
Criminal Justice System Reform

Feb 7th, 2013
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  1. Something going on in the Criminal Justice system simply has to stop
  2. there are two things going wrong in the CJS
  3. The only reason I do not leave an evidence trail is, the things I supposedly do aren't possible with the mainstream technology of today, and two: I am openly transparent with various agencies, bureaus and forms of military
  4. I give the feds, police and mil adequate warning before pulling off an extreme op single-handedly
  5. I afford them before-hand knowledge of what consequences could occur and what is systematically inducing such
  6. that 'what' being behaviors, security holes, undersight, etc
  7. I even open up lines of discussion with the various banking systems in-order to point out how their system failed, along with how we figured out those failures via our own experiments with currency for the people
  8. More and more of the time they no longer ask for credentials due to already being fully aware it legitimately is me.
  9. I'm even partnered with British Intel in making sure the various systems in place improve rather than fail
  10. I am talking *real* trickle down, not the "financial" trickle down b.s.
  11. I am referring to simple quality of life issues.
  12. nobody gives a damn about money anymore, they just want a better quality of living.
  13. bitcoins already failed at inducing this
  14. cryptographic currencies, just like nuclear warhead systems, are all cracked open completely to hell and back and back again.
  15. p2p systems are failing for the 5th generation attempts
  16. the reason for making pot legal is a quality of life issue, not a legal issue
  17. Yet, the CJS sees that as losing 99% of their established career stability
  18. The entire system is not sustainable
  19. If you think the financial regards are all that endow the police state, you need to look again.
  20. I am the so-called "Puppet Master". In-case everyone is still trying to figure that one out.
  21. We are facing major issues in the Criminal Justice system.
  22. Narcotics are so controlled, when someone does finally get a-hold of or even a functional script for such, often the result is out of control expansion of the dosage til death.
  23. We as a people no longer comprehend how simple things as narcotics work due to being forced to have zero access to such for so long.
  24. The public is mislead etc.
  25. This "medicine cabinet" anti-drug campaign is out of control.
  26. First they tell you to talk to your children about drugs, then they pop back with more confusion regarding kids not being supposed to take any form of drug what-so-ever, which simply is not the case.
  27. Our view of what a drug is, what it does and who it is for is all distorted now
  28. Yes, the CJS system doesn't even offer adequate fair trial representation of the mentally ill.
  29. The mentally ill aren't even forced to be afforded a trustworthy attorney whom is savvy to the issues regarding fair trials for the mentally ill.
  30. The CJS isn't even designed to take mental illness into account.
  31. Most judges seem to not even comprehend that mental illness even exists.
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