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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from selenium import webdriver
- from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
- from import expected_conditions as EC
- from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
- from StringIO import StringIO
- from colorama import init
- from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
- from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
- import lxml.html
- import time
- import re
- import requests
- import argparse
- import sys
- import os.path
- init(autoreset=True)
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- print " Facebook hidden friends crawler POC - by Shay Priel"
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + " .@@@@." + Fore.RESET + " .:::, :;:: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + " lCCCf; .@@@@. " + Fore.RESET + ".:::, :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + " C@@@@@@t lLLL, tLLL,@@@@iCGL: :fGGGf, fLLf:CGf" + Fore.RESET + "..:::,.,,,.,::. :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "i@@@@@@@@,l@@@; G@@@.@@@@@@@@@, ;@@@@@@@: G@@@@@@@C" + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::::::::..::::, "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "C@@@C@@@@l;@@@l G@@C.@@@@@@@@@t.@@@@@@@@G.@@@@@@@@@" + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::::::::,.::::, "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@.i@@@l.@@@f @@@L.@@@@ii@@@C;@@@C.G@@@,@@@@;@@@@" + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,:::, ::::.::::, "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@ ;@@@l G@@L.@@@t.@@@@.,@@@Ci@@@l L@@@,@@@G G@@@" + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,:::. ,::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@ ;@@@l L@@C,@@@;.@@@@.,@@@Gi@@@i f@@@,@@@G G@@@" + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::: ,::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@ ,,,. t@@G;@@@..@@@@.,@@@Ci@@@CfG@@@,@@@G G@@@" + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::: :::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@ i@@Gl@@G .@@@@.,@@@Ci@@@@@@@@@,@@@G G@@@" + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::: :::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@ . :@@@f@@L .@@@@.,@@@Ci@@@@GGGGG,@@@G ....." + Fore.RESET + ":::,,::: :::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@ ;@@@t .@@@G@@t .@@@@.,@@@Ci@@@l @@@G " + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::: :::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@ ;@@@f G@@@@@i .@@@@.,@@@Ci@@@l fGGG,@@@G " + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::: :::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@ ;@@@f L@@@@@: .@@@@.,@@@Ci@@@l f@@@,@@@G " + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::: :::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "@@@@,i@@@f l@@@@@. .@@@@,,@@@Ci@@@t C@@@,@@@G " + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::: :::: :::: "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "G@@@G@@@@l ;@@@@C .@@@@LL@@@L:@@@@t@@@@,@@@G " + Fore.RESET + ".:::,,::: :::: ::::"+ Fore.RED +"lilll. "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "i@@@@@@@@. ,@@@@f .@@@@@@@@@i C@@@@@@@L.@@@G " + Fore.RESET + " :::,,:::. :::: ::::"+ Fore.RED +"llttt. "
- print Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "t@@@@@@i .;@@@@i .@@@@f@@@C ,G@@@@@C @@@G " + Fore.RESET + ".:::.,::: ,::: .:::,"+ Fore.RED +"ltttl. "
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- print "Examples:"
- print "1. Generates related public profiles:"
- print "python -username <username> -password '<password>' \n-query '<graph search query>' -output <output.txt>"
- print "2. Exctracting hidden friends:"
- print "python -username <username> -password '<password>' \n-target <target> -profilesfile <file.txt> -output <output.txt>"
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="-h for full usage")
- parser.add_argument('-username', dest="username", help='facebook username to login with (e.g.',required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-password', dest="password", help='facebook password to login with (e.g. \'password\')',required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-query', dest="query", help='graph search query (e.g. "People That Work in Company")',required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-output', dest="output", help='File name to save results',required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-target', dest="target", help='(e.g. "text.example")',required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-profilesfile', dest="profilesfile", help='File name that contains list of profiles with public friends',required=False)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.query is None and is None:
- parser.error("You must give atleast one method -query or -target")
- if args.query and
- parser.error("-query and -target cannot run together")
- if and args.profilesfile is None:
- parser.error("You must provide -profilesfile")
- if args.query and args.profilesfile:
- parser.error("-query and -profilesfile cannot run together")
- if args.query and args.output is None:
- parser.error("You must provide -output")
- if and args.output is None:
- parser.error("You must provide -output")
- def facebook_login(username,password):
- print ("\n\n\nLogin to Facebook...."),
- sys.stdout.flush()
- url = ""
- driver.get(url)
- elem = driver.find_element_by_id("email")
- elem.send_keys(username)
- elem = driver.find_element_by_id("pass")
- elem.send_keys(password)
- elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)
- time.sleep(1)
- html_source = driver.page_source
- if "Please re-enter your password" in html_source or "Incorrect Email" in html_source:
- print Fore.RED + "Incorrect Username or Password"
- driver.close()
- exit()
- else:
- print Fore.GREEN + "Success\n"
- return driver.get_cookies()
- def request_url(url,get_cookies):
- all_cookies = dict()
- for cookie in get_cookies:
- all_cookies[cookie["name"]]=cookie["value"]
- r = requests.get(url,cookies=all_cookies)
- html = r.content
- return html
- def graph_search(graph_search_query):
- print ("Searching for: \"" + Fore.YELLOW + graph_search_query + Fore.RESET + "\"..."),
- sys.stdout.flush()
- driver.implicitly_wait(5)
- time.sleep(1)
- elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='_586i']")
- elem.send_keys(graph_search_query)
- elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)
- print Fore.GREEN + "Done\n"
- def extract_profiles():
- while True:
- time.sleep(1)
- try:
- elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//th[@class='_4311']")
- except:
- print "Invalid graph search query! (hint: first try it on facebook)"
- driver.close()
- exit()
- try:
- print "Extracting Profiles...\n"
- driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
- elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='phm _64f']")
- if "End of results" in elem.text:
- break
- except:
- pass
- xpath_name_params = ".//a[@class='_7kf _8o _8s lfloat _ohe']/@href"
- html_source = driver.page_source
- html_lxml = lxml.html.parse(StringIO(html_source)) #parse to lxml object
- params_result = html_lxml.xpath(xpath_name_params)
- data = list()
- for prm in params_result:
- if "profile.php" in prm:
- result ='(?<=\profile\.php\?id=)(.*\n?)(?=&ref)', prm)
- data.append(
- else:
- result ='(?<=\.com\/)(.*\n?)(?=\?)', prm)
- data.append(
- print "Enumerating %s profiles...\n" % len(data)
- return data
- def extract_mutual_friends(profiles_urls):
- print "Enumerating hidden friends from: " + Fore.YELLOW + target + "\n"
- data = list()
- for profile_url in profiles_urls:
- elem = driver.get(profile_url)
- print "Enumerating mutual friends: %s" % profile_url
- while True:
- time.sleep(2)
- try:
- elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//a[@class='pam uiBoxLightblue uiMorePagerPrimary']")
- except:
- break
- xpath_name_params = ".//div[@class='fsl fwb fcb']/a/@href"
- xpath_name_params2 = ".//div[@class='fsl fwb fcb']/a/text()"
- html_source = driver.page_source
- html_lxml = lxml.html.parse(StringIO(html_source)) #parse to lxml object
- params_result = html_lxml.xpath(xpath_name_params)
- params_result2 = html_lxml.xpath(xpath_name_params2)
- for prm,prm2 in zip(params_result,params_result2):
- if "profile.php" in prm:
- result ='(?<=\profile\.php\?id=)(.*\n?)(?=&fref=pb_other)', prm)
- if not in data:
- data.append(
- if prm2 not in data:
- data.append(prm2)
- else:
- result ='(?<=\.com\/)(.*\n?)(?=\?)', prm)
- if not in data:
- data.append(
- if prm2 not in data:
- data.append(prm2)
- print Fore.GREEN + "\nTotal of %s hidden friends have been found\n" % str(len(data))
- return data
- def check_if_public(profiles,cookies):
- print "Searching for public profiles...\n"
- xpath_name_params = ".//a[@id='u_0_1i']/span[@class='_3sz']/text()"
- public_profile = list()
- digits = re.compile('\d')
- for profile in profiles:
- if profile.isdigit():
- profile_url = "" % profile
- print("Checking Profile: %s......" % profile),
- sys.stdout.flush()
- else:
- profile_url = "" % profile
- print("Checking Profile: %s......" % profile),
- sys.stdout.flush()
- html = request_url(profile_url,cookies)
- if "All Friends" in html:
- public_profile.append(profile)
- print Fore.GREEN + "Public"
- else:
- print Fore.RED + "None Public"
- print "\nTotal of %s public profiles have been found\n" % str(len(public_profile))
- return set(public_profile)
- def generate_mutual_link(profilesfile,target):
- mutual_url = list()
- for profile in profilesfile:
- mutual_url.append("" % (target,profile))
- return mutual_url
- def open_file(filename):
- results = list()
- with open(filename, 'r') as myFile:
- for line in myFile.readlines():
- results.append(line.strip())
- return results
- def save_file(filename,results):
- if args.profilesfile:
- line_items = 2
- with open(filename, 'w') as myFile:
- for n, user in enumerate(results):
- if (n+1) % line_items:
- if user.isdigit():
- profile_url = "" % user
- else:
- profile_url = "" % user
- myFile.write("Username: " + user.encode('utf8')+"\n")
- else:
- myFile.write("Full Name: " + user.encode('utf8')+"\n"+"Link to Profile: " + profile_url.encode('utf8')+"\n\n")
- else:
- with open(filename, 'w') as myFile:
- for user in results:
- myFile.write(user.encode('utf8')+"\n")
- print "Saving results to: %s\n\n" % filename
- target =
- username = args.username
- password = args.password
- filename = args.output
- graph_search_query = args.query
- profilesfile = args.profilesfile
- if and args.profilesfile:
- if not os.path.isfile(profilesfile):
- print profilesfile +" file doesn't exist"
- exit()
- display = Display(visible=0, size=(1600, 900))
- display.start()
- driver = webdriver.Firefox()
- cookies = dict()
- cookies = facebook_login(username,password)
- if args.query:
- graph_search(graph_search_query)
- results = extract_profiles()
- results = check_if_public(results,cookies)
- save_file(filename,results)
- driver.close()
- exit()
- if
- profiles = open_file(profilesfile)
- results = generate_mutual_link(profiles,target)
- results = extract_mutual_friends(results)
- save_file(filename,results)
- driver.close()
- exit()
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