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- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using UnityEngine;
- using DG.Tweening;
- using Photon.Pun;
- using UnityEditor.Rendering;
- using Unity.VisualScripting;
- public class GameplayManager : MonoBehaviour
- {
- public static GameplayManager Instance;
- public static bool IsPvpGame;
- public static Action UpdatedRound;
- public static Action UpdatedGameState;
- public static Action UpdatedBet;
- public static Action OnFinishedGameplayLoop;
- public static Action<GameResult> GameEnded;
- public static Action<int, Color, int> OnFlashPlace;
- public static Action<LaneLocation, bool, Color, int> OnFlashWholePlace;
- public static Action<LaneLocation, bool, Color> OnHighlihtWholePlace;
- public static Action<LaneLocation, bool> OnHighlihtWholePlaceDotted;
- public static Action<LaneLocation, bool, Color, int> OnFlashAllSpotsOnLocation;
- public static Action<LaneLocation, bool, Color> OnHideHighlightWholePlace;
- public static Action<LaneLocation, bool> OnHideHighlightWholePlaceDotted;
- public static bool DrewCardDirectlyToHand;
- public GameplayPlayer MyPlayer;
- public GameplayPlayer OpponentPlayer;
- public Dictionary<LaneDisplay, LaneAbility> LaneAbilities = new Dictionary<LaneDisplay, LaneAbility>();
- [field: SerializeField] public int MaxAmountOfCardsInHand { get; private set; }
- [field: SerializeField] public int DurationOfRound { get; private set; }
- [field: SerializeField] public TableHandler TableHandler { get; private set; }
- public CommandsHandler CommandsHandler = new CommandsHandler();
- [SerializeField] protected EndTurnHandler endTurnHandler;
- [SerializeField] protected int maxRounds = 6;
- [SerializeField] protected List<LaneDisplay> lanes;
- [SerializeField] protected GameObject[] flags;
- [SerializeField] protected GameObject[] playsFirstDisplays;
- [SerializeField] private TutorialImages tutorialImages;
- private GameplayState gameplayState = GameplayState.StartingAnimation;
- private int currentRound;
- protected bool opponentFinished;
- protected bool iFinished;
- protected bool resolvedEndOfTheRound;
- protected int startingAmountOfCards = 3;
- protected int currentBet = 1;
- protected List<int> excludeLaneAbilities = new List<int>();
- protected bool locationRevealed;
- public bool IFinished => iFinished;
- public bool IsLastRound => CurrentRound == maxRounds;
- public GameplayState GameplayState
- {
- get
- {
- return gameplayState;
- }
- set
- {
- gameplayState = value;
- UpdatedGameState?.Invoke();
- }
- }
- public int CurrentRound
- {
- get
- {
- return currentRound;
- }
- set
- {
- currentRound = value;
- UpdatedRound?.Invoke();
- }
- }
- public List<LaneDisplay> Lanes => lanes;
- public int CurrentBet => currentBet;
- public int MaxAmountOfRounds => maxRounds;
- protected virtual void OnEnable()
- {
- EndTurnHandler.OnEndTurn += EndTurn;
- FlagClickHandler.OnForefiet += Forfiet;
- GameEnded += UpdateQommonsWinLose;
- GameEnded += TriggerGameEndEvents;
- }
- protected virtual void OnDisable()
- {
- CommandsHandler.Close();
- EndTurnHandler.OnEndTurn -= EndTurn;
- FlagClickHandler.OnForefiet -= Forfiet;
- GameEnded -= UpdateQommonsWinLose;
- GameEnded -= TriggerGameEndEvents;
- }
- protected virtual void EndTurn()
- {
- GameplayState = GameplayState.Waiting;
- iFinished = true;
- MyPlayer.FinishedTurn?.Invoke();
- }
- protected virtual void Forfiet()
- {
- StopAllCoroutines();
- GameEnded?.Invoke(GameResult.IForefiet);
- }
- public void ForceEndGame(GameResult _result)
- {
- StopAllCoroutines();
- GameEnded?.Invoke(_result);
- }
- private void UpdateQommonsWinLose(GameResult _result)
- {
- switch (_result)
- {
- case GameResult.IForefiet or GameResult.ILost:
- FirebaseManager.Instance.UpdateCardsWinLoseCount(DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.CardIdsInDeck, false);
- break;
- case GameResult.IWon or GameResult.Escaped:
- FirebaseManager.Instance.UpdateCardsWinLoseCount(DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.CardIdsInDeck, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- private void TriggerGameEndEvents(GameResult _result)
- {
- if(!DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.HasPlayedFirstGame)
- {
- DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.HasPlayedFirstGame = true;
- DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.HasFinishedFirstGame = true;
- }
- else
- {
- DataManager.Instance.CanShowPwaOverlay = true;
- }
- if (_result is not (GameResult.IWon or GameResult.Escaped))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (CurrentBet>2)
- {
- EventsManager.WinMatchWithADouble?.Invoke();
- }
- EventsManager.WinMatch?.Invoke();
- CheckForPowerEvents(TableHandler.GetPower(true,LaneLocation.Top));
- CheckForPowerEvents(TableHandler.GetPower(true,LaneLocation.Mid));
- CheckForPowerEvents(TableHandler.GetPower(true,LaneLocation.Bot));
- CheckForCardEvents(TableHandler.GetCards(true, LaneLocation.Top).Count);
- CheckForCardEvents(TableHandler.GetCards(true, LaneLocation.Mid).Count);
- CheckForCardEvents(TableHandler.GetCards(true, LaneLocation.Bot).Count);
- void CheckForPowerEvents(float _power)
- {
- if (_power<=100)
- {
- EventsManager.WinALocationWithPowerLess100?.Invoke();
- }
- else if (_power>=200)
- {
- EventsManager.WinALocationWithPowerMore200?.Invoke();
- }
- }
- void CheckForCardEvents(int _cardAmount)
- {
- if (_cardAmount==1)
- {
- EventsManager.WinALocationWith1Card?.Invoke();
- }
- else if (_cardAmount==4)
- {
- EventsManager.WinALocationWith4Card?.Invoke();
- }
- }
- }
- protected virtual void Awake()
- {
- Instance = this;
- IsPvpGame = false;
- }
- private void Start()
- {
- AudioManager.Instance.ChangeBackgroundMusic(AudioManager.GAME);
- GameplayUI.Instance.StartingAnimations(StartGameplay);
- }
- public virtual void AddPowerOfQoomonOnPlace(int _placeId, int _power)
- {
- LanePlaceIdentifier _place = FindObjectsOfType<LanePlaceIdentifier>().ToList().Find(_place => _place.Id == _placeId);
- CardObject _cardOnPlace = _place.GetComponentInChildren<CardObject>();
- _cardOnPlace.Stats.Power += _power;
- }
- protected virtual void StartGameplay()
- {
- StartCoroutine(StartRoutine());
- IEnumerator StartRoutine()
- {
- CommandsHandler.Setup();
- CurrentRound = 0;
- SetupPlayers();
- TableHandler.Setup();
- bool _canContinue = false;
- if (!DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.HasPlayedFirstGame && !DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.HasFinishedFirstGame)
- {
- tutorialImages.Setup(AllowContinue);
- }
- else
- {
- _canContinue = true;
- }
- yield return new WaitUntil(() => _canContinue);
- StartCoroutine(GameplayRoutine());
- void AllowContinue()
- {
- _canContinue = true;
- }
- }
- }
- protected virtual void SetupPlayers()
- {
- MyPlayer.Setup();
- OpponentPlayer.Setup();
- }
- protected virtual IEnumerator InitialDraw()
- {
- yield return StartCoroutine(InitialDraw(MyPlayer, startingAmountOfCards));
- yield return StartCoroutine(InitialDraw(OpponentPlayer, startingAmountOfCards));
- }
- protected IEnumerator InitialDraw(GameplayPlayer _player, int _startingAmountOfCards)
- {
- yield return StartCoroutine(CheckForCardsThatShouldMoveToHand(_player));
- int _amountOfCardsInHand = _player.AmountOfCardsInHand;
- for (int i = 0; i < startingAmountOfCards-_amountOfCardsInHand; i++)
- {
- DrawCard(_player);
- }
- }
- public virtual void DrawCard()
- {
- DrawCard(MyPlayer);
- DrawCard(OpponentPlayer);
- }
- public void DrawCard(GameplayPlayer _player)
- {
- int _amountOfCardsInHand = _player.AmountOfCardsInHand;
- if (_amountOfCardsInHand >= MaxAmountOfCardsInHand)
- {
- return;
- }
- CardObject _drawnCard = _player.DrawCard();
- if (_drawnCard==null)
- {
- return;
- }
- _player.AddCardToHand(_drawnCard);
- }
- public virtual void DrawCardFromOpponentsDeck(bool _isMy)
- {
- GameplayPlayer _player = _isMy ? MyPlayer : OpponentPlayer;
- GameplayPlayer _opponentPlayer = _isMy ? OpponentPlayer : MyPlayer;
- int _amountOfCardsInHand = _player.AmountOfCardsInHand;
- if (_amountOfCardsInHand >= MaxAmountOfCardsInHand)
- {
- return;
- }
- CardObject _drawnCard = _opponentPlayer.DrawCard();
- if (_drawnCard==null)
- {
- return;
- }
- int _cardId = _drawnCard.Details.Id;
- Destroy(_drawnCard.gameObject);
- _player.AddCardToHand(CardsManager.Instance.CreateCard(_cardId, _isMy));
- }
- protected virtual IEnumerator GameplayRoutine()
- {
- yield return new WaitUntil(ReadyToStart);
- yield return StartCoroutine(InitialDraw());
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); //wait for cards in hand to get to position
- while (CurrentRound < maxRounds)
- {
- CommandsHandler.MyOriginalCommandsThisTurn.Clear();
- int _whoPlaysFirst = TableHandler.WhichCardsToRevealFrist();
- ShowFlag(_whoPlaysFirst);
- opponentFinished = false;
- iFinished = false;
- resolvedEndOfTheRound = false;
- GameplayState = GameplayState.ResolvingBeginingOfRound;
- CurrentRound++;
- if (currentRound <= 3)
- {
- locationRevealed = false;
- }
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); //duration of round animation
- AudioManager.Instance.PlaySoundEffect(AudioManager.REVEAL);
- StartCoroutine(RevealLocation());
- StartCoroutine(ShowRevealText());
- yield return new WaitUntil(() => locationRevealed);
- yield return StartCoroutine(RoundCheckForCardsThatShouldMoveToHand());
- if (!DrewCardDirectlyToHand||CurrentRound==1)
- {
- RoundDrawCard();
- }
- DrewCardDirectlyToHand = false;
- GameplayState = GameplayState.Playing;
- yield return new WaitUntil(() => iFinished && opponentFinished);
- GameplayState = GameplayState.ResolvingEndOfRound;
- var _addQommonOnEndOfTheTurn = FindObjectOfType<LaneAbilityOnTurnXAllPutCardHere>();
- if (_addQommonOnEndOfTheTurn)
- {
- if (_addQommonOnEndOfTheTurn.Round == currentRound)
- {
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
- }
- }
- StartCoroutine(RevealCards(_whoPlaysFirst));
- yield return new WaitUntil(() => resolvedEndOfTheRound);
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
- OnFinishedGameplayLoop?.Invoke();
- }
- AcceptAutoBet();
- bool _playBackgroundMusic = DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.PlayBackgroundMusic;
- DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.PlayBackgroundMusic = false;
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
- bool _canContinue = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < Lanes.Count; i++)
- {
- Lanes[i].ShowWinner(Continue);
- yield return new WaitUntil(() => _canContinue);
- _canContinue = false;
- }
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
- DataManager.Instance.PlayerData.PlayBackgroundMusic = _playBackgroundMusic;
- GameResult _result = TableHandler.CalculateWinner();
- GameEnded?.Invoke(_result);
- void Continue()
- {
- _canContinue = true;
- }
- }
- protected virtual void AcceptAutoBet()
- {
- BetClickHandler.Instance.AcceptAutoBet();
- OpponentAcceptedBet();
- }
- protected virtual bool ReadyToStart()
- {
- return true;
- }
- protected virtual IEnumerator RoundCheckForCardsThatShouldMoveToHand()
- {
- yield return StartCoroutine(CheckForCardsThatShouldMoveToHand(MyPlayer));
- yield return StartCoroutine(CheckForCardsThatShouldMoveToHand(OpponentPlayer));
- }
- protected virtual void RoundDrawCard()
- {
- DrawCard(MyPlayer);
- DrawCard(OpponentPlayer);
- }
- protected virtual IEnumerator RevealLocation()
- {
- if (currentRound > 3)
- {
- yield break;
- }
- LaneAbility _laneAbility = GetLaneAbility();
- yield return RevealLocation(_laneAbility.Id);
- Destroy(_laneAbility.gameObject);
- }
- protected IEnumerator ShowRevealText()
- {
- if (currentRound > 3)
- {
- yield break;
- }
- int _laneCounter = 0;
- for (int _i =currentRound; _i < 3; _i++)
- {
- string _text = string.Empty;
- if (_laneCounter==0)
- {
- _text = "Will be revealed next turn";
- }
- else if (_laneCounter == 1)
- {
- _text = "Will be revealed in 2 turns";
- }
- _laneCounter++;
- lanes[_i].AbilityDisplay.Reveal(_text);
- }
- }
- protected virtual LaneAbility GetLaneAbility()
- {
- return LaneAbilityManager.Instance.GetLaneAbility(excludeLaneAbilities);
- }
- protected IEnumerator RevealLocation(int _abilityID)
- {
- bool _canContinue = false;
- LaneAbility _laneAbility = LaneAbilityManager.Instance.GetLaneAbility(_abilityID);
- LaneAbilities.Add(Lanes[currentRound - 1], _laneAbility);
- excludeLaneAbilities.Add(_abilityID);
- int _laneIndex = currentRound - 1;
- _laneAbility.Setup(lanes[_laneIndex]);
- lanes[_laneIndex].AbilityDisplay.Reveal(_laneAbility.Description,_laneAbility.FontSize, Revealed);
- _canContinue = false;
- yield return new WaitUntil(() => _canContinue);
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); //add small delay
- locationRevealed = true;
- void Revealed()
- {
- _canContinue = true;
- }
- }
- protected IEnumerator CheckForCardsThatShouldMoveToHand(GameplayPlayer _player)
- {
- bool _finished = false;
- _player.CheckForCardsThatShouldMoveToHand(Finished);
- yield return new WaitUntil(() => _finished);
- void Finished()
- {
- _finished = true;
- }
- }
- protected IEnumerator RevealCards(int _whoPlaysFirst)
- {
- while (CommandsHandler.MyCommands.Count>0|| CommandsHandler.OpponentCommands.Count>0)
- {
- foreach (var _command in CommandsHandler.OpponentCommands)
- {
- _command.Card.PrepareForReveal();
- }
- AddCommands(CommandsHandler.MyCommands,true);
- AddCommands(CommandsHandler.OpponentCommands,false);
- yield return StartCoroutine(TableHandler.RevealCards(_whoPlaysFirst == -1 ? CommandsHandler.MyCommands : CommandsHandler.OpponentCommands)); //show first set of cards
- yield return StartCoroutine(TableHandler.RevealCards(_whoPlaysFirst == -1 ? CommandsHandler.OpponentCommands : CommandsHandler.MyCommands)); // show secound set of cards
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);//some delay
- void AddCommands(List<PlaceCommand> _commands, bool _isMy)
- {
- List<PlaceCommand> _commandsThisTurn =
- _isMy ? CommandsHandler.MyCommandsThisTurn : CommandsHandler.OpponentCommandsThisTurn;
- foreach (var _command in _commands.ToList())
- {
- if (_commandsThisTurn.Contains(_command))
- {
- continue;
- }
- _commandsThisTurn.Add(_command);
- }
- }
- }
- CommandsHandler.MyCommandsThisTurn.Clear();
- CommandsHandler.OpponentCommandsThisTurn.Clear();
- resolvedEndOfTheRound = true;
- }
- protected void ShowFlag(int _whoPlaysFirst)
- {
- if (_whoPlaysFirst == -1)
- {
- flags[0].SetActive(true);
- playsFirstDisplays[0].SetActive(true);
- flags[1].SetActive(false);
- playsFirstDisplays[1].SetActive(false);
- }
- else
- {
- flags[0].SetActive(false);
- playsFirstDisplays[0].SetActive(false);
- flags[1].SetActive(true);
- playsFirstDisplays[1].SetActive(true);
- }
- }
- public virtual void ReturnToWaitingState()
- {
- if (endTurnHandler.TimeLeft > 2)
- {
- GameplayState = GameplayState.Playing;
- }
- foreach (var _command in CommandsHandler.MyCommands)
- {
- _command.Card.GetComponent<CardInteractions>().CanDrag = true;
- }
- iFinished = false;
- }
- public virtual void Bet()
- {
- StartCoroutine(BetRoutine());
- IEnumerator BetRoutine()
- {
- int _currentRound = currentRound;
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
- if (_currentRound!=CurrentRound)
- {
- yield break;
- }
- OpponentAcceptedBet();
- }
- }
- public virtual void OpponentAcceptedBet()
- {
- currentBet *= 2;
- UpdatedBet?.Invoke();
- }
- public void OpponentFinished()
- {
- opponentFinished = true;
- }
- public virtual void UpdateQommonCosts(int _amount)
- {
- MyPlayer.UpdateQommonCost(_amount);
- OpponentPlayer.UpdateQommonCost(_amount);
- }
- public void FlashLocation(int _locationId, Color _color, int _amount)
- {
- OnFlashPlace?.Invoke(_locationId, _color, _amount);
- }
- public void FlashWholeLocation(LaneLocation _location, bool _mySide, Color _color, int _amount)
- {
- OnFlashWholePlace?.Invoke(_location, _mySide, _color, _amount);
- }
- public void HighlihtWholeLocation(LaneLocation _location, bool _mySide, Color _color)
- {
- OnHighlihtWholePlace?.Invoke(_location, _mySide, _color);
- }
- public void HighlihtWholeLocationDotted(LaneLocation _location, bool _mySide)
- {
- OnHighlihtWholePlaceDotted?.Invoke(_location, _mySide);
- }
- public void FlashAllSpotsOnLocation(LaneLocation _location, bool _mySide, Color _color, int _amount)
- {
- OnFlashAllSpotsOnLocation?.Invoke(_location, _mySide, _color, _amount);
- }
- public void HideHighlihtWholeLocation(LaneLocation _location, bool _mySide, Color _color)
- {
- OnHideHighlightWholePlace?.Invoke(_location, _mySide, _color);
- }
- public void HideHighlihtWholeLocationDotted(LaneLocation _location, bool _mySide)
- {
- OnHideHighlightWholePlaceDotted?.Invoke(_location,_mySide);
- }
- private void OnDestroy()
- {
- DOTween.KillAll();
- }
- public virtual void TellOpponentThatIDiscardedACard(CardObject _card)
- {
- if (_card.IsMy)
- {
- return;
- }
- ShowOpponentDiscardedACard(_card.Details.Id);
- }
- protected void ShowOpponentDiscardedACard(int _cardId)
- {
- OpponentDiscardedCardDisplay.Instance.Show(_cardId);
- }
- public void SetCurrentRoundWithoutUpdate(int _amount)
- {
- currentRound = _amount;
- }
- }
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