
Tearing into Titan Skadi

Feb 17th, 2024
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  1. Traced by Oberon's power, Skadi plummeted from the clouds, axe-hands swinging down. Legend unloaded everything he had on her as he flew straight down. Chunks of her armor came away, revealing what was beneath- more armor with sucking muscle holding each segment in place.
  3. I flew to intercept, diving down at an angle, dropping my forcefield so I could lose that extra bit of air resistance. With the angle of my flight, I couldn't see above as much, and only caught the splash. I flipped over, belly to the sky, maintaining my course.
  5. Skadi's blade had clipped Legend. Flesh became lasers, radiating out, curling back into one another in loops. A defensive measure.
  7. She hit the ground. I flew past her, and forcefield hands became a wedge as I speared through damaged armor plating, cleaving it away from her body. My forcefield gave way before I was all the way through, and I was forced to squeeze out as Skadi moved, the armor plate to my left pressed close to her side.
  9. I got ninety-five percent of the way out before it closed around my foot. I shifted direction immediately, pulling, but twisted my foot in the process.
  11. Fucking stupid, Victoria. She's barely even aware of your existence, and she just got you.
  13. ***
  15. My immediate concern was Skadi, attacking other capes who were playing defense for Legend. She did much like Oberon did, still crackling with traces of Oberon's energy, that made her faster, quicker to shift position, and more slippery.
  17. One of the swings was aimed at someone else, but came right at me by what might have been accident. I floated to one side, then went after her arm, forcefield out, tearing at the damage to armor there.
  19. - Radiation 18.7
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