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- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstring>
- using namespace std;
- class SMS{
- private:
- char number[12];
- double price;
- public:
- SMS(){
- this->price = 0.0;
- strcpy(this->number, "N/A");
- }
- SMS(const char * number, const double price){
- strcpy(this->number, number);
- this->price = price;
- }
- virtual ~SMS(){}
- virtual const double SMS_cena(){
- return this->price;
- }
- friend ostream &operator << (ostream &os, SMS &orig){
- os << "Tel: " << orig.number << " - cena: " << orig.SMS_cena() << "den.\n";
- return os;
- }
- };
- class RegularSMS : public SMS{
- private:
- char msg[1000];
- bool isRoaming;
- static int rProcent;
- public:
- RegularSMS(){
- strcpy(this->msg, "No Message");
- this->isRoaming = false;
- }
- RegularSMS(const char * number, const double price, const char * msg, const bool isRoaming) : SMS(number, price){
- strcpy(this->msg, msg);
- this->isRoaming = isRoaming;
- }
- ~RegularSMS(){}
- static const void set_rProcent(const int newProcent){
- rProcent = newProcent;
- }
- const double SMS_cena(){
- int length = ((strlen(this->msg)-1)/160) + 1;
- double total = SMS::SMS_cena();
- if(this->isRoaming == true)
- total += total * rProcent/100;
- else
- total += total * 0.18;
- return total * length;
- }
- };
- int RegularSMS::rProcent = 300;
- class SpecialSMS : public SMS{
- private:
- bool isCharity;
- static int sProcent;
- public:
- SpecialSMS(){
- this->isCharity = false;
- }
- SpecialSMS(const char * number, const double price, const bool isCharity) : SMS(number, price){
- this->isCharity = isCharity;
- }
- ~SpecialSMS(){}
- static const void set_sProcent(const int newProcent){
- sProcent = newProcent;
- }
- const double SMS_cena(){
- if(this->isCharity)
- return SMS::SMS_cena();
- else
- return SMS::SMS_cena() + SMS::SMS_cena() * sProcent/100;
- }
- };
- int SpecialSMS::sProcent = 150;
- const void vkupno_SMS(SMS** poraka, int n){
- int regCount = 0; int specCount = 0;
- double regTotal = 0.0; double specTotal = 0.0;
- for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
- RegularSMS *r = dynamic_cast<RegularSMS *>(poraka[i]);
- if(r){
- regCount++;
- regTotal += poraka[i]->SMS_cena();
- }
- SpecialSMS *s = dynamic_cast<SpecialSMS *>(poraka[i]);
- if(s){
- specCount++;
- specTotal += poraka[i]->SMS_cena();
- }
- }
- cout << "Vkupno ima " << regCount << " regularni SMS poraki i nivnata cena e: " << regTotal << "\n";
- cout << "Vkupno ima " << specCount << " specijalni SMS poraki i nivnata cena e: " << specTotal << "\n";
- }
- int main(){
- char tel[20], msg[1000];
- float cena;
- float price;
- int p;
- bool roam, hum;
- SMS **sms;
- int n;
- int tip;
- int testCase;
- cin >> testCase;
- if (testCase == 1){
- cout << "====== Testing RegularSMS class ======" << endl;
- cin >> n;
- sms = new SMS *[n];
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
- cin >> tel;
- cin >> cena;
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(msg, 1000);
- cin >> roam;
- cout << "CONSTRUCTOR" << endl;
- sms[i] = new RegularSMS(tel, cena, msg, roam);
- cout << "OPERATOR <<" << endl;
- cout << *sms[i];
- }
- for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) delete sms[i];
- delete[] sms;
- }
- if (testCase == 2){
- cout << "====== Testing SpecialSMS class ======" << endl;
- cin >> n;
- sms = new SMS *[n];
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
- cin >> tel;
- cin >> cena;
- cin >> hum;
- cout << "CONSTRUCTOR" << endl;
- sms[i] = new SpecialSMS(tel, cena, hum);
- cout << "OPERATOR <<" << endl;
- cout << *sms[i];
- }
- for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) delete sms[i];
- delete[] sms;
- }
- if (testCase == 3){
- cout << "====== Testing method vkupno_SMS() ======" << endl;
- cin >> n;
- sms = new SMS *[n];
- for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){
- cin >> tip;
- cin >> tel;
- cin >> cena;
- if (tip == 1) {
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(msg, 1000);
- cin >> roam;
- sms[i] = new RegularSMS(tel, cena, msg, roam);
- }
- else {
- cin >> hum;
- sms[i] = new SpecialSMS(tel, cena, hum);
- }
- }
- vkupno_SMS(sms, n);
- for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) delete sms[i];
- delete[] sms;
- }
- if (testCase == 4){
- cout << "====== Testing RegularSMS class with a changed percentage======" << endl;
- SMS *sms1, *sms2;
- cin >> tel;
- cin >> cena;
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(msg, 1000);
- cin >> roam;
- sms1 = new RegularSMS(tel, cena, msg, roam);
- cout << *sms1;
- cin >> tel;
- cin >> cena;
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(msg, 1000);
- cin >> roam;
- cin >> p;
- RegularSMS::set_rProcent(p);
- sms2 = new RegularSMS(tel, cena, msg, roam);
- cout << *sms2;
- delete sms1, sms2;
- }
- if (testCase == 5){
- cout << "====== Testing SpecialSMS class with a changed percentage======" << endl;
- SMS *sms1, *sms2;
- cin >> tel;
- cin >> cena;
- cin >> hum;
- sms1 = new SpecialSMS(tel, cena, hum);
- cout << *sms1;
- cin >> tel;
- cin >> cena;
- cin >> hum;
- cin >> p;
- SpecialSMS::set_sProcent(p);
- sms2 = new SpecialSMS(tel, cena, hum);
- cout << *sms2;
- delete sms1, sms2;
- }
- return 0;
- }
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