
- Dim lines As Variant
- Dim i As Integer
- filePath = GetFilePath()
- If filePath <> "" And Dir(filePath) <> "" Then
- fileContent = GetFileContent(filePath)
- lines = Split(fileContent, vbCrLf)
- ' 清空列表框
- UserForm1.ListBox_映射.Clear
- ' 遍历每一行
- For i = LBound(lines) To UBound(lines)
- If InStr(lines(i), "映射|") > 0 Then
- ' 只向列表框添加以"映射"开头的行
- UserForm1.ListBox_映射.AddItem lines(i)
- ElseIf InStr(lines(i), "钣金件代号|") > 0 Then
- ' 显示完整的钣金件代号行
- UserForm1.TextBox_钣金件代号.text = lines(i)
- ElseIf InStr(lines(i), "车床件代号|") > 0 Then
- ' 显示完整的车床件代号行
- UserForm1.TextBox_车床件代号.text = lines(i)
- ElseIf InStr(lines(i), "亚克力代号|") > 0 Then
- ' 显示完整的亚克力代号行
- UserForm1.TextBox_亚克力代号.text = lines(i)
- ElseIf InStr(lines(i), "机加件标识|") > 0 Then
- ' 显示完整的机加件标识行
- UserForm1.TextBox_机加件标识.text = lines(i)
- End If
- Next i
- Else
- MsgBox "配置文件不存在,请检查。"
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Function GetFileContent(ByVal filePath As String) As String
- Dim fileNumber As Integer
- Dim lineContent As String
- Dim contentBuilder As String
- fileNumber = FreeFile
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- Open filePath For Input As fileNumber
- ' 初始化内容构建器
- contentBuilder = ""
- ' 循环读取每一行直到文件结束
- Do Until EOF(fileNumber)
- Line Input #fileNumber, lineContent
- contentBuilder = contentBuilder & lineContent & vbCrLf
- Loop
- Close fileNumber
- GetFileContent = contentBuilder
- Exit Function
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "读取文件时发生错误: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "错误"
- Close fileNumber
- GetFileContent = ""
- End Function
- ' 检查当前装配体名称是否在映射列表中,并更新Label_映射信息的状态
- Public Sub CheckMappingAndUpdateLabel()
- Dim swApp As Object
- Dim swModel As Object
- Dim assemblyName As String
- Dim assemblyBaseName As String ' 添加变量来存储基础装配体名称
- Dim foundMapping As Boolean
- Dim mappingEntry As String
- Dim mappingParts As Variant
- Dim i As Integer
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
- Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
- foundMapping = False
- If Not swModel Is Nothing Then
- assemblyName = swModel.GetTitle ' 获取装配体名称
- ' 检查是否存在下划线,并获取下划线之前的名称
- If InStr(assemblyName, "_") > 0 Then
- assemblyBaseName = Left(assemblyName, InStr(assemblyName, "_") - 1)
- Else
- assemblyBaseName = assemblyName
- End If
- Debug.Print "基础装配体名称: " & assemblyBaseName ' 输出基础装配体名称
- For i = 0 To UserForm1.ListBox_映射.ListCount - 1
- mappingEntry = UserForm1.ListBox_映射.List(i) ' 获取映射条目
- mappingParts = Split(mappingEntry, "|") ' 分割映射条目
- ' 检查映射条目是否包含基础装配体名称
- If UBound(mappingParts) >= 2 And Trim(mappingParts(1)) = assemblyBaseName Then
- foundMapping = True
- UserForm1.TextBox_代号.Value = mappingParts(2) ' 设置映射字符
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- ' 更新Label_映射信息的显示
- With UserForm1.Label_映射信息
- If foundMapping Then
- .caption = "映射成功"
- .ForeColor = RGB(0, 128, 0) ' 绿色
- Else
- .caption = "暂无映射,请确认"
- .ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' 红色
- UserForm1.TextBox_代号.Value = "" ' 清除之前的值
- End If
- End With
- Else
- MsgBox "未打开装配体文档。"
- End If
- End Sub
- ' 将文本追加到文件
- Public Sub AppendTextToFile(ByVal filePath As String, ByVal text As String)
- Dim fileNumber As Integer
- fileNumber = FreeFile
- Open filePath For Append As fileNumber
- Print #fileNumber, text
- Close fileNumber
- End Sub
- ' 这个子程序用于获取当前装配体上级目录下所有文件夹的名称
- ' 获取当前装配体所在的上级目录下所有子文件夹的名称,并填充到列表框中
- Sub GetFoldersAndFillList()
- Dim swApp As Object
- Dim swModel As Object
- Dim asmPath As String
- Dim parentPath As String
- Dim subFolder As Object
- Dim fso As Object
- Dim folder As Object
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
- Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If Not swModel Is Nothing Then
- asmPath = swModel.GetPathName
- If asmPath <> "" Then
- ' 获取文件所在的目录
- parentPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(asmPath)
- ' 获取上级目录
- Set folder = fso.GetFolder(parentPath).parentFolder
- ' 清空现有列表
- UserForm1.ListBox_文件夹.Clear
- ' 获取上级目录下的所有子目录,并添加到列表框中
- For Each subFolder In folder.SubFolders
- UserForm1.ListBox_文件夹.AddItem subFolder.path
- Next subFolder
- Else
- MsgBox "装配体文件没有路径信息。可能是未保存的新文件。"
- End If
- Else
- MsgBox "未打开装配体文档。"
- End If
- End Sub
- ' 这个子程序用于捕获选中的组件信息并显示在用户窗体控件中
- Sub CaptureSelectedComponentInfo()
- Dim swApp As Object
- Dim swModel As Object
- Dim swSelMgr As Object
- Dim swComponent As Object
- Dim path As String
- Dim fileName As String
- Dim fso As Object
- Dim fileExtension As String
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
- Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
- Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1) > 0 Then
- Set swComponent = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectsComponent4(1, -1)
- If Not swComponent Is Nothing Then
- path = swComponent.GetPathName
- fileName = fso.GetBaseName(path)
- fileExtension = fso.GetExtensionName(path)
- UserForm1.Label_选中组件路径.caption = path
- UserForm1.TextBox_选中组件名称.Value = fileName
- Select Case LCase(fileExtension)
- Case "sldasm"
- UserForm1.Label_组件类型.caption = "装配体"
- Case "sldprt"
- UserForm1.Label_组件类型.caption = "零件"
- Case Else
- UserForm1.Label_组件类型.caption = "未知"
- End Select
- If fso.FileExists(Replace(path, fileExtension, "SLDDRW")) Then
- UserForm1.CheckBox_包含工程图.Value = True
- Else
- UserForm1.CheckBox_包含工程图.Value = False
- End If
- Else
- 'MsgBox "未选中任何组件。"
- End If
- Else
- 'MsgBox "未选中任何组件。"
- End If
- End Sub
- ' 这个子程序用于初始化用户窗体,设置初始状态
- Sub InitializeUserForm()
- ' 清空所有控件
- UserForm1.TextBox_代号.Value = ""
- UserForm1.ListBox_文件夹.Clear
- UserForm1.Label_选中组件路径.caption = ""
- UserForm1.TextBox_选中组件名称.Value = ""
- 'UserForm1.Label_组件类型.caption = ""
- UserForm1.CheckBox_包含工程图.Value = False
- ' 调用函数填充数据
- 'Call ConvertAssemblyNameToUpper
- Call GetFoldersAndFillList
- End Sub
- '获取文件夹下所有文件
- Public Function GetFilesInDirectory(directory As String) As Collection
- Dim folder As folder
- Dim file As file
- Dim fs As New FileSystemObject
- Dim files As New Collection
- Set folder = fs.GetFolder(directory)
- For Each file In folder.files
- files.Add file.path
- Next file
- Set GetFilesInDirectory = files
- End Function
- ' 这个子程序用于写入用户修改的钣金件代号、车床件代号、亚克力代号和机加件标识到文本文件中
- Public Sub WriteIdentifiers()
- Dim filePath As String
- Dim fileContent As String
- Dim lines As Variant
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim outputLines As String
- Dim identifierFound(1 To 4) As Boolean
- filePath = GetFilePath()
- If filePath <> "" And Dir(filePath) <> "" Then
- fileContent = GetFileContent(filePath)
- lines = Split(fileContent, vbCrLf)
- ' 初始化标识符是否已找到的数组
- identifierFound(1) = False
- identifierFound(2) = False
- identifierFound(3) = False
- identifierFound(4) = False
- ' 遍历文件中的每一行,更新对应的代号行
- For i = LBound(lines) To UBound(lines)
- If InStr(lines(i), "钣金件代号|") > 0 Then
- lines(i) = UserForm1.TextBox_钣金件代号.text
- identifierFound(1) = True
- ElseIf InStr(lines(i), "车床件代号|") > 0 Then
- lines(i) = UserForm1.TextBox_车床件代号.text
- identifierFound(2) = True
- ElseIf InStr(lines(i), "亚克力代号|") > 0 Then
- lines(i) = UserForm1.TextBox_亚克力代号.text
- identifierFound(3) = True
- ElseIf InStr(lines(i), "机加件标识|") > 0 Then
- lines(i) = UserForm1.TextBox_机加件标识.text
- identifierFound(4) = True
- End If
- outputLines = outputLines & lines(i) & vbCrLf
- Next i
- ' 如果有代号未在文件中找到,则添加它们
- If Not identifierFound(1) Then
- outputLines = outputLines & UserForm1.TextBox_钣金件代号.text & vbCrLf
- End If
- If Not identifierFound(2) Then
- outputLines = outputLines & UserForm1.TextBox_车床件代号.text & vbCrLf
- End If
- If Not identifierFound(3) Then
- outputLines = outputLines & UserForm1.TextBox_亚克力代号.text & vbCrLf
- End If
- If Not identifierFound(4) Then
- outputLines = outputLines & UserForm1.TextBox_机加件标识.text & vbCrLf
- End If
- ' 写入文件
- WriteToFile filePath, outputLines
- ' 反馈给用户
- MsgBox "代号保存成功!"
- Else
- MsgBox "配置文件不存在,请检查。"
- End If
- End Sub
- ' 这个子程序用于将更新后的全部文本内容写入到指定的文件路径
- Private Sub WriteToFile(ByVal filePath As String, ByVal content As String)
- Dim fileNum As Integer
- fileNum = FreeFile
- Open filePath For Output As #fileNum
- Print #fileNum, content
- Close #fileNum
- End Sub
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